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DAILY LESSON LOG FOR School: Grade and Section: V-

Teacher: Subject: ENGLISH

Teaching Dates: FEBRUARY 13-17, 2023 (WEEK 1) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER


a. Content
b. Performance
c. Most Essential Distinguish text-types according Distinguish text-types according Distinguish text-types according Distinguish text-types Distinguish
Learning to purpose and features: to purpose and features: to purpose and features: according to purpose and text-types
Competencies classification, explanation, classification, explanation, classification, explanation, features: classification, according to
(MELCs) enumeration and time order enumeration and time order enumeration and time order explanation, enumeration and purpose and
(EN5RC-IIc-3.2.1) (EN5RC-IIc-3.2.1) (EN5RC-IIc-3.2.1) time order (EN5RC-IIc-3.2.1) features:
and time
Distinguishing Text- Types Distinguishing Text- Types Distinguishing Text- Types Distinguishing Text- Types
According to Purpose and According to Purpose and According to Purpose and According to Purpose and
(Subject TEST
Features: Classification Features: Classification Features: Classification Features: Classification
a. Teacher’s
Guide Pages
b. Learner’s
Material Pages
c. Textbook
d. LRMDS Lomboy, R.A. (2021). Lomboy, R.A. (2021). Lomboy, R.A. (2021). Lomboy, R.A. (2021).
Materials Distinguishing Text- Types Distinguishing Text- Types Distinguishing Text- Types Distinguishing Text- Types
(SLMs/LASs) According to Purpose and According to Purpose and According to Purpose and According to Purpose and
Features: Classification Features: Classification [Learning Features: Classification Features: Classification
[Learning Activity Sheet]. Activity Sheet]. Department o [Learning Activity Sheet]. [Learning Activity Sheet].
Department o Education Education Department o Education Department o Education
e. Other Learning PowerPoint Presentation, PowerPoint Presentation, laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, PowerPoint Presentation, PowerPoint
Resources laptop, SLMs/Learning Activity SLMs/Learning Activity Sheets, laptop, SLMs/Learning Activity laptop, SLMs/Learning Activity Presentation,
Sheets, pens, notebook pens, notebook Sheets, pens, notebook Sheets, pens, notebook paper, quiz
notebook or
test paper
A. PRELIMINARY a. Greetings
ACTIVITIES b. Checking of Attendance
c. Prayer
d. Singing of National Anthem
e. Exercise
f. Word of the day
g. Spelling
h. Reading
B. Review the Directions: Write a check mark ( Directions: Explain what a text Directions: Read the text. Directions: Based on the text
previous √ ) if it is a viewing material and classification is. about the types of schools,
lesson/Drill a cross ( X ) if it is not. how do you identify that the
1. a News report on TV ___________________ paragraph is a classification
___________________ text?
2. a desktop computer ___________________
3. a YouTube vlog ___________________ Answer:
___________________ 1. What is the text about?
4. an animated video
5. a pie graph
2. What does the text present?
3. What type of text is this?


C. Establishing a Classify the activities into the different macro skills.

purpose for the
lesson/ 1. Watching educational video
Motivation 2. delivering speech in the stage
3. scanning stories
4. tracing letters
5. listening music

List Sp Re Wri Vie

eni eak adi ting win
ng ing ng g
What do you see in the picture? What do you observe in the

