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U.S. Patent Feb. 6, 2001 Sheet 1 of 5 US 6,182,619 B1
U.S. Patent Feb. 6, 2001 Sheet 2 of 5 US 6,182,619 B1
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U.S. Patent Feb. 6, 2001 Sheet 3 of 5 US 6,182,619 B1
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U.S. Patent Feb. 6, 2001 Sheet 4 of 5 US 6,182,619 B1
U.S. Patent Feb. 6, 2001 Sheet 5 of 5 US 6,182,619 B1
US 6,182,619 B1
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FIELD OF THE INVENTION The present invention is directed to an engine which
Satisfies these needs. In one embodiment, the engine
The present invention relates to a two-stroke cycle diesel includes a tubular cylinder housing which is formed with a
engine having improved performance characteristics. More plurality of exhaust ports. The cylinder housing itself is
particularly, the present invention relates to an opposed mounted in an engine block which at least partly encircles
piston, two-stroke cycle diesel engine which is adapted for the cylinder housing. First and Second axially opposed
use in Small, unmanned aircraft. pistons are positioned in the cylinder housing, and a thermal
BACKGROUND Shield Surrounds the exhaust ports to at least partly shield the
engine block from exhaust fluid as it exits from the cylinder
Opposed piston, two-stroke cycle diesel engines have housing through the exhaust ports. AS provided in detail
been in development for a number of years. Theoretically, below, because the thermal shield acts to isolate the engine
due to its configuration, an opposed piston, two-stroke cycle block from the exhaust fluid, the engine block operates at a
diesel engine should generate more power than a compa cooler temperature and requires leSS cooling. Further, this
rable sized four-stroke diesel engine. This is So because the 15
allows the exhaust fluid to be transferred to a turbocharger
two-stroke cycle engine has twice as many power cycles per at a hotter temperature.
revolution as does the four-stroke cycle engine. In more detail, the cylinder housing includes a cylinder
In order to maximize the benefit of an opposed piston, wall which defines a cylinder chamber. The plurality of
two-stroke cycle diesel engine, it is desirable to make the exhaust ports are arranged circumferentially and extend
engine as compact as possible. As a high output engine is through the cylinder wall to release the exhaust fluid from
made very compact, however, cooling becomes difficult and the cylinder chamber. AS intended for the present invention,
can pose Serious concerns. This happens because an exces the opposed pistons are adapted to move axially within the
Sive amount of heat is generated within a confined area, and cylinder chamber between a first configuration in which the
there is very little room in this confined area for coolant to pistons are spaced apart from each other, and a Second
pass through the engine. Furthermore, if the cooling System configuration in which the pistons are proximate each other.
design is compromised as a trade-off to compactness, 25 In the Second configuration the exhaust ports are closed and
uneven cooling or inadequate cooling can result and lead to the pistons act to compress air in the cylinder between the
premature failure of the engine. pistons. The compressed air thereby ignites fuel as it is
In order to maximize thermal efficiency, in addition to injected into the cylinder between the pistons. The resultant
effective cooling, it is also desirable to reduce heat transfer ignition then drives the pistons to the first configuration
and thereby retain as much heat as possible in the exhaust wherein the exhaust ports are opened. It is while the pistons
stream. This is particularly desirable when heat in the are in this first configuration that air is forced into the
exhaust Stream can be Subsequently used to maximize cylinder chamber to replenish air in the chamber and to drive
turbocharger output. The reduction of heat transfer is more exhaust fluids out of the cylinder chamber through the
difficult in the opposed piston engine than in the more exhaust ports. The pistons then return to the Second con
conventional four-stroke engine because the exhaust ports 35
figuration and the cycle is repeated.
are located all around the cylinder chamber. The exhaust In order to help isolate the engine block from the heat of
gases must therefore be redirected in order to exit the engine the exhaust fluid, the thermal shield is positioned to at least
block on the sides. Redirecting the flow without some means partly encircle the cylinder housing around the exhaust
of minimizing heat transfer, however, will increase the ports. Specifically, the thermal shield is positioned between
cooling problem previously mentioned and Simultaneously at least one of the exhaust ports and the engine block to
reduce the amount of heat retained for transfer to the 40 thermally shield the engine block from the exhaust fluid.
