Colicchia 2013
Colicchia 2013
Colicchia 2013
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Environmental sustainability has recently become more and more of a concern among both academics
Received 25 June 2012 and practitioners. In particular logistics services operations can play a significant role in reducing the
Received in revised form environmental burden of the supply chain. Although studies on these issues have been progressively
25 June 2013
increasing in the extant literature, still little investigation has been performed among Logistics Service
Accepted 28 June 2013
Available online 13 July 2013
Providers (LSPs). The present paper aims to fill this gap and provides the results of an empirical study on
the adoption of environmental initiatives in the contract logistics industry, along with the metrics used
for environmental performance measurement and the barriers and drivers that may hinder or facilitate
Environmental sustainability
the adoption of these initiatives. After a careful literature review, a framework was developed to identify
Logistics the initiatives towards environmental sustainability with a focus on companies involved in logistics and
Freight transportation transportation processes. The framework was applied to a set of ten LSPs by examining their environ-
Logistics Service Providers (LSPs) mental reporting and a sub-set of three companies was finally selected for in-depth interviews. An
analysis of the environmental sustainability initiatives of primary multinational LSPs and their adoption
level is presented. The present paper contributes to the knowledge of environmental sustainability for
logistics and transportation and offers new insights in theory, paving the way for further research on
these topics.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0959-6526/$ e see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
198 C. Colicchia et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 59 (2013) 197e209
methodology used in the study is described in Section 3. Based on a multiple supply chain members coherently with the product
thorough review of the literature, Section 4 illustrates the frame- stewardship strategy of the NRBV
work used to identify and assess the main initiatives towards performance measures, refer to environmental, operational and
environmental sustainability that may be adopted by companies financial measures needed to explore the effect of environ-
involved in logistics and freight transportation processes. Section 5 mental initiatives
discusses the results of the analysis of environmental reporting by institutional drivers, refer to external forces that motivate com-
companies involved in this research, and presents comparisons panies to adopt environmental initiatives coming from regula-
with the literature, while in Section 6 the insights gained through tors, the market and competitors coherently with the institutio
the case study analysis are presented. Section 7 offers a discussion nal theory.
of the study results. In the final section, conclusions are drawn,
research limitations are identified, and potential directions for Based on the above described scenario and according to this
future research are identified. conceptual model, the aim of the present paper is threefold:
2. Theoretical background and research questions First, to identify the initiatives towards environmental sus-
tainability currently in place among LSPs, distinguishing be-
The subject of environmental sustainability focussing on the tween intra-organisational and inter-organisational
activities of LSPs has been gaining increasing interest. Some pre- environmental practices (RQ1).
vious contributions discuss the impact of logistics outsourcing on Second, to investigate the methodology used by LSPs and the
supply chain sustainability (Evangelista et al., 2010; Facanha and areas addressed when measuring environmental performances
Horvath, 2005; Jumadi and Zailani, 2010); others examine the (RQ2).
LSPs commitment to environmental sustainability (Murphy and Finally, to explore the institutional drivers behind the adoption
Poist, 2003; Zailani et al., 2011); still others attempt to analyse of these initiatives by LSPs, along with their interactions with
factors that may influence the adoption of green practices by lo- performance improvements (RQ3).
gistics companies (Lin and Ho, 2008) or whether environmental
issues represent a selection criteria when buying logistics services 3. Methodology
from companies (Wolf and Seuring, 2010).
However little attention has been paid to the adoption level of To achieve the above-stated research objectives, an in-depth
specific environmental initiatives by LSPs and the reasons, both review of the existing literature on this topic was initially per-
strategic and operative, underpinning their commitment to build- formed. For the purpose of the present study, the analysis focused
ing a sustainable supply chain. on companies operating in the contract logistics industry and the
Previous studies on GSCM have provided a number of theo- environmental dimension of sustainability (Carter and Rogers,
retical constructs, such as stakeholder theory, stewardship the- 2008) was specifically taken into account.
ory, institutional theory (McWilliams et al., 2006). To the extent The following three-phase methodology was adopted (Fig. 1).
that companies engage in GSCM from both a strategic and First, based on the review by previous studies, a framework was
operational point of view, their behaviour can be examined developed to identify the initiatives towards environmental sus-
through the lens of the natural-resource-based view (NRBV) of tainability at companies involved in logistics and transportation
the company (Maas et al., in press; Shi et al., 2012). This latter processes, distinguishing between intra-organisational and inter-
theoretical construct better reflects the objectives of the present organisational environmental practices. In particular the frame-
study. As such, in this paper we extend past research on GSCM work consists of seven macro-areas, i.e. distribution strategies and
with a particular focus on the logistics industry by drawing on transportation execution, warehousing and green building, reverse
the NRBV of the company. Hart (1995) first introduced this the- logistics, packaging management, internal management, collabo-
ory. According to this study “it is likely that strategy and ration with customers, external collaborations. A systematic liter-
competitive advantage in the coming years will be rooted in ature review approach was undertaken that allows for a more
capabilities that facilitate environmentally sustainable economic objective overview on the search results (Colicchia and Strozzi,
activity”. The author introduces two interconnected strategies for 2012; Denyer and Tranfield, 2009). The literature review focused
manufacturing companies that can be implemented to effectively on scientific journal articles. The starting point for the paper search
achieve competitive advantage, i.e. pollution prevention and was a number of library databases (i.e. Scopus, Science Direct, ISI
product stewardship. This theory has been recently adopted by Web of Knowledge, Scirus and Google Scholar). The search was
Maas et al. (in press) in the context of LSPs: pollution prevention conducted using keywords and strings (e.g. ‘Sustainability’, ‘Green
refers to LSP internal operations while product stewardship can Supply Chain Management’, ‘Green logistics’, ‘3PL’) that were
be applied to service operations in terms of service stewardship looked for in both the abstract and main body of the paper. We also
that extend the scope of the sustainability initiatives across went back to other papers by cross-referencing, thus to include
company boundaries. This latter strategy is thus related to the potential papers that were not picked in the above-mentioned
ability of LSPs to provide environmentally sound service offerings databases. This method allowed us to include contributions pub-
by collaborating with the other partners of the supply chain. The lished in all the major logistics and transportation journals, as well
NRBV of the company has been successively extended by Shi as the top management journals and conference proceedings. We
et al. (2012). By drawing on the NRBV theory the authors pro- are therefore confident that the main contributions on this topic
posed a conceptual model of GSCM that includes the following have been included within the framework.
elements and the relationships among them: Second, the framework was applied to a set of LSPs by exam-
ining their Company Environmental Reporting (CER), to assess the
intra-organisational environmental practices, refer to environ- adoption level of each initiative. In order to compare the imple-
mental initiatives related to company “in-house” processes mentation of the proposed initiatives, the Environmental Perfor-
coherently with the pollution prevention strategy of the NRBV mance Index (EPI) was computed for each of the identified macro-
inter-organisational environmental practices, refer to environ- areas of sustainability initiatives. As suggested by Colicchia et al.
mental initiatives that imply collaboration and trust among (2011), the EPI for each company k can be defined as follows:
C. Colicchia et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 59 (2013) 197e209 199
Table 1
LSP company details.
