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Due to the increasing energy density demands of battery technology, it is vital to develop electrolytes
with high electron storage capacity. Polyoxometalate (POM) clusters can act as electron sponges,
storing and releasing multiple electrons and have potential as electron storage electrolytes for flow
batteries. Despite this rational design of clusters for high storage ability can not yet be achieved as little
is known about the features influencing storage ability. Here we report that the large POM clusters,
{P5W30} and {P8W48}, can store up to 23 e and 28 e per cluster in acidic aqueous solution,
respectively. Our investigations reveal key structural and speciation factors influencing the improved
behaviour of these POMs over those previously reported (P2W18). We show, using NMR and MS, that for
these polyoxotungstates hydrolysis equilibria for the different tungstate salts is key to explaining
unexpected storage trends while the performance limit for {P5W30} and {P8W48}, can be attributed to
Received 22nd February 2023, unavoidable hydrogen generation, evidenced by GC. NMR spectroscopy, in combination with the MS
Accepted 20th April 2023 analysis, provided experimental evidence for a cation/proton exchange process during the reduction/
DOI: 10.1039/d3ee00569k reoxidation process of {P5W30} which likely occurs due to this hydrogen generation. Our study offers a
deeper understanding of the factors affecting the electron storage ability of POMs and provides insights
rsc.li/ees allowing for further development of these materials for energy storage.
Broader context
The storage of electrons by liquid electrolytes is the critical component of a flow battery. The material needs to be stable, safe, and to store as much charge as
possible without loss. The benefits of flow batteries include the ability to recharge them by removing the liquid electrolyte and the potential for coupling them
into chemical processes. Traditional flow battery electrolytes have been either simple salts or organic molecules, but these can only store 1–2 electrons per
molecule and either suffer from stability issues or are corrosive. Recently it was postulated that high nuclearity polyoxometalate clusters could be used to store a
large number of electrons per molecule in aqueous solution. In this study we show that large POM clusters, {P5W30} and {P8W48}, can store more than
20 electrons per cluster and we explore the mechanism of electron uptake as well as characterize the solutions as potential electrolytes suitable for use in
flow batteries.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 Energy Environ. Sci.
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The exceptional electron storage ability of POMs was first of Li-ion battery charging and discharging processes.25,26 More
hinted at when Launay reported the reduction of [H2W12O40]6 , recently, NMR was used to monitor POMs cation–anion inter-
suggesting the reduction of the cluster by six electrons was also action in solution. Nyman and co-workers investigated ion-
accompanied by the transfer of six protons.11,12 Bond et al. also pairing between Cs+ cations and Nb/Ta POM anions using
reported the reduction of the Wells–Dawson [S2Mo18O62]4 inversion-recovery 133Cs-NMR spectroscopy demonstrating that
anion in a mixture of acetonitrile and water solution, indicating strong covalent orbital overlap occurs between the alkali metal
eight reversible one-electron reductions of this anion.13 A leap and the metal oxide ligands.28,29 Bloor and Kidd studied the 39K
to 24 electron reduction was achieved by Yoshikawa and Awaga, NMR chemical shifts in aqueous solutions with different POM
who investigated a Keggin-type POM, [PMo12O40]3 as a cathode anions and concluded that orbital overlap with metal oxides
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active material.14 Through X-ray absorption near-edge structure can decrease paramagnetic shielding of the alkali metal ion
technique analysis they found all 12 Mo6+ centres in this Keggin relative to solvated ions.30 However, there is no NMR study to
Open Access Article. Published on 21 April 2023. Downloaded on 5/12/2023 7:48:47 AM.
structure were reduced to Mo4+ in the discharging process, date of the interactions of Li+ counter cations with polyoxoa-
which means this Keggin can store 24 e per cluster. But this nions, nor investigations of their behaviour upon reduction of
performance was achieved in the solid state and not aqueous the metal centre.
