Part 1 Professional Education
Part 1 Professional Education
Part 1 Professional Education
16. Which will be the most authentic assessment 22. Direct instruction is for facts, rules, and
tool for an instructional objective on working actions as indirect instruction is for _____. A.
with and relating to people? hypotheses, verified data, and conclusions
A. conducting mock election B. concepts, patterns, and abstractions
B. home visitation C. concepts, processes, and generalizations
C. organizing a community project D. guesses, data, and conclusions
D. writing articles on working and relating to
people 23. The difficulty index of a test item is 1.0. This
means that the test is _____.
17. As an effective classroom manager, what A. a quality item
should a teacher do? I. She uses instructional B. very difficult
time wisely. II. She uses her power to punish C. very easy
students for the sake of discipline. D. missed by everybody
III. She puts to use the available and
appropriate materials. 24. The discrimination index of a test item is -
IV. She manipulates colleagues and students
0.35. What does this mean?
so she can meet her goals.
A. More from the upper group got the item C. I, II, and IV
correctly. D. II and III
B. More from the lower group got the item
correctly. 30. Teacher A's lesson is about the parts of the
C. The test is quite reliable. gumamela. He asked his pupils per group to
D. The test item is valid. bring a real flower to study the different parts.
After the group work labeling each part, the
25. His aim of education is individual not a teacher gave a test. What would be the best type
preparation for but participation in the life of test he can give? A. essay type
around the individual. B. matching type
A. Froebel C. diary
B. Spencer D. journal
C. Herbart
D. Pestalozzi 31. Principal A wants her teachers to be
constructivist in their teaching orientation. On
26. The following are characteristics of a which assumption/s is the principal's action
childfriendly school except for _____. anchored?
A. exclusive I. Students learn by personally constructing
B. child-centered meaning of what is taught.
C. gender-sensitive II. Students construct and reconstruct
D. nondiscriminating meanings based on experiences.
III. Students derive meaning from the
27. To make the lesson meaningful, systematic meaning that teacher gives.
and motivating, teachers’ example should be A. I and III
______. B. I only
A. based on higher level skills C. I and II
B. interesting aided with illustrations D. II only
C. easy, simple, and understandable
D. relevant to students’ experience and 32. The norms in a school culture are centered
knowledge on the _____.
A. learner
28. Which are the most important concerns B. teacher
about the use of ICT in instruction? C. principal
I. Developing appropriate curriculum materials D. supervisor
that allow students to construct meaning and
develop knowledge throught the use of ICT II. 33. The difficulty index of a test item is 1.0. What
Devising strategies to meaningfully integrate does this mean?
technology into the curriculum A. The test item is very good, so retain it.
III. Using pedagogical skills related to technology B. The test item is very difficult.
IV. Providing teachers with skills for using C. The test item is extremely easy.
software applications D. The test item is not valid.
A. I and III
B. II and III 34. Someone wrote: "Environment relates to the
C. III and IV profound relationship between matter, nature,
D. I, II, III, and IV and society, and in such a context, ICTs bring
new ways of living in a more interconnected
29. Which of these non-threatening means of society, all of which reduces our dependency on
assessing learning outcomes? matter and affects our relationship with nature."
I. Portfolio What does this convey?
II. Self-evaluation A. Environment and ICT are poles apart.
III. Peer evaluation B. ICT impacts on environment.
IV. Learning journals C. Environment affects ICT.
A. I and II D. ICT brings us away from an interconnected
B. I and III society.
49. We encounter people whose prayer goes like 55. To solve moral ambiguity among us Filipinos,
this: “O God, if there is a God; save my soul, if I we must _____.
have a soul” From whom is this prayer? A. excuse ourselves whenever we do wrong B.
A. Stoic blame our government for not doing anything
B. Empiricist about it
C. Agnostic C. be aware and responsible about the problem
D. Skeptic D. be comfortable with the present state affairs
50. What is the implication of using a method 56. In their desire to make schools perform, the
that focuses on the why rather than the how? DepEd then published the ranking of schools
A. There is best method in NAT results nationwide. As an effect of this
B. Typical one will be good for any subject C. practice, what did schools tend to do? I.
These methods should be standardized for Taught at the expense of NAT II. Conducted
different subjects. review classes for NAT at the expense of
D. Teaching methods should favor inquiry and teaching
problem solving. III. Practiced the so-called teaching to the test
A. II and III
51. Which software can you predict changes in B. II only
weather pattern and or trends in the population C. I and III
of endangered species? A. word processing D. III only
B. spreadsheet
C. desktop publishing 57. Which one appropriately describes your
D. database lesson if you use the cognitive approach?
A. promotes "find out for yourself"
52. You would like to assess students' ability to approach
write a portfolio. What type of test will B. lecture-dominated
determine their ability to organize ideas and C. rote learning
think critically? dominatedD. highly
A. long test directed teaching
B. essay test
C. formative test 58. Which apply/applies to extrinsically
D. summative test motivated learners?
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61. A mother gives her son his favorite snack 66. What does a Table of Specification establish?
