Dangerous Dinosaurs Q & A
Dangerous Dinosaurs Q & A
Dangerous Dinosaurs Q & A
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about the dinosaurs
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Some dinosaurs
had a backward
pointing toe
Large, clawed,
Eoraptor birdlike feet
Nostril Bones of
Q Did dinosaurs
Serrated teeth for have claws?
tearing flesh A All dinosaurs had clawed feet and
hands. Some claws were like the talons of
birds of prey, while others resembled
curved, sharp scissors. They were either
used to hook high branches down for food
or to slash live prey or stab at attackers.
Some “claws” were more like the hooves of
cattle and merely acted to protect the toes.
Powerful jaw
How do we know about them?
Everything we know about dinosaurs comes from scientific
evidence. That means the real, physical remains of the animals
that have been preserved in the world’s deserts, riverbeds, and
cliffs for millions and millions of years. It was not until the
19th century that the remains were correctly identified
and the science of paleontology was born. Since then,
amazing discoveries have been made worldwide,
including this complete skeleton of Coelophysis,
unearthed in the sands of Texas. Coelophysis
Q What is a fossil?
A fossil is the preserved remains
A of a plant or animal. These
remains can be either hardened bones,
shells, or other parts, or a preserved
impression of the hard parts.
One of the most common fossils
is an ammonite—a shelled
Q When were dinosaurs
sea creature that lived at the first identified?
same time as the dinosaurs. A People have been collecting
dinosaur fossils for many years, but it
was not until 1842 that dinosaurs were
recognized as a distinct group of animals.
When this jaw was found in England,
experts realized that this, and other
remains, belonged to extinct giant
reptiles. Soon the term “dinosaur”
was used to describe them.
Two rows of
pointed plates
along spine
Spiked tail
Q How is a dinosaur
skeleton made? The horns give
A People often think that this dinosaur
its name
dinosaur skeletons in museums are
real, but they are usually replicas.
Paleontologists create a complete
skeleton from synthetic bones, using
a few fossilized bones and skeletons
of dinosaur relatives as a guide. Some
skeletons are made from a mix of
fossilized and synthetic bones.
Q What is a
A Paleontologists are those scientists Q How do dinosaurs
get their names?
who study fossils. They work both at the A Many dinosaurs are named
world’s fossil sites, excavating fossils, and after a distinguishing feature. For
in the laboratory, cleaning and analyzing example, Triceratops means “three-
fossils. Here, a paleontologist treats a horned face.” Some are named because of Triceratops
sauropod bone before moving it from the where they were found—Argentinosaurus is
Sahara Desert. Dinosaur bones are easily a “reptile of Argentina.” Others are called
uncovered in the desert sands without the after the person who discovered them:
need to dig deep. Herrerasaurus means “Herrera’s reptile.”
How long did Q Why do species
Long, slim
legs and feet
251 million years ago (mya) TRIASSIC 200 mya JURASSIC
of backbone
3 The dinosaurs were at their height in the
Cretaceous Period. Some grew
horns and frills, others developed club tails,
Were all dinosaurs Thick neck
the same?
No, they were not. There were
lumbering animals as big as buses.
There were long-necked giants as
tall as trees. There were massive predators that none could challenge.
And darting around their feet were nimble chicken-sized dinosaurs.
Some dinosaurs were numerous; others were rare. Some were
plated, frilled, or horned; others were merely weird looking.
Chindesaurus, shown here, was a carnivorous dinosaur that lived
during the late Triassic Period. All the different dinosaurs
belonged to one of two types.
described so far.
Protoceratops have been found in the Gobi
Ornithischian Q Where did Neck frill
dinosaurs live?
A Dinosaurs lived in every part of
2 In saurischians, the pubis was larger
and pointed downward and slightly
forward, while the ischium
the globe. However, when they first
appeared, the world’s land was a giant
extended backward.
continent, known as Pangaea, which
formed a C-shape around the Tethys Sea.
Ischium Pubis Later, the landmass broke up into smaller
continents. Dinosaur fossils have been
found as far south as Antarctica, which
was not covered with snow at that time.
Tail held stiffly
for balance
More Facts
n The birdlike Microraptor is one of the
smallest dinosaurs yet discovered—
it was just 30 in (77 cm) long. The
remains were found in a lake bed in
China in 2000.
