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Chemistry Important Questions PDF

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I. One Mark Questions

1. Give one example for paramagnetic substance. (MQP-1)

2. Which type of binding force existing in ice? (MQP-1)

3. Define the co-ordination number of a particle in solids. (MARCH-2015)

4. What is the co-ordination number of face centered cubic close packing structure?

5. Name a crystal defect which lowers the density of an ionic crystal. (MARCH-2015)

6. What is Sckottky defect? (JULY-2018)

II. Two Marks Questions

7. If a metal with atomic mass 209 crystallizes in a simple cubic lattice what is the edge length of its
unit cell (Given d = 91.5 kg m-3). (MQP-1)

8. An element having atomic mass 60 amu has FCC unit cell. The edge length of the unit cell is 4x
102 pm. Find the density of the unit cell. (MQP-2)

9. Give two differences between p-type & n-type semiconductors. (MQP-3)

10. Calculate the number of particles present per unit cell in a simple cubic unit cell (SCC). (MQP-3)

11. Aluminium crystalizes in a fcc structure. Atomic radius of the metal is 125 pm. Calculate the edge
length of unit cell of the metal. (MARCH-2014)

12. Explain Frenkel defect. Give an example. (MARCH-2014 & JULY-2014)

13. Calculate the number of particles (atoms) present per unit cell in an FCC unit cell.
(MQP-2, MQP-4, JULY-2014, APRIL-2016(Re-exam), JULY-2016 & JULY-2018)

14. Give any two differences between Schottky and Frenkel defect? (JULY-2015 & JULY-2017)

15. An element having atomic mass 107.9 u has FCC lattice. The edge length of its unit cell is 408.6
pm. Calculate density of the unit cell. [Given, NA= 6.022×1023 mol-1].
(JULY-2015 & MARCH- 2018)

16. What is Schottky defect? What is its effect on the density of the crystal?
(MARCH-2016 & MARCH-2018)

17. An element crystallises in a fcc lattice. If the edge length of the unit cell 408.6 pm and density is
10.5 gcm-3, calculate the atomic mass of the element(NA=6.022 x1023) (MARCH-2016)

18. What are ferromagnetic substances? Give one example. (APRIL-2016(Re-exam))

19. Silver forms ccp lattice and X- ray studies of its crystals show that the edge length of its unit cell is

408.6pm. Calculate the density of silver (atomic mass = 107.9 u)

(MQP-4, APRIL-2016(Re-exam))

20. Which type of Stoichiometric defect is shown by the following solids?

a) AgCl b) KCl (JULY-2016)

21. Give the differences between crystalline and amorphous solids with respect to shape and melting
point? (MARCH-2017)

22. An element having 63.1 g/mol has face centred cubic unit cell with edge length 3.608×10-8 cm.
Calculate the density of the unit cell(Given: NA=6.022 x1023 atoms/mol). (MARCH-2017)

23. How ferromagnetism is arises in a substances? Give an example of substance showing

ferromagnetism. ` (JULY-2017)

24. Lithium metal has a body centred cubic lattice structure with edge length of unit cell 352 pm.
Calculate the density of lithium metal. [Given: Atomic mass of Li=7 gmol-1, NA=6.022×1023
Atom mol-1]. (MARCH-2019)

25. What is Frenkel defect? What is its defect on the density of a solid? (MARCH-2019)

III. Three Marks Questions

26. Calculate the packing efficiency in simple cubic unit cell

(MARCH-2014, JULY-2014, MARCH-2016, MARCH-2017 & MARCH-2018)

27. Calculate the packing efficiency in a unit cell of cubic close packing (CCP) structure. Or Calculate
the packing efficiency in face centered cubic (FCC) lattice Or Calculate the packing efficiency in a
unit cell of hexagonal close packing (HCP) structure.
(MQP-1, MQP-3, MARCH-2015, JULY-2017 & MARCH-2019)

28. Calculate the packing efficiency in body centered cubic unit cell.
(MQP-2, MQP-4, JULY-2015, APRIL-2016(Re-exam), JULY-2016 & JULY-2018)



I. One Mark Questions

1. How does the enthalpy change during the formation of a non-ideal solution two liquids showing
positive deviation from Raoult’s law? (MQP-2)

2. What is the effect of temperatures on solubility of a gas in liquid? (MQP-3)

3. Define osmotic pressure. (MQP-3)

4. Define Vant hoff factor (MQP-4)

5. Mention the enthalpy of mixing ( mix H ) to form an ideal solution (MARCH-2014)

6. Define molarity (MARCH-2014 & JULY-2014)

7. What is binary solution? (JULY-2014)

8. What happens to the solubility of gas in a liquid with increase in temperature? Give reason.

9. At a given temperature and oressure nitrogen gas is more soluble in water than in helium gas.
Which one of them has higher value of KH? (MARCH-2015)

