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Instruction Sheet 451-500 PDF

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Fault Tamer® Fuse Limiter For Overhead Pole-Top Transformers

Outdoor Distribution (15 kV through 34.5 kV)

Installation and Operation

Table of Contents
Section Page Section Page

Introduction Installing the Fault Tamer Fuse Limiter

Qualified Persons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Mounting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Read this Instruction Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Retain this Instruction Sheet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Fusing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Proper Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Re-Fusing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Warranty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Installing and Closing a Fault Tamer Fuse
Safety Information Limiter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Understanding Safety-Alert Messages. . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Following Safety Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Opening a Fault Tamer Fuse Limiter. . . . . . . . . . 15
Replacement Instructions and Labels . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Opening with Loadbuster®—The S&C
Safety Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Loadbreak Tool. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Shipping and Handling Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Inspection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Handling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

November 8, 2021
©  S&C Electric Company 1995-2021, all rights reserved
Instruction Sheet  451-500

Qualified Persons
Only qualified persons who are knowledgeable in the installation, operation, and
maintenance of overhead and underground electric distribution equipment, along
with all associated hazards, may install, operate, and maintain the equipment
covered by this publication. A qualified person is someone who is trained and
competent in:
• The skills and techniques necessary to distinguish exposed live parts from nonlive
parts of electrical equipment
• The skills and techniques necessary to determine the proper approach distances
corresponding to the voltages to which the qualified person will be exposed
• The proper use of special precautionary techniques, personal protective
equipment, insulated and shielding materials, and insulated tools for working on
or near exposed energized parts of electrical equipment
These instructions are intended ONLY for such qualified persons. They are not
intended to be a substitute for adequate training and experience in safety procedures
for this type of equipment.

Read this
Instruction Sheet
Thoroughly and carefully read this instruction sheet and all materials included in
the product’s S&C Instruction Handbook before installing or operating your Fault
Tamer Fuse Limiter. Familiarize yourself with the Safety Information and Safety
Precautions on pages 4 and 5. The latest version of this publication is available
online in PDF format at sandc.com/en/support/product-literature/.

Retain this This instruction sheet is a permanent part of your Fault Tamer Fuse Limiter. Designate
Instruction Sheet a location where you can easily retrieve and refer to this publication.

Proper Application
The equipment in this publication is only intended for a specific application. The
application must be within the ratings furnished for the equipment. Ratings for the
Fault Tamer Fuse Limiter are listed in the ratings table in Specification Bulletin
451-31. The ratings are also listed on the product.

2   S&C Instruction Sheet 451-500


Warranty The warranty and/or obligations described in S&C’s Price Sheet 150 “Standard Conditions
of Sale–Immediate Purchasers in the United States” (or Price Sheet 153, “Standard
Conditions of Sale–Immediate Purchasers Outside the United States”), plus any special
warranty provisions, as set forth in the applicable product-line specification bulletin,
are exclusive. The remedies provided in the former for breach of these warranties shall
constitute the immediate purchaser’s or end user’s exclusive remedy and a fulfillment of
the seller’s entire liability. In no event shall the seller’s liability to the immediate purchaser
or end user exceed the price of the specific product that gives rise to the immediate pur-
chaser’s or end user’s claim. All other warranties, whether express or implied or arising
by operation of law, course of dealing, usage of trade or otherwise, are excluded. The
only warranties are those stated in Price Sheet 150 (or Price Sheet 153), and THERE
SHEET 150 (or PRICE SHEET 153.)

S&C Instruction Sheet 451-500   3

Safety Information

Understanding Several types of safety-alert messages may appear throughout this instruction sheet and
Safety-Alert on labels and tags attached to your Fault Tamer Fuse Limiter. Familiarize yourself with
these types of messages and the importance of these various signal words:
“DANGER” identifies the most serious and immediate hazards that will likely
result in serious personal injury or death if instructions, including recommended
precautions, are not followed.

