Lec 4 A - Stroke
Lec 4 A - Stroke
Lec 4 A - Stroke
Lecture 4
Ischemic penumbra:
- Blood vessel occlusion = causes critical area of ischemia in centre of stroke- with area around that
is: hypoxic - potentially salvageable
- Area around critical area = the ischemic penumbra
- NB that pt. be treated correctly - can help ischemic penumbra to recover
Lecture 4
Lecture 4
Ophthalmic artery:
- Ophthalmic a. = 1st branch of Internal carotid artery
- Ischemia in ophthalmic a. distribution sudden
(20sec) deterioration of vision in one eye
followed by: total blindness in that eye
Described as curtain going down from top of eye
field bottom
- TIA in this area= amaurosis fugax/ transient
painless monocular blindness
Episode last few seconds/ minutes
NB indicator of atherosclerotic disease+
warning of upcoming stroke
- With funduscopy- one can sometimes see
cholesterol embolism in branches of retinal artery
Lecture 4
Lecture 4
Lacunar stroke:
- Small (3-15mm) deep cerebral, thalamic, pontine/ other brainstem infarcts- seen in: hypertensive
and diabetic pts.
- Often asymptomatic- can cause clinical syndromes
Pure motor hemiplegia
Pure sensory stroke
Ataxic hemiparesis
Dysarthria + clumsy hand
- = suspected when pt. has clinical pic of stroke BUT CT shows very small/ no infarction
- Mx: conservative, treat underlying cause (usually: diabetes/ hypertension)
Lecture 4
Aetiology/ causes:
Risk factors:
Lecture 4
Prevention of stroke:
(easier to prevent if identified risk factors and treated them)
Treat hypertension effectively (ACE inhibitors
Treat diabetes effectively
Lecture 4
Cerebral haemorrhage:
Arteriovenous malformation
Anticoagulation therapy
- Cerebral haemorrhage= acute onset of symptoms, often: raise intracranial Pressure signs
- Pt. = often not conscious+ vomited+ severe headache
- A CT scan is the special investigation of choice.
- A Hypertensive bleed is often deep in the brain matter, close to the internal capsula, while an
aneurismal bleed is more to the periphery of the brain.
- CT angiography is done if an aneurism or AVM is suspected, as it has implications of treatment.
- Careful treatment of hypertension is indicated, as is conservative measures. Corticosteroids are
not of value.
- Neurosurgical decompression of a hypertensive bleed is indicated if the patient deteriorates and
will survive anesthesia.