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IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science


Application of Cathodoluminescence to The Study of Feldspars: Imaging

and Spectrometry
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World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium (WMESS 2017) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1234567890
95 (2017) 032029 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/95/3/032029

Application of Cathodoluminescence to The Study of

Feldspars: Imaging and Spectrometry

Rute Fonseca 1, Helena Couto 1, 2

Universidade do Porto, Faculdade de Ciências, Departamento de Geociências,
Ambiente e Ordenamento do Território,
Instituto de Ciências da Terra, Rua do Campo Alegre 687, 4169-007 Porto, Portugal


Abstract. Cathodoluminescence (CL) studies were carried out on polished thin sections of
different feldspar samples (from migmatites, granites, aplite-pegmatites and granitic
aggregates) using a hot cathode CL equipment HC3-LM coupled to an optical microscope and
to a spectrometer (SpectraPro 2300i and a CCD Pixis 400B detector and the software
Winspec32) from the Faculty of Sciences of University of Porto. The system was operated at
14kV and a filament current of 0.18 mA. The samples were coated with a thin gold film using a
Cressington 108 Auto device. Luminescence images were acquired during the CL analysis with
an adapted digital video-camera (KAPPA PS 40C-285 (DX) with dual stage Peltier cooling)
and an acquisition time between 351ms and 3,52s. The CL study, including imaging and
spectrometry, proved to be an important tool to complement the feldspar petrography as it
contributes to the identification of features not observed under optical microscope. The
application of the Cathodoluminescence to feldspar allows distinguishing between potassic
feldspar and plagioclase, differentiating generations of feldspar and displaying internal zoning
and growth areas, among other. The spectrometry complements the CL imaging. It allows
obtaining a qualitative level of emission intensity, which permits the interpretation of the
nature of this luminescence in each feldspar. Bands shown in the spectra are related to the
existing activator elements. In the present study, it was found an association of each feldspar to
different spectra and respective colour. The plagioclases exhibit yellow or green luminescence.
The activator element is Mn2+, showing a broad emission band between 550 – 570 nm specially
detected on this type of feldspars, due to the replacement of K+ for Mn2+. The potassium
feldspars have more or less intense blue colour associated with various activators elements: the
activator element is Cu2+ showing a broad emission band between 420±5 nm. This emission
band can be detected either in potassium feldspar or in plagioclases, but when associated with
the blue colour, it indicates that it is a potassium feldspar. Spectra with a wavelength of 460±10
nm, associated to the element activator/synthesizer Ti3+, which is initially deposited as Ti4+,
replacing Al, as temperature rise. The emission band with a wavelength of 860 nm correspond
to the activator element Pb+, and occurs specially in potassium feldspar like adularia and
orthoclase. The activator element Al - O - Al, show a broad emission band between 450-480
nm. This emission in CL is caused by the replacement of Al3+ and Si4+ in feldspars.

1. Introduction
Cathodoluminescence (CL) is a method used for the study of minerals that takes advantage of the
luminescence of those minerals. The emitted luminescence can be studied by imaging or spectroscopy.
Imaging delivers information on different phases, zoning and internal structure, defects. Spectrometry
allows the acquisition of different spectrums referent to each specific mineral, indicating, through the
peak wavelength, which is the activator element that makes the mineral take that specific colour and
helping to understand its origin.

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World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium (WMESS 2017) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1234567890
95 (2017) 032029 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/95/3/032029

It is perceptible that this technique allows a deeper knowledge about minerals, feldspars in this
particular case.
The main objective was to proceed to the feldspar identification with the Cathodoluminescence and
to compare the different obtained imaging and spectrums with the pre-defined ones, to understand how
the cathodoluminescence can contribute to the identification of the feldspar and its genesis. Feldspars
are the most important and abundant minerals that occur in igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary
rocks. The basic structural compounds of feldspars are SiO4 and AlO4 tetrahedrons intercalated with
K, Na or Ca cations of, being the replacement by other compounds possible. These are designated as
trace elements, which become activator elements of the mineral, causing luminescent emissions that
are detected with CL [1]
Feldspar are included in the aluminosilicates class and can be classified, accordingly to its chemical
formula as: potassium feldspars (sanidine, orthoclase, microcline), with KAlSi3O8 as its general
formula; or can correspond to solid solutions of plagioclase (from the albite, with NaAlSi3O8 as its
formula, till the anorthite with the formula CaAl2Si2O8); in summary, the majority of the minerals can
be encountered in the series K – Na – Ca (orthoclase – albite – anorthite) [1].
Feldspars formed under different conditions, have different luminescent characteristics, depending on
the crystallization environment and the presence of activator elements.
This last factor gives to the feldspars a certain luminescence (light blue, yellowish-green, violet or
red), allowing an interpretation and quick distinction between the different phases, composition,
interpolating processes occurred and giving information about its textural level, making it easier to
distinguish between the distribution of potassium feldspars and plagioclase.
Secondary weathering and alteration processes that can occur in feldspars (mostly the potassium ones),
causing defects on its structure, are also detectable by CL, by registering an alteration in the colour,
turning from blue to brownish. [1]
The CL application to the feldspars allows a most correct interpretation about the specific
conditions of formation and the alteration suffered by the rocks containing feldspars [1]. This way CL
makes it possible to: differentiate between potassium feldspars and plagioclase; detect different
feldspars generations; visualize internal zoning and growing areas; determination of the alteration
caused by weathering and radiation; detect the secondary autigenic growing; quickly differentiate
between quartz and feldspar, due to the luminescence emission in CL. Spectrometry is used as a
supplement to CL imaging, by permitting the acquisition of qualitative levels of the emission intensity
that admits an interpretation about the luminescence nature of each feldspar. The peaks present in the
spectrums are related to the existing activator elements.

