5249 13639 2 PB
5249 13639 2 PB
5249 13639 2 PB
2 (2019) 47-49
Case Report
Pseudocyesis, Pregnancy, False Pregnancy Conclusion: Pseudocyesis symptoms are just common pregnancy, but actually
it is a false pregnancy.
Phone: +6285328111988
E-mail: lindayanti@uhb.ac.id
The most common factor to a woman who experiences A very valid examination to detect pseudocyesis is Ultra-
pseudocyesis is due to a very long desire for the presence sonography (USG). Ultrasonography examination can see
of a child. Women suffered from schizophrenia and re- its fetal parts, amniotic fluid, and fetal heart rate. 23,24 to a
ceived antipsychotic treatment are also at risk of pseudo- truly pregnant woman at around 6 weeks pregnancy, the
cyesis.3 results of the conception can be seen through an ultraso-
nography examination, meanwhile pseudocyesis pregnant
Pseudocyesis patients normally believe that they are preg- is certainly no results seen.24 Physical examinations such
nant, but then suddenly loss, so that it is assumed to be as palpation and percussion can also be performed. A
taken by a supernatural creature.11 Besides, some people woman who experiences pseudocyesis shows a chewy
say that the fetus in the stomach has moved to another and tight sensation and when a percussion is performed,
person or other body part such as back because of a a hypertympany will be heard because of a bulk of gas. 7,
8, 2, 25
magic from someone.1,2
Pseudocyesis often shows common signs and symptoms Patients identified with pseudocyesis should be immedi-
of pregnancy, namely no menstruation, nausea, vomiting, ately transferred to a hospital for further examination, one
enlargement of the stomach, weight gain, and other preg- of which is an ultrasonography examination. Collaboration
nancy symptoms, and sometimes even urine test results between gynecologist and psychiatrist will be useful in
can be false positive, but actually they are not really preg- overcoming the problem.3–5,26,27 Through a proper diagno-
nant, 13,14 in some cases, patients also stated that they felt sis from gynecology and psychiatrists, conflict in the com-
fetal movements 4,15. This make some patients believe that munity regarding to mystically lost of fetus will be avoided.
she is pregnant.16 These symptoms generally last for sev-
eral weeks or several months, may even last more than Pseudocyesis can also be prevented by avoiding stress
nine months.7 Common people or even health providers and depression and assistance for expectant mothers be-
sometimes find it difficult to distinguish between real preg- cause often these cases are based on depression 40% -
nancy or pseudocyesis.17–20 60% and lead to the risk of premature death. If it is not
managed properly, it will lead to mental disability which
According to some literature, psychological problems are contributes to 4.3% of all diseases worldwide. 3,28
the main cause to the emergence of peudocyesis. When a
woman expects to get pregnant, her body will emit signs CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION
which resemble the original pregnancy such as an
enlarged abdomen, enlarged breasts, and even a Pseudocyesis is a condition when a person experience
sensation of fetal movements in the stomach. It is because signs of pregnant but it is not real pregnant. Pseudocyesis
the hypophyse gland responds to the belief in pregnancy, manifestations found are amenorrhea, enlargement of the
which causes the catecholaminergic pathway which abdomen, bigger hips and positive PP test which is quite
regulates hormone secretion in the anterior pituitary to rare. Collaboration between gynecology and psychiatrist is
function properly resulting in hormonal imbalance. The necessary in order to get further treatment.
brain then produces the hormones estrogen and prolactin
which cause nausea, vomiting and enlargement in the
LINDA YANTI / MEDISAINS - VOL. 17 NO. 2 (2019) 47-49