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10 Social Media Mistakes How To Avoid Them by Blessing Abeng

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A Guide to Starting & Quitting

10 Social Media Mistakes

& How to Avoid Them

Blessing Abeng
10 Social Media Mistakes Blessing
& How to Avoid them Abeng

Table of Contents

Author's note ...................................................................................... 03

#1 Not knowing yourself .............................................................. 04

#2 Not knowing your audience ................................................ 07

#3 Not having goals ...................................................................... 10

#4 Being confused about your niche ................................... 12

#5 A disconnect between your bio & your offering....... 15

#6 Skipping the funnel approach to content.................... 18

#7 Not being human ..................................................................... 20

#8 Not being consistent .............................................................. 22

#9 Not engaging ............................................................................ 24

#10 Not collaborating ................................................................... 26

Bonus .................................................................................................... 29

Author's note ..................................................................................... 30

In this concise book, I’ll share the mistakes
and solutions that will ensure you do not
make these mistakes in the new year.
Author's Note

The Birth of
this Book
In 2019, I wasn’t quite as popular on Social media is a magnified version
social media. I had worked with of actual human behavior because
multinationals and built great the internet has made the world a
brands and social pages across small global village; this is why I
industries. I had worked in agencies believe that the advice I’m about to
and worked with brands like Dark share here will be timeless and
and Lovely, Heritage Bank, and a relevant for the next five years.
host of others, but my expertise
never really reflected on my social Read it. Digest it and pick one thing
media pages. to implement every month. I have
also inserted guides along the way
This 2020, I committed to teaching to make your experience even more
people what I know and sharing practical!
more valuable content with people
who need it for free. In a short To make the journey so much easier,
period, my community grew by over I created a guide/ extra resource for
17,000. I learned a lot as a personal each chapter. Some are free, and
brand, and I have learned so much some are not-so-free. This book is a
managing the social pages of loaded resource.
businesses (small, medium, and
large) within and outside Nigeria.
Based on questions and
conversations I have had within
one-on-one consultations, all the
training I have organized so far, and
from my amazing community. You deserve this gift.
I have noticed patterns and Implement it.
common mistakes people make in
managing their social media
Cherish it.
pages. In this concise book, I’ll share Share it.
the mistakes and solutions that will
ensure you do not make these
mistakes in the new year.

10 Social Media Mistakes 3

Mistake One

Not knowing

This mistake is the most common mistake I have seen people make on
social media. They are joining social media platforms without first getting a
foundational understanding of self.

So, the first question is:

“Who are you?”

This question is not an easy question to an easy question to answer as who

you were 5 minutes ago is not necessarily who you are now.

Download Self Discovery Guide

10 Social Media Mistakes 4

10 Social Media Mistakes Blesing Abeng

Mistake 1

Not knowing

You are constantly evolving.Yes! If I’m These three pillars are:

candid, it is a complicated question
because we are continually evolving Your Identity
by the second. Our beliefs, thoughts, Your Communication
goals, and so many things are Your Credibility
changing per second.
The identity part is the core pillar
It is a middle ground between who where you figure out who you are as
you were and who you want to be.I a person/business. Your identity is
know I sound a bit philosophical, but your knowledge of self in relation to
this middle ground is the reason your audience that makes you
people never know how to answer recognisable. Your identity is the
the question “tell me about yourself. flavour that attracts people.

This mistake goes beyond personal This has to do with who you are
brands. As a business, inside and outside. It also
encompasses what you represent
-Who is your business? and project. It is your unique
-How would you define your brand? identifier, features that people can
use to describe you.
I find that self-awareness is a very
integral part of branding. I think 3 Key things to note: “Knowledge of
branding and self-awareness go self,” “in relation to your audience”
hand in hand, and it is the first step that makes you “recognisable.”
in branding. If you’ve ever listened to
any of my teachings about branding, This short definition means your
I think three key pillars come identity consists of you, your
together to make up a brand - both audience, and elements that make
personal and business brands. you recognisable.
Mistake One

Not knowing

I realised that we find ourselves by Just answer these questions in a

asking questions, more “What” jotter. I have prepared a guide to
questions than “Why” questions. help you become more self-aware
and find yourself to a certain degree.
Answer these as a person or as a
business: Download Self Discovery Guide

