NP1 1
NP1 1
NP1 1
Choose the best answer for each item. 4. The nurse’s compassion is aroused when a
Situation: You as a nurse is expected to asses, patient under her care is suffering and is in a
contribute and preserve work environment that prolonged life – sustaining machine. Many times
supports fulfilling your ethical responsibility as a the nurse experiences feeling of uneasiness and
professional. anguish. This human condition that confronts the
nurse gives rise to:
1. Nurse Micah is assigned to the Emergency a. Unavoidable trust
Department. She is currently attending to a client b. Ethical dilemma
with a complaint of acute abdominal pain. Which c. Human indignation
of the following actions of Nurse Micah d. Moral suffering
demonstrates respect of client’s autonomy
(voluntary-decision making)?
5. The nurse shows respect to human dignity
A. Complying when the physician attempts to when she observes which of the following
delegate obtaining informed consent situations when caring for the clients?
B. Describing the risks and benefits of the a. Asking the client’s priorities after assessing
reasonable alternative to treatments the client’s capabilities in the past and in the
C. Facilitating and supporting client’s choices present
regarding treatment options b. Evaluating response of client to the nursing
D. Notifying appropriate parties if a patient has care rendered by the health care team as
not given adequate information planned
c. Constant monitoring of client’s condition and
2. The nurse obtain the blood pressure of a reporting any unusual occurrences to the health
client and have a reading of 160/100mmHg. The team
nurse did not tell the client the reading because
d. Planning nursing care together with the client
she believes that this information will upset him
and consequently further elevate his blood and immediate relative
pressure. This situation illustrates an example
of: Situation: Accuracy in the computation and
A. Paternalism administration of medications ordered is
B. Self – determination extremely important to avoid medication errors
that may threaten the clients’ welfare.
C. Autonomy
D. Beneficence (to do good)
6. A hypertensive client is ordered to receive 20
mEq of Potassium Chloride. The bottle is labeled
3. Which of the following statements is true KCL elixir 10 mEq/ml. how many ml should be
regarding informed consent? given?
A. It is an ethical responsibility of nurses to a. 1.5 ml
provide client with opportunities to give b. 2 ml
informed consent c. 0.5 ml
B. Nurses may not be legally liable if they know d. 1 ml
that informed consent was not obtained
C. It is ethical or legal for nurses to obtain 7. A client who is experiencing tachycardia is
informed consent for procedures that are to be ordered to receive Digoxin 0.325 mg OD. The
performed by a physician stock is 0.25 mg/tab. How many tablet/s should
D. It is not within a nurse’s domain of be given to the client?
responsibility to notify the health team if a client a. 1.5 tablets
has not given an informed consent for the b. 2 tablets
procedure c. 3 tablets
d. ¾ tablet
8. A client who have episodes of seizure is 12. The team started the planning session with
ordered to received Dilantin 5mg/kg body weight an aim to revisit of the institution's vision-
is ordered to a client who weighs 50lbs. the drug mission. Vision pertains to:
is to be administered in 3 equal doses. The label A. Value statement of the organization
reads Dilantin suspension 125mg/ml. how much B. Preferred future of the organization
medication should be administered to the client? C. Mission that anchors on certain specific task
a. 0.5ml
D. Belief of the members
b. 1.0ml
c. 1.5ml 13. In the strength, weaknesses, opportunities
d. 1.8ml and threats (SWOT) analysis, the organizational
structure of the medical center including the
9. A post exploratory laparotomy client has an chain of command were analyzed. Which of the
order for Meperidine Hydrochloride 50mg every following describes an authoritative type of
4 hours PRN. The multiple vial dose vial is organization?
labeled 50mg/ml. what is the correct dose to be A. Authority and responsibility are delegated to
administered to this client when he complains of the lowest level
pain? B. The organizational structure is flat
a. 0.5ml
C. Communication comes from the different
b. 1.5ml
c. 2.0ml
D. Control and communication flow is from top
d. 1.0ml
10. An order is given to a young adult to receive
14. The team were unanimous in saying that the
1 million units of penicillin. The stock on hand is
Medical Center is a people-oriented organization
Penicillin 500,000 units and the direction reads:
which promotes Empowerment. When there is a
add 1.3ml to yield 2ml. What is the correct
decentralization of power it promotes the
amount to be administered?