every time the boy cleans up his room. A. construct validity
Afterwards, the boy cleans his room everyday in B. content related validity and criterion
anticipation of the snack. Which theory explains reference
this? C. content validity and construct validity
A. operant conditioning D. content validity and content related validity
B. social learning theory
C. associative learning 67. A person who had painful experiences at the
D. Pavlovian conditioning dentist's office may become fearful at the mere
sight of the dentist's office. Which theory can
62. What is the primary fundamental question in explain this? A. generalization
examining a curriculum? B. classical conditioning
A. What educational experiences can be C. operant conditioning
provided that are likely to attain these purposes? D. attribution theory
68. Which one can help student develop the habit C. to make predictions by examining
of critical thinking? A. Asking low level questions pictures and listening for clues
B. A willingness to suspend judgment D. to use their imaginations to explore new
until sufficient evidence is represented C. ideas as they listen to books
Asking convergent questions
D. Blind obedience to authority 75. What does a negatively skewed score
contribution imply?
69. Multiple intelligences can be used to A. The scores congregate on the left side of the
explain children's reading performance. Which normal contribution curve.
group tends to be good readers? B. The scores are widespread.
A. linguistically intelligent group C. The students must be academically poor.
B. spatially intelligent group D. The score congregate on the right side of the
C. existentially intelligent group normal contribution curve.
D. kinesthetically intelligent group
76. A high school graduate was refused
70. Teachers should avoid _____ in assigning admission to a university on the grounds that he
student performance-based ratings. failed the admission test. The student insisted
A. arbitrarines and bias that he had the right to be admitted and the act
B. unnecessary deductions of the univeristy was a violation of his right to
C. partiality and calculation education. Was the student correct?
D. unnecessary evaluation A. No, the university may refuse the student in its
exercise of academic freedom. B. Yes, education
71. Which of the following is NOT a guidance role is everyone's right.
of the classroom teacher? C. Yes, especially if he belongs to the Indigenous
A. Psychological Test Administrator Peoples' group.
B. ListenerAdviser D. No, if the university is exclusively for girls.
C. Human Potential Discoverer
D. Total Development Facilitator 77. Which of the following is a correct statement
on service contracting scheme?
72. Watson applied classical conditioning in his A. It increases access to education.
experiments and the results showed that B. It works against quality education.
behavior is learned through stimulus-response C. It discriminates against private schools.
associations, specifically the development of D. it is not cost-effective.
emotional responses to certain stimuli. This
helps is in _____. 78. Student M obtained an NSAT percentile rank
A. interpreting reflexes as emotions of 80. This indicates that _____.
B. understanding fears, phobias, and love A. he surpassed in performance 80% of her
C. connecting observable behavior to stimulus fellow examinees
D. understanding the role of overt behavior B. he got a score of 80
C. he surpassed in performance 20% of her
73. Who claimed that children are natural fellow examinees
learners and therefore, must be taught in natural D. D. he answered 80 items correctly
settings? A. Piaget
B. Froebel 79. Teachers are encouraged to make use of
C. Montessori authentic assessment. Which goes with authentic
D. Kohlberg assessment?
A. unrealistic performances
B. de-contextualized drills
C. real world application of lessons learned
D. answering high multiple choice test items
74. the benefit of "reading aloud" is that children
learn _____. 80. Global students learn with short bursts of
A. new vocabulary in meaningful contexts energy. To maintain concentration they require
B. to value the presence of their friends as ______.
they read together
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83. In a grade distribution, what does the normal 89. “Men are built not born.” This quotation by
curve mean? John Watson states that _____.