How would you describe yourself Remember, self-awareness is a

to a stranger? journey and not a destination, but at
What help do people ask you for? least have a basic knowledge of self!
What do you like learning about? It makes it easier for you to make
What are your strengths, decisions, be less swayed, know what
weaknesses, personal values, pet advice applies to you, & take action
peeves and sweet spots? with conviction and confidence.
What is your personality?
Using 5 adjectives, how would Self-awareness will also help you
you describe yourself? Ask 5 choose your social media platforms
friends to describe you with 5 and aesthetics, become a better
adjectives. collaborator, tell a better story,
What are your skills and what converse better with confidence
makes you unique? while engaging with your audience,
What do you look out for in your while taking your personality, values,
friends? experience, and tone into account.
What makes you feel loved or
special? Don’t go into next year unsure about
What do you want to be who you are. Gain clarity about
remembered for? Why? yourself .

Download Self Discovery Guide

10 Social Media Mistakes 6

Mistake two

Not knowing
your audience

Social media is such a fantastic place to make sales, build community,

create awareness, build credibility, and create lasting relationships.

However, if you do not know your audience, you will probably never
experience these things. For example, If you were @angela and you had a
brilliant idea to start a socks business. It may not be very wise to change
@angela to @stockingsandmore.


Your friends followed @angela to keep up with what’s happening in your life,
not to be bombarded with socks pictures and tips for caring for socks!

Get Audience DIscovery Guide

10 Social Media Mistakes 7

10 Social Media Mistakes Blessing Abeng

Mistake 2

Not knowing
your audience

An exception, however, could be: They must be willing and able to

Majority of your friends know about pay for it
your business, and they patronise They must be willing and able to
and support you. pay for it again.

You can then change it to To further buttress this:

@angelastockings, but that means
your followers may expect your Dangote (the richest man in Africa)
personal brand to be connected to has the capacity to pay for pure
the business, so you have to show us water (water in a sachet instead of a
a little bit about your life, what’s bottle), but he will not be willing to
going on... BTS about managing the pay or might not even perceive pure
socks business will be perfect. water as a solution to his thirst.

Many people struggle with social Oxygen is free but will you pay for it,
media because they do not know nope! However, people in the
who they are creating content for! hospital who are on life support and
Are you making the content for your cannot breathe by themselves will
friends? Or for your colleagues? Or willingly pay for the oxygen tanks at
for children? Or for who exactly?If I whatever price is presented to them.
ask you, “who is your target If you were going to the moon, you’d
customer?” Please don’t say pay for oxygen.
everybody because that means
I have also realized that you may
Your customer must check 3 boxes: have an audience (people who have
a problem you can solve) of 100
They must need a solution to the people, but only 2-10 will be
problem you solve customers.
Mistake two

Not knowing
your audience

This means 90%-98% of your Focus on someone, not everyone.

followers/ audience may never buy Get one person, give that one person
from you. This doesn’t mean you are your best, watch that person grow
doomed. Instead, it presents an into 10 People, give your best. And
opportunity, an opportunity to use you’ll notice exponential growth.
the other 90% as evangelists. While
they may never buy from you, they A crucial part of knowing your
may speak on your behalf to people audience is speaking their
you have never met and increase language.Ask them questions in
your chances of building an amazing conversations. Engage with them in
customer base. the comment section of your posts
and those of other communities in
This is why I believe your first 1000 your industry. You can even engage
followers are essential. Read more in the comment section of your
about building loyal fans here or competitors. What words do they use
watch the full hour-long video here. to describe their problems? Insert
You need to be able to define your those words in your title or the
customer/audience based on their solution description.

Demography: Location, gender, Remember, the idea of a target

age, etc. audience or customer doesn’t mean
Psychography: Goals, challenge, everyone else cannot buy from you.
behavior, inspiration, motivation, It just means they are not the ideal
doubts and reason to believe people. Be as specific as you can be.

To make the process so much easier, Focus on your smallest viable

I have created a guide for you. audience

Get Audience DIscovery Guide

10 Social Media Mistakes 9

Mistake three

Not having

“Goal Clarity” is so essential, yet so few people set social media goals. If you
have a business social media page or a personal brand, you need to have
social media goals! It’s as though we all join social media because our
friends are there or because we attended a seminar, and they said, “you
need to be on social media.” We never really think about “ What do I really
want to get from social media? Why am I joining? What platform is best for

You need to be clear on what you hope to benefit from social media. Do you
want sales, growth, awareness, engagement? Be super-specific. Use the
SMART goal strategy to ensure you articulate it well.