10. On mixing equal amounts of acetone and ethanol, what type of deviation from Raoult’s Law is
expected? (MARCH-2015)

11. What are isotonic solutions? (MQP-4, MARCH-2015 & MARCH-2018)

12. Give an example for liquid-gas solution. (JULY-2015)

13. On what factor the value of colligative property depends?. (JULY-2015)

14. What are non-ideal solution? Give the reasons for negative deviations in non-ideal solutions from
Raoult’s law. (MARCH-2016)

15. State Raoult’s law for liquid mixtures or State Raoul’s law of a binary solution of two volatile liquids
components. (MARCH-2016 & JULY-2017)

16. Define molality (MQP-2, MARCH-2016 & MARCH–2018)

17. Ornamental gold containing copper is an example for what type of solution?

18. Name the law behind the dissolution of CO2 gas in soft drinks at high pressure

19. Soda bottles are sealed under high pressure. Give reason. (JULY-2016)

20. What are ideal solutions? (JULY-2016)

21. State Henry’s law. (MQP-1, JULY-2016, MARCH–2018 & JULY-2018)

22. How does molarity varies with temperature (MARCH-2017)

23. 10 mL of liquid A is mixed with 10 mL of liquid B the volume of the resultant solution is 19.9 mL.

What type of deviation expected from Raoult’s law. (MARCH-2017)

24. Van’t Hoff factor for a solution is more than one. What is the conclusion drawn from it.

25. Vant Hoff factor for a solution is less than one, what is the conclusion drawn from it.
(MQP-1, MARCH-2018)

26. In a binary solution, mole fraction of one component is 0.068. What is the mole fraction of other
component? (JULY-2018)

27. How does the size of blood cells change when placed in an aqueous solution containing more
than 0.9 %(m/v) sodium chloride. (MARCH-2019)

28. How does the volume change on mixing two volatile liquids to form an ideal solutions? (MARCH-

II. Two Marks Questions

29. What are azeotropes? Give an example. (MQP-1)

30. Give two general characteristics of an ideal solution of two liquids. (MQP-3)

31. State Henry’s law and write its mathematical form (MARCH-2014 & MARCH-2018)

32. Write any two differences between ideal and non-ideal solutions.
(MQP-4, JULY-2015, APRIL 2016(Re-exam) & JULY-2018)

33. What are non-ideal solutions? Mention the reason for the negative deviation from the Raoult’s law.

34. How solubility of gas varies with i)Temperature and ii)Pressure (MARCH-2017)

35. What is reverse osmosis? Mention its one practical utility? Or what is reverse osmosis? Mention its
use. (MQP-2, JULY-2017 & MARCH-2019)

III. Three Marks Questions

36. Acetone boils at 56.38oC and a solution of 1.41g of an organic compound in 20 g of acetone boils
at 56.880C. Calculate the molar mass of the organic compound (Given Kb for acetone =1.67 K
kg/mol). (MQP-2)

37. Calculate the osmatic pressure of 0.05% urea solution in water at 200C. Given R =0.0821Latm
mol-1K-1. Molar mass of urea = 60g mol-1. (MQP-3)

38. On dissolving 2.34 g of solute in 40 g of benzene, the boiling point of solution was higher than that
of benzene by 0.81K. Kb value of benzene is 2.53K kg mol-1. Calculate the molar mass of the solute.

39. The vapour pressure of pure benzene at certain temperature is 0.850 bar. A non-volatile, non-
electrolyte solid weighing 0.5 grams when added to 39 gram of benzene (Molar mass=78 g mol-1)
vapour pressure of the solution then is 0.845 bar. What is the molar mass of the solid substance?
(JULY-2014 & JULY-2017)


40. A solution containing 18 g of non-volatile solute exactly in 200 g of water freezes at 272.07K.
Calculate molar mass of the solute. Given Kf= 1.86 K kg/mol and freezing point of water is 273 K.

41. Boiling point of benzene is 353.23K when 1.80 g of a non-volatile non ionizing solute was
dissolved in 90g of benzene, the boiling point is raised to 354.11K. Calculate the molar mass of the
solute. (Given: Kb=2.53 K kg mol− 1) (MQP-4, JULY-2015 & MARCH- 2018)

42. 200 cm3 of aqueous solution of a protein contains 1.26 g of protein. The osmatic pressure of such a
solution at 300 K is found to be 2.57 x 10-3 bar. Calculate the molar mass of the protein. (
R=0.083 L bar mol-1 K) (MARCH-2016)

43. 300 cm3 of aqueous solution of a protein contains 2.12 g of protein. The osmotic pressure of such a
solution at 300 K is found to be 3.89 x 10-3 bar. Calculate the molar mass of the protein. (
R=0.083 L bar mol-1 K-1) (JULY-2016)

44. 1.0 g of non-electrolyte dissolved in 50 g of benzene lowered the freezing point of benzene by 0.4
K. Find the molar mass of the solute.(Given: Kf=5.12 K Kg mol-1) (MARCH-2017)

45. 5.8g of nonvolatile solute was dissolved in 100 g of carbon disulphide (CS2). The vapour pressure
of the solution was found to be 190 mm Hg. Calclate the molar mass of the given solute, given the
vapour pressure of the pure CS2 is 195 mm Hg(Molar mss of CS2= 76 gmol-1). (MQP-1, APRIL-
2016(Re-exam) &JULY-2018)

