Fazio 2003
Fazio 2003
Fazio 2003
ENEA – CR Brasimone, I – 40032 Camugnano Bologna, Italy
ESA s.a.s, I – 40033 Casalecchio di Reno, Bologna, Italy
Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, I – 10129 Torino, Italy
An experimental activity has been started using the LECOR loop at the ENEA Brasimone centre to investigate the
corrosion behaviour of steels and refractory metals as well as the tensile properties of steels exposed to flowing liquid
lead bismuth with low oxygen activity. The oxygen content in the liquid metal was controlled and monitored by a
dedicated system. The compatibility test was performed at 673 K and the corrosion and tensile results herein reported
concern the first 1500-h run of the loop operation. All the materials tested suffered from liquid metal attack exhibiting a
weight loss. The consequent evaluation of the corrosion rate showed that, under the given test conditions, the refractory
metals are more resistant than the steels. The tensile properties of austenitic steel are not affected by the liquid metal
corrosion, while the martensitic steel exhibited a mixed brittle–ductile fracture surface.
Ó 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
0022-3115/03/$ - see front matter Ó 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
326 C. Fazio et al. / Journal of Nuclear Materials 318 (2003) 325–332
perspective on the corrosion behaviour under the pro- submerged impeller, sized to provide the loop with a
posed operation conditions cannot be drawn from the maximum liquid metal flow rate of 4 m3 /h correspond-
existing literature. The aim of the experimental activities ing to a velocity in the test sections of 3 m/s.
here presented is to describe the corrosion mechanism The three test sections (TS1/2/3) containing the
and to estimate the corrosion rate of selected materials specimens to be investigated are placed downstream of
exposed to flowing Pb–Bi with a low oxygen activity. the electrical heater (H). The samples are piled up in the
The experiments were performed in the LECOR (LEad test section and separated from each other with spacers.
CORrosion) loop designed and constructed at the In the steady state, the thermal power provided by the
ENEA site of Brasimone. The loop testing parameters heater is equal to that extracted by the forced air heat
were chosen to be as similar as possible to the experi- exchanger (C). The electrical heater (H) can supply a
mental conditions of the MEGAPIE target and also, to maximum power of 82 kW, and is operated by a PID
some extent, to the MYRRHA target. A detailed de- thermal regulator connected to a socket thermocouple
scription of the loop, as well as the oxygen control sys- located at the exit, with H and C responsible for the DT
tem employed will be presented. The materials analysed between the hot and cold branches. This configuration
were austenitic steel, martensitic steel and refractory enables a continuous transport of corrosion products
metals. In addition to the identification of the corrosion from the hot region, where the test sections are located,
process, tensile properties of the steels after exposure to to the cold region where they are partially released,
the liquid metal were also tested. The experimental simulating the actual behaviour of coolant fluid in a
programme of LECOR is planned to extract samples thermal production plant. The total liquid metal flow
from the test section every 1500 h, up to a maximum of rate available to the test sections is adjusted through the
4500 h. The results here presented refer to analyses by-pass line, whilst the liquid metal flow rate in each test
performed on the materials corroded for 1500 h. section is automatically controlled by electro-pneumatic
regulation valves driven by feedback signals from elec-
tromagnetic flowmeters (EF).
2. Experimental To carry out the experimental campaign with well-
defined oxygen content in the liquid metal, an oxygen
2.1. LECOR plant electrochemical sensor (Ox) is placed in the hot region,
close to one of the test sections. Moreover, the vessel S1,
According to Fig. 1, the LECOR plant has a Ôfigure- which acts as drain and storage tank, is connected to an
of-eightÕ configuration, typical for a corrosion loop, with external gas system that allows the oxygen content in the
a high temperature branch running from the economiser liquid metal to be reduced by injection of Ar/H2 mixture.