Strong back
legs n In 1993, the fox-sized Eocursor was
discovered in South Africa. Dating
from the Triassic Period, it is one of the
earliest known ornithischian dinosaurs.
n The earliest dinosaurs looked like
short-headed crocodiles, but some
head later ones looked more like birds.
n A typical dinosaur was about the
same weight as a hippopotamus.
Long, flexible
Covering of
Thick hair
covered body
Q Which was
the weirdest
A dinosaur?
During the 1940s,
paleontologists on fossil
hunts in Mongolia made
Q Were there some unusual finds—giant
any mammals? claws over 3 ft (1 m) long, as
A Mammals evolved around the same well as parts of limbs. Some time
time as the dinosaurs, so the two animal later a skeleton was pieced together.
groups coexisted. But mammals were What it revealed was a dinosaur like
unable to compete with dinosaurs in size no other: two-legged, 36 ft (11 m)
or ferocity and throughout the Mesozoic tall, with 8 ft- (2.5 m-) long arms
ending in enormous claws, and Therizinosaurus
Era most were small, shrewlike animals.
Many, like this Eozostrodon, hunted at night probably covered with downy feathers.
to avoid meat-eating dinosaurs. They fed The weird find was named Therizinosaurus, Clawed
on insects and other small animals. meaning “scythe lizard.” feet
How was a dinosaur born?
Teeth and claws were not Dinosaurs did not give birth to live young in the
yet developed enough for
the hatched baby to way that mammals do. Like most reptiles, and
catch its own food
like birds, female dinosaurs laid a number of
eggs. These eggs were usually deposited
in a nest made of twigs and leaves,
or in a hole that the female had
dug in the soil or sand. Dinosaur
eggs could be oval or round and
as small as a tennis ball or as
large as a cannonball. A baby
dinosaur, such as this Troodon,
may have pecked its way out of
its protective shell with a specially
designed egg tooth, just as baby birds do.
Q What was the babies
biggest egg?
A Not surprisingly the biggest
dinosaurs—the plant-eating sauropods—
laid some of the biggest eggs, although
these were surprisingly small. A sauropod
egg weighed about 11 lb (5 kg) and was
about 12 in (30 cm) long. This is only
about twice the size of an ostrich egg, and
tiny compared to the size of the mother.
Q How fast did Colony of nesting gannets
babies grow?
A After hatching, dinosaur babies,
like these Troodons, grew quickly—most
had to learn to defend themselves fast if
they were to survive. Fossil evidence of
hadrosaur young shows that they doubled in
size in about six weeks. A one-year-old
Maiasaura was about 10 ft (3 m) long.
Depending on their type, dinosaurs were
generally fully grown after about 14 years.
More Facts
n Paleontologists think that some
Oviraptor on dinosaurs grew up in colonies, similar
its nest to those of modern nesting birds, such
Q Did females sit on as gannets.
their nests? n The sex of a dinosaur was determined
A This 80 million-year-old by the temperature around the egg. If
fossilized Oviraptor nest proved to it was warm more males would hatch;
be an amazing discovery. The a few degrees cooler and the babies
mother Oviraptor had died with would be mostly female.
her arms spread over her eggs, as if
n Dinosaurs could be born as identical
protecting them. This suggests that twins or even as triplets.
Oviraptor, and probably other birdlike
dinosaurs, were brooders—they sat on n The largest known dinosaur egg is
smaller than the egg of the extinct
their nests to keep the eggs warm or cool.
elephant bird of Madagascar.
Eggs in nest
Killers and
What is a theropod? 22
How did hunters kill their prey? 24
Was T. rex a scavenger? 26
Did carnivores eat only meat? 28
What is a theropod?
Put simply, a theropod was a flesh-eating dinosaur. This lizard-hipped
group of dinosaurs included some of the largest carnivores ever to clawed feet
roam the Earth. Although theropods often had wimpy arms, they did
Q What does
have strong muscles to power their rear legs. They also had large bipedal mean?
teeth and strong jaws. Most, such as Carnotaurus, had three-toed A A bipedal animal is one that walks
on two legs. All the meat-eating dinosaurs
feet ending in claws. Not all theropods were huge—some were bipedal, although there were some
were as small as chickens and survived by snapping up plant-eaters that also walked on two legs.
lizards and maybe insects. Bipedal dinosaurs were faster and mostly
more intelligent than their four-legged
cousins. The first dinosaurs, such as
Muscular Eoraptor, were bipedal, as were some
Large head neck
of the later ones, such as T. rex.