following EXCEPT:
a. 3ml
A. Promotes long-range planning than short-
b. 2.5ml
term planning
c. 2ml
B. Have voice in the governance of the
d. 4ml
C. Encourages creativity and commitment of the
Situation: A Nurse manager of a medical center
was tasked to organize a core group that will
conduct a strategic plan for their institution. The D. Increased morale of the personnel
group consists of key players from the different
units of the health facility. 15. The outcome of the strategic plan session by
the representative groups is for the medical
11. Which of the following are the benefits of center to have a shared governance. It means:
coming up with a strategic plan? 1. Enhance 1. There will be increased authority and control
organizational capabilities of the constituents 2. over their unit of assignments
Improve understanding among the members of 2. Wider participation in decision-making before
the organization 3. Realize the vision-mission of final decision is made
the institution 4. A supportive and powerful 3. There will be autonomy and control of its own
coalition is developed 5. Improve communication practices
and public relation 4. Environment is democratic and participative
A. 3 and 4 only A. 1 and 2 only
B. 1 and 2 only B. 2, 3, and 4 only
C. 2, 3 and 4 only C. 1 only
D. ALL of the options D. ALL of the options
Situation: You are a member of research team of
a health unit that is tasked to conduct a study to
present an evidence for the best nursing practice Situation – Spiritual care deals with the history,
in your clinical setting. philosophy, theories, principles, process, modes
and interventions of spiritual care. Emphasis is
16. A research idea or problem is generated made on the process of spiritual formation and
through the following, Except: the role of nurses in providing spiritual care.
A. Critical review of literature
B. Review of policy guidelines 21. The following statements are true in spiritual
C. Practical experience care nursing except:
a. Mobilizing the patient’s spiritual resources
D. Recommendation for funding source
and patients’ expressed needs
17. Your team is interested to consider b. Developing a relationship of trust between the
handwashing as a topic for research. The nurse and the patient
statement, "in what situations do staff nurses c. Referral or utilize members of the team is not
wash their hands in the clinical areas?" This is important for spiritual care as it is for other
an example of a research ___________. aspects of care
A. Purpose d. Awareness and respect of the patient’s
B. Problem culture, social and spiritual preferences
C. conceptual statement
D. hypothesis 22. The following are vulnerable groups needing
spiritual care: (1) Chronically ill patient (2) Older
18. In the final selection of a research problem, adult (3) Dying and Bereavement (4) During
aside from its significance to nursing practice, disasters (5) During Emergencies (6) Patient
you will also have to consider the following with acute illness (7) Children and families
criteria, except: A. 2, 4, 6
A. Investigators interest to the problem C. 1, 3, 5, 7
B. Researchability of the problem B. 1 only
C. Feasibility of addressing the research D. All are correct
D. Investigators work schedule 23. The following statements are true of Parish
nursing also known as faith community nurse:
19. You know that a good research problem a. A registered nurses with a minimum of 2
should exhibit the following characteristics. years’ experience
Which one is NOT always included? b. There is conscious partnering of health issues
A. Implies the feasibility of empirical testing with the faith of the client and client’s family
B. Indicates the hypothesis to be tested c. The core to this practice is in the intentional
C. Specifies the population being studied care of the spirit of those the PN assist
D. Clearly identified the variables/phenomenon d. All are correct
under consideration
24. Roles of a parish nurse includes all of the
20. You also know that a good research requires following: (1) Health advisor (2) Educator on
a thorough review of the literature. The first step health issues (3) Advocate/ resource
in searching for literature to locate all pertinent person(4)Liasson to faith and community
sources is to resources(5)Teacher and volunteers and
A. Conduct print or computer search developer of support groups(6)Healer of body,
B. Identify key words and concepts to be mind, spirit and community
searched A. 1, 3, 5
C. Ask help from the librarian about potential B. b. 2, 4, 6
references C. All are true except 6
D. Refer to the bibliographic lists of related D. All are correct
25. The following statement are true of palliative/
hospice care (1) Excellent, evidence based
medical treatment (2)Vigorous care of pain and should be done immediately following
symptoms throughout illness(3) Provides procedure?
support and care for those in the last phases of a. Reposition from side to side
life- limiting illness(4) Recognizes dying as part b. Administer oxygen
of the normal process of living(5) Affirms life and c. Increase IV fluid as indicated
neither hastens nor postpones death(6) Focuses
d. Assess for maternal hypotension
on quality of life for individuals and their family
a. 1, 3, 5 30. The nurse is caring for a woman in labor.