46. 31 g of an unknown molecular material is dissolved in 500 g of water. The resulting solution
freezes at 271.1 K. Calculate the molar mass of the material.[Given: Kf for water=1.86 K Kg mol-1,
Tfo of water =273 K]. (MARCH-2019)



I. One Mark Questions

1. How molar conductivity varies with dilution. (MQP-1)

2. What is a primary electrochemical cell? Or what is primary battery? (MQP-2 & MQP-4)

3. Mention the concentration of H+ ions in the solution used in SHE. (MQP-3)

4. What are secondary cells? (MARCH-2014 & JULY-2016)

5. Write the S. I unit of molar conductivity? (MQP-4, JULY-2014)

6. What is corrosion? Mention one method to prevent it. (MQP-4, JULY-2014)

7. What are Fuel cells? (MARCH-2015)

8. What happens to molar conductivity when one mole KCl dissolved in one litre is diluted to five
litres? (MARCH-2015)

9. State Faradays first law of electrolysis. (MARCH-2015 & JULY-2018)

10. How many Coloumbs of electricity is needed to oxidise one mole of Al to Al3+. (JULY-2015)

11. State Kohlraush’s Law. (JULY-2015 & MARCH -2018)

12. Write the equation for the anodic reaction during rusting of iron. (MARCH-2016)

13. Write the overall reaction taking place in Daniel cell. (APRIL-2016(Re-exam))

14. Which gas evolved at cathode during the electrolysis of an aqueous solution of NaCl

15. Write Nearnst equation for Daniel cell. (JULY-2016)

16. Write the equation for the cathodic reaction of Lead storage battery. (JULY-2016)

17. Mention any two factors which affects the conductivity of a electrolytic solution.

18. Write the anodic reaction taking place at Hydrogen-Oxygen fuel cell. (JULY-2017)

19. What is limiting molar conductance. (MARCH-2018)

20. How many Faradays of electricity is required to reduce to reduce 1 mole of MnO4- ions Mn2+ ions?

21. Why does the conductivity of solution decreases with dilution? (JULY-2018)

22. How many moles of electricity is required for the reduction of one mole of Mg2+? (JULY-2018)

23. Draw a graph of  m Vs C for acetic acid (Weak electrolyte) solution. (MARCH-2019)

II. Two Marks Questions


24. Write anodic and cathodic half-cell reactions taking place in Daniel cell. (MQP-1)

25. The resistance of M/10 solution is found to be 2.5 X 103 ohms. Calculate molar conductance
(Given Cell constant = 1.15 cm-1). (MQP-1)

26. Mention two general methods for prevention of corrosion. (MQP-1)

27. Write two applications of Kohlrausch law. (MQP-2)

28. Draw the neat labeled diagram of SHE and write its symbolic representation. (MQP-2)

29. What is limiting molar conductivity? Represent graphically the variation in molar conductivity with
concentration for acetic acid. (MQP-3)

30. A galvanic cell after use is recharged by passing current through it.What type of cell is it? Give an
example. (MQP-3)

31. Calculate the r G0 for the following reaction

+ + +
Fe(2aq ) + Ag(aq) ⎯⎯→ Fe(3aq ) + Ag(s )
(Given : Ecell = 0.03V , F = 96500C) (MARCH- 2014)

32. What is molar conductivity how it related the conductivity of a solution whose concentration is
C mol m-3 (MARCH-2014)

33. Draw the neat labeled diagram of standard hydrogen electrode (SHE) and write its half-cell
reaction and E0 value. (MARCH-2014, JULY- 2015, MARCH-2016 & JULY-2017)

34. State Faradays second law of electrolysis. (JULY-2014 & MARCH-2019)

35. For the Zn2+ + 2e − ⎯⎯→ Zn(s) , what quantity of electricity in Coulombs is required to deposit one
mole of zinc? (MARCH-2015)

36. Calculate the 0

m for MgCl2. The limiting molar conductivities of Mg2+ and Cl- ions are
106.0 S cm2 mol −1 and 76.3 S cm2 mol −1 respectively. (MARCH-2016)

37. State Faradays first law of electrolysis. Write its mathematical form using usual notations.

38. State Kohlraush’s Law. (APRIL-2016(Re-exam))

39. Write the equations of anodic and cathodic reactions occur during rusting of iron. (JULY-2016)

40. Write the mathematical expression for limiting molar conductivity of sodium chloride(NaCl)

41. Write the cathodic and anodic cell reactions of Hydrogen-Oxygen fuel cell. (MARCH-2017)

42. Calculate the equilibrium constant for the reaction

Cu(s) + 2 Ag(+aq) ⎯⎯→ 2 Ag(s) + Cu(2aq
+ 0
) : Ecell = 0.46 V (JULY-2017)

43. Draw a neat labeled diagram of H2-O2 fuel cell. Write the reaction occurs at cathode of the cell.
(MARCH-2018 & JULY-2018)