Small intestine
Megalosaurus Human
tooth tooth
1 Albertosaurus ran
with a horizontal
back, head held high,
1 2 3
Q Could a carnivore make
a meal of a plant-eater? Allosaurus
A A big hunter, such as Allosaurus,
would have had several advantages over Stegosaurus
lumbering plant-eater Stegosaurus.
Not only was Allosaurus faster and
more quick-witted, but it was also
better equipped for killing. Allosaurus
could slash out with its claws before
sinking its razor-sharp teeth into its
victim’s flesh. Stegosaurus might have
fought back by swiping out with its tail
spikes, but that was unlikely enough to
prevent it ending up as food for its killer.
hip bones
Strong thigh
Muscular tail
Rough scales
Powerful legs
Deinonychus attacking Tenontosaurus
Curved claw
hooked the
More Facts
n Deinosuchus, a huge alligator, was
capable of feasting on large dinosaurs.
This massive, river-dwelling reptile’s
skull alone measured 6 ft (1.8 m).
n Giganotosaurus may have slammed
into its victims to knock them out with
its body weight before digging in.
n Once a big theropod had gorged
itself on a kill, smaller predators might
move in to strip the bones of flesh.
n Dinosaurs’ teeth survive well as fossils
because they are the hardest part of
the body and least subject to decay.
n Marine carnivore Liopleurodon may
have been able to sniff out potential
prey by swimming with its mouth open
Large cavity and “smelling” the water that passed
to house into its nostrils.
massive jaw
Allosaurus skull
Jaws were
flexible Liopleurodon
Curved teeth
held prey in Tyrannosaurus jaw
Was T. rex
a scavenger?
With a reputation as the “king of the killers,”
Tyrannosaurus rex was the size of a house, as heavy as
an elephant, and had teeth as long and sharp as
carving knives.Yet some paleontologists have
argued that this fearsome dinosaur was actually
a scavenger, feasting only on animals that
were already dead. Some of the dinosaur’s
features appear to be designed for hunting,
others for scavenging. The most likely answer
is that T. rex was both, killing live prey but also
feeding on animal remains whenever it found them.
Tyrannosaurus rex
hand with
sharp claws
Q How big
was its bite?
A T. rex had the
biggest and the strongest
jaws of any dinosaur—they
could measure up to 4 ft
(1.2 m) long. Experts estimate
Tyrannosaurus that T. rex could eat up to 500 lb
(230 kg) of meat and bones in a single
Ornitholestes bite. This is strong evidence that the Tyrannosaurus rex jaws
dinosaur was a hunter, for
scavengers would not
have needed such size
Q How fast was T. rex? or power.
Most experts estimate the top
A speed at between 10–25 mph Hinge for
(16–40 km/h). Studies have shown that opening lower
Largest teeth were jaw wide
T. rex’s legs weren’t strong enough to 9 in (23 cm) long
absorb the pounding of its 6 tons of body
Field of
Q Do scavengers need a
weight at faster speeds. However, although view overlap
T. rex was slower than the fastest dinosaurs strong sense of smell?
(such as Ornitholestes), it was fast enough A Scavenging animals track down
to catch potential prey, such as lumbering dead meat by following its smell, so a
plant-eater Triceratops. sensitive nose is essential. Experiments
have shown that T. rex did have a
heightened sense of smell—scans of the
dinosaur’s skull reveal exceptionally
large olfactory lobes (smell detectors).
More Facts But this alone is not enough to prove
that it was a scavenger. A good sense of
n Tyrannosaurus rex would have needed
smell is an essential tool for hunting, too.
about 300 lb (136 kg) of meat each Field of Field of
day to keep it supplied with energy. view of view of
left eye right eye
T. rex
field of view
Q Did T. rex
have good eyesight?
A Strong vision is essential for
n Scavengers such as vultures and hunting but less so for scavenging.
hyenas can digest meat in an T. rex had eyes that were angled forward,
advanced stage of decay without giving it some degree of binocular vision.
getting sick. This means that it could judge the
n Some paleontologists think distance of an object where the fields of
that T. rex may have had view from its left eye and right eye
feathers. overlapped. T. rex’s eyesight was probably
good enough for stalking prey.