Company Turnover (2010) No. employees Fleet (no. vehicles) Warehouses (m2) Publication year of the examined
environmental report
European level. Interviews lasted about 90 min and were audio- 4.2. Warehousing and green building
taped and transcribed. The interviews were supported by a formal
interview protocol composed of three macro-sections, i.e. company Both eco-friendly warehouse design and energy efficiency are
general information, strategy towards the environment, drivers and among the foremost recognised initiatives (e.g. Hervani et al., 2005;
inhibitors of environmental sustainability. Ciliberti et al., 2008; Jumadi and Zailani, 2010). As for eco-friendly
The data collected were analysed at two levels: within-case warehouse design, some of the primary initiatives consist of:
analysis and across-case analysis. Within-case analysis involved energy-efficient heating and lighting systems (i.e. installing sky-
detailed case study write-ups of each case. A cross-case analysis lights and clerestory windows in distribution facilities that allow
was finally conducted to synthesize the information obtained from companies to use natural light as a source of interior illumination;
the case studies. use of less polluting energy sources), material handling equipment
(i.e. ‘green storage’), and the creation of a ‘sustainable’ work place
for employees, with green ICT and eco-friendly facilities. As regards
4. Framework for assessing environmental sustainability
warehouse energy efficiency, the main initiatives involve the use of
alternative energy sources (e.g. solar panels), energy-efficient ma-
Based on a thorough examination of the literature on this
terial handling equipment, and water systems (e.g. plants and
topic, in this section we present a framework for identifying and
landscaping materials that minimise water waste, use of ‘grey
assessing the main initiatives towards environmental sustain-
water’ systems) (e.g. Rizzo, 2006; Lieb and Lieb, 2010). As high-
ability that may be adopted by companies involved in logistics
lighted by Zhu and Sarkis (2007), the adoption of such practices
and freight transportation activities. The framework consists of
may sometimes be supported by governmental resource subsidies
seven macro-areas. Four of them are derived from the classifi-
or tax breaks.
cation framework proposed by Zhu et al. 2008 namely internal
management, collaboration with customers, external collabora-
4.3. Reverse logistics
tions, and packaging management. In addition, in order to reflect
the specificity of the logistics area, three additional categories
According to the Reverse Logistics Council, reverse logistics may
have been included: distribution strategies and transportation
be defined as ‘the process of planning, implementing, and con-
execution (e.g. Lin and Ho, 2008; Jumadi and Zailani, 2010; Lieb
trolling the efficient, cost-effective flow of raw materials, in-process
and Lieb, 2010; Langella and Zanoni, 2011), warehousing and
inventory, finished goods, and related information from the point of
green building (e.g. Hervani et al., 2005; Rizzo, 2006; Lieb and
consumption to the point of origin for the purpose of recapturing
Lieb, 2010; Jumadi and Zailani, 2010), and reverse logistics (e.g.
value or of proper disposal’, as reported by Meade and Sarkis
Murphy and Poist, 2000; Hervani et al., 2005; Tsoulfas and
(2002). A substantial interest in reuse and recycling began in the
Pappis, 2008). According to the conceptual model basing the
90s, as noted by Murphy et al. (1994). More recently, considerable
present research, initiatives included in the areas of distribution
attention has been focused on the ‘reverse’ approach, thanks to the
strategies and transportation execution, warehousing and green
increasing awareness of environmental issues and attention to lo-
building, reverse logistics, packaging management and internal
gistics sustainability (Nikolaou et al., 2013). Waste reduction,
management belong to intra-organisational practices in the
transport and disposal, materials recycling and reuse, and con-
context of logistics industry, while initiatives within the collab-
sumption reduction whenever possible are a few examples of such
oration with customers and external collaborations areas can be
initiatives (e.g. Van Hoek, 1999; Rubio et al., 2008).
considered inter-organisational practices for the contract logis-
tics industry, since they imply commitment and joint goal setting
4.4. Packaging management
among different players of the same supply chain.
A brief description of the initiatives that can be used to enhance
Packaging management activities have meaningful effects on
environmental sustainability within each of the above-mentioned
environment and transport (Wever et al., 2007). Additionally, the
macro-areas is provided in the following subsections and the ini-
management of tertiary unit loads, such as returnable pallets, is
tiatives are summarised in Tables 2a and 2b.
acknowledged in the literature as a relevant area for improving the
environmental sustainability of the supply chain (Lacefield, 2004;
4.1. Distribution strategies and transportation execution Ray et al., 2006). Environmental initiatives in this sense essen-
tially consist of: packaging reduction, and the use of recycled and
Increasing attention to distribution and sustainable trans- ecological material (Gonzalez-Benito and Gonzalez-Benito, 2006);
portation execution has been observed, in terms of both tech- treatment of packaging waste in a more environmentally benign
nological innovation and management strategies (Fürst and manner (Faruk et al., 2001) to reduce the life cycle environmental
Oberhofer, 2012). The following initiatives have been identi- impact of the entire packaging supply chain (Ciliberti et al., 2008);
fied: fleet technological innovation, such as cleaner vehicles and freight load optimisation, as reducing the weight and volume of
the use of alternative fuels or vehicles (e.g. electric, hybrid), packaging results in cargo efficiency and waste reduction (Sarkis
with the key objective of reducing greenhouse gases and CO2 et al., 2004; Jumadi and Zailani, 2010).
emissions (e.g. Jumadi and Zailani, 2010; Browne et al., 2012);
shifting traffic to more fuel efficient modes, sharing vehicles 4.5. Internal management
across multiple customers, limiting the speeds at which com-
pany equipment is operated and reconsideration of network Internal management initiatives towards environmental sus-
design and transport strategies (e.g. Tsoulfas and Pappis, 2008; tainability involve both managers and operative staff. They mainly
Lieb and Lieb, 2010); finally, other initiatives such as freight consist of: personnel training and development of organisational
consolidation, reducing vehicle idling time (e.g. Ciliberti et al., sensitivity to sustainability issues (Lieb and Lieb, 2010; Jumadi and
2008), and use of ICT applications supporting functionalities Zailani, 2010); organisational changes to address sustainable goals;
such as planning, routing, and fleet tracking and tracing (e.g. establishment of new expertise and sustainability-dedicated
Hilty et al., 2006; Marchet et al., 2009, 2012; Jeffers, 2010; intercompany groups (Lieb and Lieb, 2008). Overall, managerial
Perego et al., 2011). skills, the identification of appropriate environmental targets, and
C. Colicchia et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 59 (2013) 197e209 201
Table 2a
Intra-organisational environmental practices in freight transportation and logistics.