turbocharger. Preferably, the thermal shield is positioned between Sub
It is also of Some concern that, present opposed piston, Stantially all of the exhaust ports and the engine block to
two-stroke diesel engines Suffer from incomplete fuel com thermally shield the engine block from the exhaust fluids.
bustion within the cylinder chamber. Because of the opposed This minimizes the heat transfer from the exhaust fluid to the
piston design, the fuel injector is not able to inject the 45 engine block and allows the engine block to operate at a
combustion fuel to the top center of the pistons. Instead, the cooler temperature with less requirement for cooling.
fuel injectors must inject from a cylinder wall. Presently, AS intended for the present invention, the engine includes
existing designs are not able to effectively mix and/or a Sealed fluid gap which is located between the thermal
distribute the fuel within the cylinder chamber. Frequently, Shield and the engine block to reduce heat transfer from the
in order to improve the fuel combustion, Some existing 50 exhaust to the engine block. The Sealed fluid gap Substan
diesel two-stroke engines are initiating a Strong Swirl within tially encircles the cylinder housing and the thermal shield.
the cylinder chamber to enhance the removal of the exhaust In order to provide efficient cooling for the engine, the
fluid from the cylinder chamber. However, the strong Swirl engine can include cooling passageways which are Substan
can Subsequently inhibit the propagation of the diesel within tially annular and engineered to effectively encircle each
the cylinder chamber and cause incomplete fuel combustion 55 cylinder housing. AS provided herein, each cooling passage
within the cylinder chamber. This has minimized the effi way around each cylinder housing can be divided into
ciency of these engines. annular Sections. These include: a first cooling Section, a
In light of the above, it is an object of the present grooved cooling Section, and a Second cooling Section.
invention to provide an opposed piston, two-stroke cycle Importantly, each of these cooling Sections includes at least
diesel engine which operates more efficiently, is more 60
one cooling fluid inlet which delivers a cooling fluid to the
durable and is more reliable than existing engines. Another respective cooling Sections from a direction that is Substan
object of the present invention is to provide an opposed tially tangential to the cylinder housing. AS provided herein,
piston, two-stroke cycle diesel engine having an improved because each cooling Section is annular and the cooling inlet
cooling System and thermal Shields which allow the engine delivers the cooling fluid Substantially tangentially, the cool
to operate at a cooler temperature. Still another object of the ing fluid encircles and Spins around the cylinder housing.
present invention is to provide a two-stroke diesel engine 65 This promotes uniform cooling, minimizes areas of flow
having improved fuel ignition and combustion characteris Separation, and enhances the heat eXchange between the
tics. cylinder housing and the cooling fluid.
US 6,182,619 B1
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Preferably, each cooling Section also includes at least one BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
cooling fluid outlet which is adapted and oriented to receive The novel features of this invention, as well as the
the cooling fluid for removal from the respective cooling invention itself, both as to its structure and its operation, will
Section in a direction that is Substantially tangential to the be best understood from the accompanying drawings, taken
cylinder housing. This allows for a smooth transition of the in conjunction with the accompanying description, in which
Spinning cooling fluid out the respective cooling Sections.