[Read this Smart Goal Resource]

10 Social Media Mistakes 10

Mistake three

Not having

Have social media goals Don't just be on social media platforms and not
know why you are there or what your goals for that month or year are. You'll
require different strategies for different goals. Be very clear and realistic. e.g.,
I want to increase my engagement by 20%, or I want to increase my followers
by 1000.

Also, ensure that the social media platforms you pick match your goals. It’s
okay for your goals to be in line with your customers’ goals, but by asking
yourself “why” at least three times, you’ll get to the root of your goals.

Why are you in this business?

Why are you helping them?
Why is that important to you?
Is there an amount of money you want to make?
Do you want to become a thought leader?

Your goals must benefit you and your audience. Look out for the mutual

Get this Goal Setting Guide

10 Social Media Mistakes 11

Mistake Four

Being confused
about your niche

A niche is a subsection of the population (a community) who share a

common value or interest. A niche is precise. It gives you laser focus and
clarity because you are focused on your smallest viable audience. You
become an expert and begin to build a reputation. You also know who your
customer is and is not. You stand out and attract the right people! One way
to go is with Ikigai.

You can use the ikigai formula to niche down by finding the middle point
where these factors meet: your skills, your knowledge, passion, needs of your
target audience, and their willingness to pay. Remember that you don't need
to monetize all your skills and passions.

Get this Guide to Find Your Niche

10 Social Media Mistakes 12

Mistake Four

Being confused
about your niche

Remember, some passions and skills

exist to support your primary goals,
skills, or purpose. Not everything has
to take the lead. I am an excellent
networker, but I won't present myself
as a "sales manager.” Instead, I use
my networking skills for the growth of
my business. Don't monetize

Most accountants only know

numbers, and for most people,
numbers are boring. However, if you
could present those numbers in
aesthetically pleasing ways… then
that’s a super plus! That, in itself, is
Ikigai not always a clear cut for the niche. Niching doesn’t mean -
everyone. A lady once told me about pick one. It just means be just right
her interest in two very different for your smallest viable audience. Be
fields. Graphic design and the best you can be for them.There
accounting, and I wondered why she are a few ways to niche if you are
had to choose. She was super good multi-talented.
at both, and it could be her unique
selling point if she put her mind to it. Dedicate time to building your niche.
It was such an eye-opener for her. Create value & content for your
Another way to go could have been niche. But this advice only applies to
to become a graphic designer for people who have tried a few things
accountants or an accountant for in their lives and understand who
graphic designers. they want to serve.

10 Social Media Mistakes 13

10 Social Media Mistakes Blessing Abeng

Mistake 4

Being confused
about your niche

If you are still very young, don’t Then, she shared Fenty with us, and
bother niching—experiment and we transferred that trust to Fenty.
document your journey. Tell us what Pick one as a foundation and get us
you learned, how you applied it, why to trust you at that one, then expand.
you found it interesting, and stuff like
that. You can only niche when you The Chris Brown Strategy: Chris
have several things to niche from. Brown can draw, dance, act, sing,
You can’t build an ikigai Venn gosh... the man can do many things
diagram based solely on your but guess what? He is an entertainer.
passion. You need skill, knowledge, They are all connected. You can find
passion, viability, and value to all a thread that connects most of the
play a part. dots. Introspect, you'll notice that one
thing may connect most of the
[Read this for context] things you do. Find the connection.

As a multi-talented creator, I can The Kanye Strategy: Kanye is a

understand and relate when people fantastic creator. Who knew he could
who possess diverse talents get be a fashion creator? Well, guess
confused about how to niche down; what he did? He created a separate
and There are four things you can do brand and called it Yeezy. Yeezy can
when you feel stuck or if niching exist independent of Kanye, just like
down bothers you: "Sunday Service.” You can create a
whole new company for the others
The Rihanna Strategy: Rihanna built and pick one to focus on as a
herself as a music thought-leader personal brand but stay involved.
and got us to trust her as a
musician. Then she acted, and we Get this Guide to Find Your Niche
transferred that trust to her movies. .
Mistake Five

Disconnect between
your bio & offering

Your Bio should define you in the simplest way that communicates your
personality and value. Except you are Mark Zuckerberg, where your name is
already strong, you may want to do better. Look at the bios of Kim
Kardashian, Richard Branson, My Bio (check out my press kit). Let the
message be consistent. On all your platforms, you should have a consistent
bio. Something that pitches who you are to anyone. I call this your unique
value proposition:

Value Proposition simply means - what do you do to help people? What do

you offer that takes people from where they are now to where they want to
be? or gives them something they want to have?