Distribution strategies Use of alternative fuels Ciliberti et al. (2008); Lieb and Lieb (2010); Browne et al. (2012)
and transportation Use of more recent/less polluting vehicles Ciliberti et al. (2008); Lin and Ho (2008); Lieb and Lieb (2010)
execution Use of alternative vehicles (e.g. electric, hybrid) Gonzalez-Benito and Gonzalez-Benito (2006); Lieb and Lieb (2008);
Jumadi and Zailani (2010)
Vehicle speed reduction to save fuel and reduce Murphy and Poist (2000); Hervani et al. (2005); Tsoulfas and Pappis (2008);
emissions Lin and Ho (2008); Lieb and Lieb (2010)
Use of alternative transportation modes McIntyre et al. (1998a, b); Ciliberti et al. (2008); Mondragon et al. (2009)
(e.g. intermodal, combined)
Effective shipment consolidation and full Faruk et al. (2001); Gonzalez-Benito and Gonzalez-Benito (2006);
vehicle loading Ciliberti et al. (2008); Lieb and Lieb (2010)
Routing systems to minimise travel distances Hilty et al. (2006); Lieb and Lieb (2008, 2010); Lin and Ho (2008);
Jeffers (2010); Jumadi and Zailani (2010)
(Re) design of logistics system components for Lieb and Lieb (2008); Jumadi and Zailani (2010); Langella and Zanoni (2011)
greater environmental efficiency
Warehousing and Eco-friendly building design (e.g. energy-efficient Murphy and Poist (2000); Hervani et al. (2005); Zhu and Sarkis (2007);
green building lighting systems, building thermal insulation) Ciliberti et al. (2008); Lin and Ho (2008); Lieb and Lieb (2010);
Jumadi and Zailani (2010)
Energy-efficient material handling equipment Jumadi and Zailani (2010)
Use of alternative energy sources Murphy and Poist (2000); Hervani et al. (2005); Zhu and Sarkis (2007);
Ciliberti et al. (2008)
Water systems (e.g. plants and landscaping materials Murphy and Poist (2000); Jumadi and Zailani (2010)
that minimise water waste, use of “grey water” systems)
Efficient land use (e.g. brownfield redevelopment) Murphy and Poist (2000);
Reverse logistics Waste reduction, transport and disposal Murphy and Poist (2000)
Materials recycle whenever possible Murphy and Poist (2000); Hervani et al. (2005); Tsoulfas and Pappis (2008);
Lieb and Lieb (2010); Jumadi and Zailani (2010)
Consumption reduction whenever possible Murphy and Poist (2000); Jumadi and Zailani (2010)
Materials reuse whenever possible Lieb and Lieb (2008, 2010); Jumadi and Zailani (2010)
Packaging Packaging recycle or reuse Murphy and Poist (2000); Gonzalez-Benito and Gonzalez-Benito (2006);
management Ciliberti et al. (2008); Tsoulfas and Pappis (2008); Lieb and Lieb (2010);
Jumadi and Zailani (2010)
Ecological materials for primary packaging Gonzalez-Benito and Gonzalez-Benito (2006)
Reduction of packaging waste Sarkis (2003); Gonzalez-Benito and Gonzalez-Benito (2006);
Carter and Rogers (2008); Tsoulfas and Pappis (2008); Lieb and Lieb (2010);
Jumadi and Zailani (2010)
Internal Environmental compliance and auditing programs Darnall et al. (2009); Lieb and Lieb (2010);
management Environmental performance measurement and Hervani et al. (2005); Wever et al. (2007); Tsoulfas and Pappis (2008);
monitoring Lieb and Lieb (2008); Darnall et al. (2009)
Use of ‘green IT’ (e.g. reduction in server numbers, Hilty et al. (2006); Lieb and Lieb (2010); Jeffers (2010);
use of green software, optimisation of backup numbers) Jumadi and Zailani (2010)
Promote industry cooperative effort Murphy and Poist (2000); Wever et al. (2007); Carter and Rogers (2008);
Lieb and Lieb (2010)
Personnel training (office staff, employees and operators) Murphy and Poist (2000); Lieb and Lieb (2008, 2010)
Establishment of new expertise and sustainability-dedicated Lieb and Lieb (2008)
intercompany groups
Promote environmental awareness among managers Gonzalez-Benito and Gonzalez-Benito (2006)
Provide incentives and benefits for green behaviour-practices Murphy and Poist (2000); Lieb and Lieb (2010)
Transparency Policy (e.g. informing the consumer, Wever et al. (2007)
the supply chain)
Publicise environmental efforts/accomplishments Murphy and Poist (2000); Wever et al. (2007)
Development of a formal environmental sustainability Lieb and Lieb (2008)
statement for the company
Table 2b
Inter-organisational environmental practices in freight transportation and logistics.
