Child Labour in India PDF
Child Labour in India PDF
Child Labour in India PDF
The term 'child labour', suggests ILO,[21] is best de ned as work that
deprives children of their childhood, their potential and their dignity, and
that is harmful to physical and mental development. Interferes with their
schooling by depriving them of the opportunity to attend school; obliging
them to leave school prematurely; or requiring them to attempt to
combine school attendance with excessively long and heavy work.
UNICEF de nes child labour differently. A child, suggests UNICEF, is
involved in child labour activities if between 5 and 11 years of age, he or
she did at least one hour of economic activity or at least 28 hours of
domestic work in a week, and in case of children between 12 and 14
years of age, he or she did at least 14 hours of economic activity or at
least 42 hours of economic activity and domestic work per week.[22]
UNICEF in another report suggests, "Children’s work needs to be seen
as happening along a continuum, with destructive or exploitative work at
one end and bene cial work – promoting or enhancing children’s
development without interfering with their schooling, recreation and rest
– at the other. And between these two poles are vast areas of work that
need not negatively affect a child’s development."
India's Census 2001 of ce, de nes[23] child labour as participation of a
child less than 17 years of age in any economically productive activity
with or without compensation, wages or pro t. Such participation could
be physical or mental or both. This work includes part-time help or
unpaid work on the farm, family enterprise or in any other economic
activity such as cultivation and milk production for sale or domestic
consumption. Indian government classi es child labourers into two
groups: Main workers are those who work 6 months or more per year.
And marginal child workers are those who work at any time during the
year but less than 6 months in a year.
Some child rights activists argue that child labour must include every
child who is not in school because he or she is a hidden child worker.[24]
UNICEF, however, points out that India faces major shortages of
schools, classrooms and teachers particularly in rural areas where 90
percent of child labour problem is observed. About 1 in 5 primary
schools have just one teacher to teach students across all grades.[25][26][27]
After its independence from colonial rule, India has passed a number of
constitutional protections and laws on child labour. The Constitution of
India in the Fundamental Rights and the Directive Principles of State
Policy prohibits child labour below the age of 14 years in any factory or
mine or castle or engaged in any other hazardous employment (Article
24). The constitution also envisioned that India shall, by 1960, provide
infrastructure and resources for free and compulsory education to all
children of the age six to 14 years. (Article 21-A and Article 45).[20][29]
India has a federal form of government, and labour being a subject in the
Concurrent List, both the central and state governments can and have
legislated on child labour.
The present research is, descriptive and based on non- empirical
design. In order to collect data on the dimensions of the study, a
research instrument was designed. The study was conducted on
secondary source of data books, articles, journals, e-sources, theories
and the relevant provision with decided case laws.
For much of human history and across different cultures, children less
than 18 years old have contributed to family welfare in a variety of ways.
UNICEF suggests that poverty is the biggest cause of child labour. The
report also notes that in rural and impoverished parts of developing and
undeveloped parts of the world, children have no real and meaningful
alternative. Schools and also teachers are unavailable. Child labour is
the unnatural result.[32] A BBC report, similarly, concludes poverty and
inadequate public education infrastructure are some of the causes of
child labour in India.
Between boys and girls, UNICEF nds girls are two times more likely to
be out of school and working in a domestic role. Parents with limited
resources, claims UNICEF, have to choose whose school costs and fees
they can afford when a school is available. Educating girls tends to be a
lower priority across the world, including India. Girls are also harassed or
bullied at schools, sidelined by prejudice or poor curricula, according to
UNICEF. Solely by virtue of their gender, therefore, many girls are kept
from school or drop out, then provide child labour.[32]
The international labour organisation (ILO) and Spreading Smiles
Through Education Organisation (OSSE) suggests poverty is the
greatest single force driving children into the workplace.[33] Income from a
child's work is felt to be crucial for his/her own survival or for that of the
household. For some families, income from their children's labour is
between 25 and 40% of the household income.
According to a 2008 study by ILO,[33] among the most important factors
driving children to harmful labour is the lack of availability and quality of
schooling. Many communities, particularly rural areas do not possess
adequate school facilities. Even when schools are sometimes available,
they are too far away, dif cult to reach, unaffordable or the quality of
education is so poor that parents wonder if going to school is really
worthwhile. In government-run primary schools, even when children
going to work, rather than a quality primary and secondary school, limits
the child's ability to get a basic educational grounding which would in
normal situations enable them to acquire skills and to improve their
prospects for a decent adult working life.[33]
An albeit older report published by UNICEF outlines the issues
summarized by the ILO report. The UNICEF report claimed that while
90% of child labour in India is in its rural areas, the availability and
quality of schools is decrepit; in rural areas of India, claims the old
UNICEF report, about 50% of government funded primary schools that
exist do not have a building, 40% lack a blackboard, few have books,
and 97% of funds for these publicly funded school have been budgeted
by the government as salaries for the teacher and administrators.[37] A
2012 Wall Street Journal article, reports while the enrollment in India's
school has dramatically increased in recent years to over 96% of all
children in the 6–14-year age group, the infrastructure in schools, aimed
in part to reduce child labour, remains poor – over 81,000 schools do not
have a blackboard and about 42,000 government schools operate
without a building with makeshift arrangements during monsoons and
inclement weather.[35][38]
Biggeri and Mehrotra have studied the macroeconomic factors that
encourage child labour. They focus their study on ve Asian nations
including India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Thailand and Philippines. They
suggest[39] that child labour is a serious problem in all ve, but it is not a
new problem. Macroeconomic causes encouraged widespread child
labour across the world, over most of human history. They suggest that
the causes for child labour include both the demand and the supply side.