44. Calculate the standard free energy change for the following reaction occurring in the galvanic cell at
3Mg(s) + 2Al 3+(aq) ⎯⎯→ 3Mg 2+(aq) +2Al(s)
[Given E 0Mg 2 + / Mg = −2.37 V and E 0Al 3 + / Al = 1.66 V and F = 96487C]

III. Three Marks Questions

45. Standard EMF of the cell is 0.46 V at 25o C. Find the value of standard free energy change for the
reaction that occurs in the cell. Cu(s)| Cu 2+(1M ) Ag +(1M )| Ag(s) . (MQP-2)

46. Calculate the standard free energy change for the following reaction occurring in the galvanic cell at
3Mg(s) + 2Al 3+(aq) ⎯⎯→ 3Mg 2+(aq) +2Al(s)
(MQP-2015 )
Given E 0Mg 2 + / Mg = −2.37 V and E 0Al 3 + / Al = 1.66 V

47. Calculate the EMF of the cell for the reaction

Mg(s) + 2 Ag + ⎯⎯→ 2 Ag(s) + Mg(2aq
0 0
Given : EMg 2+
/ Mg = −2.37 V , E Ag + / Ag = 0.80 V , (MARCH-2015)

[Mg 2+ ] = 0.001M ; [ Ag + ] = 0.0001M ; log 10 5 = 5.

48. Calculate the EMF of the cell in which following reaction takes place
+ 2+
Ni(s) + 2 Ag(0.002 M ) ⎯⎯→ 2 Ag(s) + Ni(0.160 M)
(MQP-3, JULY-2015 & JULY-2018)
Given : Ecell = 1.05 V

49. Describe the construction and working of standard hydrogen electrode (SHE). (JULY-2014)

50. Draw the labelled diagram standard hydrogen electrode (SHE). Write its half-cell reaction and E0
value. (MARCH-2014)

51. Find the value of G0 at 250C for the following electrochemical cell. (JULY-2016)
2+ +
Cu| Cu (1M ) Ag (1M )| Ag
[ ECu = 1.05 V , E 0Ag = +0.8 V , F = 96487C]

52. Calculate the e.m.f of the cell for the reaction

Mg(s) + Cu 2+ (0.001M ) ⎯⎯→ Cu(s) + Mg 2+ (0.001M )
0 0
Given : EMg 2+
/ Mg = −2.37 V , ECu2 + / Cu = 0.80 V

53. Explain construction and working of Daniel cell.

54. Explain construction and working of fuel cell.


55. Resistance of a conductivity cell filled with 0.02M KCl solution is 520Ω. Calculate the conductivity
and molar conductivity of that solution. [Cell constant =1.29cm-1].

56. Write the equations for the reactions taking place at anode and cathode in the Lead-Storage
battery. (MARCH-2019)


I. One Mark Question

1. Which metal of 3d-series exhibit maximum number of oxidation state? (MQP-2)

2. Complete the equation: 5C2O4 2− + 2MnO4 − + 16 H + ⎯⎯→ (MQP-3)

3. What is actinide contraction? (MQP-3)

4. Name the transition elements exhibit highest oxidation state. (JULY-2014)

5. What is interstitial compounds? ( MARCH-2016, JULY-2016 & MARCH-2019)

6. Write the general electronic configuration of actinoides. (JULY-2016)

7. What is lanthanide contraction? (JULY-2016 & JULY-2018)

8. Write the formula used to calculate the spin only magnetic moment.
(MQP-1, JULY-2016 & JULY-2017)

9. Which element of 3d series exhibits maximum oxidation state? (MARCH-2017)

10. What is the general or common oxidation state of actinides? (MQP-3, JULY-2018)

11. Between Cu(2aq+ ) and Cu(+aq) , which is more stable? (JULY-2018)

II. Two Marks Questions

12. 3d Transition metals and their compounds are good catalysts. Give two reasons? (MQP-1)

13. Give two consequences of lanthanoids contraction.

14. What is actinide contraction? Mention the cause for it. (MQP-2)

15. What are interstitial compounds? Write any two characteristics of interstitial compounds. (MQP-3)
16. Write the two chemical equations to show the inter conversion of chromates & dichromates in
aqueous solution. (MQP-3)

17. Why do transition elements form complex compounds? Or Give reasons for the formation of large
number of complex compounds by transition metals. (JULY-2014 & JULY-2017)

18. Give reasons

(i) Actinoids show variable oxidation state. (JULY-2014, JULY-2015 & MARCH-2016)
(ii) Lanthanoids are less reactive than actinoids (MARCH-2016)

19. Give any two differences between Lanthnoids and Actanoids. (MARCH-2015)

20. Calculate the magnetic moment of Mn2+ ion. Given atomic number of Mn = 25. ( JULY-2015)

21. Which is the 3d series of the transition metals exhibits the largest number of oxidation states and
why? Or trasition metals exhibit variable oxidation state why? (MQP-2, JULY-2015)