(EX) to the test sections (TS) and a low temperature The structural materials of the loop are as follows:
branch including the delivery and return pipes between the cold part is fabricated in austenitic steel (AISI 316L),
the S2 tank and the economiser, including the by-pass while the hot region is in ferritic steel (Cr–Mo Steel)
line. The S2 vessel contains a mechanical pump, with representing a good compromise between the require-
gas out
Ar + H2 MFC
TS test section
gas out S2 recirculation vessel
MFC S1 drain / storage vessel
EX economiser
P mechanical pump
C air cooler
S1 EF electro-magnetic flow-meter
H heater
Ox oxygen sensor
MFC mass flow controller
HG hygrometer
Table 1 water extraction rate from the drain tank. During cir-
Main characteristics of the LECOR loop culation of the liquid metal, the oxygen activity was
Pb–Bi inventory (m3 ) 0.6 measured with an oxygen sensor placed in the hot part
Maximum Pb–Bi flow rate in the 4 of the loop. This oxygen sensor, constructed at the IPPE
pump delivery line (m3 /h) of Obninsk, has the red-ox pair Bi/Bi2 O3 as reference
Maximum temperature in the test 550 electrode and Ytrria stabilised zirconia acting as a solid
section (°C) electrolyte. The probe had been previously calibrated in
Total installed electrical power 150 the Russian laboratories and was delivered to ENEA
with the calibration equation [22]. During the 1500-h
Maximum heating power of the 82
heater H (kW)
run of the LECOR loop, the electromotive force read-
Maximum heat exchange power 240 ings of the probe were recorded by a data acquisition
in EX (kW) system, and those data and the corresponding oxygen
Design pressure (barg) 4 activity are reported in Fig. 2, where oxygen activity was
calculated using the calibration equation. As can be seen
in that diagram, the measured oxygen activity was be-
ments of acceptable ductility and corrosion resistance in tween 2:3 10 6 and 5:5 10 4 , corresponding to
a liquid metal environment. 3:1 10 10 and 7:3 10 8 wt% of oxygen dissolved in
Loop operation is automatically controlled by a the liquid metal.
PLC, connected to a supervisor PC that also runs the
data acquisition software. Characteristics of the main 2.3. Materials, test parameters and post test analysis
LECOR components are given in Table 1.
Cylindrical machined corrosion specimens 10 mm in
diameter and 50 mm in length, as well as cylindrical
2.2. Oxygen control and monitoring system tensile specimens 3 mm in diameter and gauge length
10 mm were machined for the testing programme. The
To perform the corrosion tests in the LECOR loop tested materials were AISI 316L and T91 steels and the
using liquid metal with a low oxygen activity, 80 wppm refractory metals tungsten and molybdenum. The two
of pure Mg were added to the eutectic lead–bismuth. In steels were tested for both corrosion and tensile perfor-
addition, pre-treatment with hydrogen gas was per- mance, whilst only the corrosion behaviour of the two
formed in the storage tank for a few days at 603 K. The refractory metals was tested. The W and Mo, supplied
aim of adding Mg was to deoxidise the liquid metal, by Elettroleghe s.r.l of Italy, were fabricated by sintering
since Mg forms much more stable oxides than Pb and Bi and had purities of 99.9 and 99.95 wt% respectively,
[11]. The hydrogen pre-treatment was performed taking while the composition of the two steels is reported in
advantage of the oxide reduction kinetic studies previ- Ref. [7]. The lead–bismuth used in the loop, was sup-
ously performed [12], and monitored by evaluating the plied by Stachow of Germany, and was composed 44.8
4.3x10 -4
1.4x10 -4
7.1x10 -5
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Fig. 2. Electromotive force and oxygen activity in the liquid metal recorded during the 1500 h run.
328 C. Fazio et al. / Journal of Nuclear Materials 318 (2003) 325–332
Table 2
Tensile test results (mean values) obtained at 673 K on non-
corroded and corroded AISI 316L and T91 steels
UTS R (0.2%) A% Z%
(MPa) (MPa)
AISI 316 L
As received 457 40 165 35 69 3 73 3
1500 h corr. 477 9 183 26 68 3 72 5
T91 steel
As received 644 26 532 42 22 1 72 2
1500 h corr. 639 14 522 10 18 1 42 8
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
plentiful [16]. Since the oxygen solubility at 673 K in
Pb–17Li is about 10 8 wt% [24], the Pb–17Li environ- 600
ment is arguably similar to Pb–Bi from the low oxygen
activity point of view, thus the Pb–17Li data can be 500
corrosion rates of the austenitic and martensitc steels T91 steel as received
here observed do not agree with the cited literature, al- T91 steel exposed
though it could be assumed that the steel element dis- 100
to PbBi for 1500 h
solution was itself preceded by decomposition of the
natural oxide layer present on the steel surfaces. A 0
similar process has been described in the past to explain 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
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