Read Resource on Bio Elements

10 Social Media Mistakes 15

Mistake Five

Disconnect between
your bio & offering

It is simply: Tell me what your brand is about. It consists of three things:

and Why.

I help (who) (do what) by (how)

because (why).

There are 9 elements that make up a bio:

Your handle. It can be whatever you want to be known for.

Your profile picture, something strong, a picture you’ll be proud of.

Something recognizable. I always think if Obama sees my profile picture,
would he take me seriously? If you don’t have a professional photo, use
your phone to take amazing pictures. If you don’t like the background, use
remove.bg to remove the background.

Your subtitle: this part is supposed to be for your name (especially if it’s
different from your handle). It is also the searchable part of Instagram.
You can use this to your advantage by adding your code area. E.g., you
can see "branding whiz" in mine. It just means if people search for
branding, they’ll find me.

The other 6 are “Who you are, Your Inbound Link, Your Link in Bio, Your Contact
Details, Your Highlights, and the first 3-9 posts on your feed.” I explain them in
detail in a blog post.

Read Resource on Bio Elements

10 Social Media Mistakes 16

Mistake Five

Disconnect between
your bio & offering

Read Resource on 9 Bio Elements

10 Social Media Mistakes 17

Mistake Six

Skipping the funnel

approach to content

So many people miss this. Not every post appeals to everyone at your target
audience. They are all at different points in their buyer journey. Some don’t
know you, and Some will never buy even if they know and love you. Some
need a lot of convincing, and Some need a little convincing. Some are about
to buy. They need different kinds of content to appeal to them.

The audience in the awareness phase may not know your name but they
know their problems. They will Google their problems and search for solutions
everywhere. When they do that, will you pop up? Create content that satisfies
them depending on where they are in their journey. When they Google their
questions or problems, ensure you have answers that solve their problems
and tie to your solution.

Get Content Strategy Workbook

10 Social Media Mistakes 18

Mistake Six

Skipping the funnel

approach to content

When they need convincing, throw in

freebies that tie back to your brand
every once in a while. Be smart with
your giveaway, lead generation tools,
first-time client rewards, and
discounts/offers. Tie your giveaways
back to your products so only people
who need it will participate in the
competition. Giveaway gift cards.

When they want to pay, make the

process smooth, and have an
amazing customer service to be
there to help if your customers
When they are interested, they’ll dig encounter any issues or have
deeper to know more about you and inquiries. Share guides or prominent
your product/service. Ensure your call-to-actions to help your
about page or bio is complete and customers buy.
When they buy, life doesn’t end
When they have doubts and there. In fact, your journey has just
compare you to your competitors, begun. You need to build a
ensure you have proof of your community and turn them into your
excellence, e.g., testimonials, behind brand advocate. Here’s how.
the scenes, user-generated content,
track records and reassurance that Rejig your content a little to match
communicate expertise. the tone and vibe of the platform.

Get Content Strategy Guide

10 Social Media Mistakes 19

Mistake Seven

Not being

Whether you are a business or a person, chances are, there’s a human being
at the other end of the phone liking the post as a business or individual
account. If you manage a business account, you are a person. Chances are
you’ll like content that you resonate with or you feel resonates with the

The point is, you the human... make the decision and taps the like button. This
is why I believe so much in human-to-human (H2H) marketing. Not bots...
humans. No one wants to engage with robots on social media. We want to
engage with human beings. Don’t get overwhelmed by B2B or B2C. Don’t
overthink it. Be human.

Read this H2H Resource

10 Social Media Mistakes 20

Mistake Seven

Not being

This means you don’t have to be You can take people on a journey
perfect all the time. You’re allowed to and give them personalized
have a beautiful BTS video. You can experiences. It means you don’t have
show imperfections, and admit to be a robot on social!
You can speak in human terms and
You can have a bad day. You can call people by their names and have
make one mistake. You can share personality and just be a human
and tell your story! You can be being!As a business, think... if your
imperfect every once in a blue moon. business was a human, who would it
It means you can be relatable and be? Not sure about how to be
use simple words. human?