“WARNING” identifies hazards or unsafe practices that can result in serious
personal injury or death if instructions, including recommended precautions, are not

“CAUTION” identifies hazards or unsafe practices that can result in minor personal
injury if instructions, including recommended precautions, are not followed.

“NOTICE” identifies important procedures or requirements that can result in
product or property damage if instructions are not followed.

Following Safety If you do not understand any portion of this instruction sheet and need assistance, contact
Instructions your nearest S&C Sales Office or S&C Authorized Distributor. Their telephone numbers
are listed on S&C’s website sandc.com, or call the S&C Global Support and Monitoring
Center at 1-888-762-1100.


Read this instruction sheet thoroughly and carefully

before installing your Fault Tamer Fuse Limiter.

Replacement If additional copies of this instruction sheet are needed, contact your nearest S&C Sales
Instructions Office, S&C Authorized Distributor, S&C Headquarters, or S&C Electric Canada Ltd.
and Labels It is important that any missing, damaged, or faded labels on the equipment be replaced
immediately. Replacement labels are available by contacting your nearest S&C Sales
Office, S&C Authorized Distributor, S&C Headquarters, or S&C Electric Canada Ltd.

4   S&C Instruction Sheet 451-500

Safety Precautions

Fault Tamer Fuse Limiters operate at high voltage. Failure to observe the
precautions below will result in serious personal injury or death.
Some of these precautions may differ from your company’s operating procedures
and rules. Where a discrepancy exists, follow your company’s operating procedures
and rules.

1. QUALIFIED PERSONS. Access to the 5. ENERGIZED COMPONENTS. Always consider all

Fault Tamer Fuse Limiter must be restricted only to parts live until de-energized, tested, and grounded.
qualified persons. See the “Qualified Persons” 6. MAINTAINING PROPER CLEARANCE. Always
section on page 2. maintain proper clearance from energized
2. SAFETY PROCEDURES. Always follow safe components.
operating procedures and rules. 7. OPERATION. Do not attempt to open a Fault Tamer
3. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT. Always Fuse Limiter to interrupt load current without the
use suitable protective equipment, such as rubber use of a loadbreak tool such as Loadbuster®—The
gloves, rubber mats, hard hats, safety glasses, and S&C Loadbreak Tool. Fault Tamer Fuse Limiters
flash clothing, in accordance with safe operating are designed to protect equipment and to disconnect
procedures and rules. faulted equipment from the system. Fault Tamer
4. SAFETY LABELS AND TAGS. Do not remove or Fuse Limiters cannot protect personnel from injury
obscure any of the “DANGER,” “WARNING,” or electrocution if contact is made with energized
“CAUTION,” or “NOTICE” labels. Remove tags circuits or hardware.
ONLY if instructed to do so.

S&C Instruction Sheet 451-500   5

Shipping and Handling

Examine the shipment for external evidence of damage as
soon after receipt as possible, preferably before removal
from the carrier’s conveyance. Check the bill of lading
to make sure the listed shipping skids, crates, and
containers are present:
If there is visible loss and/or damage:
1. Notify the delivering carrier immediately.
2. Ask for a carrier inspection.
3. Note condition of shipment on all copies of the delivery
4. File a claim with the carrier.
If concealed damage is discovered:
1. Notify the delivering carrier within 15 days of receipt of
2. Ask for a carrier inspection.
3. File a claim with the carrier.
Also, notify S&C Electric Company in all instances of
loss and/or damage.

To better protect against damage during handling,
do not remove the Fault Tamer Fuse Limiter from the
original packaging until ready to install in service.
Energizing damaged units may cause personal injury,
fire, or equipment or property damage.