The woman is irritable, complains of nausea and
b. 2, 4, 6
vomits and has heavier show. The membranes
c. All are true except 6 rupture. The nurse understands that this
d. All are correct indicates:
a. The woman is in transition stage of labor
SITUATION. Nurse Sophia is caring for Yannie, b. The woman is having a complication and the
a 32 year old primigravida at 39-40 weeks AOG doctor should be notified
was admitted to the labor room due to
c. Labor is slowing down and the woman may
hypogastric and lumbo-sacral pains. IE revealed
a fully dilated, fully effaced cervix. Station 0. need oxytocin
d. The woman is emotionally distraught and
26. Andrea is immediately transferred to the DR needs assistance in dealing with labor.
table. Which of the following conditions signify
that delivery is near? 1. A desire to defecate 2. Situation: Nurse Mak is caring for pediatric
Begins to bear down with uterine contraction 3. clients who have different metabolic and
Perineum bulges 4. Uterine contraction occur 2- endocrine disorders.
3 minutes intervals at 50 seconds duration
A. 1,2,3 31. A school-age child needs 5 units of regular
B. 1,2,3,4 insulin to be administered. She is in the
C. 1,3,4 playroom when you are ready to give the
D. 2,3,4 injection. Your best action would be to:
a. Inject it in the playroom; insulin injections do
27. Artificial rupture of the membrane is done. not hurt.
Which of the following nursing diagnoses is the b. Tell her to come outside the playroom for the
priority? injection.
a. High risk for infection related to membrane c. Ask the other children if they would mind if
rupture you gave the injection in the playroom.
b. Potential for injury related to prolapse cord d. Ask the girl if she would mind if you gave the
c. Alteration in comfort related to increasing injection in the playroom.
strength of uterine contraction
d. Anxiety related to unfamiliar procedure 32. Diabetes insipidus (DI) is suspected in a
child. His parents asked Nurse Mak how often
28. Yannie complains of severe abdominal pain the child needs insulin injections in a day. Nurse
and back pain during contraction. Which two of Mak answers correctly by stating:
the following measures will be MOST effective in a. “The child would need an intermediate- and
reducing pain? 1. Rubbing the back 2.Effleurage long-acting insulin given 2 hours and before
3. Imagery 4.Breathing techniques night time respectively.”
A. 2,4 b. “You seem very anxious. Do you want to talk
B. 2,3 about your fears?”
C. 1,4 c. “Your child’s condition does not necessarily
D. 1,2 need insulin regimens.”
d. “I will ask your doctor first.”
29. Lumbar epidural anesthesia is administered.
Which of the following nursing responsibilities
33. A patient with Cushing’s syndrome due to a pneumococcal vaccines vi.Encourage parents to
primary tumor is expected to have elevated perform all Jim’s ADLs to avoid fatigue.
levels of the following, except: a. i, iii, iv
a. Adrenocorticotropic hormone b. i, ii, iii, iv, v
b. Antidiuretic hormone c. ii, iii, iv
c. Cortisol d. ii, iii, iv, v
d. None is an exception
38. Nurse Regine is handling another patient
34. Isabella is suspected to have diabetes with myelomeningocele, a type of spina bifida.
mellitus (DM). Her first test reveals elevated Nurse Regine knows that neural tube disorders
blood sugar. She was required to undergo a like spina bifida is prevented by prenatal intake
second test of her blood sugar. Which of these of which of the following?
results would confirm presence of DM? a. Vitamin B9
a. Fasting blood sugar 104 mg/dL b. Vitamin B6
b. Random blood sugar 190 mg/dL c. Vitamin B12
c. Fasting blood sugar 130 mg/dL d. Vitamin B1
d. Random blood sugar 122 mg/dL
39. The patient with myelomeningocele is placed
35. Which toy would you expect to provide the under a warmer without any clothing. How
best therapeutic play for a child who has to should Nurse Regine care for the patient’s sac?
receive daily medicine injections? a. Leave it uncovered.
a. Anatomically-correct puppet b. Frequently rub petroleum jelly on the sac
b. Doll with a cast in place. covering.
c. Syringe to practice injections c. Apply sterile, moist, nonadherent dressing
d. Stuffed bear with Band-Aids. over the sac.
d. Cover with sterile gauze moistened with 40%
Situation: There are various pediatric disorders ethyl alcohol.
that require comprehensive assessment and
nursing interventions. The following scenarios
40. In feeding the infant with the
refer to health problems of children.
myelomeningocele sac, how should Nurse
Regine position him to prevent complications?