Watch this Video

10 Social Media Mistakes 21

Mistake Eight

Not being

Social media content creation can be crazy, and it can be challenging to

stay consistent. This is one of the biggest pitfalls of so many people on the

We view consistency as a streak and a big feat that we can never achieve!
We forget that we are consistent at other things in our lives like eating,
sleeping, bathing, talking, even brushing!

In many talks I have given, I have shared how brushing my teeth helped me
see consistency in a whole new light.

Listen to this Podcast

10 Social Media Mistakes 22

Mistake Eight

Not being

You brush your teeth everyday right? You miss a day or two but you wake
up the next day and keep going. No
I am assuming you said yes! one is consistent 100% of the time!

What happens when you miss a day, We all miss one day but what makes
as in, you forget to brush for one you great is picking yourself up and
day... what happens? continuing, instead of stopping
Do you stop brushing forever?
To handle the pressure to be
A part of me hopes you said "No" to consistent, I find that having systems
that last question! work heavily for me.

Why didn't you stop brushing Come up with content categories

forever? and build content around them.
Decide à frequency you know you
Because it doesn't make sense to can maintain, bulk create content
stop because you missed one day! and all you’ll have to do is engage!

That's exactly how consistency Surround yourself with people and

works! At least, that's how I think things that inspire you to create and
consistency works. remind you of your mission.

Build habits, create processes, create Read some more tips that have
systems, that help you continue after helped me stay consistent over the
you miss one day. years.

My Consistency Hacks

10 Social Media Mistakes 23

Mistake nine

Not engaging

It’s not enough to create content and disappear. If everyone did that, no one
would ever like your post. You need to engage with the people who connect
with that content and the keywords related to that content. Engagement is
the key to building social relationships.

There are no one-size-fits-all approach to engagement, but these are a few

tips that can help you:

Engage with people in your comments and DMs. When you use stickers
like polls, quizzes, questions, etc., you can follow up in the DMs because
they are great conversation starters.

Watch this VIdeo to Learn More

10 Social Media Mistakes 24

Mistake nine

Not engaging

Be part of a community. Find Engage! Engage! Engage! Engage

people who share similar with your followers & thought leaders,
interests, goals, or passions with their posts and their comments and
you and connect with them. DMs. It is social media, not self-
Knowing that you are not alone media. Engage with thought leaders.
can be a powerful thing. Don’t be If you have less than 1000 followers,
a “taker” who never gives. Add you can find nine amazing people in
value to the community. Be seen, your industry, follow them, and drop
Be heard. See. Hear. meaningful comments. Be genuine,
Talk to people doing what you do. be smart and be kind. Be social.
Make friends with people, ask for
help and add value to them in Every social media platform
return. Find people in the same promotes their newest feature to
boat as you and they can throw encourage adoption and
you a life raft when you need it engagement, so don't sleep on it!
especially if you are experiencing Use GIFs, use stories, use polls, use
impostor syndrome. new features released by the social
Weigh in on relevant media platform. Using new features
conversations concerning topics increases discoverability.
you want to be a thought leader.
Have a perspective, an opinion. Serve your current followers before
Don’t just share one-word you start searching for more. Dig
comments or emojis. deeper. When someone says
Follow accounts that are related something to you, probe. They may
to your niche. Join in on live have something more to say. You
conversations and be just have to show you are willing to
memorable. hear it. ENGAGE!

Read this Resource on Engagement

10 Social Media Mistakes 25

Mistake ten


Collaboration is simply working with someone with shared goals or vision to

produce something for the benefit of both parties. Collaborating with like-
minded industry colleagues is one of the most helpful ways to continue
growing your audience and brand. It diversifies your work, creates social
proof from other established creators, builds credibility, and introduces you to
a new community. Plus, it can be fun.

First define the purpose or goal for the collaboration. Once you've defined
your purpose, you need to identify the kind of people who can help you fulfill
the goals. Someone with shared values whom you can offer value to and
receive value from. Think about people who have relevant experience and
skills, or contribute different perspectives that would bring value to your
audience and brand. Go beyond vanity metrics.