While poverty and unavailability of good schools explain the child labour
supply side, they suggest that the growth of low paying informal
economy rather than higher paying formal economy – called organised
economy in India – is amongst the causes of the demand side. India has
rigid labour laws and numerous regulations that prevent growth of
organised sector where work protections are easier to monitor, and work
more productive and higher paying.[40][41][42]
The unintended effect of Indian complex labour laws is the work has
shifted to the unorganised, informal sector. As a result, after the
unorganised agriculture sector which employs 60% of child labour, it is
the unorganised trade, unorganised assembly and unorganised retail
work that is the largest employer of child labour. If macroeconomic
factors and laws prevent growth of formal sector, the family owned
informal sector grows, deploying low cost, easy to hire, easy to dismiss
labour in form of child labour. Even in situations where children are going
to school, claim Biggeri and Mehrotra, children engage in routine after-
school home-based manufacturing and economic activity.[39] Other
scholars too suggest that in exibility and structure of India's labour
market, size of informal economy, inability of industries to scale up and
lack of modern manufacturing technologies are major macroeconomic
factors affecting demand and acceptability of child labour.[40][42][43]
Cigno et al. suggest the government planned and implemented land
redistribution programs in India, where poor families were given small
plots of land with the idea of enabling economic independence, have
had the unintended effect of increased child labour. They nd that
smallholder plots of land are labour-intensively farmed since small plots
cannot productively afford expensive farming equipment. In these cases,
a means to increase output from the small plot has been to apply more
labour, including child labour.[44][45]
In 1953 Rajaji legalised the child labour under Modi ed Scheme of
Elementary education 1953.
community they live in. Child labour has long term adverse effects for
To keep an economy prospering, a vital criterion is to have an educated
workforce equipped with relevant skills for the needs of the industries.
The young labourers today, will be part of India's human capital
tomorrow. Child labour undoubtedly results in a trade-off with human
capital accumulation.[54]
Child labour in India are employed with the majority (70%) in
agriculture[55] some in low-skilled labour-intensive sectors such as sari
weaving or as domestic helpers, which require neither formal education
nor training, but some in heavy industry such as coal mining.[56]
According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), there are
tremendous economic bene ts for developing nations by sending
children to school instead of work.[9] Without education, children do not
gain the necessary skills such as English literacy and technical aptitude
that will increase their productivity to enable them to secure higher-
skilled jobs in future with higher wages that will lift them out of poverty.
Article 15(3) speaks that state shall make any provisions for
women and children
A recent analysis by CRY of census data in the country
shows that the overall decrease in child labour is only
2.2 per cent year on year, over the last 10 years. Also, it
has revealed that child labour has grown by more than
50 per cent in urban areas.
Out of the rest 30%, wholesale and retail trade, restaurants and similar
sectors employed 8% children, and this rate was exactly the same in
the manufacturing industry.
Out of the total children laboured worldwide, the rate of those who
were employed in community, social and personal services, this was
just 7%, which was 3% more than those who were found employed in
transport, storage and communication.
Only 2% of them worked in the construction areas and the least
proportion of child labour was found in mining (just 1%).
There is an enormous range of researches speci c to an industry
related to child labour in the form of case studies, articles published in
journals, books related to child rights and child labour.
Labour Journal, Through this Paper the Author has attempted to scale
the pattern and
round of
The concept of child labour in India is very complex and di cult to understand. It is
a complex economic problem. It is really depressing to see these small children
working and going through pain in each and every step of their life. Harsh reality of
our society, di cult to curb the menace of it. It is observed that the problem of child
labour is global phenomenon which is found in both developed and developing
We don’t know how di cult it is for them to go through all these things in their life,
because we are living a good and healthy life. Those who go through pain only they
can understand the true meaning of life and how to survive with minimum things.
After implementing so many laws, legislations, policies still children are working in
factories and shops, working in marriages washing utensils or serving food.
Do we ever realize that although indirectly but we are also ignoring them, even after
seeing these children working at these places we don’t take any action, why ?
Because they are not part of our family or our own children. Bitter truth of the
society. They are not related to us by blood so; we don’t even care about it. We are
humans but we don’t understand the pain of other humans. This means humans are
enemies of other humans. This has a negative impact on the society. At this
juncture, we must think, have we taken any steps to tackle child labour? This is a
harsh truth, think on.
“I am the child. All the world waits for my coming. All the earth
watches with interest to see what I shall become. Civilization hangs in
the balance. For what I am, the world of tomorrow will be. I am the
child. You hold in your hand my destiny. You determine, largely,
whether I shall succeed or fail. Give me, I beg you, that I may be a
blessing to the world”. – “Mamie Gene Cole[14]”