36. Ian is a pediatric patient of Nurse Regine. a. Place the infant in a supine position with two
Ian is diagnosed with Duchenne’s Muscular
pillows under the head
Dystrophy (DMD). Because of this condition,
when Ian tries to walk, he is said to “walk up his b. Keep the patient in prone position with the
front” – pressing his hands against his ankles head turned to the side.
and thighs. Regine notes sign as: c. Place the infant supine with pillows on one
a. Gower’s sign side of his back.
b. Chadwick’s sign d. Request for a nasogastric tube to be inserted.
c. Ortolani’s sign
d. Barlow’s sign Situation: You are part of the research
department in the Department of Health. As a
37. To maintain the optimal functioning of Ian’s nurse researcher, you have a good
muscles, select the interventions that Nurse understanding on the different concepts and
Regine should include in her care plan and terms utilized in carrying out the research
discharge plan. i.Maintain complete bed rest as process.
long as possible. ii.Perform stretching exercises,
strength and muscle training as much as the 41. In one of the studies conducted, the
client can tolerate. iii.Perform breathing hypothesis formulated was stated,
exercises to increase and maintain lung vital “Baccalaureate degree-prepared nurses will
capacity. iv.Comply to follow-up in physical practice more palliative nursing measures on a
therapy v.Encourage influenza and client in an ICU than will associate degree-
prepared nurses.” The independent variable 46. Which of the following food products should
here is: be eliminated in the diet of a child with
a. Baccalaureate degree-prepared nurses Phenylketonuria?
b. Associate degree-prepared nurses a. bread
c. Palliative nursing measures b. pineapple
d. Type of educational background of nurses c. milk
d. potato
42. In a certain study, the researcher was asked
to include the subjects’ gender. Gender is 47. In clients with Phenylketonuria, at which
classified in what scale of measurement? developmental period would the dietary
a. Ordina restrictions be easily applied?
b. Ratio a. Infancy
c. Nominal (words) b. Toddlerhood
d. Internal c. Preschool years
d. School years
43. Empiricism (measured and observed by the
senses) refers to: 48. Which of the following is recommended for
a. Making generalizations from a specific newborns and infants who are diagnosed with
observation Galactosemia?
b. Gathering evidence rooted in objective reality a. breastmilk
c. Verifying assumptions on which the study was b. commercial milk formula
based c. fruit juices
d. Deciding specific productions from d. soy-based formula
49. For newborns diagnosed with Maple Syrup
Urine Disease, which of the following vitamins
44. In conducting a research, you did not collect
should be increased in their diet?
any information that would link to the
identification of the participants to their a. Thiamine
responses. The ethical guideline observed is: b. Pyridoxine
a. Privacy of participants c. Tochopherol
b. Autonomy d. Vitamin K
c. Confidentiality of information
d. Anonymity of respondents 50. All of the following can trigger hemolysis in
children with Glucose-6-Phoshate-
Dehydrogenase Deficiency, except:
45. As you write your introduction for your study,
you must take all of the following considerations, a. fava beans
except: b. naphthalene balls
a. Presenting every detail of the study concisely c. Aspirin
b. Omitting the major findings of the study d. Junk foods
c. Careful selection of words to avoid
redundancy Situation: Nurse Sherlyn works in the orthopedic
d. Using a deductive presentation of the study unit of the pediatric ward.
51. A 13 year old female with structural scoliosis
Situation: Aside from knowing the diseases
has Harrington rods inserted. Nurse Sherlyn
which are currently included in the Philippines’
knows that the best position during the post-
Newborn Screening Program, nurses must also
operative period is:
be equipped with the knowledge on how to
properly care for newborns who tested positive a. High fowler’s
for any of the inborn errors of metabolism. b. Semi-fowler
c. supine in bed
d. side-lying
physical activities. What important principle
52. Which of the following observations does guides the nurse’s response?
Nurse Sherlyn expect to see in her patient with a. allowing the toddler to walk, run and hop
thoracic scoliosis? enhances the child’s kinesthesia
a. The patient walks with a waddling gait b. socialization with other toddlers helps
b. The patient’s sternum is protruding develop communication skills
c. The patient’s lower legs are edematous c. maternal bonding is enhanced through play
d. The patient’s thoracic area is asymmetrical d. only emotionally happy child can enjoy the
53. A child with bilateral clubfeet is going home
with corrective braces after having both casts 57. The father of a 2½ year old asked nurse Ivee
removed. Nurse Sherlyn is completing discharge how to prevent early childhood dental cavities.
teaching for the parents. Which of the following The best response by nurse Ivee would be:
is the highest priority? a. “Let the child watch you brush your teeth so
a. Keep the braces concealed under long pants
that he can learn how to do it himself.”