6   S&C Instruction Sheet 451-500

Installing the Fault Tamer Fuse Limiter Mounting

Complete the following steps to install the mounting for

Carriage bolt
the Fault Tamer Fuse Limiter.
Carriage bolt nut
STEP  1.  Attach the Fault Tamer Fuse Limiter mounting External tooth
lockwasher Lockwasher
to a suitable mounting bracket, as illustrated in
Figure 1. Note: A mounting bracket suitable for
crossarm, pole, or wall mount­ing is furnished
only if it has been specified through the addition
of suffix “‑B” or “-C” to the catalog number of the
Fault Tamer Fuse Limiter. Tighten the carriage
bolt nut until snug but still loose enough to
permit pivot adjust­ment. Note the placement of Fault Tamer
the external-tooth lock­ washer between the Mounting bracket center insert
Fault Tamer Fuse Limiter center insert and the
mounting bracket.
Figure 1.  Detail of attachment of the Fault Tamer Fuse
STEP  2.  Pivot the Fault Tamer Fuse Limiter mounting to Limiter mounting to the mounting bracket.
a position that will pro­v ide maximum ease of
operation and then securely tighten the carriage
bolt nut.
STEP  3.  Make electrical connections. When using
aluminum conductors, be sure to wire-brush
them and apply a coat­ing of oxidation inhibitor
before inserting them into the mounting’s

S&C Instruction Sheet 451-500   7


Complete the following steps to install a new Fault Tamer STEP  3.  Pull through the red-beaded plastic pull tab
Fuse Limiter: until the large bead at the end of the pull tab
engages with the end of the cartridge, as shown
STEP  1.  Unscrew the fuse-tube cap from the fuse tube
in Figure 2, and insert the entire assembly (fuse
and remove the spring-and-cable assembly.
cartridge and spring-and-cable assembly) into
STEP  2.  Screw a new fuse cartridge into the lower end of the fuse tube. Then, screw the fuse-tube cap on
the spring-and-cable assembly. Hand-tighten the fuse-tube upper ferrule and tighten securely
until the thread bottoms out. with pliers.

Detail A
Upper ferrule cap

Bottom View

Collar nut●
Detail B


Top View Red-beaded
plastic pull
Detail C


Exhaust-control section

adapter Trunnion

5/16–18 hex nut ■
● Hand-tighten only.
■ 10 ft.-lbs. torque max.

Figure 2.  Fault Tamer backup limiter, fuse tube, and fuse cartridge.

8   S&C Instruction Sheet 451-500


STEP  4.  Carefully pull on the red-beaded plastic pull tab

to pull the fuse cartridge through the fuse tube, Fuse tube
1/8-inch (3 mm)
against spring tension, until the contact fingers Fuse approximately
expand into the ring contact on the fuse tube. cartridge
See Figure 3 (top). Ring contact

Avoid jerking and excessive overtravel.

Slowly release the red-beaded plastic pull tab,
permitting the contact fingers to rest on the Contact plastic pull
ring contact. See Figure 3 (bottom). Remove fingers tab
the red-beaded plastic pull tab as shown in
Maximum Pull-Through Position
Figure 4. Discard the plastic pull tab after

Do not break off red-beaded plastic pull
tab. The contact fingers may separate from
the ring contact, allowing the fuse cartridge
to pull back into the fuse tube and requiring
the fuse cartridge to be installed again.
The prop­er way to remove the red-beaded
plastic pull tab is shown in Figure 4. Drop-Back Position

STEP  5.  Immediately prior to installation, check the Figure 3. Installation of Fault Tamer Fuse Limiter Cartridge.
limiter to ensure no damage occurred during
shipping. Visually inspect the unit with the
trunnion removed to make sure there are no
cracks or other visible damage. Check
continuity to ensure internal limiter
components were not damaged during
shipping. See Figure 5 on page 11.

Check the backup limiter for damage during
shipping. Failure to check the backup
limiter for shipping damage can result in a
damaged backup limiter being placed into
service, which can cause personal injury,
fire, or equipment or property damage.

Figure 4. The proper way to remove the red-beaded plastic

pull tab.