Bony ridge
along back
Did carnivores
eat only meat? Long, narrow
jaw with
Most people think of sharp teeth
carnivorous dinosaurs
sinking their teeth into a tasty
plant-eater, which they certainly did.
But they ate other animals, too. Recent
evidence suggests that some dinosaurs preferred fish to
meat, and others may have eaten both meat and plants.
Fish-eating dinosaurs, such as Suchomimus, were
built a little differently from their meat-
eating cousins, with teeth
designed for gripping their
slippery prey. Dinosaur
teeth provide basic information about diet, but paleontologists can
discover more details from dinosaurs’ fossilized droppings.
Strong legs
Q How were fish-eaters
like crocodiles?
A The long, narrow skulls of
fish-eaters were more like the heads of
crocodiles than those of other dinosaurs.
The jaws were packed with about
100 pointed, serrated teeth. Spinosaurus
may have dipped its long snout
into the shallow waters of a
lake or river to search for
fish, then crunched them
up with its many teeth.
Giants of
the Earth
What is a sauropod? 32
Was bigger always better? 34
How did plant-eaters find food? 36
Where did plant-eaters live? 38
Small head
Q What does
quadrupedal mean?
A A quadrupedal animal, such
as Saltasaurus, is one that walks on all
four legs. All sauropods, and most other Elbow
plant-eating dinosaurs, were quadrupedal. Front legs
This was probably because the plant-eaters slightly
had large stomachs that tended to pitch shorter then
back legs
their bodies forward onto the front
legs, making walking on only the back
legs impossible.
Q How long was the
longest neck?
A The neck of an adult Mamenchisaurus
Ankle joint
Was bigger always better?
As tens of millions of years passed, the sauropods and theropods
grew ever larger. It seems that they were locked into an evolutionary Sauropod is 75 ft
size race—as the theropods became larger and more fierce, the (3 m) long
Stiff neck ending
in small head
leg bones
How did plant-eaters
find food?
Plants common in the age of the dinosaurs included ginkgo trees,
palmlike trees, coniferous trees, and ferns and mosses. It is likely
that herbivorous dinosaurs ate all these plants. Different plant-eating
dinosaurs developed different ways of breaking down their food.
Sauropods, such as Barosaurus, raked foliage into their mouths with
peglike teeth and swallowed it whole. It was then broken down in
their digestive systems. Other plant-eating dinosaurs ground down
plant matter with their teeth before swallowing.
Q What did
sauropods eat?
A Their enormous size meant that
sauropods had to spend nearly all their
time eating just to generate enough
energy to stay alive. They probably fed
mostly on coniferous trees, steadily
munching their way through entire
forests. It is this continuous eating that
may have created what is known as a
“browse line,” leaving trees bare of leaves
below a certain level.
Q Could a plant-eater
chew its food?
A Plant-eaters didn’t have molars,
like humans, and many could not chew. Neck suitable
But some had toothless, horny beaks for for browsing
snipping plants, as well as rows of teeth in
Q Were long necks useful?
their cheeks for grinding them down. Some long-necked dinosaurs
Each tooth was coarsely serrated. Years of A probably lifted their heads to reach
grinding tough plants wore teeth down. high up in the trees. Others, such as this
Those shown here are from an Iguanodon. Thecodontosaurus, may also have used them
One is in good condition; the other is worn. to reach into the middle of low-growing
plants. Thecodontosaurus was a likely
Lower tooth Worn lower ancestor of the sauropods and
tooth had a much shorter neck than its
later relatives.
Long claws for
hooking plants
More Facts
n As the plant-eaters’ teeth wore down,
new ones grew to replace them.
n Duck-billed dinosaur Edmontosaurus
had about 1,000 teeth in its cheeks,
more than any other dinosaur.
Cheek teeth for n Many of the plants that dinosaurs ate,
grinding food
such as ginkgo and ferns, are still
common today.
n Fish-eating sea creature Elasmosaurus
had a neck 23 ft (7 m) long, half its
Iguanodon skull body length. It probably used this
long neck to ambush fish swimming
above it.
Where did
plant-eaters live?
During the 160 million years that dinosaurs existed, new
landmasses appeared and different habitats were created.