Collaboration with Help customers comply with certification programs and support Lieb and Lieb (2010)
customers their efforts to attain the "green" goal
Cooperation with customers on reverse logistics and recycling Meade and Sarkis (2002); Krumwiede and Sheu (2002);
programmes Efendigil et al. (2008); Min and Ko(2007);
Tsoulfas and Pappis (2008); Jumadi and Zailani (2010);
Lai et al. (2010); Lieb and Lieb (2010)
External Membership in environmental programs Lieb and Lieb (2010)
collaborations Collaborative partnerships with other companies/3PLs Lieb and Lieb (2010)
City logistics programmes and coordinated transportation Jumadi and Zailani (2010)
Collaboration with suppliers Faruk et al. (2001); Humphreys et al. (2003);
Gonzalez-Benito and Gonzalez-Benito (2006);
Vachon and Klassen (2006); Vachon (2007);
Bai and Sarkis (2009);
202 C. Colicchia et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 59 (2013) 197e209
the establishment of sustainability priorities within the company 2010; Gonzalez-Benito and Gonzalez-Benito, 2006). Finally, it is
represent key aspects in the achievement of environmental ob- also noteworthy to mention the key role of technological inte-
jectives (e.g. Jumadi and Zailani, 2010; Lieb and Lieb, 2010). gration with primary suppliers in environmental monitoring and
collaboration (Vachon and Klassen, 2006). Within the contract
4.6. Collaboration with customers logistics industry, collaboration with suppliers is also advocated,
to promote the adoption of sustainability principles by con-
Vachon (2007) highlights the key importance of collaboration tractors and subcontractors acting on behalf of the focal
with customers for companies involved in logistics and trans- company.
portation activities. Collaboration with customers may include:
efforts towards CO2 reduction; improvement of vehicle fleets and 5. Results from the analysis of environmental reporting
recovery policies for end products; support on reverse logistics
practices and waste management (e.g. Ciliberti et al., 2008). An According to the proposed framework, we have examined the
example is provided in Cholette and Venkat (2009). They illustrate sustainability effort level in terms of environmentally sustainable
the use of web-portals to calculate energy and CO2 emissions initiatives adopted by the LSPs considered based on their most
associated with a customer’s transportation link and storage recent available environmental reporting. Please note that in some
echelon. cases, as the company terminology slightly differed from the one
used within conceptual framework, assumptions were made to
4.7. External collaborations categorise the environmental initiatives in place. The reliability was
addressed by having this first step conducted by two researchers.
Initiatives labelled as ‘external collaborations’ may include Afterwards discrepancies and different judgments were resolved
policies and procedures like monitoring discharges and period- among the researchers.
ical audits, as per Bai and Sarkis (2009). Pursuing common Each macro-area identified in Tables 3a and 3b is analysed in
environmental goals has promoted the development of collab- detail below. Finally, Section 5.8 provides an overview of the
orative initiatives among 3PLs and shippers to improve transport adoption level of the initiatives in each of the identified macro-
efficiency, thereby optimising routes and freight loads (Lai et al., areas, evaluated according to the EPI.
Table 3a
Intra-organisational environmental practices by the LSPs examined.
Note: X ¼ initiative adopted by company k. A ¼ Arcese; B ¼ DB Schenker; C ¼ DHL; D ¼ Fiege; E ¼ Gefco; F ¼ Geodis; G ¼ Kuehne þ Nagel; H ¼ Havi Logistics; I ¼ Norbert
Dentressangle; J ¼ STEF-TFE.
Source: Company Environmental Reporting.
C. Colicchia et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 59 (2013) 197e209 203
Table 3b
Inter-organisational environmental practices by the LSPs examined.
Note: X ¼ initiative adopted by company k. A ¼ Arcese; B ¼ DB Schenker; C ¼ DHL; D ¼ Fiege; E ¼ Gefco; F ¼ Geodis; G ¼ Kuehne þ Nagel; H ¼ Havi Logistics; I ¼ Norbert
Dentressangle; J ¼ STEF-TFE.
Source: Company Environmental Reporting.
5.1. Distribution strategies and transportation execution network setup. However most of the companies analysed imple-
mented initiatives related both to network optimisation and ship-
Initiatives dealing with distribution strategies and trans- ment consolidation. The issue of backhauls is quite neglected in the
portation execution seem to be the most common initiatives within examined reports, and no sustainability initiative in place has been
the sample examined. found related to backhauling optimisation (e.g. minimising empty
First, fleet re-conversion was observed. Some examples of this load backhauls).
are Arcese, DHL, Geodis and Gefco, who have launched pro- In their environmental reporting many LSPs have stressed the
grammes dealing with the renewal of their fleet to comply with importance of intermodal transport to improve sustainability, and
Euro 4 and Euro 5, the most recent European Union vehicle emis- this lever has been also investigated in the recent literature (e.g.
sions standards. Lieb and Lieb, 2010). Some examples are as follows: Havi Logistics
Second, efforts are also focused on fleet modernisation to reduce uses combined rail and truck and rail and waterway transport; DHL
carbon emissions and fuel consumption. For instance, DHL is launched a new suite of multi-modal solutions, that includes
constantly modernising its fleet by replacing older vehicle gener- innovative services such as rail-air and sea-air; STEF-TFE has been
ations and implementing alternative technologies and fuels. Fiege exploring opportunities for developing combined road-rail trans-
launched a fleet conversion project: all trucks were converted to portation, being a shareholder of the Froid Combi Company, which
run on biodiesel and were fully equipped with a soot particle filter. operates multi-modal transportation in France using swap bodies.
Norbert Dentressangle has developed an aerodynamic curved roof
design for its trucks that reduces wind resistance and makes it 5.2. Warehousing and green building
possible to lower fuel consumption by 5e8%. STEF-TFE has reduced
emissions and fuel consumption thanks to the improvement of Consistent with the findings of Dhooma and Baker (2009), the
engine efficiency and a reduction in the air resistance of its trucks, use of renewable energy sources (e.g. wind power, natural light,
achieved by optimising aerodynamics (i.e. integrating lateral and/or water, solar and geothermal energy) and alternative or recycled
roof spoilers), fitting new tyres and installing more energy-efficient construction materials (e.g. steel, asphalt, glass block) appear to be
cooling units. Furthermore Geodis, Gefco, DB Schenker, DHL, one of the most common initiatives in place among the LSPs
Kuehne þ Nagel and STEF-TFE are testing and deploying alternative examined. Such solutions are often supported by governmental
vehicle technologies. incentives that promote their adoption in order to achieve green
The fleet renewal is also applicable to the different trans- building certifications.
portation modes: DHL modernised its air fleet so as to comply to The use of photovoltaic facilities is also particularly widespread.