A. a large number of students receiving low A. the ineffectiveness of training on a person’s
grades and very few students with high marks development
B. a large number of more or less average B. the effect of environmental stimulation on a
students and very few students receiving low person’s development
and high grades C. the absence of genetic influence on a person’s
C. a large number of students with high grades development
and very few with low grades D. all of the D. the effect of heredity
students have average grades
90. Which order follows the basic rule in framing
84. Lecturer C narrates: "I observe that when interaction?
there is an English-speaking foreigner in class, A. call on a student, pause, ask the question
more often than not, his classmates perceive B. ask the question, call on a student, pause
him to be superior." To which Filipino trait does C. ask the question, pause, call on a student
this point? D. call on a student, ask the question, pause
A. hospitality
B. friendliness 91. At the preoperational stage of Piaget's
C. colonial mentality cognitive development theory, the child can see
D. lack of confidence only his point of view and assumes that everyone
also has the same view as his. What is this
85. Which violates this brain-based principle of tendency called?
teaching-learning: "Each child's brain is unique A. transductive reasoning
and vastly different from one another." B. animism
A. giving ample opportunity for a pupil to C. egocentrism
explore even if the class creates "noise" D. conservatism
B. making a left-handed pupil write with his
right hand as it is better this way 92. "Vox Populi Est Supreme Lex" is a Latin
C. allowing open dialogue among students expression that means what? A. The
D. employing MI teaching approaches Supreme Being is God
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B. No one is above the law levels has not met the required number to make
C. The voice of the people is the supreme law a separate class thus the teacher apportions class
D. it is the popular choice time for instruction to every grade level within
class. These are ______.
93. Which is not among the major targets of the A. extension classes
Child-Friendly School System (CFSS)? A. All B. heterogeneous classes
school children are friendly. C. multigrade classes
B. All children 6-12 years old are enrolled in D. homogeneous classes
elementary schools.
C. All children complete their elementary 98. After reading and paraphrasing R. Frost's
education within six years. Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening,
D. All Grade 6 students pass the division, Teacher M asked the class to share any insight
regional, and national tests. derived from this poem. On which assumption
94. Thorndike's law of effect states that a about the learner is Teacher M's act of asking the
connection between stimulus and response is class to share their insight based?
strengthened when the consequence is _____. A. Learners are producers of knowledge, not
A. repeated only passive recipients of information.
B. negative B. Learners are meant to interact with one
C. pleasurable another.
D. positive C. Learners are like empty receptacles
waiting to be filled up.
95. Which is the most reliable tool of seeing the D. Learners have multiple intelligence and
development in your pupils' ability to write? varied learning styles.
A. portfolio asssessment
B. scoring rubric 99. "Do not cheat. Cheating does not pay. If you
C. interview of pupils do, you cheat yourself." says the voiceless voice
D. self-assessment from within you. In the context of Freud's theory,
which is at work
96. The Philippine constitution directs the A. id alone
teaching of religion in public schools on the B. superego alone
following conditions except for? A. option C. ego alone
is expressed in writing D. Id and ego interaction
B. without cost to the government C.
with cost shouldered by the parents or 100. Which of the following assessment tools
guardians would you recommend if one should adhere to
D. given only at the option of parents or constructivist theory of learning?
guardians I. Constructed response test
97. These are also known as “combination II. Performance test
classes” organized in barrios/barangays where III. Checklist of a motor screening test
the required number of pupils of the same grade IV. Observation test
A. I and II
B. II and III
C. I, II, and III
D. I, II, and IV
D. Involve parents in guiding
101. The test in English and Mathematics learners' developing good study
showed poor results in comprehension and habits.
problem-solvingquestions. How may the data
be used for better learners' performance? 102. Which of the following may be
A. Use context clues in vocabulary building. the assumption/s of behaviorists?
B. Give more exercises/situations on I. The mind of a newborn child is a blank slate.
comprehension questions. II. All behaviors are determined by
C. Determine weakness in environmental events.
grammatical structures.
III. The child has a certain degree of freedom 107. One facet of understanding, an evidence of
not to allow himself to be shaped by his learning is perspective. Which is an indicator of
environment. perspective?
A. III only A. A bright student refuses to consider that
B. I and II there is another correct solution to the problem
C. I and III apart from hers.
D. II only B. A student explains the arguments for and
against the acquittal of Hubert Webb and group.
103. _____ supports equitable access but on the C. A teacher cannot accept opinions different
other hand, quality might be compromised. from hers.
A. Open admission D. A mother cannot understand why her child's
B. School accreditation performance is below par.
C. Deregulated tuition fee 108. Which among the indicators could be most
D. Selective retention useful for assessing quality of schooling?
A. participation rate
104. If you want your students to develop B. cohort survival rate
reading comprehension and learning strategies C. net enrollment rate
which one should you employ? D. drop-out rate
A. reciprocal teaching
B. cooperative learning 109. The discrimination index of a test item is
C. peer tutoring +0.48. What does this mean?
D. mastery learning A. An equal number from the lower and
upper group got the item correctly.