22. Give reason: Sc3+ ions are colourless but V3+ are coloured. (MARCH-2016)

23. Zr (Z = 40) and Hf (Z = 72) have almost identical radii. Give reason (APRIL-2016(Re-exam)

24. Calculate the spin only magnetic moment of Fe2+. (APRIL-2016(Re-exam) & MARCH-2017)
25. Cu2+ ions are coloured, Zn2+ ions are colourless. Give reason. (JULY-2016)

26. What is lanthanide contraction? Mention the cause for it. (MARCH-2014 & MARCH-2017)

27. Study actinide elements is difficult. Give two reasons. (JULY-2017)

28. Give any two reasons why transition metals show catalytic property. (JULY-2018)

29. How do you account for the following?

(i) Atomic radii of second and third transition series elements are almost identical.
(ii) Actinoids exhibit more number of oxidation states than lanthanoids. (JULY-2018)

30. Transition metals show good catalytic property. Give any two reasons. (MARCH-2019)

III. Three Marks Questions

31. d-block elements form co-ordination compounds . Give three reasons. (MQP-4)

32. Answer the following with reference to the first row of transition metals,
(i) Name the metal which possess maximum number of oxidation states. (MARCH-2014)
(ii) Among Zn2+ and Cu2+ which is colourless. (MARCH-2014)
2+ 2+
(iii)Between Ti and V which ion contains more number of unpaired electrons?

33. Explain the manufacture of potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7) from chromite ore.
(MQP-1, MQP-2, MQP-4, MARCH-2014, JULY-2014, MARCH-2015, JULY-2015,
APRIL- 2016(Re-exam), JULY-2017, JULY-2018 & MARCH-2019)

34. Give reasons for the following:

(i) Zr and Hf have same atomic radii. (JULY-2014)
(ii) Cerium exihibits +4 oxidation state. (MARCH-2018)
(iii)Actinoid contractions is greater from element to element than lanthanoid contraction.

35. Give reasons for the following:

(i) Transition metals are good catalytic agent. (MARCH-2015)
(ii) Second ionization enthalpy of copper is very high. (MARCH-2015)
(iii) The spin only magnetic moment of Sc3+ is Zero (Z=21) (MARCH-2015)

36. Explain the manufacture of KMnO4 from pyrolusite ore (MnO2).

(MARCH-2016, JULY-2016, MARCH-2017 & MARCH-2018)

37. Give reasons for the following:

(i) Sc 3+
salts are colourless whereas Cr3+ are coloured. (APRIL-2016(Re-exam))

(ii) Ti4+ salts are colourless whereas Cr3+ are coloured. (MARCH-2018)
(iii) Why 3d series elements are good catalyst? (JULY-2015 & MARCH-2018)



I. One Mark Questions

1. Give an example for Heteroleptic complex. (MQP-1)

2. How many ions are produced from the aqueous solution of complex K3[Al(C2O4)3]. (MQP-1)

3. How many moles of AgCl is precipitated when excess AgNO3 solution is added to one molar solution
of CrCl ( H 2O)5  Cl2 (MARCH-2015)

4. Which set of d − orbitals of metal ion/atom experience more repulsion in octahedral field created
by the ligand. (MARCH-2015)

5. What are homoleptic complexes? (JULY-2016)

6. What is the co-ordination number of Fe in [FeCl2 (en)2 ] Cl (MARCH-2017)

7. Write the structure of trans isomer of [Co( NH3 )4 Cl2 ] + (JULY-2017)

8. What is an ambidentate ligand? (MARCH-2018)

9. Write the IUPAC name of Cr ( NH 3 ) ( H 2O ) Cl  Cl (MARCH-2018)

 4 

10. What is the co-ordination number of Fe in K4 [Fe(CN)6 ] (JULY-2018)

11. Write the IUPAC name of K2[ Zn(OH)4 ] (MQP-3, JULY-2018)

12. Write the IUPAC name of K 3 [Cr(C 2 O 4 )3 ] (MARCH-2019)

II. Two Marks Questions

13. Draw the structures of cis and trans isomers for [Pt (NH3)2Cl2]. (MQP-1)

14. Give the IUPAC name of [Co (NH3)4Br2] SO4, and give its ionisation isomer. (MARCH-2015)

15. What is crystal field splitting? Explain the splitting of d-orbital in octahedral complexes.

16. Write the IUPAC name of [Pt(NH3)3 (H2O) Cl2]. (APRIL-2016(Re-exam))

17. Explain ionization isomerism in with an example. (JULY-2016)

18. Write the cis and trans isomeric structure of [Fe( NH3 )2 (CN )3 ] − (MARCH-2017)

19. What is linkage isomerism? Give an example. (MQP-2, MARCH-2018)

20. What are ambidentate ligands? Name the type of structural isomerism arises when such ligand
present in the complex. (MQP-3, JULY-2018)

III. Three Marks Questions

51. Using VBT explain,

(i) Geometry of the complex

(ii) Type of hybridization, in the complex ion [CoF6] 3-

(iii) Is it an inner or outer orbital complex? (MQP-1)