AS intended for the present invention, the first and Second Similar reference characters refer to Similar parts, and in
cooling Sections are essentially unobstructed fluid channels which:
which allow the cooling fluid to bathe the surface of the FIG. 1A is a perspective view of an airplane including an
cylinder housing. On the other hand, the grooved cooling engine (in phantom) having features of the present inven
Section, which is between the first and Second cooling tion;
Stations, includes at least one helical shaped passageway FIG. 1B is a perspective view of an automobile including
which is formed by protruding ribs. More preferably, there an engine (in phantom) having features of the present
are a plurality of helical shaped passageways which Sub invention;
Stantially encircle the cylinder housing in the area of the FIG. 2 is a perspective view of an engine block for an
grooved cooling Section. The purpose of the helical shaped
passageways is twofold. First, these helical passageways 15 engine having features of the present invention;
effectively distribute the cooling fluid for uniform cooling of FIG. 3 is a cross-sectional view of the cylinder assembly
the cylinder housing. Further, the helical shaped passage of the engine of the present invention as Seen along the line
ways minimize areas of flow Separation from the cylinder 3-3 in FIG. 2 with peripheral components added for
housing. Second, the ribs which form the helical passage completeness,
ways provide reinforcement for the cylinder housing in the FIG. 4 is an exploded, perspective view of a cylinder
region where ignition produces the greatest forces on the housing and thermal shield of the present invention;
housing. The ribs may extend to allow the cylinder housing FIG. 5 is an enlarged view taken on Line 5 in FIG. 3;
to receive additional Support from the engine block. This FIG. 6 is a cross-sectional view of the thermal shield
allows the cylinder housing to be contained to minimal joined to the cylinder housing and the engine block as would
expansion and at a Substantially uniform rate to keep the 25
be seen along the line 6-6 in FIG. 4;
cylinder housing Substantially round. These two benefits
minimize friction and local hot spots in the cylinder wall as FIG. 7 is a perspective view of the cylinder housing
well as improving the durability of the piston rings. including arrows which represent the flow direction of
The engine also includes a first injector that is adapted to cooling fluid around the cylinder housing,
inject the combustion fluid into the cylinder chamber FIG. 8A is a cross-sectional view of the cylinder housing
between the pistons. Some existing diesel two-stroke and coolant bypass taken on Line 8A-8A in FIG. 2;
engines are initiating a strong Swirl within the cylinder FIG.8B is a cross-sectional view of the cylinder housing
chamber to enhance the removal of the exhaust fluid from and coolant bypass taken on Line 8B-8B in FIG. 2;
the cylinder chamber. However, the strong Swirl can Subse FIG. 9 is a cross-sectional view of the coolant bypass
quently inhibit the propagation of the combustion fluid 35
taken on Line 9-9 in FIG. 2; and
within the cylinder chamber and cause incomplete fuel FIG. 10 is a schematic view showing the injectors inject
combustion within the cylinder chamber. Importantly, with ing a combustion fluid into the cylinder housing.
the present invention, the first injector includes a nozzle DESCRIPTION
which directs the combustion fluid in the cylinder chamber
in the same direction as the Swirl. A two-stroke engine 10 having features of the present
AS provided herein, the first injector can direct the com 40 invention is shown positioned in an airplane 12 in FIG. 1A
bustion fluid at an angle in the range between approximately and in an automobile 14 in FIG. 1B. However, those skilled
thirty degrees (30) and ninety degrees (90) relative to a in the art will recognize that the engine 10 can be used for
tangent to the cylinder housing at the point where the first other purposes. The engine 10 is powered by a combustion
injector enters the cylinder housing. More preferably, the fluid, Such as diesel. However, it is to be appreciated that the
first injector can include two holes which direct the com 45 engine 10 may be operational with other combustible fluids
bustion fluid at approximately a sixty degree (60) angle and Such as jet fuel, natural gas, gasoline or propane. AS pro
a eighty degree (80) angle relative to the tangent of the Vided herein, the present two-stroke engine 10 has improved
cylinder housing where the first injector enters the cylinder performance characteristics and relatively high power out
housing. Because, the combustion fuel is injected into the put.
Swirl, the Swirl assists in distributing the combustion fuel 50 A detailed description of the various components of a
throughout the cylinder chamber. The injection of the fuel in two-stroke cycle, opposed piston engine is provided in U.S.
the direction of the Swirl enhances the Swirl further aiding Pat. No. 4,257,365, issued to Noguchi et al. The contents of
fuel distribution. This enhances combustion within the cyl U.S. Pat. No. 4,257,365 are incorporated herein by refer
inder chamber and improves performance of the engine. ence. Accordingly, only the Structural aspects of an opposed
Preferably, the engine also includes a Second injector 55
piston engine 10 which are particularly significant to the
which is positioned diametrically opposite the first injector. present invention are provided herein.