solution. Since many energy storage devices use aqueous solu- Here, we show that both polyoxoanions {P5W30} and {P8W48}
tions as electrolytes, understanding the electron storage ability demonstrate notable proton-coupled electron redox processes,
of POMs in aqueous solution is important.1,15 Normally in which allow the two clusters to reversibly accept up to 23 and
aqueous solution, the electron storage ability is limited by side 28 e per cluster respectively in acidic aqueous solution. The
reactions, like hydrogen evolution, as the reduction of these electron storage ability is concentration based and dependent
polyoxoanions occurs at only slightly less cathodic potentials upon the type of counter cations. The excellent electrochemical
than hydrogen evolution as more electrons are put into system. performance is attributed to both aggregation of reduced
This means it becomes harder to further reduce the POMs and polyoxoanions and their protonation in solution, which was
side reactions become an even larger problem. studied by 7Li and 1H NMR. We also found there is perfor-
In previous work we demonstrated that the POM cluster, mance limit regarding the total W atoms in the structure, for
Li6[P2W18O62], has exceptional proton-coupled electron redox both {P5W30} and {P8W48}, and the possible reasons were
activity and can reversibly accept up to 18 protons and electrons analysed including cluster decomposition, competitive hydro-
in aqueous solution at high concentration and low pH.16,17 It is gen generation and the effect of different metal coordination
therefore of interest to examine whether this concentration and pH environments within the POMs. The ability for these clusters to
effect applies to other POMs offering the opportunity to increase readily be so highly reduced has importance for the develop-
the storage capacity by utilizing larger clusters. Also, inspired by ment of new energy storage materials as well as new strategies
this initial finding, it is important to investigate if electron storage to develop multi-electron storage systems.
potential can scale with cluster nuclearity and what properties
of a cluster promote electron storage. Therefore, we selected two
other phosphotungstates, [NaP5W30O110]14 (abbreviated {P5W30})
and [H7P8W48O184]33 (abbreviated {P8W48}). {P5W30}, known as the Results and discussion
Preyssler anion, has approximate D5h symmetry and consists of a
cyclic assembly of five {PW6O22} units. {P5W30} is stable within the Synthesis and cyclic voltammetry
pH window from 0 to 11 and is reducible to a blue-coloured K-{P5W30} (K14[NaP5W30O110]22H2O) was synthesized according
species, which make it a promising candidate for multi-electron to a modified literature procedure.19,31 Li-{P5W30} (Li14[NaP5-
storage.18–20 {P8W48} is a wheel-shaped polyoxotungstate which is W30O110]38H2O) was synthesized by ion exchange of K-{P5W30}
stable in pH range 1 to 8; it is also a potential candidate for multi- in excess LiNO3 and characterized by single crystal XRD structure
electron storage.21 Previous studies show that the electrochemistry determination. Refinement of the diffraction data for Li-{P5W30}
of POMs is dependent on the molecular charge, charge density,22 revealed the structure of polyoxoanion of [NaP5W30O110]14 , with
cation type, and cation/anion size.23,24 Therefore, as {P5W30} and comparable unit cell parameters to those of K-{P5W30} (Fig. 1a and
{P8W48} have bigger size and higher charge density than {P2W18}, Table S4, ESI†).18 The redox chemistry of {P5W30} in sulfuric acid
the effect of these factors on the electron storage ability suggest that solution was studied by cyclic voltammetry (CV) experiments
they should be great candidates to test our hypothesis to assess (Fig. 1b). At low concentration (2 mM), K-{P5W30} shows four
how many electrons can be stored in a single cluster molecule. reversible waves within the 0.6 V to 0.6 V range (versus standard
To explore the mechanism of reduction to form highly- hydrogen electrode, SHE). Upon moving to higher concentrations
reduced POMs, previous work suggests it is important to of the POM (10 mM), we found there is significant enhancement
consider the aggregation of polyoxoanions in solution. This in the current intensity of the redox waves for K-{P5W30} when
can be done by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) e.g., for compared with the control study at a concentration of 2 mM
[PW12O40]3 and [P2W18O62]6 .14,17 Furthermore, we reasoned (Fig. S15, ESI†) in line with our previous studies.16 The CV curves
that NMR should also be a powerful technique to study the for K-{P5W30} and Li-{P5W30} show similar reduction and oxida-
structure in solution as a function of different redox state.25–27 tion waves at 10 mM concentration suggesting that cations may
For example, 7Li NMR has been used to analyse the mechanism have minimal interaction with the POM in acidic solution.