52. Give the IUPAC name of [Ti( H2O)6 ]3+. And cis-trans isomers of [Pt(NH3)2Cl2].

53. Write any three postulates of Werner’s theory of coordination compounds.

(MQP-4, JULY-2014, APRIL-2016(Re-exam) & JULY-2017)

54. a) What is the IUPAC name of [Cr (NH3)3(H2O) 3] Cl3?

b) Give the facial (fac) and meridional (mer) isomeric structures of [Cr (NH3)3(NO2)3]
(JULY-2015 & MARCH-2019)

55. Write the formula of tetraamine aquachloridocobaltate(III) chloride. (MARCH-2016)

56. Using VBT, explain the hybridization, geometry and magnetic property of  CoF6 

hexafluoridocobaltate(III) ion(Atomic number of Co=27).

(APRIL-2016(Re-exam), JULY-2015 & JULY-2017)

57. Give the geometry, hybridization and magnetic property of [Co ( NH3 )6 ] based on VBT

(MQP-3, JULY-2016)

58. Explain the hybridization, geometry and magnetic property of [CoF6 ]3− on the basis of VBT.

59. Using VBT, explain the type of hybridization, geometry and magnetic property of [ NiCl4 ]2− .
(MQP-2, JULY-2014, MARCH-2017 & MARCH-2018)

60. Explain the hybridization, geometry and magnetic property in the complex compound
[ Ni ( CN )4 ]2− using valence bond theory.
(MQP-4, MARCH-2014, MARCH-2015, MARCH-2016 & MARCH-2019)



I. One Mark Questions

1. Write the IUPAC name for CH3-CH(CH3)-CH2Cl. (MQP-1)

2. A Haloalkane when boiled with aqueous KOH which gives an alcohol having inversed
configuration.Name the mechanism involved in this reaction. (MQP-1)

3. Write the general equation of the preparation of alkyl chlorides from alcohols using thionyl chloride
(SOCl2). (MQP-2)

4. Give an example of polyhalogen compound. (MQP-3)

5. What are racemic mixtures? (MQP-4)

6. What are freons? (JULY-2014)

7. CH3 Br + AgF ⎯⎯→ CH3 F + AgBr. Name the reaction.

(MARCH-2014, JULY-2016 & MARCH-2018)

8. Name the product formed when chloro benzene treated with sodium in dry ether.

9. What are enantiomers? (JULY-2015)

10. Complete the reaction

CH 3 − CH − Br + AgCN ( alc ) ⎯⎯→


Dry Acetone
11. RX + NaI ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
→ RI + NaX Name the reaction. (MQP-3, JULY-2015)

12. What is the reagent used in the conversion of alkyl halide to alkene Or What is the reagent used
for the dehydrohalogenation of haloalkanes. (JULY-2015 & MARCH-2018)

13. Which gas is realesed when 2-bromopropane is heated with alcoholic potash? (MARCH-2016)

14. Write the general formula of Grignard reagent? (ARIL-2016(Re-exam)

15. What is chirality? (APRIL-2016(Re-exam))

16. Write the IUPAC name of


17. Para-dichlorobezene has higher melting point than those of ortho and meta isomers. Give reason.

18. What is asymmetric carbon Or stereocentre Or Chiral carbon? (MARCH-2017)

19. Which is the name of the following reaction.



20. Name the major product formed when tertiary butyl bromide is heated with alcoholic KOH

21. In aryl halides, what is the hybridization of carbon to which halogen is attached? (JULY-2018)

22. CH3Cl + NaI ⎯⎯⎯⎯→ CH3 I + NaCl Name the reaction. (JULY-2018)

23. Write the general equation for Wurtz reaction. (MARCH-2019)

24. What is racemic mixture? (MARCH-2019)

25. What is the condition to be satisfied for a compound to be chiral? (MARCH-2019)

II. Two Marks Questions

54. Complete the following reaction and write its name.

2C6H5Cl + 2Na ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
→ ? + 2NaCl (MQP-1)

55. Explain Zaitsev rule with an example. (MQP-1)

56. Name the organic product formed when chloroalkane is heated with concentrated solution of
sodium iodide (NaI) in acetone? Write the chemical equation for the above reaction and name the
above reaction. (MQP-2)

57. Name the product formed when chloromethane reacts with

(i)aqueous KOH
(ii)alcoholic AgCN (MQP-3)

58. Explain the SN2 mechanism Or Explain SN2 mechanism by taking chloromethane as an example
Or write SN2 mechanism for conversion of methyl chloride to methyl alcohol
(MQP-3, JULY-2015, JULY-2016 & MARCH-2017)

59. Explain Fitting reaction with an example (MQP-2, MARCH-2016 & MARCH-2018)

60. Explain Wurtz-Fitting reaction with equation.

(MQP-4, ARIL-2016(Re-exam), JULY-2016 & JULY-2018)

