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Lecturer : Sri Suci Suryawati, M.pd


1. Ahmad Hanif Fahrudin 2011040210

2. Diyan Ekasari 2011040054
3. Intan Liana 2011040225
4. Muhammad Fadilah 2011040383
5. Nur Hotimah 2011040258
6. Rika Dina Monica 2011040417
7. Rika Widya Putri 2011040432


1443 H/2022 M


Praise be to God Almighty for the blessings of his grace, and that we were given the
opportunity to be able to compile a working paper entitled “Types of Translation” in order to
fulfill on one the assignments of Foundation of Translation course.

This paper is structured so that the readers can know how the types of translation. This
paper was compiled with help from various parties. Both parties come from outside as well as
from parties concerned itself. And because the aid and help of God Almighty, these papers can
be finally resolved. Hopefully this paper could give a broader insight to the reader. Although,
this paper has advantages and disadvantages. We welcome any suggestions and constructive
criticism for the perfection of this paper. Finally, the author hopes this paper can provide benefits
for the readers.

Bandar Lampung, 26 Februari 2022

Group 3


TYPES OF TRANSLATION......................................................................................................................1
TABLE OF CONTENT...............................................................................................................................3
CHAPTER 1................................................................................................................................................4
1.1 Background..................................................................................................................................4
1.2 Problem of formulation......................................................................................................................5
CAHPTER 2................................................................................................................................................6
2.1 TYPES OF TRANSLATION............................................................................................................6
A. Literary Translation.....................................................................................................................6
B. Professional Translation..............................................................................................................7
C. Technical Translation..................................................................................................................7
D. Administrative Translation..........................................................................................................8
E. Scientific Translation...................................................................................................................8
F. Juridical Translation....................................................................................................................8
G. Judicial Translation......................................................................................................................9
H. Legal Translation.........................................................................................................................9
I. Financial Translation...................................................................................................................9
CHAPTER 3..............................................................................................................................................10
3.1 CONCLUSION...............................................................................................................................10



1.1 Background

Language is not only spoken but also written when people interact to others who use
different language. They must translate the word when they read different book. In spoken,
two speakers or more who use different language must translate in order to understand each
other. Furthermore, translation is one of simple and effective ways to understand another
language easily.

Translating consists of reproducing in recap to language the receptor natural

equivalent of the source language message, first in term of meaning and second in term of
style (Nida and Teber, 1969). Meanwhile, according to Catford (1965:20) translating is the
replacement of textual material in one language by equivalent textual material to another
language. Based on the explanation above we know that translating is process of changing
the source text into target language which has some meaning.

When we talk to another people and using different language, it must be translated in
order to understand each other. Translator can be alternative choices when we do not like
teaching. It means that when we understand translation deeper, we can become good
translator. Knowing the definition of translation is not complete without understanding the
types of translation and procedure, because they are the initial problem in this research.
There are many types of translation. According to Larson, it is defined form based and
meaning based.However, there are many types in translation.

In this research, the researcher takes the type of translation according to Larson
because the theory of Larson mentioned that is easy to understand and it is basic theory.
Even though a linguist gives many definitions, but they have same destination to understand

translation and Larson’s types are representative of all types that linguists mention and most
of student awareness of using type.

1.2 Problem of formulation

1. What is general type of translation?
2. how many types of translation?





Generally type is a term considered as certain which has special feature and
characteristic. Furthermore, type is a group of those thing particular features in common. It also
can be stated that type is a number of people or thing having in common traits or characteristics
that distinguish them as a group. The eight most common types of translation services that we
see are:

 Literary translation
 Professional translation
 Technical Translation
 Administrative translation

 Scientific Translation
 Juridical Translation
 Judicial Translation
 Legal Translation
 Financial Translation

Below, we explain all of these in further detail, so you can get a better understanding of what
they are.

A. Literary Translation
As the name Literary translation may suggest, this type is all about translating literary
works like stories, poems, plays, etc. (see for example Kindlepreneur.) This type of
translation is often considered the hardest or most comprehensive, as the translator not only

needs to get the meaning of the words right, but also the context, sound, and feeling behind
the words.

By this, we’re also talking about knowing the culture of both languages well enough
to translate any humor, emotions, and any types of similar elements of a piece of work. As
you can imagine, this requires extensive knowledge and experience. Plus, it can still be hard
even then, as in some cases, there are no suitable translations. For example, in poetry, when
the rhyming of words or puns is used for additional wordplay, it often does not work in the
target language.