b. Remove the braces whenever the child is in
b. “Your child has only baby teeth; these will
eventually fall out and so there is no need to
c. Use lotion and then powder to prepare the
skin before applying the corrective braces to the
c. “Take the child to the dentist to see if he has
any cavities.”
d. Increase the time of interval of wearing the
d. “Make sure your child’s diet is nutritious, and
braces and have the child wear them eventually
limit snacks high in sugar.”
as much as possible
58. In caring for a 3-year-old, Nurse Ivee knows
54. Which of the following positions of the femur that she needs to obtain the height of the child
is accurate in relation to the acetabulum in a as part of routine health screening. To obtain an
child with congenital hip dislocation? accurate measurement, the child must:
a. Anterior a. remove his shoes and stand upright, with
b. Inferior head level
c. posterior
d. superior b. stand with his feet wide apart
c. be measured in a recumbent position
55. Nurse Sherlyn knows that structural scoliosis d. face the wall as he is measured
is not:
a. Idiopathic
59. The mother of a 3-year old child also under
b. Accompanied by damage to the vertebrae Nurse Ivee’s care tells her that the child has
c. A primary lateral curvature with a frequent nightmares. The statement by the
compensatory second curve mother that indicates the need for more teaching
d. A compensatory mechanism in children who is:
have unequal leg lengths and refractive errors a. “I read her a story until she calms down.”
Situation: A major continuing and non-negotiable b. “I stay with her a little while to reassure her.”
task of every nurse in the care of infants and c. “I usually talk quietly and rub her back to
children at varying stages of their growth and reassure her.”
development is the application of her d. “I take her to my bed so she will calm down.”
assessment skills. The following questions
60. Our school curricula now include educating
the young regarding human sexuality. What is
56. Nurse Ivee inquires about the activity level of
the most appropriate age group for the nurse to
a 3-year-old under her care. The mother states
incorporate these in her instructions?
that the child loves to play at the park, and the
a. 9 years old
nurse encourages the mother to continue
b. 15 years old
c. 13 years old Situation: Safety and quality during the birth –
d. 11 years old giving episode is the nurse’s principal concern.
The following questions apply.
Situation: Kenneth James, a 9 month old infant
is admitted in the pediatric unit due to enlarged 66. The nurse is preparing a woman for epidural
head circumference, bulging fontanelle and anesthesia. The woman asks “why is my IV
sunset eyes. He is diagnosed to have running so fast? It feels so cold” what is the
hydrocephalus appropriate reply of the nurse?
a. “IV hydration helps prevent the blood
61. Which of the following is not true about pressure from dropping so low”
hydrocephalus. It is b. “Don’t worry. This is a routine procedure in
a. A disorder that occurs only at birth preparation for an epidural anesthesia”
b. A problem of over production of CSF c. “I’ll slow the IV down so you won’t feel so
c. An obstruction of flow of CSF in the brain’s cold”
ventricular circulation d. “IV fluids help prevent spinal headaches”
d. An under absorption of CSF
67. A woman arrived to the labor suite and
62. Magnetic resonance imaging is done. Which states “I have water leaking down my legs” What
of the following results does not confirm the assessment is most appropriate in this situation?
diagnosis of hydrocephalus? a. urine test for protein
a. Site of CSF blockage b. DTRs
b. Enlarged cranium c. Fern test
c. atrophied brain d. Blood pressure check
d. enlarged ventricles
68. it is most likely that the physician would
63. The top priority in rendering nursing care to consider performing an amnioinfusion when
this patient is: external fetal monitor tracing shows:
a. Provide emotional support to the parents a. Flat line without variability and no
b. Monitor signs of increased intracranial decelerations
pressure b. Occasional mild variable decelerations and
c. Monitor vital signs moderate variability present
d. promote normal growth and development of c. Deep variable decelerations with every
the child contraction
d. Consistent early decelerations, variability
64. At nine months old, which of the following present and occasional accelerations
behaviors is indicative that his development is
delayed. He can: 69. A woman carrying a breeched fetus is
a. Sit with support scheduled for external version. She says to the
b. Pull himself up to his feet with assistance nurse “I’m really scared of the procedure, will it
c. Swallow liquid from a cup hurt badly?” What is the best reply of the nurse?
d. Handle semi-solid food a. “The procedure can be quite uncomfortable,
but it is best for your baby. You want to do what
65. Kenneth underwent ventriculo-peritoneal is best for the baby, right?”
shunting. What is the best position for Kenneth b. “Sometimes the procedure is uncomfortable.
post-operatively? If it becomes too painful, let the doctor know
a. Flat on bed and she will stop the procedure. ”
b. Trendelenburg c. “You can do it. I’ll hold your hand throughout
c. head is elevated the procedure and you should be just fine.”
d. side lying d. “Don’t worry. An external version procedure is
not painful.”