D. Presenting Classification classifies, Classification classifies, Schools have an important role DID YOU KNOW?
examples/instanc organizes and describes organizes and describes to play in helping you to develop Friends prevent isolation and
es of the new information about people, information about people, and manage your physical and loneliness and give you a
lesson/Motivation animals, things and animals, things and phenomena. emotional well-being, and to live chance to offer needed
phenomena. and work with others in different companionship, too. Friends
contexts. can also: Increase your sense
of belonging and purpose.
Boost your happiness and
reduce your stress.
E. Discussing Text structure refers to the way Text structure refers to the way Classification paragraphs clearly Classification paragraphs
new concepts an author arranges information an author arranges information in define a subject and sort it into clearly define a subject and
and practicing in his writing. Text structure his writing. Text structure enables subcategories. They start with a sort it into subcategories.
new skills No. 1 enables authors to organize authors to organize their thoughts main idea, using the rest of the They start with a main idea,
their thoughts as they write. It as they write. It also helps the paragraph to explain a series of using the rest of the
also helps the reader in that it reader in that it provides a secondary ideas. The first paragraph to explain a series
provides a structure in which structure in which information can sentence should be a topic of secondary ideas. The first
information can be found and be found and understood while sentence to let the reader know sentence should be a topic
understood while it's being read. it's being read. There are several what the rest of the paragraph sentence to let the reader
There are several different types different types of text structure, will be about.  know what the rest of the
of text structure, including: including: paragraph will be about. 
• Chronological: discussing • Chronological: discussing things
things in order in order
• Cause and effect: explaining a • Cause and effect: explaining a
cause and its results cause and its results
• Problem and solution: • Problem and solution:
presenting a problem and presenting a problem and
offering a solution offering a solution
• Compare and contrast: • Compare and contrast:
discussing similarities and discussing similarities and
differences differences
• Classification: provides • Classification: provides
information organized according information organized according
to categories to categories
• Explanation: is a text which • Explanation: is a text which tells
tells processes relating to the processes relating to the forming
forming of natural, social, of natural, social, scientific, and
scientific, and cultural cultural phenomena. It is saying
phenomena. It is saying ‘why’ ‘why’ and ‘how’ of the forming of
and ‘how’ of the forming of the the phenomena
F. Discussing Classification text, also known Classification text, also known as Read the paragraph. Read the paragraph.
new concepts as text tagging or text text tagging or text
and practicing categorization, is the process of categorization, is the process of TYPES OF SCHOOLS KINDS OF FRIENDSHIP
new skills No. 2 categorizing text into organized categorizing text into organized
groups. In this type of text, items groups. In this type of text, items Different students attend Although friendship is
or ideas are sorted according to or ideas are sorted according to various types of schools; they something that most people
commonalities. Also, in this type commonalities. Also, in this type can usually be classified as enjoy, friendships are not all
of text, the writer presents the of text, the writer presents the either public, private religious, the same. Some friendships
overall idea then splits it into overall idea then splits it into private nonreligious, or are forged from a long-term
parts to provide clarity and parts to provide clarity and alternative. Public schools are familiarity with one another,
description. Readers can description. Readers can funded by the state, and the and other friendships can
recognize classification text recognize classification text majority of students in the spring up just by spending
through signal words such as: through signal words such as: United States attend them. one fun evening together. Not
first, finally, to begin, next, in first, finally, to begin, next, in Private schools are schools that all friendships result in daily or
addition, on the other hand, for addition, on the other hand, for do not receive federal funding even weekly time spent
example, or then. example, or then. but are instead supported by a together; long-term
private organization or funding friendships can be kept afloat
For this lesson, you will focus on For this lesson, you will focus on from individuals. Private using communication tools
the text classification. To start the text classification. To start religious schools are based like the Internet and
with, I want you to look at this with, I want you to look at this around a particular faith, such telephone, while other
paragraph, this is about medical paragraph, this is about medical as Catholicism, Protestantism, friendships result in sporadic
document and I want you to document and I want you to think Judaism, and so forth. Religion
think about the specialty that about the specialty that this is part of the everyday lives of get-togethers months or even
this relates to. relates to. the students and they also learn years apart. People seek
about their faith in addition to different things in friendship,
TINEA PEDIS, or ATHLETES TINEA PEDIS, or ATHLETES regular subjects. On the other meaning certain friendships
FOOT, is a very common fungal FOOT, is a very common fungal hand, private nonreligious result from common interests
skin infection of the foot. It often skin infection of the foot. It often schools do not receive state while other friendships may be
first appears between toes. It first appears between toes. It can funding and have the ability to formed through work, school,
can be a one- time occurrence be a one- time occurrence or it make their own rules. church, or other social
or it can be chronic. The fungus, can be chronic. The fungus, Alternative schools can be gatherings.
known as Trichophyton, thrives known as Trichophyton, thrives made up of a variety of different
under warm, damp conditions under warm, damp conditions so categories, such as the
so people whose feet sweat a people whose feet sweat a great Montessori program or technical
great deal are more susceptible. deal are more susceptible. It is schools, which are typically self-
It is easily transmitted in easily transmitted in showers and paced and hands-on. Most
showers and pool walkways. pool walkways. Those people students who attend class in a
Those people with with immunosuppressive school building go to one of
immunosuppressive conditions, conditions, such as diabetes these types of institutions.
such as diabetes mellitus, are mellitus, are also more
also more susceptible to susceptible to athlete’s foot.
athlete’s foot. Source: (Patient Source: (Patient Care & Health
Care & Health Information. Information. Retrieved from
Retrieved from
syc-20353841/Accessed on Jan 10,2021
causes/syc-20353841/Accessed on Jan 10,2021