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concentration (Fig. 2a and Fig. S16 and Table S5, ESI†). When
increasing the concentration from 2 mM to 5 mM in water (the
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Flow-cell testing
Previous studies showed the storage of multiple electrons in
Li-{P2W18} was proton-coupled, and as the concentration of
Li-{P2W18} increased, an increasing number of electrons could be
stored. To explore if this trend is followed here we explored the
cluster redox performance in a three-electrode electrochemical
flow cell with an Hg/HgSO4 as a reference electrode.16 This device Fig. 2 Reversible multi-electron redox chemistry of [NaP5W30O110]14 . (a)
can quantify the number of electrons that the polyoxometalate Relationship between K-{P5W30} concentration, solution pH (measured
solutions could store. The oxygen evolution reaction (see before electro-reduction) and the number of electrons that can be
Fig. S14, ESI†) was used to be the counterpart reaction of the extracted from a reduced solution. Solutions were charged 30 electrons.
(b) Representative 23 e reduction/reoxidation curves of a 10 mM solution
POM reduction reaction. Water is oxidized and simultaneously
of K-{P5W30}, 0.2 M H2SO4 was used as supporting electrolyte. (c) Rela-
produces O2, protons and electrons (2H2O - O2 + 4H+ + 4e ). tionship between Li-{P5W30} concentration, and the number of electrons
The protons generated can cross over Nafion membrane and that can be extracted from a reduced solution. (d) Representative 22 e
combine with electrons drawn from the external circuit to reduction/reoxidation curves of a 10 mM solution of Li-{P5W30}, 1 M H2SO4
protonate and reduce an aqueous solution of [NaP5W30O110]14 was used as supporting electrolyte. In (a) and (c), the number of electrons
used to reduce the K-{P5W30}and Li-{P5W30} was 30 per cluster. In (b) and
on the right-hand side of this cell, forming reduced polyoxoa-
(d), a current density of 10 mA cm 2 was applied. A comparison of
nion [NaP5W30O110](14+n) (n = equivalents of electrons charged). K-{P5W30} and Li-{P5W30}: (e) electrons extracted vs. concentration; (f)
Once the desired number of electrons per cluster had been coulombic efficiency (the total charge extracted out of the total charge put
stored, the reduced POM solution was then re-oxidized into the POM solutions) vs. concentration.
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Comparison of Li-{P2W18}, Li-{P5W30} and LiNH4-{P8W48} The concentration also affects the impact of different coun-
We compared the electrochemical performance of Li-{P2W18}, terions on performance. At low concentration protonation
Li-{P5W30} and LiNH4-{P8W48} in terms of extracted number of predominates over metalation, particularly for larger, more
electrons and coulombic efficiency versus concentration for a highly charged cations. Mass Spectrometry data of the two
more comprehensive understanding, shown in Fig. 4a and b. W30 salts in both acid and water shows that the potassium salt
From these two figures, we can see the electron storage ability becomes more protonated than the lithium salt in solution at
of POMs is affected by concentration of POMs and their the same concentration (Fig. S4, S9, S23, S24 and Tables S3, S4,
structure among {P2W18}, {P5W30} and {P8W48}. The electron S9, S10, ESI†). This difference in protonation can potentially
alter the ability of the POM to stabilise a high charge upon
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We also investigated both the 7Li and 1H NMR for the original
solution with varied concentration from 2 mM, 5 mM, 10 mM,
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We thank Dr Chang-gen Lin providing helpful suggestion on 17 J.-J. Chen, L. Vilà-Nadal, A. Solé-Daura, G. Chisholm,
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Jennifer S. Mathieson and Mr Jim McIver’s help on performing R. M. Smith, I. Colliard, J. J. Carbó, M. P. Josep, M. Nyman
mass spectra, TGA and relevant data analysis. and L. Cronin, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2022, 144, 8951–8960.
18 M. H. Alizadeh, S. P. Harmalker, Y. Jeannin, J. Martin-Frere
and M. T. Pope, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1985, 107, 2662–2669.
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