Task 4. Oral Production Spill The Beans Forum
Task 4. Oral Production Spill The Beans Forum
Task 4. Oral Production Spill The Beans Forum
Meimis Torregroza
Collaborative group code # 90008
Yenyfer Dajil
Course English 1
When I was a little girl I used to play with my friends running and jumping, now I can't do any of
that because I'm older. Before I used to exercise a lot every day and I used to go to the gym three
times a week, now I exercise very little and I can't go to the gym because I have a lot of work. I
used to go to sleep very late playing online games with my friends and now I can't because I'm so
busy. I used to go out alone to the movies and also with my friends now I only go out with my
daughter and also with my family. Before I used to enjoy my day off and now I just go out to shop
and fulfill obligations. Before I used to go for a walk with my dog now I don't. Before I used to
bathe in the river now I don't go to the river because there isn't one nearby, before I used to cook
for my family now I don't. Before I used to travel a lot to Bogotá now I don't go anymore, before I
used to go to mass now I don't go because of my occupations.
Stage 2
URL: https://youtu.be/rcWcTEpLnzQ
Hello, good afternoon, my name is Meimis Torregroza, a student of the Regency Pharmacy
program, I am in the second semester, Caribbean zone CEAD Puerto Colombia Atlantico. I am a
cheerful, sociable and outgoing person.
The mall is very special to me because there are many stores where I can buy quality products at
the best price with guarantee and originality such as El Exito, Carulla, Falabella, Panamericana,
Koac and Dollar City.
The activities that I can do are explore children's areas for my daughter, also play in game rooms,
between eating ice cream, having a great afternoon, watching movies at the cinema, I can also go
to the market to buy my favorite clothes, having dinner with the family, spending time with my
friends, I can eat at my favorite place which is Mc Donalds
Where it is located: Barranquilla, Atlántico, north of the city very centered near where I live.
Stage 4
URL: https://voca.ro/1fSFnmyssDGn
From this work we can conclude the importance of knowing our favorite place in life, the
importance of feeling comfortable in that place and recognizing our past habits and those we do
now, making clear the habits that we can no longer do due to lack of time or work or simply
because life has changed us and many of our habits have been lost and self-assess ourselves to
recognize what is right and what is wrong and how we can improve.