ICAO noise and NOx emission standards; DB Schenker developed a In this area, Arcese, DHL, Norbert Dentressangle and STEF-TFE have
“Climate-friendly electric train”, thus reducing CO2 emissions. noted benefits such as energy savings and increased efficiency. To
The use of alternative fuels, with the exception of a few good gain further environmental benefits, STEF-TFE is finalising the
examples, is not a particularly common practice. This initiative has construction of a new transport platform. It has been liaising with
been adopted by DHL, Fiege and Havi Logistics: DHL developed the the EDF (electricity board) subsidiary specialised in alternative
NExBTL second-generation biofuel, derived from hydrotreated energy, with a view to installing a rooftop photovoltaic system to
vegetable oil; Fiege converted its trucks to run on a biodiesel that generate electricity.
complies with DIN EN 14214 (rape methyl ester); Havi Logistics Initiatives in favour of waste reduction and sustainable lighting
developed a biodiesel produced from used cooking oil in collabo- systems have also been identified. Norbert Dentressangle and
ration with its customer McDonald’s. Kuehne þ Nagel implemented automation, i.e. automatic lighting
Besides technological innovation, LSPs seem to recognise the control, such as the use of innovative lighting systems with motion
need for appropriate environmental sustainability management detectors. When it gets dark, an automatic system controls the
strategies, confirming what has previously emerged from the warehouse lighting: the programmer then switches on every second
literature (e.g. Wu and Dunn, 1994). These initiatives include the ramp and each bulb is later switched on in two stages. Before it gets
adoption of IT tools to minimise travel distances, the redesign of completely dark, only every second light is switched on; the inno-
logistics networks, and the consolidation of shipments. Arcese and vation involves fitting lighting devices with two solar light intensity
Gefco primarily focused their efforts on shipment consolidation sensors, which makes two light settings possible. This setting, which
and the optimisation of vehicle fill. Kuehne þ Nagel, Norbert restricts human intervention and precludes forgetting to switch off
Dentressangle, Havi Logistics and STEF-TFE mainly concentrated on the lights, makes it possible to save on bulbs and energy. DHL
network redesign, performing optimisations and complex simula- focused on alternative lighting sources (i.e. LED, fluorescent lights).
tions of network changes in order to achieve the most efficient Other companies (e.g. DB Schenker) have turned their efforts to
204 C. Colicchia et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 59 (2013) 197e209
waste reduction policies by adopting natural cooling systems and driving techniques to employees in the practice of fuel efficient and
rain water utilisation. It should be noted that, for LSPs involved in safe driving are among the most common initiatives (e.g. DHL).
environmentally critical logistics processes (e.g. frozen or chilled Environmental training programmes are realised at all company
goods), specific initiatives have been identified, related to conver- levels, which confirms the increasing importance of assigning
sion programmes for facilities, prioritising the use of natural and specific dedicated figures devoted to the management of environ-
sustainable fluids, according to the Kyoto Protocol. For example, mental issues (Murphy et al. 1994). As an example, STEF-TFE
STEF-TFE is faced with the issue of converting its refrigerated facil- established a dedicated working group to ensure sustainable
ities, which run on hydro-chlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) fluids. development by defining “action plans” and proposing new envi-
Overall, the main objective of all the LSPs analysed is the ronmental projects. Consistent with the findings of Jumadi and
implementation of initiatives towards eco-friendly building man- Zailani (2010), most LSPs recognise environmental awareness and
agement and construction to attain “100 per cent CO2 neutral” (e.g. managerial skills as fundamental to the achievement of their sus-
DHL, Kuehne þ Nagel, STEF-TFE). Some companies (i.e. tainability objectives.
Kuehne þ Nagel and TNT) are particularly engaged in the devel- In addition, group brainstorming and sustainability question-
opment of sustainable buildings, according to the “green building” naires aimed at involving employees in the evaluation of easy-to-
standards. Another example is Fiege’s ‘Mega Centres’, large logistics implement ways to save energy, water and paper and reducing
centres whose main purpose is to reduce fuel consumption as far as waste, are other significant experiences of staff commitment (e.g.
possible, by using renewable and alternative sources for energy DHL, Havi Logistics). Interestingly, only a few LSPs have declared
self-sufficiency. These large logistics centres achieve synergies initiatives and benefits for eco-efficient behaviours (e.g. DHL).
through the maximum possible convergence of the material man- It is noteworthy to mention that overall performance mea-
agement system traffic flows: convergence reduces the annual surement and monitoring are considered to be particularly rele-
transport rate to a fraction. They also use wind power as their main vant, and all of the companies analysed embrace the assumption “if
materials handling energy source, and develop techniques towards you can’t measure, you can’t manage” highlighted by McKinnon
material recycle and reuse. (2010). However, the approach used is sometimes unclear, partic-
ularly with respect to the boundaries of the considered system,
5.3. Reverse logistics such as the supply chain processes under consideration (e.g.
backhauls, nodes of the network). Furthermore, each company
Initiatives involving reverse logistics are quite widespread. For generally tends to adopt their own metrics and indicators, although
example, Havi Logistics introduced a waste management and in some cases an interest in embracing shared standards has been
reverse logistics system to allow customers to collect waste elec- noted. In accordance with the classification by Svensson (2007),
trical equipment and organic waste. At DHL waste management both strategic (i.e. aiming at medium-long period benefits) and
follows the established prioritisation of reuse over recycling over operational metrics (i.e. short-period measurement and effects)
disposal and it is considered as an effective lever to support and add have been observed. As an example, indicators dealing with CO2
value to the operations of the company. At STEF-FTE each operating emission quantification (e.g. DHL Carbon Efficiency Index), waste
site has been equipped with a “waste pack”, which groups together and consumption (e.g. fuel, water, and energy), and building energy
the best practices and tools to be implemented for the selective efficiency have been identified, sometimes included within a more
sorting of common waste. Furthermore, collections are organised structured ‘holistic’ approach (e.g. Geodis ‘Blue Attitude’ environ-
for electrical and electronic equipment, so that it may be recycled. mental programme).
Another example is that of Fiege relog GmbH, an innovative Finally, transparency policies towards customers (e.g. informa-
systemised reverse logistics company that offers expert guidance tion on sustainability issues and promoting their own commit-
and practical solutions to manufacturers and importers of electrical ment) are relatively pervasive (e.g. DB Schenker, DHL).