Read this Resource

10 Social Media Mistakes 26

Mistake ten


Build a relationship. Don’t wait till you Don’t beg, don’t be desperate. Be
need someone before you connect aware that they are allowed to say
with them. Invest time in building a no and that’s okay.
Don’t burn the bridge, keep nurturing
Get to know them, sow the seeds the relationship till another
and be deliberate. Interact with them opportunity presents itself.
online or offline. Take the person out
for lunch, comment on their posts, Don't be afraid to go outside your
respond to their stories, be friendly. niche. Your audience indeed loves
Be equipped with things they’ve done your tips and hacks for their life and
and build familiarity. Add value to career. But, they probably have other
them. Be genuine. interests as well.

Collaborate based on shared goals, Some of those interests might be

shared vision, mutually beneficial only slightly related to your content,
purpose. or perhaps not related at all.

Always approach collaboration with Look out for complementary

a win-win mindset. Ask yourself, will I collaborations, collaborations within
be proud to be associated with this your industry or completely outside
person? Does this person align with your industry that still ties back to
my brand? State the goal and the your message or goals.
value the collaboration will bring, not
only to you and your audience but After the collaboration, analyze! So
also to them and their audience. you can track and optimize.

Read this Collaboration Resource

10 Social Media Mistakes 27

Bonus Mistakes because there are 12
Months in a Year, and I derive joy in over-
delivering. So here are two bonus
mistakes to avoid!
Mistake Eleven

Not repurposing

It is a waste of resources to create content only for one platform, in one

media type. Every post deserves more than one life. Every piece of content
should have at least 9 lives and live for your dynamic audience. There are so
many benefits of repurposing content. You save time, reinforce your
message, reach more people, and again, save time. So how can you get this

Expand your listicles: Make each item on the list a full article. E.g. I could write
a whole article about how to expand your listicles or carousels. In summary,
listicles are just numbered points you make about a topic. If you taught
about 5 ways to Create Content, pick number 1, and expand on it in a
different post. Don’t repeat the exact message, the exact same way
everywhere. Host a live, e-event, clubhouse, or webinar: Discuss a top-
performing post by hosting a webinar or a live video. You could turn it up a
notch by inviting an expert to discuss it with you. It might get your audience
to engage with you on a deeper level.

Space out your repurposed content, master your voice & tone across
platforms, invest time in creating templates, re-invent yourself every once in
a while, use easy tools like Canva, Veed, Later to automate your process.I
could go on about this, but I already wrote extensively about this on Cassie
Daves' blog.

Read this Resource

10 Social Media Mistakes 29

Mistake twelve

Hiding under the

introvert umbrella

If you had a pack of biscuits in your hand and a hungry child passed by you.
This child is evidently hungry, you can see the lines of the child’s rib cage.
Would you deny the child food because you are an introvert?
I really hope you said no!

What if you were sitting beside someone and the person clenched their chest
and slipped into cardiac arrest, will you call for help?
I really hope you said yes.

The thing is, in moments of life and death, being an introvert or extrovert
doesn’t really matter. It’s about saving lives and doing good.

How it Connects:

It’s okay to be an introvert. Yet, no one says… I will starve hungry children
because I am an introvert. The truth is, the solution you present may be the
source of someone’s livelihood. I am sure Mark Zuckerberg when he built
Facebook never envisaged that people will charge money to grant access to
their Facebook groups or Influencer Marketing will be born out of Instagram.
Your destiny is tied to someone else’s and you can make a big difference in
their lives by sharing your solution with them.

Social media does not have to be about sharing your day-to-day life. You
can have your small exclusive community and add value. You can be
faceless like “Anonymous” and add value. You can harness your
“introvertness” as a superpower to create a different kind of community on
social media. There isn’t one way to run your social media. Break the rules,
bend the rules, be the rules! It doesn’t matter too much. Just make a
difference in someone’s life.

Read this Resource

10 Social Media Mistakes 30

Author's Note


In all, none of this would matter if you don’t start at all.

If you are probably too scared to start, defeat the fear of starting by reading
this short guide I put together in collaboration with Seth Godin: The Guide to
Starting and Quitting.

Read it here.

Thank you for taking the time to read this book that I created with love. It’s not
enough to read this book and feel super-pumped. Pick one thing you've
learned and go do it.

I hope these tips help you strategize your social media better next year. If you
need someone to talk to for an hour so we can plan next year together and
gain clarity, I’m available for an hour, book here.

Talk to me for One Hour

10 Social Media Mistakes 31

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