S&C Instruction Sheet 451-500   9


STEP  6.  Align the keys on the fuse tube with the notches
in the exhaust-control section of the backup
limiter. See Figure 2, Details A and B on page 8.
Insert the fuse tube into the exhaust-control
section and hand-tighten the collar nut.

The alignment keys in the fuse tube and the
notches in the exhaust control section of the
backup limiter are intended to guard against
inadvertent use of fuse tubes applicable to
one system voltage with backup limiters
applicable to a different system voltage. Do
not defeat the alignment keys or notches
or force together a fuse tube with a backup
limiter it is not designed to work with.
Misapplying Fault Tamer Fuse Limiter
components can result in arcing, fire,
equipment damage, serious injury, or

STEP  7.  Attach the trunnion to the threaded stud on the

backup limiter with the lockwasher and
5/16–18 hex nut, provided. See Figure 2 on page 8.
For over-insulated Fault Tamer Fuse
Limiters with extension adapter: Remove
the tr unnion from the backup limiter, if
installed. Save the hardware. Attach the exten-
sion adapter to the threaded stud on the backup
limiter with the lockwasher and 5/16–18 hex nut
provided. Then, attach the trunnion to the
extension adapter with the 5/16–18 x 7/8 hex-head
cap screw, lockwasher, and 5/16–18 hex nut
provided. See Figure 2 Detail C on page 8.

Do not over tighten 5/16–18 hex nut
(10 ft. lbs. max). Damage to the backup limiter
may result if the hex nut is overtightened.

10   S&C Instruction Sheet 451-500


Complete the following steps when re-fusing a Fault Tamer If the backup limiter does not have continuity,
Fuse Limiter. remove the trunnion so it can be reused, and
then discard the backup limiter. If the backup
STEP  1.  When a Fault Tamer Fuse Limiter operates, it
limiter does have continuity, it can be reused—
swings to the Open position. Remove it from the
but first, remove any debris that might be inside
mounting using a universal pole and a suitable
the exhaust-control section of the backup
fuse-handling fitting, such as a Talon™ Handling
Tool or a distribution prong. See Figure 7 on
page 13.
 CAUTION Failure to remove debris from inside
As with any current-limiting fuse, when a the exhaust-control section can prevent
backup limiter operates, it can become hot full travel of the fuse cartridge during a
enough to cause burns. Wear gloves and subsequent fault-clearing operation. This
handle the Fault Tamer Fuse Limiter by can result in arcing, fire, equipment
the fuse tube to avoid possible burn damage, serious injury, or death.
injury. Do not remove the screen or copper
shot at the bot­tom of the exhaust-control
section. See Figure 5. Doing so can
STEP  2.  Unscrew the collar nut and remove the fuse tube
result in serious injury or death during a
from the backup limiter.
subsequent fault-clearing operation.
STEP  3.  Determine whether the backup limiter has
operated by checking its continuity. Touch one
lead of the continuity tester to the trunnion and
the other to the button contact inside the
exhaust-control device. See Figure 5. The
continuity test must be performed as part of the
re-fusing procedure after every Fault Tamer
Fuse Limiter operation. Button
Failure to check the backup limiter for
continuity can return a limiter to service
that has already operated. This can result
in personal injury, fire, equip­ ment, or
property damage.



Figure 5.  Checking the continuity of a backup limiter.

(Cross-sectional view of exhaust-control section.)

S&C Instruction Sheet 451-500   11


STEP  4.  Unscrew the fuse-tube cap from the fuse tube
and remove the spring-and-cable assembly.
Unscrew the upper termi­nal of the blown fuse
Contact Clip
cartridge from the spring-and-cable assembly
and discard. If the spring-and-cable assembly is
damaged, install a new assembly.
STEP  5.  Visually inspect the fuse tube bore and, if
required, remove any debris.
STEP  6.  Visually inspect the fuse tube for cracks or
other visible damage. Fuse tubes with damage
should be replaced.
STEP  7.  Visually inspect the contact clip on the fuse
tube as shown in Figure 6 for damage or erosion.
Fuse tubes with contact clip damage or erosion
should be replaced.