61. Write the general reaction for the reaction of primary alcohol with SOCl2? (JULY-2016)

III. Three Marks Questions

62. Name the organic product formed when chloroalkane is heated with concentrated solution of
sodium iodide (NaI) in acetone? Write the chemical equation for the above reaction and name the
above reaction. (MQP-2)


63. Haloarenes are less reactive towards nucleophilic substitution reactions than haloalkanes. Give
reason. Or Aryl halides are extremely less reactive towards nucleophilic substitution reactions.
Give reason. (MARCH-2014, JULY-2017 & MARCH-2017)

64. Write the equations for the steps in SN1 mechanism of conversion of tert-butyl bromide to tert-butyl
alcohol Or Explain SN1 mechanism with an example Or Explain the mechanism of SN1 reaction by
taking 2-Bromo-2-methyl-propane (t-butyl bromide) Or Write the equations for the steps involved
in the SN1 mechanism of hydrolysis of 2- Bromo-2-methyl propane.
(MQP-4, MARCH-2014, JULY-2014, MARCH-2015, MARCH-2016, APRIL-2016(Re-
exam), JULY-2017, MARCH-2018 , JULY-2018 & MARCH-2019)

65. Identify the products A, B and C in the following reaction.

Re d P , Cl
CH 3 OH ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
→ A ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
→ B ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
6 5
→ C
NaI Na, C H I
Dry ether Dry ether

66. Mention the major product formed in the following reactions:

(i) C6 H5 Br + Mg ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
→ (JULY-2014)
alc. KOH, 
(ii) 2 − Bromopentane ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯→ (JULY-2014)
Dry Acetone
(iii) CH3Cl + NaI ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
→ (JULY-2014)



I. One Mark Questions

1. Complete the equation: C6H5COOH + HOCH3 ⎯⎯⎯
→? (MQP-2)

2. Name the main organic product formed when anisole is reacted with HI. (MQP-2)

3. Name the reagent used in the conversion RCOOH ⎯⎯→ RCH2OH (MQP-2)

4. Boiling point of alcohol is greater than the boiling point of hydrocarbons of comparable molar
masses, why? (MQP-3)

5. Complete the reaction

CH3 − CH = CH 2 + H 2O ........................ (MARCH-2014)

6. Complete the reaction


7. Complete the reaction

RCH2OH ⎯⎯⎯
→ .................... (MQP-2, MARCH-2014 & JULY-2015)

8. Complete the reaction


9. Write the IUPAC name of major product formed during the Freidal-Crafts acylation of reaction of
anisole. (JULY-2015)

10. Complete the reaction


11. Write the general equation of Williamson’s ether synthesis. (JULY-2015)

12. What is Lucas reagent? (JULY-2016)

13. How does phenol react with Conc.nitric acid? Give equation. (JULY-2018)

II. Two Marks Questions


14. An organic compound with molecular formula C6H6O gives white precipitate with bromine water.
Identify the functional group in the organic compound and write the chemical equation for the
reaction. (MQP-1)

15. How do you convert bromoethane into tertiary-butylethyl ether? Give the chemical equation of
the reaction. (MQP-1)

16. How do you prepare diethyl ether by dehydration of ethanol? (MQP-3)

17. Explain esterification reaction between acetic acid & ethyl alcohol as example. (MQP-3)

18. What is the effect of –NO2 group on the acidic strength of phenol? Give reason (MQP-3)

19. How do you prepare ethanol by using the Grignard Reagent? (MQP-4)

20. Explain Williamson Ether synthesis with equation.

(MARCH-2014, JULY-2014, MARCH-2015 & JULY-2016)

21. Explain Kolbe’s reaction with equation.

(JULY-2014, JULY-2015, APRIL-2016(Re-exam), MARCH-2017, JULY-2017 &

22. Write the product formed when phenol is treated with acidified solution Na2Cr2O7. Give equation.

23. Explain the bromination of anisole with equation. (MARCH-2016)

24. What is effect of the following group on the acidity of phenol?

(i) Methyl group (ii) NO2 group (MARCH-2016)

25. Among alcohols and phenols which is more acidic? Give reason.
(APRIL-2016(Re-exam), JULY-2016 & MARCH-2018)

26. Identify A and B in the following equation

H 2O / H CrO3
CH 3 − CH = CH 2 ⎯⎯⎯⎯ → A ⎯⎯⎯ →B (JULY-2016)

27. Explain Reimer-Tiemann reaction with equation. (JULY-2016 & JULY-2017)

28. How anisole reacts with acetyl chloride (CH3COCl) in the presence of anhydrous AlCl3.
(MQP-4, MARCH-2017)

29. How anisole reacts with bromine in ethanoic acid? Write the chemical equation for the reaction.
(MARCH-2018 & JULY-2018)

30. How do you prepare methoxy ethane by Williamson’s ether synthesis? (MARCH-2019)

III. Three Marks Questions

31. Organic compounds A, B and C are aliphatic saturated hydroxyl compounds when they react with
Lucas reagent (anhyd.ZnCl2 + conc. HCl ), the following observations are made
(i) Compound A gave turbidity immediately
(ii) Compound B gave turbidity after five minutes
(iii) Compound C gave turbidity only on heating, Identify the type of compounds A, B and C.