B. Professional Translation
The next type of translation is professional translation. Any type of translations that
are used for professional purposes, we would usually fit into this category. Some common
examples would be a medical translation or a legal translation. Here, the main goal is usually
to get all the information translated as accurately as possible. Unlike with a literary
translation, documents won’t have any wordplay such as puns or rhymes, making it a little
easier for the translator.

However, accuracy is crucial for any type of professional translation, especially for
industries where the consequences of inaccuracies could be huge, such as medical or law
with medical translation and legal translation. Like the ones named above, more complex
industries will often also require a specialist to ensure accuracy. Of course, this does depend
on the subject matter, but the more complex the source language, the more educated the
translator must be. This is especially the case if there is a lot of business jargon used or a
certified translation required.

C. Technical Translation
Technical translations are also technical, as the name suggests. Here, we’re
usually talking about translating technical content for businesses such as:

 Engineering Documents
 Instruction Manual

 User guides
 Technical Training
These types of documents will usually need technical translation services because
the translator has to understand the topic well to ensure that they can tell the user what
they should do accurately. Not only this, but they also have to understand the formatting
requirements, and sometimes the images have to be changed so that they can be
understood in the target language.

If you require a technical translation, it’s also crucial that you choose a company
or transcriptionist who is comfortable and is experienced with your particular
industry.The content of a technical translation is usually quite complicated, so if your
business ever needs some documents like the ones mentioned above translated, this is the
translation type you’ll be looking for.

D. Administrative Translation
The administrative translation is a translation type used for the documents and
management texts of organizations like corporate or regional businesses. Administrative
translations can be considered a sub translation type of professional translations. However,
not all professional translations are administrative, so it doesn’t quite work, vice-versa.

E. Scientific Translation

As a sub-group of technical translation, sure enough scientific translation deals with

documents in sciences: articles, theses, papers, congress booklets, conference presentations,
clinical study reports, etc.

F. Juridical Translation

Juridical translation refers to legally-binding documentation. It includes the

translation of numerous legal documents: laws; regulations and decrees; general sales and
purchase conditions; legally binding contracts such as labor; license and commercial
contracts; partnership agreements, accords; protocols and conventions; internal regulations;

insurance policies; and bail assurance, among others. Juridical translators must have a solid
legal background in addition to their linguistic training.

G. Judicial Translation

Judicial translation –not to be confused with legal or certified translation– refers to

the task of translation undertaken in a court setting. Judicial translators specialize in
translating documents such as letters rogatory, minutes of proceedings, judgements, expert
opinions, deposition, minutes of interrogation sessions, etc.

H. Legal Translation

Legal translation covers a wide range of documents. Think of legal documents such
as summons and warrants; administrative forms or texts such as registration certificates,
corporate statutes and remittance drafts; technical documents such as expert opinions or other
texts for judicial purposes; and a number of other texts in addition to reports and minutes of
court proceedings.

I. Financial Translation

Financial or economic translation deals obviously with documentation relating to the

likes of finance, banking, investment, and stock exchange activity. It includes company
accounts, annual reports, financial statements and contracts, financing packages, and so forth.



From all the different samples we exposed, be them of journalistic (pragmatic),
specialized or literary types, we notice first that there is not only one way or method to
translated, second, we confirm the theory of Reiss that proposes a different method for each type
of text, and finally we understand that each text, whatever is its nature or type, requires the usage
of different techniques, there is no one for all recipe, and text typologies definitely determine the
strategies used to translate any type of text.

Let us not forget that text typologies do not always meet among languages, the same is
asserted for tenses or linguistic structures, but for typologies or genres, it is not always a taken
for granted assumption that text types are the same. Compromises are necessary to find the best
solutions, starting from the word level to the overall text level.


Reis, Katarina, 1995, Grundfragen der Übersetzungswissenschaft. Wien, WUV.

Colina, Sonia. 2003. Translation Teaching, From Research to the Classroom. A Handbook for
Teachers. Singapore: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

types of translation.pdf
Susini Made and others (2018), Strategy of Diffusion and Its Impacts on the Translation of
Meditation Text, Journal of Langage Teaching and Research, Warmadewa University, Bali,
Indonesia, p: 1349-1355

Trosborg, Anna. 1997, Text Typology and Translation, ebook,

John Benjamins Publishing Co.

Vermeer,H.J.(1996).A skopos theory of translation.Heidelberg:Textcontext.

Vinay, J.-P. et J. Darbelnet (1995) : Comparative Stylistics of French and English : a

Methodology for Translation, traduit par Juan C. Sager et M.-J. Hamel, Amsterdam, John


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