Petty Cash
Petty Cash
Petty Cash
●Add the total of the cash in the Petty Cash Drawer to the ●The Petty Cash Fund must be replenished by cashing a
total of all Petty Cash Vouchers. check to bring the drawer up to the originally funded amount.
$18 + $107 = $125. The Petty Cash fund for JCC was originally funded for $125.
A count of the cash in the Petty Cash drawer revealed $18.
●Compare the total of all items in the Petty Cash drawer to
Cash of $107 must be added to the Petty Cash drawer to
the amount for which Petty Cash was established.
replenish the fund.
●A journal entry is required to record the transaction to
Petty Cash Fund Original Balance: $125
replenish the Petty Cash fund.