A Fault Tamer fuse tube with contact clip
erosion or damage should not be returned
to service. Doing so may cause personal
injury, fire, or equipment or property

STEP  8.  Push the upper ferrule down until it reaches

a positive stop to verify full travel of the
upper ferrule and the latch­ing mechanism. See Figure 6. The Fault Tamer fuse tube contact clip.
Figure 2 on page 8.
Continue with Steps 2 through Step 7 of
the “Fusing” section on pages 8 through 10.

12   S&C Instruction Sheet 451-500

Installing and Closing a Fault Tamer Fuse Limiter

Complete the following steps to install and close a Fault

Tamer Fuse Limiter:
STEP  1.  Insert the curled prong of a Talon Handling Tool
or a distribution prong into the opening of the
lift­ing eye. See Figure 7. Or, as an alternate,
insert the straight prong on the Talon tool or a
distribution prong into the keyhole opening in
the trunnion. For some Fault Tamer Fuse
Limiters, the lifting eye is located in the
trunnion. For other models, the lifting eye is
molded into the backup limiter.
STEP  2.  Guide the Fault Tamer Fuse Limiter into the
hinge of the mounting, as shown in Figure 7.
Then, disengage the distribution prong. If a
Talon tool is used, rotate the universal pole
counterclock­w ise 180° to disengage.

Fault Tamer Fuse Limiter

mounting hinge

Talon curled Talon Handling Tool

Lifting eye
straight prong Lifting eye


Catalog numbers
98022, 98052, and 98044●

Catalog number 98021

Catalog numbers
Catalog number 98072 98053 and 98054 ■
● Install and remove using lifting eye in trunnion.
■ Does not use extension adapter.

Figure 7.  Installing a Fault Tamer Fuse Limiter into a mounting.

S&C Instruction Sheet 451-500   13

Installing and Closing a Fault Tamer Fuse Limiter

STEP  3.  Insert the straight prong on the Talon Handling

Tool or a distribu­tion prong in the pull-ring on
the fuse tube and swing the Fault Tamer Fuse
Limiter to within approximately 45° of the fully
Closed position. See Figure 8. Then, while
looking away from the Fault Tamer Fuse 45°
Limiter, drive the Fault Tamer Fuse Limiter to
the Closed position using a vigorous thrust.
Carefully disengage the prong from the pull-
ring, taking care to avoid pulling the Fault 20°
Tamer Fuse Limiter open.

Do not use the Talon Handling Tool curled
prong to close a Fault Tamer Fuse Limiter.
Use of the curled prong to close a Fault Figure 8. Swing the Fault Tamer Fuse Limiter to within
Tamer Fuse Limiter can prevent full closure, approximately 45° of the fully Closed position (approximately
20° above the hori­zontal) before a final Closing operation.
resulting in arcing, equipment damage, fire,
serious injury, or death.

14   S&C Instruction Sheet 451-500

Opening a Fault Tamer Fuse Limiter

Do not attempt to open a Fault Tamer Fuse
Lim­iter to interrupt load current without the use of
a load­ break tool such as Loadbuster®—The S&C
Loadbreak Tool. Doing so can cause arcing, fire,
equipment damage, serious injury, or death.

The Loadbuster tool is ideally suited for use in opening

Fault Tamer Fuse Limiters. The Loadbuster tool is S&C’s
unique method of providing low-cost, positive, and
convenient live-switching capability for such devices.
Instructions for use of the Loadbuster tool with a Fault
Tamer Fuse Limiter are shown in the next section.
Following an opening operation using a Loadbuster
tool, the Fault Tamer Fuse Limiter can be lifted out of the
mounting using a uni­versal pole equipped with a suitable
fuse-handling fitting, such as a Talon Handling Tool or a
distribu­tion prong.

A Fault Tamer Fuse Limiter should not be left in the
Open position for an extended period of time because
water may damage the fuse tube. Energizing damaged
units may cause personal injury, fire, or equipment or
property damage.