A. Nephrology B. Podiatry
A. Nephrology B. Podiatry The answer is b. Looking to the
The answer is b. Looking to the paragraph, you would really think
paragraph, you would really that it is podiatry because there is
think that it is podiatry because a word foot, there is something to
there is a word foot, there is do with fungal infection and skin
something to do with fungal infection. Aside from that
infection and skin infection. Nephrology is the study of
Aside from that Nephrology is kidney. Therefore, podiatry is the
the study of kidney. Therefore, correct answer.
podiatry is the correct answer. Now, think about how you made
Now, think about how you made that decision. Did you use the
that decision. Did you use the word Podiatry anywhere? It is not
word Podiatry anywhere? It is there in text. Then how did you
not there in text. Then how did know that this is podiatry?
you know that this is podiatry? This is an important characteristic
This is an important of identifying a class base on
characteristic of identifying a text. And what you just did is
class base on text. And what classification. Assigning the
you just did is classification. correct class label to the given
Assigning the correct class label output is classification.
to the given output is There are several steps to be
classification. followed in the process of
There are several steps to be developing a written piece that
followed in the process of follows a classification text
developing a written piece that structure:
follows a classification text 1. Decide on a main topic.
structure: 2. Divide the main topic into two
1. Decide on a main topic. or more subtopics.
2. Divide the main topic into two 3. For each subtopic, provide
or more subtopics. information and details to clarify
3. For each subtopic, provide and explain, or divide each
information and details to clarify subtopic further by creating
and explain, or divide each categories for each subtopic.
subtopic further by creating 4. If categories have been
categories for each subtopic. developed, provide information
4. If categories have been and details to clarify and explain
developed, provide information each category.
and details to clarify and explain
each category. Example of Classification text
Example of Classification text

G. Developing Directions: Divide the illustration Directions: Read the following Directions: Answer the following Directions: Answer the
Mastery (Leads into 3 categories about the texts and distinguish which of questions: following questions:
to Formative types of social media. them is a classification text-type.
Assessment) Write C if it is a Classification 1. What is the text about? 1. What is the paragraph
Text and NC if it is not. about?

Summer Fun 2. What are the different types

By: Rachelle V. Villamar,
Nina went on a short one- week
of school?
vacation, camping in the high 2. What are the different kinds
mountain peaks of Gabaldon, of friendship?
Nueva Ecija with her parents and
her little brother Jay-ar. Together,
they put up a five-foot -high, eight- 3. Which school do you belong
foot-long tent, which Nina’s father
to? Are you happy attending
believes is enough for the four of
them to sleep on. Nina thinks it is school? 3. Do you have friends? How
quite cozy inside. However, they do you show your love and
did not have any electricity, internet concern to them?
connection, or running water from
the faucet. But even so, Nina finds
it fun to have a campfire at night 4. Why schooling is important?
and bathe in the cold mountain
1. ________________________ 4. Why friendship is

5. What type of text is this?

5. What is this text type

Dogs are domesticated animals
that have been living with humans
for generations. Dogs can be
classified in a number of different
ways. For example, they can be
classified by breed. Examples of
different breeds include beagles,
basset hounds, poodles and
countless others as defined by the
American Kennel Club (AKC). They
can also be classified by their role
in the lives of their masters and the
work they do. For example, a dog
might be a family pet, a working
dog, a show dog, or a hunting dog.
In many cases, dogs are defined
both by their breed and their roll.
For example, a dog could be a
beagle that is a family pet. Source:
(English120,Cla ssificationParagraph.Retrieved from
%20paragraphs on Jan 10,2021