and electronic equipment. Their practical solutions cover all
disposal stages, including compliance with all statutory regulations
and their documentation. 5.6. Collaboration with customers
5.4. Packaging management The LSPs examined declared a number of initiatives promoting
cooperation with customers, in alignment with Lieb and Lieb
Initiatives in packaging management seem to be quite neglec- (2010). LSPs seem to perceive the need to demonstrate their envi-
ted. The most widespread initiative is the reduction of packaging ronmental commitment, as it has progressively become a key
waste (e.g. DHL, Gefco, Geodis). Material reuse and recycling are element for customers within the LSP selection phase. Some of the
also relatively widespread among the set of companies examined. foremost initiatives in this regard involve company fleet conversion
As an example, Gefco has implemented a reusable transport projects, and measurement and monitoring of customers’ envi-
container solution called ‘GefBox System’ which allows recycling of ronmental impact. Fleet re-conversion projects are mainly oriented
packaging. Finally, DHL has adopted a solution for minimising towards research and vehicle innovation, or the evaluation of
operative and packaging waste by developing a policy for the alternative transportation modes. Both DB Schenker and Norbert
procurement and selection of paper and paper products (“Paper Dentressangle have developed ad hoc solutions for their customers
Policy”). Its aim is to ensure that paper and paper products conform to quantify the environmental impact of their operations. For
to the guiding principles of sustainability, resource protection and example, Eco TransIT World is an online service developed by DB
efficiency, and includes all volumes of paper, paper products, print Schenker that calculates emissions from rail, road, ship, and aircraft
products and packaging materials procured by the company or by transport in any combination. Another example is that of Norbert
third parties or agencies. Dentressangle, who designed and developed a CO2 emissions
calculator in order to provide its customers with reliable and real-
5.5. Internal management time measurable data. The calculator, developed by the transport
division teams, is able to measure the CO2 emissions generated by
All of the LSPs examined promote environmental training pro- each customer, regardless of the type of transport used, including
grammes for their staff. For instance, initiatives that aim to promote full loads, groupage and distribution. Moreover, the tool assigns to
C. Colicchia et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 59 (2013) 197e209 205
each customer the fuel consumption required for his flows and and environmental standards. Furthermore, collaboration with
therefore the amount of CO2 produced. research centres as well as universities has been observed (e.g.
Finally, cooperation programmes for material reuse and recycle Geodis), especially in cases that involve the development of inno-
have been also observed, such as the case of DB Schenker, which vative solutions. Finally, only one LSP has implemented initiatives
recycles disused office equipment such as computers and fax ma- of coordinated transport in urban areas and city logistics pro-
chines with the aid of the manufacturers’ return programs. Another grammes: Geodis, which is setting up a network of ecological urban
example is Geodis, which provides its customers with a reverse logistics bases in Paris to support and optimise urban logistics. Once
logistics system for end-of-life products, particularly for electric in the city centre, goods are increasingly being carried by more
and electronic products: with seven processing centres in Europe, environment-friendly methods, such as electric vehicles and de-
the Group optimises solutions for middle-life and end-of-life livery tricycles, replacing the diesel vehicles that have traditionally
products and ensures traceability and total reliability for pro- been used.
cesses such as dismantling, recovery and disposal. Overall, it has emerged that collaboration play as a key role in
the achievement of environmental sustainability goals, in accor-
5.7. External collaborations dance with Hervani et al. (2005). However, the level of collabora-
tion depends strictly on environmental awareness and the strategic
In accordance with the literature (e.g. Lieb and Lieb, 2010), a decisions made by each LSP.
number of examples of external collaboration initiatives have been
observed. The most common collaborations are those with external 5.8. Adoption level: an overview
organisations, foundations and institutions, whereas partnership
with other players in the logistics and transportation industry is Fig. 2 provides an overview of the adoption level of the initia-
less widespread. tives in each of the identified macro-areas, evaluated according to
A few examples of external collaboration are provided by Geo- the EPI. The value of EPI was calculated without considering the
dis, which cooperates with a number of market players, such as Air different impact that the initiatives could have on the performances
France e KLM Cargo, with the main aim of minimising air emis- actually obtained towards sustainability, i.e. assigning an equal
sions. Examples of voluntary collaboration among transport orga- weight (Wi,j) to each initiative. In fact in the literature there is no
nisations have also emerged, such as the case of Environmental unanimity on the value to be attributed to the different sustainable
Protection Agency’s (EPA) SmartWay Programme, in which DB initiatives that can be determined within the companies to refine
Schenker, DHL and other players are involved in the development the analysis of the implemented sustainability initiatives. However,
of efficient alternative fuels. In addition, some initiatives involving assigning an equal weight to each initiative allows performing a
collaboration with suppliers have been observed. For instance, DHL comparative analysis of the sustainability initiatives in place at each
developed an environmental questionnaire (“Supplier Code of company within each of the identified macro-areas (Colicchia et al.,
Conduct”) to encourage the company’s suppliers to meet ethical 2011).
We present the results showing a box plot, where the box rep- The higher variability is observed in the collaboration areas,
resents the range of values from the 25% quartile to the 75% quar- considering both collaboration with customers and external
tile, while the median is depicted by the line in the middle. The box collaborations, with EPI values ranging from 0 to 1. Notwith-
plot representation is very useful for visually summarising or standing that multi-stakeholder collaboration is recognised in
comparing groups of data. the literature as a common and effective strategy in the area of
It is interesting to note that significant variability is generally environmental management, the engagement of these com-
observed. This means that the sustainability strategies of the LSP panies in collaborative processes is currently at varying levels.
companies examined are still very diverse. With reference to the This seems to confirm the presence of inhibitors and com-
macro-areas considered in Fig. 2, the following conclusions can be plexities, which impact the adoption of collaborative strategies
drawn: in practice, as previously identified in the literature.
Initiatives in the area of distribution strategies and trans- Overall, as regards RQ1 (i.e. identify the initiatives towards
portation execution are the most extensive with the higher environmental sustainability currently in place among LSPs) based
sample median of 81 per cent. The reason for this result is fairly on the CER analysis, it can be stated that 3PLs appear to be highly
straightforward: these initiatives are strictly related to the core involved in environmentally sustainable initiatives involving
competences and main activities of the companies analysed physical logistics, such as those dealing with transport and ware-
and thus are a priority in order to increase the sustainability of housing. Conversely, actions that involve changes to internal
their operations. Leveraging their key capabilities, LSPs can management and organisation are still scarce. Still, a higher vari-
offer a value-added service to customers to improve the envi- ability may be observed in terms of adoption level.
ronmental performance of the supply chain and their own
profitability while reducing, in most cases, the related cost 6. Case study analysis
against an initial investment.
Many companies have concentrated their efforts towards The insights arising from the CER analysis according to the
warehousing and green building (sample median of 50 per developed framework represented the starting point for building
cent), and reverse logistics (sample median of 75 per cent). This our empirical investigation, based on case studies. Three companies
may be due to the fact that the initiatives included in these were selected in order to provide additional insights on the ob-
areas are in most cases related to the core competences of the tained results and to investigate the drivers of the implementation
LSPs analysed, depending on their service offering, and the of sustainability initiatives. The main details of the companies
comments above remain valid. Furthermore, these initiatives involved are reported in Table 4.
are the most internally controlled, allowing companies to For confidentiality reasons, in the following empirical analysis,
directly support sustainability initiatives and evaluate the the companies will be referred to only by alphabetical letters from
benefits arising from their adoption. A to C inclusive.