S&C Instruction Sheet 451-500   15

Opening with Loadbuster® —The S&C Loadbreak Tool

STEP  1.  Check for proper resetting of the Loadbuster

tool by extending the tool about 3 inches
(76 mm) by hand. Throughout this travel, an
increasing spring resistance should be felt.
STEP  2.  Reach the Loadbuster tool across in front of the Attachment
Fault Tamer Fuse Limiter and hook the anchor, hook
located at the top of Loadbuster tool, over the Anchor
attachment hook on the far side of the Fault
Tamer Fuse Limiter. See Figure 9. Pull-ring hook
STEP  3.  Swing the Loadbuster tool toward the Fault
Tamer Fuse Limiter and pass the Loadbuster
tool’s pull-ring hook through the pull-ring on the
Fault Tamer Fuse Limiter. The pull-ring latch
will deflect and upon complete entry of the
pull-ring will spring back, locking the
Loadbuster tool to the pull-ring. The Loadbuster
tool is now connected across the upper contacts Pull-ring latch
of the Fault Tamer Fuse Limiter.
STEP  4.  To open the circuit, operate the Loadbuster tool
with a firm, steady pull until it is extended to its
maximum length. See Figure 10. Avoid jerking
and hesitation. The resetting latch will keep it
open. Generally, there will be no indica­tion of
circuit interruption. The only sound will be that
of the Loadbuster tool tripping.
Figure 9. A Loadbuster tool connected to a Fault Tamer
Fuse Limiter.

Figure 10.  A Loadbuster tool in the Tripped position.

16   S&C Instruction Sheet 451-500

Opening with Loadbuster® —The S&C Loadbreak Tool

STEP  5.  To detach a Loadbuster tool after circuit

interruption, first raise it slightly and disengage
the anchor from the attachment hook.

Improper handling of the Loadbuster tool
can de­ crease the open gap to the point
where flashover will occur. This can result
in arcing, fire, serious injury, or death.

Next, bring the Fault Tamer Fuse Limiter

toward its fully Open posi­tion, as illustrated
in Figure 11. Then, remove the Loadbuster tool
from the pull-ring by rotating the pole. This will
deflect the pull-ring latch to release the pull-
ring. Because a Fault Tamer Fuse Limiter will
drop fully open by gravity, it may be preferred
to remove the Loadbuster tool by “rolling” it
off both the attach­ment hook and pull-ring at
the same time by twist­ing the pole after the
Loadbuster tool has been tripped and fully
extended. To perform this operation easily and
smoothly, always roll the Loadbuster tool so it
rotates in an upward direction.
STEP  6.  To reset a Loadbuster tool for the next operation,
hold it as shown in Figure 12. Extend the tool Figure 11.  Detaching a Loadbuster tool from a Fault Tamer
slightly and lift the resetting latch with your Fuse Limiter.
thumb. With the latch up, telescope the tool
completely so the trigger can reset itself.
Depress the telescoping tube until the orange
paint on the inner tube assembly is no longer
visible. Check for proper resetting by extending
the tool about 3 inches (76 mm). Throughout
this travel an increasing spring resistance
should be felt.


Figure 12.  Resetting the Loadbuster tool.

S&C Instruction Sheet 451-500   17


S&C recommends routine inspection of Fault Tamer Fuse

limiter installations to check for any corrosion on metal
components, any cracks or deterioration of the plastic
housing, or any missing components.
If there is any evidence of corrosion on metal com-
ponents, evident cracks or deterioration of the plastic
housing, or if components are missing, the installation
should be replaced with new Fault Tamer Fuse Limiter
components as soon as possible.
The schedule for inspecting Fault Ta mer F use
Limiter installations is dependent on environmental
conditions and the installation location. S&C recommends
the inspection schedule be based on standard utility
practice for outdoor distribution equipment.

18   S&C Instruction Sheet 451-500

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