The herbivores, along with carnivores, lived in most of them,
although tropical forest was a favored habitat for big sauropods.
Some plant-eaters adapted to extreme conditions, while others
may have moved on to find new lands. Whether in a forest or a
windswept plain, many of the herbivores spent their lives with each
other, perhaps even living in herds of thousands.
2,200 miles (3,500 km) from northern
dinosaurs arose in different places. The AFRICA Alaska to Canada each autumn to escape
S e
horned dinosaurs, for example, emerged INDIA the cold, dark winters. The herds would
where they were able to flourish. lush plants that grew there in the spring.
ANTARCT Pachyrhinosaurus
Q Did sauropods
live together? Barosaurus
A Evidence suggests that many types
of plant-eating dinosaurs, including
sauropods such as Barosaurus, lived
together in herds. Being part of a group
usually gives an individual animal greater
protection against predators. It is also
possible that sauropods were sociable
animals. A herd may have contained a
number of family groups that roamed
the countryside together.
More Facts
n Sauropods were more comfortable
in forest habitats because the trees
shaded their huge bodies from the Sun.
n Leaellynasaura lived within the
Antarctic Circle, where there was little
Q Did plant-eaters ever
live in trees?
sunlight in winter. Experts believe the A When fossils of the ornithopod
dinosaur must have been warm-
Hypsilophodon were discovered in 1849,
blooded to survive the dark and cold.
paleontologists believed that this small
plant-eater lived in trees. They thought it
used its long tail for balancing while it
clung onto branches with its sharp toes.
Corythosaurus Now experts are convinced that none of
the plant-eaters lived in trees, although
Q Who chose to live some of the smaller meat-eaters may have
near swamps? been tree-dwellers.
A Fossils of Corythosaurus and other
n Among the first dinosaur fossils to
hadrosaurs (sometimes called duck-billed be studied were those of the plant-
dinosaurs) have been discovered in rocks eater Iguanodon.
that were laid down in swamps. People
n All the bird-hipped, or ornithischian, Hypsilophodon
once supposed that the hadrosaurs fed on
dinosaurs were plant-eaters.
water plants that grew in swamps, like the
modern North American moose. Experts n In the Cretaceous Period, sauropods
now believe hadrosaurs spent most of declined in North America, but
their time on dry land. flourished in southern continents.
of defense
How did plant-eaters fight back? 42
Did body armor really help? 44
Were frills defensive? 46
How did dinosaurs escape danger? 48
How did plant-eaters
fight back? Pointed scutes (bony
plates) ran in rows
Muscular tail
Q Could a sauropod
crush an attacker?
A A big sauropod, such as Barosaurus,
had one decisive weapon against even
the largest theropods—sheer weight.
Its 20-ton body could easily crush the
bones and suck the air from the lungs of
Barosaurus a 3-ton Allosaurus. Barosaurus may have
resorted to crushing attackers in
extreme circumstances, such as
to protect its young.
Flexible armored Protective
bands spikes
More Facts
n Diplodocus may have flicked its long
tail like a whip, causing serious
damage to attackers.
n Dinosaur fossils often show evidence of
fighting in the form of broken bones.
n Like some dinosaurs, modern iguanas
have a row of spikes on their necks and
backs to deter attacks from predators.
Q How useful were Iguanodon
Land iguana massive claws?
A Therizinosaurus had three huge,
lethal-looking claws on each hand. However,
some experts think the claws were too blunt
to be used as weapons. Instead, they may
have been used for feeding—to pluck foliage
from trees or to rip open the nests of
termites. If so, how this dinosaur defended Thumb spike
up to 6 in
itself remains a mystery. (15 cm) in
Did body armor
really help? Neck scutes
Curved dorsal
Broad, flat
Horny, toothless
Hard head
Heavy tail
Powerful legs
Smaller lumps
Shorter neck
than other
Were frills defensive?
The plated and horned groups of dinosaurs developed some
impressive features. They had great frills edged with studs and
spikes around their heads, or triangular plates of skin and bone
along their backs. Some were used in fighting. But experts believe
that some dinosaur features were just for display. Like a peacock’s
colorful fan of feathers, a male Pentaceratops’s head frill may have
been used to help it attract a mate.
Heavy build
How did dinosaurs
escape danger?