70. Which statement by a postpartum woman 73. Socorro is very much aware that in the case
after caesarean delivery indicates that further of the newborn, within the first hour after birth,
discharge teaching is needed? that which is necessary?
a. “I need to hold my incision when I cough” A. Immediate initiation of breastfeeding with
b “My mother will come to help me when I get complementary milk formula.
home.” B. Immediate initiation of breastfeeding
c. Being tired may increase the pain I feel.” continued within 6 months up to 2 years and
d. “The incision needs to be covered with a beyond without complementary milk formula.
bandage” Complementary feeding started only at 6
Situation: Socorro, a nurse working in the OB C. Actual initiation of breastfeeding, continued
ward of a second level hospital received a post with complementary milk formula within 6
normal delivery mother back in the ward with her months up to 2 years and beyond.
healthy newborn baby girl. Rooming- In is newly
D. Initiation of breastfeeding but when not
practiced in this hospital
possible, immediate introduction of
71. Socorro is aware that in accordance with complementary formula feeding.
R.A. 7600 of 1992, the purpose of the “rooming-
in” national policy are two-fold; 1. Encourage, 74. After her duty hours, a milk company
protect and support the practice of breastfeeding representative approached Socorro offering her
2. Save on costs for utilities and personnel for a part time job with them. Socorro turned down the
newborn nursery 3. Create an environment offer because this is in conflict with her desire to
where basic physical, emotional, and promote breastfeeding. In addition, Section 32 of
psychological needs of mothers and infants are Administrative Order 2006-0012 as
fulfilled 4. Teach the mother to take implementing rules and regulations to Executive
responsibility for caring for her newborn right Order No. 51 (Milk Code Policy):
after her delivery A. provides that it is generally a choice for the
a. 2 and 3 are correct health professional.
b. 2 and 4 are correct B. provides that it is the primary responsibility
c. 1 and 2 are correct of the health workers to promote, protect, and
d. 1 and 3 are correct support breastfeeding and appropriate infant
and young child feeding and that no assistance,
72. Soon after both mother and baby were logistics, or training from milk company is
settled in their hospital room, the pediatrician, permitted.
who is now in the hospital, came to see the C. allows health workers to do public
baby. After reviewing the baby’s condition
immediately after delivery, she asks, “Is there a endorsements for as long as it is outside of their
standard milk formula the hospital prescribes or duty. But accepting the offer would create
would want us to use?” Nurse Melody was quick conflict in professional interest which will
to respond, “I am sorry, but shouldn’t we be rebound to unethical conduct.
adhering to the National Milk Code Act of 2006 D. is actually silent about the matter.
and the Expanded Breastfeeding Act of 2009?”
This reflects the nurse’s role as: 75. Socorro attended a meeting in the hospital
A. strong supporter of the Bureau of Food and representing her ward, where she pushed for
Drug (BFAD) in law enforcement adherence to the “Expanded Breastfeeding
B. patient-advocate and law-abiding practicing Promotion Act of 2009” RA 7600 (Rooming-In
health worker and Breastfeeding Act). This measure provides
C. representative of the Professional Regulation the 3rd vital component of the breastfeeding law
(PROVISION OF SUPPORT for the practice of
Commission (PRC) enforcing standards
breastfeeding) by:
D. ordinary citizen exercising police powers
A. updating the penalty provisions of the former
Aquino EO No. 51 and AO No. 2006-0012.
B. maintaining the provision of facilities for
breastmilk collection and storage (e.g. milk 79. The patient is about to be discharged from
banks) and establishment of “lactation stations” the clinic. The patient asks the nurse of when
with adequate support facilities, and providing her menses will return if she will not continuously
breastfeed her baby. What will be the proper
incentives and sanctions thereto.
health teaching of the nurse?
C. mandating the provision of facilities for a. The patient will have her menstrual flow back
breastmilk collection and storage (e.g. milk on track in 6-10 weeks after giving birth.
banks) and establishment of “lactation b. The patient will have her menses 3-4 months
stations” with adequate support facilities, and after birth.
the integration of breastfeeding education in c. The patient will have varying menstrual flow.
the curricula. d. The client will experience some pain in the
D. integrating the key provisions of EO 51 and abdomen while breastfeeding her baby.
AO No. 2006-0012
Situation: The nurse is caring for a G3P1 80. The client after she was discharged came
postpartum client who just had her delivery. back to the clinic in her 3rd postpartum day. She
noticed that her breasts are really full and that
76. The nurse is checking for the patients VS she feels that it’s really tense. What will the
and noticed that her temperature is increased. nurse tell the patient?
