Banoko Pilipinas: Serurnai. No
Banoko Pilipinas: Serurnai. No
Banoko Pilipinas: Serurnai. No
l. GeneralGuidelines
A. Authorized Signatory
1. Commencement of Operations
2. Establishment of New Branches and/or Newly-accredited Remittance Sub-agents
3. Additional/Terminated Remittance Tie-up partners
4. Transfer of Location of Office/Remittance Sub-agent
5. Additional Business Activity
6. Closure of Branch/Remittance Sub-agent
7. Closure of Business
All notifications shall be submitted using the following Data Entry Template/Forms,
otherwise, it shall not be accepted.
b. In the form of Manager's Check (MC) or Postal Money Order (pMO) payable to
the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas sent through registered mail or courier.
a' Personal filing at ISD I Registration Counter, Ground Floor Multi-Storey Building,
BSP Complex, A. Mabinistreet, Malate, Manila; or
The Director
Integrated Supervision Department I
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ll. Notification Guidelines
The entity shall submit the applicable notification form together with the documentary
requirements within the prescribed deadline. Otherwise, the entity shall be subject to
applicable enforcement actions.
A. Commencement of Operations
A BSP-registered MSB shall commence operations within three (3) months from the
date of issuance of the Certificate of Registration (COR).
The MSB shall notify ISD l, BSP in writing of the start of operations within five (5)
business days from the actual start of operations.
MSB shall notify ISD l, BSP regarding each and every branch it operates or newly
accredited remittance sub-agent/s (RSAs), within five (5) business days from the start
of each office's operations or from contract signing with RSA, as applicable.
In accrediting RSAs, RTC shall ensure that it conducts appropriate due diligence and
shall provide effective continuing oversight of its RSAS. Further, RTC shall ensure that
an RSA with at least two (2) offices is registered as Remittance Agent (RA) and has
secured the corresponding BSP COR. A non-refundable supplemental registration fee
of P1,000 per activity per office included in the notification shall be collected from
the head office.
1. The notification shall be submitted using the Data Entry Template (DET)
prescribed form.
a. Download the prescribed DET and User's Guide or request directly from
BSP-ISD I thru email address
b. Accomplish the prescribed DET and save the file using the prescribed format
as follows:
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To: lSDlLicensins@
Subject: Form 4M - Mail, Cebu, Cebu City, ABC Money Changer and
Remittance Business
d. Print the corresponding DET generated notification Form 4M. Said Form 4M
shall be signed by the authorized signatory and be submitted together with
the documentary requirements listed in Annex A. The applicant shall submit
both the soft and hard/printed copy.
2' The BSP shall issue the corresponding Registration Number for each additional
RTC/MC/FXD office.
RTC shall notify ISD l, BSP within five (5) business days from the date of addition
and/or termination of remittance tie-up partner/s using the BSp-prescribed
Form 5M and shall be accompanied by the following documentary requirements,
as applicable:
a. Certified true copy (by the Head of Business Permit and Licensing Office or
equivalent position, with printed Name and Designation) of the business permit
from the city/municipality having territorial jurisdiction over the place of
establishment and operation of the office for the current period, which should
indicate the line of business of the registered entity;
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b. Original Certificate of Registration (if the transfer involved the Head Office) or an
affidavit in case of loss; and
RTC initially registered as Type A or B without MC/FXD operations shall notifo ISD l,
BSP within five (5) business days from the date of addition of said business activity.
RTC shall submit the notification using the BSP-prescribed Form 7M and shall be
accompanied by the following documentary requirements:
a. Certified true copy (by the Head of Business Permit and Licensing Office or
equivalent position, with printed Name and Designation) of the business permit
from the city/municipality having territorial jurisdiction over the place of
establishment and operation of the office for the current period, which should
indicate the line of business of the registered entity; and
The same notification requirement shall apply to Pawnshop Operator with Type B
and C License who subsequently wishes to offer corollary business activities.
A notice of closure using the BSP-prescribed Form 8M shall be submitted by the MSB
within five (5) business days after the effectivity of such closure.
6. Closure of Business
MSB shall notify ISD l, BSP using the BSP-prescribed Form 9M for the closure of
business within five (5) business days from the actual date of closure together with
the following documentary requirements:
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ftesron tf.
A. EsPfNrru.,
Deputy Governor
3f March 2017
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Submission Deadline: Form 4M
5 business days from the (DET generated form)
start of office operation or Page 1 of 1
from contract signing with RSA
----------NOTH|NG FOLLOWS-
Partner/PresidenVAuthorized Officerr/)
rhru: The offtceofrhe Dir.ctor
Intq.ated Sup€rvtston Dep.rtm.ntl
I heebY certifv under the Plnaltiet of perlury that the requircm.nts p.escrtbcd under secion 4suN
of MoRNBF|-N Regut.flonr ar.m€nd€d, hav€ been comoti€d wlth.
PuEUant to Se$lon 4511N of th€ Manualof Reguletions for Non-Bank Financial Instltutions - N (MORNBfI-NI Retulations, as amended by Ckcular No.942 det€d
20January 2017, I h€reby notify the BSP ofthefollowlnSl
Control I Office* Retistration Number Complete Susiness Address Business Activity Date of Actual Start of Operations
In support her€of, l/we submit the follos/ing docum€ntary requkem€nts:--_--_NOTH[{G
a. Odginal C€rtificat€ of R€tistration lfor the Head Otflce) or an affidavit in cas€ of loss
territorial jurisdidion over the place of establishrn€nt and operation of the office for the current p€dod, indicating th€ lin€ of business of the regtstered enttty
c. Paymenvproof of Fyment of applicabl€ f€es
v s{ppon d w(h
notadz.d sped
.r'ltly sh.ll lrkdi* b. submltt€d.
Submission Deadline:
Form 8M
5 business days after the
(DET generated form)
effectivity of closure
Page 1 of 1
(mFtcaltoN oF crosunE of ERAt{cH/REMr[Atc SUT.AGEiIT
(To b€ comptetetyfi ed up. Indicate 'NA,' if.n it€m is not appticabtel
I hereby certify under the penalties of perjury that the requirements prescribed under section 4511N of MoRNBFI-N Regulations, as amended,
have been complied with.
Doc. No.
Page No.
Book No.
Series of 20