When threatened, animals will try to avoid a fight, and dinosaurs
probably behaved much like other animals. Gallimimus was one of
the fastest dinosaurs, possibly sprinting at speeds of up to 50 mph
(80 km/h) to outrun predators. Other dinosaurs found different ways
to keep out of harm’s way. Some developed skin that was colored and
patterned to blend in with their environments. Others kept to
the safety of the herd. A few dinosaurs could even
make sounds that signaled the approach of danger.
Gallimimus Flexible
Long tail
for balance Birdlike
while running beak
End of an era
What killed the dinosaurs? 52
Who was top predator after T. rex? 54
Which animals are as old as dinosaurs? 56
Are birds related to dinosaurs? 58
What killed the Q What is an asteroid?
An asteroid is a rocky object—
A smaller than a planet—that orbits
Q What else might have rex
A No one can be sure that an
asteroid collision alone was the cause of
the dinosaurs’ extinction. Scientists also
think that at the end of the Cretaceous
Period there were numerous volcanic
eruptions in India. These might have
polluted the atmosphere with so much dust
that the Sun’s rays could not penetrate, and
many creatures may have died of cold.
Erupting volcano
Who was top predator Heavy body
covered in
dense fur
after T. rex?
It was millions of years before big animals reappeared following the
mass extinction. While the dinosaurs were alive, mammals remained
relatively small, but they gradually evolved to replace dinosaurs as
the dominant land animals. Hoofed beast Andrewsarchus became the
biggest carnivorous land mammal ever. However, these large
mammals faced competition from an unlikely source when
birds also evolved into fierce predators.
Powerful jaw
Phenacodus muscles
Q When did bats first
A Ten million years after the
disappearance of the pterosaurs, the first
flying mammals appeared. Bats have
changed little since then and are still the
only flying mammals. Many bats are
nocturnal and use their special sense of
Thick, hearing to find their way and locate prey
long tail in the dark.
Strong limbs to support
its heavy weight
Scaly skin
typical of
Venom is Cockroach
injected from
the tail
sturdy limbs
Tough shell
protects soft
body parts
What is a crocodilian?
This is the name for a group of archosaurs
1 Geosaurus was an aquatic
crocodilian of the Jurassic
Period. Instead of the heavy
Are birds related Keen eyes Slender
Q When did the first Hooked point
true bird appear? at end of bill
A Confuciusornis was the first known
bird to have a horny toothless beak,
like modern birds, although it still
had dinosaurlike claws on its wing
feathers. It appeared in Cretaceous Claws attached Tiny,
China about 120 million years ago. to wings flightless
Experts believe it had a different flying wings
technique from that of birds today. Confuciusornis
Insect preserved
in amber
Body shape
Heron similar to a
modern bird Q Could dinosaurs
ever return?
A In the 1993 film Jurassic Park,
Long legs for experts brought dinosaurs back to
fast running
life with dinosaur DNA taken from
the body of a mosquito preserved in
amber. In reality, any dinosaur DNA
would almost certainly be too small a
sample and too broken up to recreate
a dinosaur. However, technology is always
improving and dinosaur fossils are still
being discovered...