32. How do you prepare phenol from cumene?

(MQP-4, MARCH-2014, APRIL-2016(Re-exam) & JULY-2016)

33. What is the effect of

(i) Electron withdrawing group on acidity of phenol. (JULY-2014)
(ii) Electron withdrawing group on acidity of alcohols. (JULY-2014)
(iii) Boling point of alcohols on increasing number of carbon atoms. (JULY-2014)

34. Explain the mechanism involved in the conversion of ethanol into ethane Or Write the three steps
involved in the mechanism of acidic catalysed dehydration of ethanol to ethane Or Explain the
mechanism of acidic catalysed dehydration of ethanol to ethane.
(MQP-1, MARCH-2015, MARCH-2016, MARCH-2017, JULY-2017, MARCH-2018,
JULY-2018 & MARCH-2019)



I. One Mark Questions

1. Why do primary amine have higher boiling point than tertiary amines? (MQP-1)

2. What is Hinsbergs reagent? (MQP-2, MARCH-2014)

3. Give the IUPAC name of CH3-NH-CH2-CH3. (MARCH-2014)

4. Between methylamine and aniline which is more basic. (MARCH-2014)

5. Identify the reactant A in the following reaction.

A + 2R − X ⎯⎯→ R4 N + X − (MARCH-2015)

6. Give the IUPAC name of (CH3)2N-CH2-CH3. (JULY-2015 & MARCH-2019)

7. Give reason: Ammonia is more basic than aniline (MARCH-2016)

8. The pKb values of ammonia, methanamine and benzamine are 4.75, 3.38 and 9.38. Arrange them
in the increasing order of their basic strength. (APRIL-2016(Re-exam))

9. Why primary aromatic amine cannot be prepared by Gabriel pthalimide synthesis? Or Aniline
cannot be prepared by Gabriel phthalimide synthesis why? (JULY-2016)

10. Write the IUPAC name of CH3CH2NH2. (MARCH-2017)

11. Name the major organic product formed when benzene diazonium chloride is treated with KI.

12. Which is more basic among methyl amine and aniline Or between CH3NH2 and C6H5NH2 which is
more base? Give reason. (JULY-2017 & MARCH-2019)

13. Give the IUPAC name of C6H5-N(CH3)2 (MARCH-2018)

14. Between ammonia and aniline which is more basic. (JULY-2018)

15. Name the main product obtained when aniline is heated with alcoholic KOH and Chloroform.
Br / NaOH
16. Complete the chemical equation. CH3CONH 2 ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
→ _________ (MARCH-2019)

II. Two Marks Questions

42. Give an example for a coupling reaction of diazonium salt and give its chemical equation.

43. When aniline is treated with HNO 2 at 273-278 K, benzene diazonium chloride is formed. Write
the equation and name the reaction. (MQP-2)

44. Explain Mendius reduction with an equation. (MQP-2)


45. Write the chemical reactions involved in the conversion of aniline into phenol. (MQP-4)

46. Explain Hofmann bromamide degradation for the preparation of aniline. (MARCH-2014)

47. Explain carbylamine reaction by taking methyl amine as an example Or Explain the carbylamines
reaction with an example.
(MQP-1, JULY-2014, APRIL-2016(Re-exam) & MARCH-2018)

48. Which is more basic among aqueous solution of aniline and ammonia. Give reason.

49. Explain Hofmann bromamide degradation for the preparation of methanamine.

(MARCH-2015, MARCH-2016 & JULY-2018)

50. Name the major product of the following when nitrous acid is treated with
(i) Methylamine (JULY-2015 & JULY-2017)
(ii) Aniline at low temperature. (JULY-2015)

51. Explain Hofmann bromamide degradation with and example or how primary amine is prepared by
Hoffman bromamide degradation reaction. Write equation.
(MQP-3, JULY-2015, MARCH-2017 & JULY-2017)

52. Complete the following reactions:

H / Pd
(i) C6 H5 NO2 ⎯⎯⎯⎯ 2
→ (MARCH-2016)
273− 278 K
(ii) C6 H5 NH2 + NaNO2 + 2HCl ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯→ (MARCH-2016)

53. What is the action of bromine water on benzamine (aniline) at room temperature?

54. How aniline is converted intophenyl isocyanide? Write the equation. (JULY-2016)

55. Explain the reduction of nitro compounds to amines with an example Or How nitrobenzene does is
reduced to aniline? Give equation (JULY-2016 & MARCH-2018)

56. How is benzene diazonium chloride prepared from aniline? Give the equation. (JULY-2018)

III. Three Marks Questions

57. How do you convert benzene diazonium chloride into chlorobenzene? Name the reaction.

58. Explain how is Hinsberg’s reagent is used to distinguish the primary, secondary and tertiary
amines. (MQP-4)
Br / NaOH NaNO , HCl
59. CH3CONH2 + 2O2 ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
→ P ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
→ Q What are P and Q? Name the first
0 C
reaction? (JULY-2014)


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