2. ______________________

H. Finding Classification is important Classification is important Classification is important Classification is important

Practical because they allow us to better because they allow us to better because they allow us to better because they allow us to
Application of understand relationships and understand relationships and understand relationships and better understand
Concepts and connections between things. connections between things. connections between things. relationships and connections
Skills in Daily They also help us to They also help us to They also help us to between things. They also
Lives communicate clearly with each communicate clearly with each communicate clearly with each help us to communicate
other. Give one scenario that other. Give one scenario that you other. Give one scenario that clearly with each other. Give
you can apply text-type can apply text-type classification you can apply text-type one scenario that you can
classification in your daily lives. in your daily lives. classification in your daily lives. apply text-type classification in
your daily lives.
I. Making How to distinguish text- types How to distinguish text- types How to distinguish text- types How to distinguish text- types
Generalization according to classification? according to classification? according to classification? according to classification?
and Abstraction
J. Evaluating Directions: Write a simple Directions: Distinguish text types Directions: Write your
Learning paragraph about the types of according to purpose and reflection about reading
social media applying features. Write your answer in classification text.
classification text. the box.
___________________ Rock Music ___________________
___________________ There are three different types of ___________________
___________________ rock music, alternative rock, classic ___________________
___________________ rock, and hard rock, also known as ___________________
___________________ metal. Alternative rock features a
steady bass drum laying down the
beat, with easy flowing guitar riffs
over the top. The bass line is toned
town, and the lyrics are sung with
intensity and authority. Depending
on the song, the guitars can either
be acoustic guitars or electric
guitars. Classic rock combines a
steady driving bass drum sound,
with high snare overtones, steady
and often repeating guitar riffs, and
an intensive bass line. The guitars
are more often than not all electric
guitars, and distortion is rarely
used. The lyrics are sung with style
and enthusiasm. Hard rock, or
metal, features a hard rolling bass
drum with an abundant amount of
cymbal work. This style of rock
uses several electric guitars with
heavy distortion to bring a very
intense sound. A hard, intense,
driving bass line rounds out the
style. Source: (English120,Cla ssificationParagraph.Retrieved
from http://english120.pbworks.com/w/page/19006816/classification
%20paragraphs on Jan 10,2021

How to Mold a Sculpture First,
clean the clay by getting rid of the
bits of sand and dirt from it. Then,
add or remove water from the clay
if necessary. If the clay is too wet, it
will not hold a shape. And if it’s too
dry, it will not be flexible enough to
mold. Next, begin to shape the clay
into something- with your bare
hands or with tools. Roll and push
the clay into shapes or pull off and
stick back in different places. After
the clay has been molded, put into
a kind of oven to be fired. Then,
build a fire. As the fire slowly gets
hotter and hotter, water is baked
out of the clay. Sooner or later, the
clay dries up and becomes hard
with a new shape. Remove it from
the oven and let it cool. Afterward,
you may paint it or put some
designs of your choice on it.


K. Additional
activities for
application or
V. REMARKS The delivery of instruction and The delivery of instruction and The delivery of instruction and The delivery of instruction and The delivery
expectations meet the purpose expectations meet the purpose expectations meet the purpose expectations meet the of instruction
and objectives of the lesson and objectives of the lesson and objectives of the lesson purpose and objectives of the and
because the learners because the learners because the learners lesson because the learners expectations
meet the
purpose and
objectives of
the lesson
because the
VI. Learners are engaged in the Learners are engaged in the Learners are engaged in the Learners are engaged in the Learners are
REFLECTIONS teaching-learning process when teaching-learning process when teaching-learning process when teaching-learning process engaged in
incorporating incorporating incorporating when incorporating the teaching-
process when

A. No. of learner
who earned 80%
B .No. of learner
who scored
below 80%
( needs
C. No. of learners
who have caught
up with the
D. No of learner
who continue to
E. Which of my
strategies work
well? Why?
F. What
difficulties did I
encounter which
my principal
/supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What
innovation or
materials did I
which I wish to
share w/other

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