The Second injector can also include a nozzle for directing Referring now to FIGS. 2 and 3, the engine 10 includes an
the combustion fluid in the direction of the Swirl in the engine block 16 which encloses a cylinder assembly 18
cylinder chamber. Because, the combustion fuel is directed (shown in FIG.3) and retains the components of the cylinder
with the Swirl, the Swirl assists in distributing the combus 60
assembly 18 together. The design of the engine block 16 can
tion fuel throughout the cylinder chamber. vary according to the Specific design requirements of the
Importantly, the opposed piston, two-stroke cycle diesel engine 10. In the embodiment provided in the drawings, the
engine provided herein has an improved cooling System engine block 16 is generally rectangular and encloses one
which allows the engine to operate at a cooler temperature cylinder assembly 18. Utilizing this design, a plurality of
and improved fuel ignition and combustion characteristics. Separate engine blocks 16 can be attached together to form
This allows the engine to be more durable and more reliable 65 an engine 10 having a plurality of cylinder assemblies 18.
than existing opposed piston, two-stroke cycle diesel Alternately, a single engine block (not shown) can be
engines. enlarged to enclose a plurality of cylinder assemblies.
US 6,182,619 B1
S 6
AS shown in FIG. 2, a pair of Spaced apart crankshafts 20 engine block 16. As provided herein, the thermal shield 44
(shown in phantom) extend through engine block 16 on is positioned between the exhaust ports 56 and the engine
opposite sides of the engine block 16. The crankshafts 20 are block 16 in order to prevent the hot exhaust fluid (shown by
rotatably attached to the engine block 16 by bearings (not arrows 57) from directly impinging upon the engine block
shown). The crankshafts 20 can subsequently be connected 16. AS indicated above, in addition to minimizing the
to a drive shaft (not shown) which rotates, for example, a cooling requirements for engine block 16, the use of the
propeller 22 (FIG. 1A) for an aircraft 12 or wheels 24 of the thermal shield 44 allows for higher temperature exhaust
automobile 14. The engine block 16 shown in FIG. 2 also fluid to be transferred to a turbocharger (not shown). This
includes a block body 26 which Separates a pair of opposed increases the performance of the engine 10 and the durabil
end caps 28 that are retained together by four, Spaced apart ity of the engine 10.
cap bolts 30 (only two are shown) which extend between the In the embodiment shown in the Figures, the thermal
end caps 28. Additionally, each end cap 28 includes an end shield 44 encircles the cylinder housing 34 around the
plate 32 which provides access to the cylinder assembly 18. exhaust ports 56 and is positioned between the exhaust ports
As indicated above, the number of cylinder assemblies 18 56 and the engine block 16 to thermally shield the engine
which are incorporated into the engine 10 can be varied 15
block 16 from the exhaust fluid 57. As shown in FIG. 4, for
according to the desired power output of the engine 10. ease of assembly, the thermal shield 44 can consist of four
Referring to FIG. 3, each cylinder assembly 18 includes a separate shield segments 66a, 66b, 66c, 66d which combine
cylinder housing 34, a first piston 36, a Second piston 38, a together to encircle the cylinder housing 34. AS perhaps best
cooling passageway 40, at least one injector 42, and a appreciated by cross referencing FIGS. 4 and 6, the four
thermal shield 44. shield segments 66a, 66b, 66c, 66d also combine to define
AS can best be seen with reference to FIGS. 4 and 7, the an annular exhaust channel 68 which Surrounds and is in
cylinder housing 34 is Substantially tubular and includes a fluid communication with the exhaust ports 56. With specific
cylinder wall 46 which defines a substantially cylindrical reference to FIG. 4, it will be seen that each shield segment
shaped cylinder chamber 48. For ease of discussion, the 66a, 66b, 66c, 66d includes a pair of spaced apart, curved
cylinder housing 34 is divided into three Sections, namely, rails 70 which fit against a pair of shield grooves 71 (see
an exhaust Section 50, an intake Section 52, and an injector 25 FIG. 5) in a housing inner surface 72 of the engine block 16.