The number of initiatives implemented in the area of packaging A detailed analysis of the key issues which emerged from our
management is quite limited (median of 33 per cent and 25th cross-case analysis is presented hereinafter.
percentile equal to 0). In fact, the sustainability initiatives
within this area are affected by the packaging design and 6.1. Relationships between intra-organisational and inter-
management choices made by the manufacturing companies. organisational environmental practices
In contrast with what happens in the areas of distribution
strategies and transportation execution and warehousing and As regards RQ1, the case studies confirm and expand on the
green building, greater variability is observed in the area of findings of the report analysis as discussed in Section 5.8. The ini-
internal management initiatives. This suggests that companies tiatives mentioned as the most important represent intra-
seem to be more inclined to adopt initiatives that have little organisational practices related to distribution strategies and
impact on their organisational processes (as the case of dis- transportation execution and warehousing and green building. All
tribution strategies and transportation execution, and ware- the companies involved in the case study analysis stated that they
housing and green building), rather than significantly are undertaking projects of continuous improvement of their lo-
modifying the way they operate. gistics network and distribution operations with the aim to reduce
Table 4
Case study analysis: company details.
Company Profile
Company A Company A commits its expertise in international express, air and ocean freight, road and rail transportation, contract logistics and international
mail services to its customers. It is part of a group that, with a global network of more than 220 countries and territories and more
than 250,000 employees worldwide, generated revenue of more than 50 billion euros in 2011. Supply chain sustainability, in its three key
dimensions, is a core element of Company A’s corporate strategy. The corporate responsibility strategy of the company is organised around
three strategic areas of involvement, i.e. protecting the environment, managing disasters and delivering help, and promoting education.
Their sustainability strategy has led the company to achieve some awards and ISO 14001 certification.
Company B Company B group operates as a worldwide LSP and offers a wide range of services including air/sea freight forwarding, groupage, express,
full truck load transportation, distribution and warehousing, as well as value-added services. Its main customers come from various
different industry sectors, such as automotive, high tech and multimedia, pharmaceutical products, chemical products, fast moving consumer
goods, luxury goods, textile & apparel, wine and spirits. With a turnover of more than 500 million euro in 2010, a workforce of over 30,000
people and a global network in 120 countries, company B is Europe’s fourth biggest global LSP. Company B has engaged in a sustainability
strategy since the early 2000s with its ISO 14001 certification. In 2008 the company launched a programme with the main objective of
promoting and coordinating the diverse initiatives already in place in terms of collaboration with customers and partners, staff involvement
and environmental protection.
Company C Company C is a company founded in 1990, which operates in the contract logistics industry to support the catering industry. In recent years
company C has undertaken a sustainability strategy, developing innovative logistics projects to improve the social and environmental
sustainability of its operations. The sustainability strategy has led the company to achieve some awards and ISO 14001 certification.
C. Colicchia et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 59 (2013) 197e209 207
fuel and carbon emissions along with distribution costs. Company A economic goals, the company aims to develop projects with at least
and Company C have highlighted the fact they are geared to envi- a neutral economic impact in the long-term; the environmental
ronmental standards when building new sites. Furthermore, for indicators used are focused on greenhouse gas emissions derived
existing buildings, the companies improve energy efficiency from operational activities.
through green technologies, such as photovoltaic panels, intelligent Another element of paramount importance is the scope of
lighting, heating and cooling solutions and increase the share of environmental performance measurement. To track its progress
energy from renewable sources. This finding is in line with the towards realising the efficiency target, Company A calculates and
contribution of Lieb and Lieb (2010), who argue that LSPs are reports the Carbon Efficiency Index, which consolidates the results
particularly focused on programmes directed at reducing emissions achieved in both relative and absolute terms, considering direct
caused by transport activities and within all company facilities. CO2 emissions from its own operations (e.g. through fuel combus-
However, Company A and Company B highlighted the need for a tion), indirect CO2 emissions corresponding to the electricity, dis-
more holistic approach, attested by the presence of “green pro- trict heating and cooling that the company purchases, and indirect
grammes” tackling both operational and process-impacting CO2 emissions from subcontracted transport and business travel.
initiatives. Within company B both ‘direct’ (e.g. deriving from company elec-
It is important to remark that all the interviewed companies tricity/fuel consumption) and ‘indirect’ emissions (e.g. connected to
think that the intra-organisational practices are positively related supplier transportation processes) are taken into account, thus
to inter-organisational ones, confirming the theoretical model providing a comprehensive emissions profile along the entire value
basing this research (Shi et al., 2012) and the extant literature chain.
(Maas et al., in press). In fact, in the context of service industry, These cases reflect the adoption of a holistic approach in
internal initiatives aimed at supporting emissions reduction and measuring supply chain environmental performances. However, it
thus efficiency gains could also allow LSPs to improve the quality is still difficult to define and apply a clear methodology of mea-
of their service offerings and to establish a green image. Aware of surement and reporting able to encompass all the critical sustain-
their role in influencing the environmental sustainability of supply ability elements affecting company success related to
chain wide logistics operations, the companies consider internal environmental, financial and operational performances. Conse-
efforts, knowledge sharing and transparency among partners as a quently, it seems difficult to distribute among supply chain players
starting point to promote collaboration for inter-organisational the costs and benefits associated with the adoption of sustainability
practices. initiatives. Indeed, the specificity of LSPs lies in both measuring
Company A is offering various services to support customers in environmental performance and allocating the environmental
assessing the environmental impact of their logistics operations impact of their operations to customers, in order to communicate
and improving the level of sustainability of their supply chains: the their green performance. In this respect, environmental impact
company provides customers with a report of the carbon footprint measurement and allocation is fundamental in order to support a
of their logistics activities and operations; it develops a dynamic progressive improvement in the company’s performance and to
tool that gives customers the ability to assess key environmental foster effective collaborations with customers. For this reason
performance indicators and to perform what-if scenarios, such as criticalities have appeared in comparing the green performance of
shipment modal changes or improvements of vehicle fill, thus the different players.