The mother noticed that she also feels really a. Tell the client that it is a sign of mastitis.
warm and thirsty. What would the nurse tell the
b. Tell the client that she is experiencing an
overproduction of milk.
a. Tell the patient that what she is experiencing
c. Tell the client that the breasts become tender
is normal within 24 hours.
and full at the start of the 3rd postpartum day.
b. Tell the patient that what she is experiencing
d. Tell the patient that she’s just too excited
is normal within 48 hours.
about what’s happening to her.
c. Tell the patient that she has a starting
Situation: Marie Amoure calls her pre-natal
d. Tell the patient that she has a good immune
clinic to report that, she had intermittent lower
system. abdominal cramping and occasional spotting
for the last 24 hrs. Her last menstrual period was
77. After 3 days, the patient had a urinalysis. eight weeks ago. Two weeks ago she had a
The nurse noticed that the patient’s BUN is positive pregnancy test.
relatively high. What would the nurse do?
a. Refer to the attending physician. 81. The most likely diagnosis for Dollies
b. Note the occurrence as normal. condition on the basis of the information
c. Assess the patient’s level of consciousness. presented is:
d. Confer with the other nurses regarding the a. inevitable abortion
laboratory result. b. incomplete abortion
c. threatened abortion
78. Knowing that the patient has high levels of d. spontaneous abortion
BUN in her urine. What would the nurse tell the
client about her diet? 82. Marie Amoure comes to clinic. Pelvic
a. Tell the client to decrease her intake of CHON- examination, which reveals vaginal bleeding but
rich food. no dilatation of the cervix, confirms the tentative
b. Tell the client to increase her intake of diagnosis. Which of the following should not be
CHON-rich food. considered in the management of Kate’s
c. Tell the client to increase the intake of CHO-
A. bed rest
rich food.
B. abstinence from intercourse
d. Tell the client to decrease her intake of CHO-
C. Administration of mild sedative
rich food.
D. Administering of diethylstilbestrol (Synthetic 87. As a nurse in the maternity unit, Janine
estrogen) knows that the action of hormones during
pregnancy affect the body by?
83. A week later Marie Amoure comes back to A. Raising resistance to insulin.
the emergency room because of heavy B. Blocking the release of insulin from the
bleeding and severe cramps. Vaginal pancreas.
examinations reveals that her cervix is dilated C. Preventing the liver from metabolizing
and tissue is bulging through the os. Which of glycogen.
the following would be the best procedure in D. Enhancing the conversion of food to glucose.
managing this new condition?
A. dilation and curettage
88. A 28-year-old woman has had diabetes
B. oxytocin stimulation mellitus since she was an adolescent. She is 8
C. saline infusion weeks pregnant and is admitted under the care
D. Shirodkar procedure of Nurse Nenita. Hyperglycemia during her first
trimester will have what effect on the fetus?
84. Which of the following positions should the A. Hyperinsulinemia.
nurse place the patient who has been diagnosed B. Excessive fetal size.
with a prolapsed cord C. Malformed organs.
a. supine D. Abnormal positioning.
b. left lateral recumbent
c. Trendelenburg 89. Nenita is caring for a young diabetic woman
d. high fowlers who is in her first trimester of pregnancy. As the
pregnancy continues the nurse should anticipate
85. A woman has been in preterm labor off and which change in her medication needs?
on for 2 weeks. She is 28 weeks pregnant. It A. A decrease in the need for short-acting
seems inevitable that she will delivery soon. insulins.
Which of the following medications would the B. A steady increase in insulin requirements.
nurse prepare to give this patient? C. Oral hypoglycemic drugs will be given several
a. celestone (inc lung surfactant)
times daily.
b. magnesium sulfate
D. The variable pattern of insulin absorption
c. pitocin
throughout the pregnancy requires constant
d. Terbutaline
close adjustment.
Situation: As a newly registered nurse, Nurse
90. Methylergonovine (Methergine) is prescribed
Nenita was employed in a government hospital
for a client with postpartum hemorrhage. Before
and is assigned in the maternity unit. Here, she
Nenita administers the medication, she contacts
takes care of gravidomorbid clients. It is
the health care provider who prescribed the
essential to know the normal and abnormal
medication if which condition is documented in
changes in pregnancy in order to deliver the best
the client’s medical history?
nursing care. The following questions apply.