Section 54 therebetween. A plurality of Spaced apart exhaust AS can best be seen with reference to FIG. 4, two of the
ports 56 which are circumferentially oriented on the cylinder shield segments 66a, 66b, 66c, 66d include a rectangular
housing 34 and which extend substantially transversely shaped shield port 74 for transferring the exhaust fluid
through the cylinder wall 46 to release exhaust fluid (shown (shown by arrows 57) from the exhaust channel 68 to an
by arrows 57 in FIGS. 4–7) from the cylinder chamber 48. exhaust manifold 75. FIG. 6 shows the four shield segments
The exhaust ports 56 are positioned around a circumference 66a, 66b, 66c, 66d surrounding the exhaust ports 56 inter
of the cylinder housing 34 in the exhaust section 50 of the mediate to the engine block 16.
cylinder housing 34 substantially as shown in FIGS. 4 and The thermal shield 44 can be made of any material which
7. can withstand the high temperatures of the exhaust fluid 57.
Somewhat Similarly, a plurality of Spaced apart inlet ports 35 For example, an excellent thermal shield 44 can be made of
58 are positioned around the circumference of the cylinder Stainless Steel. Those skilled in the art will recognize other
housing 34 in the intake section 52 (see FIG. 4). As known material which can be used for the thermal shield 44.
by those skilled in the art, the inlet ports 58 can extend Preferably, the thermal shield 44 is designed so that a
through the cylinder wall 46 at an angle which is inclined substantially sealed fluid gap 77 exists between the thermal
toward a tangential direction relative to the cylinder cham shield 44 and the engine block 16. This gap 77 is filled with
ber 48. This causes the incoming scavenge fluid (shown by 40 air which acts to reduce heat transfer from the exhaust fluid
the arrows 60 in FIG. 10) to swirl within the cylinder (shown by arrows 57) to the engine block 16. As can best be
chamber 48. This enhances the forcing of the exhaust fluid appreciated with reference to FIGS. 5 and 6, the fluid gap
(shown by arrows 57) from the cylinder chamber 48 through Substantially encircles the cylinder housing 34 and the
the exhaust ports 56. In particular, the rotational direction of thermal shield 44. Basically, the thermal shield 44 is sized
the Swirl (shown by arrows 60) depends upon the design of 45 and shaped So that the thermal shield 44 contacts and rests
the engine 10. For example, the Swirl can be in either the against the cylinder housing 34 and is retained in grooves 71
clockwise direction or the counterclockwise direction. In in engine block 16. Preferably, the shields 44 do not contact
order to direct forced air into the cylinder chamber 48, the engine block 16 anywhere except in these grooves. This
inlet ports 58 can be connected with an inlet manifold 62 minimizes the amount of heat transfer from the exhaust fluid
(shown in FIG. 3) which, in turn, is connected to an inlet 50 (shown by arrows 57) to the engine block 16 and Subse
pump (not shown) to Supply a pressurized Scavenge fluid 60 quently minimizes in the engine the cooling requirements of
to the chamber 48 through inlet ports 58. the engine block 16.
Referring back to FIG. 3, the pistons 36, 38 are substan Another important feature of the present invention is that
tially opposed and positioned within the cylinder chamber each cylinder assembly 18 is designed to be cooled by a
48. The pistons 36, 38 are each connected with a connecting 55 Separate cooling passageway 40 which each Substantially
member 64 to one of the crankshafts 20. The pistons 36,38 encircles and Surrounds each cylinder housing 34. Referring
are adapted to move between a first position in which the to FIGS. 3, 4 and 7, it will be seen that the cooling
pistons are spaced apart and a Second position in which the passageway 40 is positioned between the engine block 16
pistons 36, 38 are proximate each other. It should be and the cylinder housing 34 and that it effectively extends
recognized that the movement of the first piston 36 within 60
over the exhaust section 50, the injector section 54 and the
the cylinder chamber 48, selectively opens and closes the intake section 52, as shown in FIG. 4. As best seen in FIG.