clawed feet Shuvuuia
ceratopsians, 38 dragonflies, 56 ginkgo trees, 36, 37
Albertosaurus, 22 Chasmatosaurus, 11 droppings, fossilized, 29 grass, 36
Allosaurus, 23, 24, 25, Chindeasaurus, 16 Dryosaurus, 35 grinding plant food, 37
35, 42 claws, 10, 11, 17, 24, duck-billed, see hadrosaurs groups, 15, 16, 49
Ambulocetus, 55 28, 43, 55
ammonites, 12 cockroaches, 57
Anchisaurus, 14 Coelophysis, 12 nE
ancient animals, 56–57 coexistence, 15, 17 Edmontonia, 44 habitats, 38, 39
Andrewsarchus, 54 cold-blooded, 11 Edmontosaurus, 37 hadrosaurs, 16, 19,
ankylosaurs, 34, 44, 45, Compsognathus, 58 eggs, 18, 19, 53 38, 39
53 Confuciusornis, 59 Elasmosaurus, 37 hands, 10, 11, 43
Antarctopelta, 45 coniferous trees, 36 Eocursor, 17 hearts, 34
arachnids, 57 coprolites, 29 Eoraptor, 10, 14, 22 herbivores, 24, 28, 29,
Archaeopteryx, 15, 48, 58 Corythosaurus, 15, 39 Eozostrodon, 17 53, 54
archosaurs, 11, 57 crests, 47, 48 escaping danger, 48–49 herds, 24, 38, 39, 49
Arctic Circle, 39 Cretaceous Period, 15, 33, Euplocephalus, 42 Herrerasaurus, 13, 14, 49
Argentinosaurus, 13, 32 38, 39, 52 Europlocephalus, 15 hind legs, 35
armory of weapons, 42 crocodiles, 10, 25, 53, 56 evolution: hip bones, 16
arms, tiny, 26 crocodilians, 56, 57 dinosaurs, 11, 14, horned dinosaurs, 45,
asteroid collision, 52 crocodylomorph, 57 15, 34 46, 47
asteroids, 52 crushing attackers, 42 mammals and birds, 54 horns, 46, 47
attracting mates, 46, 47 extinction: Huayangosaurus, 42
birds, 58, 59 hunters, 23, 24–25, 54
dinosaurs, 14, 52, 53 Hypsilophodon, 39
danger, escaping, 48–49 eyes, 23, 27
baby dinosaurs, 18, 19 defense, 42–43
backbone, 15, 33 Deinonychus, 15, 24, 25 n I , J,K
Baronyx, 15, 28 Deinosuchus, 57 nF
Icaronycteris, 55
Barosaurus, 10, 15, 36, dicynodonts, 14 fangs, 25 Ichthyornis, 53
39, 42 diet, 28, 29, 54 fastest dinosaurs, 27 iguanas, 43, 56
bats, 55 digestive systems, 36, 37 feathers, 11, 27, 58 Iguanodon, 15, 24, 37,
battering ram, 45, 47 Dilophosaurus, 14 feet, 10, 11, 22 39, 43
beaks, first, 59 Dimorphodon, 28 female dinosaurs, 18–19 insects, 56
bipedal, 17, 22 dinosaur DNA, 59 ferns, 36, 37, 55 invertebrates, 57
bird-hipped dinosaurs, dinosaur poo, 29 fighting 43, 46, 47 jaws, 12, 22, 25, 27
16, 39 dinosaurs, 10–11, 14–15, fish-eating dinosaurs, Jurassic Park, 59
birds, 48, 53, 54, 55, 16–17 28, 29 Jurassic Period, 14
58–59 body temperature, 11 flowering plants, 36 Kentrosaurus, 43
extinction, 58, 59 earliest, 10 flying creatures, 11, 48 killers, 22–23, 24–25
predatory, 55 identifying remains, 12 flying mammals, 55
related to dinosaurs, 58 lifespan, 15 flying reptiles, 11, 28, 53
true, 59 meaning of word, 11 food, finding 36–37 nL
birth, 18–19 most common, 16 footprints, 35 landmasses, 16, 38
body armor, 44–45 naming dinosaurs, 13 fossils 12, 13, 35, 56, 58 landscape, 38
bone-headed, 45 re-creating dinosaurs, 59 first to be studied, 39 Leaellynosaura, 39
bones, 13, 15, 32, 58 related to birds, 58 four-legged dinosaurs, legs, 10, 35
bony plates, see plates sex of, 19 28, 32 Lesothosaurus, 14
Brachiosaurus, 32, 34 smallest, 17 frills, 46 Liopleurodon, 25
brain, biggest, 23 two main types, 16 lizard-hipped dinosaurs, 16,
Brontosaurus, 35 weirdest, 17 22, 32
what killed them off, nG
lizards, 32, 56
52–53 Gallimimus, 29, 48 Lystrosaurus, 14
when they lived, 14–15 Gargoyleosaurus, 34