105. What statement is FALSE with reference to B. More from the upper group got the item
Article VIII “The Teacher and the Learners” of wrongly.
the Code of Ethics of Professional Teachers? C. More from the lower group got the item
A. A teacher shall not accept favors or gifts correctly.
from learners, their parents, or others in their D. More from the upper group got the item
behalf in exchange for requested concessions, correctly.
especially if undeserved,
B. A teacher shall not inflict corporal 110. Which of the following is NOT an example of
punishment or offending learners nor make a teacher’s nonverbal communication?
deductions from their scholastic ratings as a A. eye contact
punishment for acts which are clearly not B. gestures
manifestation of poor scholarship. C. pauses
C. In a situation where mutual attraction D. voice
and subsequent love develop between teacher
and the learner, the teacher shall exercise 111. Which is a valid assessment tool if you want
utmost professional discretion to avoid scandal, to find out how well your students can speak
gossip, and preferential treatment of the learner. extemporaneously?
D. A teacher shall maintain at all ties a A. performance test in extemporaneous speaking
dignified personality, which could serve as B. written quiz on how to deliver
model worthy of emulation by learners, peers extemporaneous speech C. display of speeches
and others. delivered
D. writing speeches
106. In the light of the modern concept of
teaching, which is a characteristic of effective 112. Professionalization of teachers and teaching
teaching? as promulgated in Presidential Decree No. 1006,
A. pouring information to the learners defines teaching as profession concerned with
B. allowing learners to learn on their own classroom institution ______. A. by teachers on
C. developing abilities to address the future fulltime basis
D. removing the physical presence of the teacher B. at the tertiary level in both public and
private institutions
116. Which appropriate teaching practice flows 121. Which must be present for selfevaluation to
from this research finding on the brain: The succeed?
brain's emotional center is tied into its ability to A. consensus between teacher and student
learn. regarding evaluation results
A. Create a learning environment that B. teacher's approval of self-evaluation results
encourages students to explore their feelings C. teacher's monitoring of self-evaluation
and ideas freely. process
B. Come up with highly competitive games D. student's intrinsic motivation to learn
where winners will feel happy.
C. Tell students to participate in class 122. The instructions for a test are made simple,
activities or else won't receive plus points in clear and concise. This is part of which of the
class recitation. D. To establish discipline, be following characteristics of a good test?
judgmental in attitude. A. objectivity
B. economy
117. Your percentile rank in class is 60%. What C. administrability
does this mean? D. scorability
A. You got 40% of the test items wrongly.
B. You scored less than 60% of the class. 123. What is the mean of this score distribution:
C. You got 60% of the test items correctly. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10?
D. You scored better than 60% of the class. A. 7
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133. Which activity works best with 139. Schools should develop in the students the
selfexpressive people? ability to adapt to a changing world. This is
A. metaphors adhereance to the philosophy of _____.
B. kinesthetic activities A. essentialism
C. inquiry B. perennialism
D. independent study C. progressivism
D. reconstructionism
134. centralization : Education Act of 1901 ::
decentralization : _____ 140. The teacher’s first task in the selection of
A. R.A. 9155 media in teaching is to determine the ______.
B. R.A. 9293 A. choice of the students
C. R.A. 7836 B. availability of the media
D. R.A. 7722 C. objectives of the lesson
D. technique to be used
135. Piagetian tasks state that thinking becomes
more logical and abstract as children reach the 141. With which goals of educational institutions
formal operations stage. What is an educational as provided for by the Constitution is the
implication of this finding? development of work skills aligned? A. To
A. Expect hypothetical reasoning from develop moral character
learners between 12 to 15 years of age. B. To teach the duties of citizenship
B. Engage children in analogical C. To inculcate love of country
reasoning as early as preschool to train them D. To develop vocational efficiency
for HOTS. C. Learners who are not capable of
logical reasoning from ages 8 to 11 lag behind 142. Median is to point as standard deviation is
in their cognitive development. D. Let children to _____.
be children. A. area
B. volume
C. distance
D. square
117. D
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118. D 119. A
120. B 121. D
122. C 123. A 124. C
125. B
126. C
127. B
128. C
129. B
130. D
131. C 132. A
133. B
134. A
135. A
136. A 137. D
138. C
139. D
140. C
141. D
142. B
143. D
144. A
145. C
146. A
147. A
148. A
149. B 150. C