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Petty Cash

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Petty Cash Cash

Cash is one of the
Presented By
most important
Md. Mahedi Hasan assets a business
BBA (DU), CA Advanced Stage (ICAB owns. Cash is the
under ICAEW Syllabus)
Deputy Manager (A&C), ACNABIN, primary asset used
Chartered Accountants to acquire other
assets as well as to
pay for operating

Internal Control for Cash Petty Cash

Because Cash is a highly Another internal control is to keep as little
desirable asset and cash on hand as possible. It is often necessary,
is readily transferable, however, to keep some cash on hand.
internal control over
Cash kept on hand at a business to pay for
cash is especially
small items such as postage due, a birthday
card, or fuel expenses is known as Petty Cash.


Establishing A Petty Cash Fund

Petty Cash
A Petty Cash fund is established by cashing a
Petty Cash is generally kept in a petty cash check for the amount determined to be
drawer and payments are made for included in the Petty Cash fund. This amount
miscellaneous items out of this cash. varies by company and may be as small as $25
or as large as $500 depending on the
company’s needs.

Journal Entry for Establishing A

Internal Control Over Petty Cash
Petty Cash Fund
Assume that JCC has determined that $125 cash Petty Cash is paid out in exchange for a petty
should be kept on hand for miscellaneous expenses. cash voucher signed by both the recipient of
A check will be written on JCC’s checking account the cash and the petty cash controller. The
and JCC will put $125 cash in a Petty Cash drawer. voucher should indicate the amount of cash
The following journal entry should be recorded for paid out and the purpose of the disbursement.
this transaction. The recipient of the cash should provide a
Petty Cash 125 receipt for the purchase made out of petty cash
Cash 125 which will be attached to the
Established Petty Cash Fund petty cash voucher.


Replenishing Petty Cash: An Example

Replenishing Petty Cash ●The cash in the Petty Cash Voucher Fuel Exp
Amount $23.00
Petty Cash Drawer is Charge to Fuel Expense Totals $61
At some point the Petty Cash fund must be replenished. It counted. Petty Cash Voucher
is at this point that the petty cash fund will also be Amount $38.00
reconciled. Charge to Fuel Expense
Petty Cash Voucher
Amount $15.00 Office
The procedure to replenish and reconcile petty cash $18 Charge to Off Supplies Supplies
begins by counting the cash remaining in the Petty Cash Petty Cash Voucher Total $24
drawer. Next, all vouchers are totaled. The combined Amount $9.00
Charge to Off Supplies
total of remaining cash and Petty Cash Vouchers should ●The Petty Cash
Petty Cash Voucher Misc Expense
equal the established value of the Petty Cash fund. Vouchers are organized Amount $22.00 Totals $22
and totaled. Charge to Misc Expense
Finally, the Petty Cash vouchers should be organized into
All Vouchers Total $107
expense categories.

Replenishing Petty Cash: An Example Replenishing Petty Cash: An Example

●Add the total of the cash in the Petty Cash Drawer to the ●The Petty Cash Fund must be replenished by cashing a
total of all Petty Cash Vouchers. check to bring the drawer up to the originally funded amount.
$18 + $107 = $125. The Petty Cash fund for JCC was originally funded for $125.
A count of the cash in the Petty Cash drawer revealed $18.
●Compare the total of all items in the Petty Cash drawer to
Cash of $107 must be added to the Petty Cash drawer to
the amount for which Petty Cash was established.
replenish the fund.
●A journal entry is required to record the transaction to
Petty Cash Fund Original Balance: $125
replenish the Petty Cash fund.


Replenishing Petty Cash: Journal Entry

●When journalizing the entry to replenish Petty Cash, you This Concludes
will debit the items for which Petty Cash was withdrawn and
credit Cash. The Presentation on
●Recall the Petty Cash Vouchers that were previously
organized and totaled. These vouchers provide the numbers Petty Cash and
used in the debit portion of this entry.
●The Cash shortage must also be addressed with this entry.
Fuel Expense 61
Office Supplies 24
Miscellaneous Expense 22
Cash 107

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