A. Hypotension
B. Hypothyroidism
86. During the night shift, a woman is
hospitalized for the treatment of severe C. Diabetes mellitus
preeclampsia. Which of the following represents D. Peripheral vascular disease
an unusual finding for this condition?
A. Proteinuria 4+. Situation: Nurse Rancelle is addressing
B. Blood pressure 160/100. concerns of several clients in the out-patient
C. Generalized edema. department of a lying-in clinic. The following
clients consulted Nurse Rancelle, thus, she
D. Convulsions.
performed health teachings.
91. During a visit to the prenatal clinic, Mia is at
32 weeks’ gestation and complains of heartburn.
After Rancelle’s health teaching, the client needs determines that she needs further information
further instruction when Jenny says she must do when she states which of the following?
what? A. “If I am constipated, Milk of Magnesia is okay
A. Avoid highly seasoned foods. but mineral oil is not.”
B. Avoid laying down right after eating. B. “If I have heartburn, it is safe to use Tums,
C. Eat small, frequent meals. Rolaids, Mylanta, and Maalox.”
D. Consume liquids only between meals. C. “I can take Tylenol if I have a headache.”
D. “If I need to have a bowel movement, Ex-Lax
92. Rancelle is teaching a new prenatal client is preferred.”
about her iron deficiency anemia during
pregnancy. Which statement indicates that the
Situation: Nurse Coachie is a community health
client needs further instruction about her
nurse and has paid particular attention to Rhufa,
a 16 year old client at 30 weeks’ gestation.
A. “I will need to take iron supplements now.”
B. “I may have anemia because my family is of 96. Nurse Coachie is developing a teaching plan
Asian descent.” for a client entering the third trimester of her
C. “I am considered anemic if my hemoglobin is pregnancy. He should include all of the following
below 11 g/dL.” in the plan, except:
D. “The workload on my heart is increased when A. Ambivalence concerning pregnancy.
there is not enough oxygen in my system.” B. Experimenting with mothering roles.
C. Realignment of roles and tasks.
93. An antenatal primagravid client has just been D. Trying various caregiver roles.
informed that she is carrying twins. The plan of
care includes educating the client concerning 97. Rhufa, who is being monitored at home with
factors that put her at risk for problems during home nursing visits, is diagnosed with mild
the pregnancy. Nurse Rancelle realizes the preeclampsia and has gained 2 lb in the past
client needs further instruction when she week. Her current blood pressure is 144/92 mm
indicates carrying twins puts her at risk for which Hg. Which assessment finding would require
of the following? further action by the Nurse Coachie?
A. Preterm labor. A. Occasional headache.
B. Twin-to-twin transfusion. B. Frequent voiding in large amounts.
C. Anemia. C. 1 + pedal edema.
D. Group B Streptococcus. D. 3 + protein on urine dipstick.
94. A 30-year-old multigravid client has missed 98. At 32 weeks’ gestation, Rhufa, a 15y/o
three periods and now visits the prenatal clinic primigravid client who is 5 feet, 2 inches tall has
because she assumes she is pregnant. She is gained a total of 20 lb, with a 1-lb gain in the last
experiencing enlargement of her abdomen, a 2 weeks. Urinalysis reveals negative glucose
positive pregnancy test, and changes in the and a trace of protein. The nurse should advise
pigmentation on her face and abdomen. These the client that which of the following factors
assessment findings reflect this woman is increases her risk for preeclampsia?
experiencing a cluster of which signs of A. Total weight gain.
pregnancy? B. Short stature.
A. Positive. (felt by the examiner)
C. Adolescent age group.
B. Probable.
D. Proteinuria.
C. Presumptive. (felt by the mom)
D. Diagnostic. 99. After instructing Rhufa, who is now at 38
weeks’ gestation, about how preeclampsia can
95. An antenatal client receives education affect the client and the growing fetus, nurse
concerning medications that are safe to use Coachie realizes that the client needs additional
during pregnancy. Rancelle evaluates the instruction when she says that preeclampsia can
client’s understanding of the instructions and lead to which of the following?
A. Hydrocephalic infant.
B. Abruptio placentae.
C. Intrauterine growth retardation.
D. Poor placental perfusion.
100. Pat was rushed to the hospital and is
experiencing pain during the first stage of labor.
The nurse on duty should instruct her to do all of
the following, except:
A. Walk in the hospital room.
B. Use slow chest breathing.
C. Lightly massage her abdomen.
D. Sip ice water.