exhaust ports 56, while movement of the second piston 38 7, the cooling passageway 40 can be Subdivided into Sec
within the cylinder chamber 48 selectively opens and closes tions according to their physical location on the engine 10
the inlet ports 58. and according to their Structural characteristics. These Sec
Importantly, the present invention minimizes the heat tions are: a first end cooling section 79 which is located near
transfer between the exhaust fluid (shown by arrows 57) and 65 the inlet ports 58; a grooved cooling section 80 which is
the engine block 16 by incorporating a thermal shield 44. located in the injection Section in the center of the cylinder
This is done to minimize the cooling requirements of the assembly 18 and is across the first cooling section 79 from
US 6,182,619 B1
7 8
the inlet ports 58; a transfer cooling section 81 which is scavenge fluid (shown by arrows 60). Referring to FIG. 10,
located between the grooved cooling section 80 and the each injector 42 includes a nozzle 102 which is adapted to
exhaust ports 56; and a second end cooling section 83 which direct the combustion fluid 100 at an injection angle 104 of
is located across the exhaust ports 56 from the transfer between approximately thirty degrees (30) and ninety
cooling Section 81. Insofar as the Structural characteristics of 5 degrees (90) relative to a tangent of the cylinder housing 34
the cooling sections 79,80, 81 and 83 are concerned, the first at where the injectors 42 enter the cylinder housing 34. More
end cooling section 79, the transfer cooling section 81 and preferably, each injector 42 is adapted to direct the combus
the Second end cooling Section 83 all have generally Smooth tion fluid 100 at an injection angle 104 of between approxi
Surfaces over the cylinder housing 34. In contrast with this, mately sixty degrees (60) and seventy-five degrees (75)
the grooved cooling Section 80 is characterized by a plurality relative to a tangent of the cylinder housing 34 where the
of helical oriented grooves 88 which are defined and sepa injectors 42 enter the cylinder housing 34. Because, the
rated by a plurality of ribs 90. combustion fluid 100 is injected in substantially the Swirl
The flow of a coolant fluid through the cooling passage direction, the Swirl assists in distributing the combustion
way 40 is indicated by the arrows 82 in FIG. 7. There it will fluid 100 throughout the cylinder chamber 48. This enhances
be seen that the fluid coolant enters the first end cooling combustion within the cylinder chamber 48 and the perfor
section 79 from a tangential direction and then flows cir 15 mance of the engine 10.
cumferentially around the cylinder housing 34 through cool While the particular engine 10 as herein shown and
ing section 79. As additional fluid coolant enters the first end disclosed in detail is fully capable of obtaining the objects
cooling section 79, fluid coolant flows in a direction away and providing the advantages herein before Stated, it is to be
from the inlet ports 58 and toward the grooved cooling understood that it is merely illustrative of the presently
section 80. Upon entering the grooved cooling section 80, preferred embodiments of the invention and that no limita
the fluid coolant flows into the grooves 88 between the ribs tions are intended to the details of construction or design
90. While in the grooved cooling section 80, the fluid herein shown other than as described in the appended
coolant traverses the section 80 and then enters the transfer claims.
cooling Section 81. Importantly, as the fluid coolant circu What is claimed is:
lates around the cylinder housing 34 through the first end 25 1. A diesel engine comprising:
cooling section 79, through the grooved cooling section 80 a tubular cylinder housing including a cylinder wall which
and through the transfer cooling Section 81, it travels in at least partly defines a cylinder chamber, the cylinder
generally the same rotational direction relative to the cylin housing having an exhaust port which extends through
der housing 34. As the fluid coolant leaves the transfer the cylinder wall, the exhaust port being adapted to
cooling section 81, however, it can follow either of two release exhaust fluid from the cylinder chamber;
different paths. first and Second opposed pistons which are adapted to
One path the fluid coolant can take when passing from the move within the cylinder chamber;
transfer cooling Section 81 to the Second end cooling Section an engine block which at least partly encircles the cylin
83 is via the transfer conduits 92 which separate and define der housing proximate the exhaust port, and
the exhaust ports 56. AS perhaps best appreciated by croSS 35 a thermal shield positioned substantially between the
referencing FIG. 6 with FIG. 7, the transfer conduits 92 are exhaust port and the engine block to thermally shield
each formed with a transfer channel 93 which allows fluid
coolant to flow directly from the transfer cooling section 81 the engine block from the exhaust fluid.