enabling beneficial supply chain decisions to improve environ-
mental performance; it supports customers in analysing initiatives 6.3. Institutional drivers
to reduce carbon emissions and selecting those that best fit their
business objectives. The ultimate objective is to support customers As regards RQ3, the case study analysis confirmed pressures to
in the development of concrete and implementable carbon reduc- environmental sustainability coming from regulators, the market
tion initiatives. Notwithstanding this and although the issue of and competitors coherently with the institutional theory (Shi et al.,
collaboration with customers is acknowledged in the literature as 2012).
promising, the case study analyses reveal criticalities in this area as Company C identified regulatory pressures as a main motivation
it will be analysed in detail in the following sections. to implement environmental sustainability initiatives, in agreement
with the existing literature (e.g. Zhu and Sarkis, 2007; Lieb and Lieb,
6.2. Performance measures 2010). However, this can represent also a criticality that inhibits
companies. According to Company A government institutions
Focussing on RQ2 (i.e. investigate the methodology used by LSPs should provide more support, clearer regulations and better
and the areas addressed when measuring environmental perfor- communication about incentives. The regulatory complexity makes
mances) it emerges the importance of environmental performance the adoption of environmental initiatives harder (Company B).
measurement but a shared standard methodology for measuring Furthermore, according to the logistics manager of Company A,
and allocating the environmental impact of processes and opera- a major challenge for successful implementation of environmental
tions to different customers is still lacking. Company A established a initiatives in the contract logistics industry is to create a changed
dedicated department with the aim of ensuring transparency for culture and mind-set towards environmental initiatives among all
customers and in public reporting, and to enable the management the stakeholders. Company C mentioned the lack of a widespread
of carbon efficiency. In particular Company A reports its carbon sustainability culture among the supply chain partners and the lack
footprint on a yearly basis, through a series of indicators of effi- of standards and defined parameters for measuring CO2 emissions
ciency and sustainability effectiveness aligned to the Global as important factors that make the adoption of environmental
Reporting Initiative (GRI) G3 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines. initiatives harder.
Company B publishes a yearly environmental report (since 2009). In line with Zhu and Sarkis (2007), market pressures from
Since 2010, CO2 emissions derived from its transportation flows downstream customers can represent a major driver for environ-
have been computed using the Bilan CarboneÒ system developed mental sustainability. The cases reveal that if companies do not feel
by the French Agency for Environment (ADEME). Finally Company C pressure from customers, they may be reluctant to implement
uses internally developed economic and environmental perfor- environmental initiatives. In this sense, according to Company A a
mance indicators to assess its green initiatives: as regards their stronger relationship with customers would create an improved
208 C. Colicchia et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 59 (2013) 197e209
and more stable business scenario focused on trust and improve- initiatives. This suggests that further research is needed to develop
ment towards sustainability. On the contrary, the lack of a shared an effective performance measurement system to assess the envi-
vision on the importance of sustainability is the main inhibitor of ronmental impact of processes. In the contract logistics industry
the development of green supply chains. this should involve the definition of a method for allocating envi-
Company A and Company C consider that providing green ser- ronmental impact to different customers and suppliers. This would
vices will increase their e and their customers’ e competitiveness enable LSPs to have full control over the logistics activities per-
and could be a decisive factor in winning customers in the future, formed by contractors and subcontractors acting on behalf of the
consistently with the previous literature (e.g. Maas et al., in press; company and to assess the sustainability of the entire supply chain.
Sarkis, 2003; Zhu and Sarkis, 2006; Ferguson and Toktay, 2006). On the other hand it would encourage customers to move towards a
Notwithstanding this, they complain that most of their customers more sustainable supply chain and to invest in environmental ini-
do not demonstrate today the same commitment and the same tiatives, with clear and transparent information on their environ-
willingness to spend more for more sustainable logistics services mental impact and the potential improvements, in terms of cost
offerings. Their strategies in the area of supply chain sustainability savings and CO2 reductions, that greening their supply chain can
are based on a short-term perspective, i.e. adopting initiatives that bring.
have little impact on processes and cost structure. Indeed, it is hard Finally, regarding RQ3 (i.e. explore the institutional drivers
for customers to discern what is a sound choice from an environ- behind the adoption of these initiatives by LSPs, along with their
mental point of view. Clear and transparent information on carbon interactions with performance improvements) most of the inter-
footprints will empower customers. Likewise, Company C considers viewed companies consider customers to be a major driver.
relationships with key customers to be a major driver for being Notwithstanding this, it emerged that sometimes LSPs complain
environmentally sustainable. However, these relationships should about a lack of real commitment from customers. This is also
be strategic partnerships: working together to improve the sus- attested by the presence of green requirements to be included in a
tainability of the supply chain means being able to share risks and tender but often these requirements do not imply a real change on
opportunities, based on a common strategic direction. processes. The case studies revealed that regulation is an important
Finally, companies involved in our analysis declared that com- driver but it is considered a barrier, as well. It is important in fact to
petitors do not represent the key driver in encouraging them to be compliant with the regulations but a heterogeneity among
adopt environmental initiatives. Given the recent evolutions of the countries and within the same country is highlighted and this
world economy and the tight profit margins in the contract logistics makes the adoption of environmental initiatives harder. Finally, it
industry, LSPs strategies are based on a short-term perspective. This emerges that competitors do not play an important role in
means that, as evidenced by this research, some environmental encouraging companies to adopt environmental initiatives, since
initiatives are currently adopted in order not to lose competitive- the strategies of companies operating in the contract logistics in-
ness, but their extent is often limited. However, all the interviewed dustry are mainly based on a short-term perspective.
companies perceive that in the long-term their environmental These results suggest that further research is needed to better
strategy can represent a differentiation advantage. investigate the relationships between environmental performances
and differentiation advantage from the perspective of LSPs, in order
7. Conclusions to demonstrate that GSCM can lead to increased competitiveness
and market share gains in the long-term.
This paper faces the topic of environmental initiatives in the This study has one main limitation, which should be mentioned.
contract logistics industry. Based on the literature review, a The set of companies examined, although representative, is limited.
framework was developed to identify the primary initiatives to- However, this paper contributes to the knowledge on environ-
wards environmental sustainability focussing on companies mental sustainability for logistics and transportation and offers
involved in logistics and transportation processes. Afterwards, the new highlights in theory, paving the way for further research on
framework was applied to a set of LSPs by examining their envi- these topics, especially with respect to environmental performance
ronmental reporting, in order to assess the adoption level of each measurement and the allocation of environmental impact.
initiative. The findings of this analysis, along with the insights from
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