This document provides an overview of normal breast anatomy and mammographic views, as well as descriptions of common breast findings seen on mammography. It includes schematics and images showing normal mediolateral oblique and craniocaudal views. Characteristics of heterogeneously dense breast parenchyma are described. The four categories of breast density and types of asymmetries and architectural distortions are outlined. Benign and malignant skin changes are differentiated. Features of breast masses including shape, density and margin characteristics are defined.
This document provides an overview of normal breast anatomy and mammographic views, as well as descriptions of common breast findings seen on mammography. It includes schematics and images showing normal mediolateral oblique and craniocaudal views. Characteristics of heterogeneously dense breast parenchyma are described. The four categories of breast density and types of asymmetries and architectural distortions are outlined. Benign and malignant skin changes are differentiated. Features of breast masses including shape, density and margin characteristics are defined.
This document provides an overview of normal breast anatomy and mammographic views, as well as descriptions of common breast findings seen on mammography. It includes schematics and images showing normal mediolateral oblique and craniocaudal views. Characteristics of heterogeneously dense breast parenchyma are described. The four categories of breast density and types of asymmetries and architectural distortions are outlined. Benign and malignant skin changes are differentiated. Features of breast masses including shape, density and margin characteristics are defined.
This document provides an overview of normal breast anatomy and mammographic views, as well as descriptions of common breast findings seen on mammography. It includes schematics and images showing normal mediolateral oblique and craniocaudal views. Characteristics of heterogeneously dense breast parenchyma are described. The four categories of breast density and types of asymmetries and architectural distortions are outlined. Benign and malignant skin changes are differentiated. Features of breast masses including shape, density and margin characteristics are defined.
Normal breast anatomy and correlative mammograms. (A) Schematic of a normal
mediolateral oblique (MLO) mammogram. Note the normal scalloped edge of glandular tissue, retromammary fat, concave pectoralis muscle, and normal lymph nodes. (B) Normal MLO mammogram. (A) Schematic of a normal craniocaudal (CC) mammogram. Note the normal fat in the medial and retroglandular regions and the location of the pectoralis muscles. Most of the residual glandular tissue and the sternalis muscle remain in the upper outer quadrants. (B) Normal CC mammogram. Heterogeneously dense breast parenchyma. There are no masses, any suspicious microcalcifications nor architectural distortion. Axillary nodes are not visible. Heterogeneously dense breast parenchyma. There are no masses, any suspicious microcalcifications nor architectural distortion. Axillary nodes are not visible. Category A: Breasts are almost all fatty tissue. Category B: There are scattered areas of dense glandular and fibrous tissue (seen as white areas on the mammogram). More of the breast is made of dense glandular and fibrous tissue (described as heterogeneously dense). This can make it hard to see small masses in or around the dense tissue, which also appear as white areas. Category D: Breasts are extremely dense, which makes it harder to see masses or other findings that may appear as white areas on the mammogram. ASYMETRY • SIZE- difference in the right and left breast • FOCAL- unilateral, localized area of parenchyma • GLOBAL – difference in the amount of parenchyma between right and left breast ARCHITECTURAL DISTORTION • Focal interruption of the normal mammographic pattern of lines (converging at the nipple), usually presenting a star shaped pattern • MAMMOGRAPHIC FINDINGS: star shaped distortion of the normal parenchymal structure, center may be radiolucent, occasionally associated with microcalcifications, spot compression view is recommended SKIN CHANGES • BENIGN ORIGIN -calcifications of the sebaceous glands -deodorants containing zinc (radiopaque particles containing zinc are on MLO -powder particles containing calcium or aluminum (inframammary crease) -skin thickening (after radiotherapy or acute mastitis) -skin retraction ( seen postoperatively or in Mondor Disease) -nipple retraction (seen postoperatively) -skin changes appearing as masses ( moles, warts, sebaceous cysts, neurofibromatosis) Sebaceous cysts. A: Left MLO view photographically coned to upper aspect of the image. A round, dense mass (arrow) is imaged in the axilla correlating to a “lump” described by the patient. B: Spot tangential view. A round dense mass with circumscribed margins is imaged associated with the dermis, focally thickened at this site. This is a nice illustration of how useful the spot tangential can be in localizing lesions to the skin USE OF DEODORANTS SKIN CHANGES • MALIGNANT ORIGIN -skin thickening(inflammatory breast cancer, tumor infiltration) -skin retraction (pulling in of skin by coppers ligaments) -nipple retraction (pulling in of skin by coopers ligaments) -nipple flattening (paget’s disease) -enlarged skin pores (may be seen in lymphedema or in inflammatory breast CA MASS, SHAPE • Space occupying lesion seen in two different projections • Descriptive criteria are: mass, density, margins SHAPE • Round – spherical, ball shaped (cyst, hamartoma) • Oval- elliptical or egg shaped (fibroadenoma) • Lobulated – mass with undulated contours (up to 3) • Irregular – shape cannot be characterized MARGIN • Circumscribed- sharply demarcated, occasional halo sign • Micro lobulated-lesion margins undulate within a short distance of a few millimeters ( medullary breast CA) • Obscured-superimposed • Indistinct – poorly defined, transition between lesion and surrounding tissues is gradual • Spiculated- lines radiating from the margins of a mass (tubular breast CA, post operative scar) OBSCURED INDISTINCT MICROLOBULATED SPICULATED