to the Second end cooling Section 83. 2. The diesel engine of claim 1 including a fluid gap
Another path which the fluid coolant can take when positioned between the exhaust port and the engine block to
passing through the cooling passageway 40 from the transfer 40 reduce heat transfer to the engine block.
cooling Section 81 to the Second end cooling Section 83 is via 3. The diesel engine of claim 2 wherein the fluid gap is
a by-pass 95. Such a by-pass 95 is shown in FIG. 2 and, in positioned between the thermal Shield and the engine block.
cross-section, in FIG. 9. As shown, the by-pass 95 is 4. The diesel engine of claim 1 wherein the cylinder
constructed using a plate which is attached to the engine housing includes a plurality of exhaust ports and the thermal
block 16 by means well known in the art, such as plate bolts 45 Shield Substantially encircles the cylinder housing and the
96. This by-pass 95 is formed with a channel 98. With this exhaust ports, the thermal shield being positioned between
Structure, fluid coolant can tangentially exit transfer cooling Substantially all of the exhaust ports and the engine block to
section 81 (see arrows 82 in FIGS. 7, 8A and 9), cross over thermally shield the engine block from the exhaust fluid.
the exhaust ports 56 via by-pass channel 98, and tangentially 5. The diesel engine of claim 1 including a cooling
enter the second end cooling section 83 (see arrows 82" in 50
passageway having a Substantially annular, cooling Section
FIGS. 7, 8B and 9). It will be noted that during this transfer which Substantially encircles the cylinder housing and a
from cooling section 81 to cooling section 83, the fluid coolant inlet which is adapted for delivering a cooling fluid
coolant has changed its direction of rotation over the Surface Substantially tangential to the cooling Section.
of cylinder housing 34. In a manner well known in the 6. The diesel engine of claim 5 wherein the cooling
pertinent art, the fluid coolant leaving the Second end Section includes a cooling outlet which is adapted to receive
cooling Section 83 is externally cooled and then recycled 55 the cooling fluid Substantially tangential to the cooling
through the cooling passageway 40. It is to be appreciated Section.
that, although the disclosure above has described the flow of 7. The diesel engine of claim 1 including a cooling
coolant from first cooling Section 79 toward Second cooling passageway having a plurality of helical shaped passage
Section 83, the flow could also have been described in the ways which Substantially encircle at least a portion of the
reverse direction. For purposes of the present invention, 60 cylinder housing.
either direction for coolant flow is acceptable. 8. An engine which is adapted to be cooled by a cooling
Referring back to FIG. 3, the injectors 42 extend through fluid, the engine comprising:
injection apertures 99 in the cylinder housing 34 to inject the a tubular cylinder housing defining a cylinder chamber,
combustion fluid 100 (shown in FIG. 10) into the cylinder Said cylinder housing including a plurality of exhaust
chamber 48 between the pistons 36, 38. As provided herein, 65 ports which are adapted for releasing an exhaust fluid,
each injector 42 is designed to direct the combustion fluid an engine block which at least partly encircles the cylin
100 in the cylinder chamber 48 in the Swirl direction of the der housing proximate the exhaust ports,
US 6,182,619 B1
9 10
a thermal shield positioned Substantially between at least hole is adapted to direct the combustion fluid at approxi
one of the exhaust ports and the engine block to mately an eighty degree (80) angle relative to a tangent of
thermally shield the engine block from the exhaust the cylinder housing at where the first injector enters the
fluid; and cylinder housing.
a cooling passageway including a Substantially annular 17. The engine of claim 14 including a Second injector
cooling Section which Substantially encircles the cyl positioned Substantially opposite from the first injector in the
inder housing and a cooling inlet which is adapted for cylinder housing, the Second injector being adapted to direct
delivering the cooling fluid Substantially tangential to the combustion fluid into the cylinder chamber in substan
the cooling Section. tially the Swirl direction.