Camarasaurus, 34 where they lived, 16 Gastonia, 44
camouflage, 49 Diplodocus, 33, 35, 43 gastroliths, 37 nM
carnivores, 22–23, 24–25, diseases, 15 Geosaurus, 57 Magyarosaurus, 33
28–29 display, 46 Giganotosaurus, 10, Maiasaura, 19
Carnotaurus, 22 dodo, 59 23, 25 Mamenchisaurus, 33
mammals, 17, 53, 54, plant-eaters, 14, 34, scavengers, 26, 27 top predators after T. rex,
55 53, 54 scorpions, 57 54–55
as prey, 29 as prey, 23 scutes, 44, 45 trees, 36, 37, 39
maniraptors, 58 defense, 42–43 sea creatures, oldest, 57 Triassic Period, 14
marine reptiles, 45, 52, finding food, 36–37 Seismosaurus, 32 Triceratops, 13, 15, 47, 49
53 teeth, 37 sharks, 57 Troodon, 18, 19, 23
mass extinction, 52 walking, 32 Shuvuuia, 59 trumpeting noise, 48
meat-eaters, 22, 53 where they lived, 38–39 size of dinosaurs, 16, 17, Tuojiangosaurus, 13
Megalosaurus, 12, 22, plants, 36, 37, 53 32, 33, 34 two-legged dinosaurs,
39 plated dinosaurs, 42, skeletons, 12, 13, 58 22, 28
Megazostrodon, 29 46, 47 replica, 13 tyrannosaurs, 26
Mesozoic Era, 14, 17, Plateosaurus, 14 skin, 33, 45, 48, 49 Tyrannosaurus rex, 23,
56 plates, 44, 45, 46, 47 skulls, 47, 48 26–27, 53
Microraptor, 17 polluted atmosphere, 52 smell, sense of, 27 feet, 11, 22
migration, 38 Protoceratops, 15, 16, 47 sounds, 48 teeth, 25
mineralization, 13 Psephoderma, 45 species, 14, 15
Mosasaurus, 53 Pterodactylus, 53 speed of dinosaurs, 27, 35,
movement, 22, 35 pterosaurs, 11, 53, 58 48, 49 n U, V
Mussaurus, 32 prey, 24, 29 spiders, 57 Uintatherium, 54
prosauropod group, 32 spikes, 42, 43, 44, 46 Velociraptor, 11, 15,
spines, 44, 47 24, 49
, O Spinosaurus, 29, 47 venom, 57
nasal boss, 45 nQ
, R stalkers, 24, 49 vertebrae, 15, 33
necks, 32, 33, 37 quadrupedal, 32 stegosaurs, 14, 42, 43
nests, 18, 19 Quetzalcoatlus, 53 Stegosaurus, 14, 23, 47
oldest sea creatures, 57 reptiles, 10, 11, 56 stones, to aid digestion, 37 nW
, Y
olfactory lobe, 27 Rhamphorhynchus, 11 studs, 44, 46, 47 walking, 10, 32
omnivores, 28, 29 running, 22, 35 Styracosaurus, 46, 47 warm-blooded, 11, 39
ornithopods, 38, 39 Suchomimus, 28 watery mammals, 55
Ornitholestes, 27 swamps, 39 weapons, for defense, 42
ornithischians, 16 nS
Syntarsus, 29 whales, early, 55
Oviraptor, 19 sails, 47 wings, 11, 48, 59
Saltasaurus, 32, 33, 35, 45 wishbone, 58
Santanaraptor, 23 nT
young dinosaurs, 19, 28
saurischians, 16, 39 tails, 10, 32, 33, 42, 43
Pachycephalosaurus, 45 sauropods, 32–33, teeth, 22, 25, 28, 29, 37
Pachyrhinosaurus, 38, 34–35, 39 Tenontosaurus, 24
45 armor, 45 Thecodontosaurus, 37
paleontology, 12, 13 diet, 36, 37 Therizinosaurus, 17, 43
Pangaea, 16 eggs, 18, 19 theropods, 22–23, 25, 34,
Paralititan, 32, 38 habitats, 39 53
Parasaurolophus, 48 herds, 39 thumb spike, 43
Pentaceratops, 46 weight, as a weapon, Titanis, 55
Phenacodus, 54 42 toes, 35
The publisher would like to thank the
Robert L. Braun—modelmaker 6tl, 7b, 14br
(stegosaurus), 14cr, 44-45c, 47c, 47tr, 58cl;
Centaur Studios—modelmakers 15bl (baryonyx),
43br; Jonathan Hately—modelmaker 28t;
Graham High at Centaur Studios—modelmaker
4, 7t, 13br, 15fbr (triceratops), 26tl, 27br, 27tl,
London: 13clb. naturepl.com: Pete Oxford
58-59. Science Photo Library: David A.
Hardy, Futures: 50 Years In Space 52cra; S. R.
Maglione 46b (b/g).
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