18. A two-stroke cycle diesel engine comprising:
9. The engine of claim 8 wherein the cooling passageway an engine block,
includes at least one helical shaped passageway which
Substantially encircles at least a portion of the cylinder a tubular cylinder housing positioned within the engine
housing and is in fluid communication with the cooling fluid. block and including a cylinder wall which at least
10. The engine of claim 9 wherein the helical shaped partly defines a cylinder chamber, the cylinder housing
passageway includes a groove in a housing outer Surface of 15 having a plurality of exhaust ports which extend
the cylinder housing. through the cylinder wall to release exhaust fluid from
11. The engine of claim 9 including a plurality of helical the cylinder chamber;
shaped passageways which Substantially encircle the cylin a pair of opposed pistons positioned within the cylinder
der housing, the plurality of helical shaped passageways housing, the pistons being adapted to move between a
being in fluid communication with the cooling fluid. first position in which the pistons are spaced apart and
12. The diesel engine of claim 8 wherein the cooling a Second position in which the pistons are proximate
Section passageway includes a cooling outlet which is each other, movement of the pistons between the first
adapted to receive the cooling fluid Substantially tangential position and the Second position being accompanied by
to the cooling Section.
13. The engine of claim 8 including a fluid gap positioned a Swirl in the cylinder chamber in a Swirl direction;
between the thermal Shield and the engine block to reduce a first injector which is adapted to inject the combustion
heat transfer from the exhaust ports to the engine block. fluid into the cylinder chamber between the pistons, the
14. A two-stroke engine which is powered by a combus first injector is adapted to direct the combustion fluid in
tion fluid, the engine comprising: the cylinder chamber towards the Swirl direction;
a tubular cylinder housing having a cylinder wall defining a thermal shield positioned between the exhaust ports and
a cylinder chamber; the engine block to thermally Shield the engine block
a pair of pistons positioned within the cylinder, the pistons from the exhaust fluid;
being adapted to move between a first position in which a fluid gap positioned between the thermal shield and the
the pistons are Spaced apart and a Second position in engine block to thermally shield the engine block and
which the pistons are proximate each other, movement 35 reduce heat transfer between the exhaust fluid and the
of the pistons between the first position and the Second engine block, and
position being accompanied by a Swirl in the cylinder a cooling passageway including a Substantially annular
chamber in a Swirl direction; and cooling Section which Substantially encircles the cyl
a first injector which is adapted to inject the combustion inder housing and a coolant inlet which is adapted for
fluid into the cylinder chamber between the pistons, the 40 delivering a cooling fluid Substantially tangential to the
first injector being adapted to direct the combustion cooling Section.
fluid in the cylinder chamber in substantially the Swirl 19. The diesel engine of claim 18 wherein the cooling
direction. passageway includes a plurality of helical shaped passage
15. The engine of claim 14 wherein the first injector is ways which Substantially encircle at least a portion of the
adapted to direct the combustion fluid at between approxi 45 cylinder housing, the helical shaped passageways being in
mately a thirty degree (30) angle and a eighty degree (80) fluid communication with the cooling fluid.
angle relative to a tangent of the cylinder housing at where 20. The diesel engine of claim 18 wherein the cooling
the first injector enters the cylinder housing. Section includes a cooling outlet which is adapted to receive
16. The engine of claim 14 wherein the first injector the cooling fluid Substantially tangential to the cooling
comprises a first hole and a Second hold wherein the first Section.
hole is adapted to direct the combustion fluid at approxi
mately a sixty degree (60) angle and wherein the Second