2. Methodology
Thin polished sections of different samples were studied previously with the optical microscope in
order to understand the distribution of feldspars to choose the different areas that would be analysed
with the cathodoluminescence (in the Faculty of Sciences of University of Porto).
After the observation of the feldspars in cathodoluminescence, the images from each sample and its
spectrum were obtained. These were then compared with standard spectrums, leading to the
identification of each activator element, being this way possible to proceed to the individual
 CL Study
The samples to be used in the Cathodoluminescence equipment correspond to polished thin sections,
that were submitted to C coating in order to become conductors, once if this proceeding is not
performed it will occur charge accumulation at the polished surface, leading to errors on the
observation due to the excess of electrons exposure that are produced on the cathode incident on the
slide. For the coating the equipment Cressington sputter Coatter 108 auto was used. For the
Cathodoluminescence study it was used the Lumic HC3 – LM equipment. This equipment is
constituted by an optical microscope to which is linked an electrons cannon and a vacuum chamber.
The electron cannon is designated by hot cathode, because the filament can reach temperatures
between 2000º and 3000º C, creating an electron beam that will incise on the sample.

World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium (WMESS 2017) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1234567890
95 (2017) 032029 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/95/3/032029

Next, the electric tension filament must be turned on, verifying that it has the value of 14Kv (pre-
stablished value in manual mode), without letting it exceed 0,7 A, because above this value the
filament can be damaged. Now it is possible to observe the sample in cathodoluminescence, bearing in
mind that the laboratory must remain completely in the dark, so there are no interferences on the
observation. The images registry was performed through the software Kappa, that is installed on a
computer to which the camera is connected, being this way possible to adjust the conditions for the
observation of each sample.
The spectrometry the equipment used was the SpectraPro 2300i with the software Winspec32
which is installed on another computer connected to the spectrometer, where it is possible to control
the exposure time and spectrum propagation velocity, in a way to obtain the best results.

3. Results
The studied samples were, from Migmatitic band located on the oriental coast of northern of Portugal
[2], namely a migmatite (FM22), an aplite – pegmatite (VC17b) and a two mica granite (VC27a), a
sample of Porto granite considered a two mica leucogranite, sin tectonic relatively to the third
Variscan phase [3], a sample of Régua bridge cinder block with thin grain two micas granite [4].

 Migmatite (FM22)
On this migmatitic sample, four feldspars have been analyzed. In Cathodoluminescence, it is possible
to observe blue and yellow luminescence colour. Feldspars with the blue colour are posterior to the
feldspars with yellow colour, appearing as a filling of fractures, resulting from fluids.

On this mineral, the presence of polysynthetic macla characteristic of the plagioclase is evident,
confirmed by the yellowish-green luminescence, with inclusions of feldspar with blue luminescence in
CL (Figure 1). On the inner, non-luminescent quartz inclusions occur. On the spectrum it is observed a
peak (Figure 2) corresponding to, approximately 560 nm (within the interval 550-570 nm), indicating
that the activator element is Mn2+ [5]. This peak is specially detected on plagioclases, being less
common in potassium feldspars due to the difficulty of occurring the replacement of K+ by Mn2+ on
this kind of feldspar.


Figure 1. Mineral with yellowish-green Figure 2. The mineral’s spectrum with its peak
luminescence, with inclusions of approximately at 560 nm with indication
feldspar with blue luminescence in CL of activator element

Three more plagioclases were observed, with a spectrum of the same type, and occurrence of more
intense luminescent areas (clearer and brilliant colours) along the fractures, indicating
recrystallization. These differences show that there are two distinct generations on the same mineral.

World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium (WMESS 2017) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1234567890
95 (2017) 032029 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/95/3/032029

Potassium Feldspar
In CL, it is visible the blue luminescence, surrounded by yellowish luminescence, that indicate the
presence of two different feldspar generations (Figure 3). The spectrum (Figure 4), shows a peak
between 420±5 nm, so, its activator element is the Cu2+ [6]. This peak can be detected either in
potassium feldspars or plagioclases, but its intense blue colour indicates that it is a potassium feldspar.
The occurrence of Cu2+ as an activator element indicates that the feldspar is located in an area where
many impurities have occurred, caused by the excess of this element.


Figure 3. Mineral with blue luminescence, Figure 4. The mineral’s spectrum with its peak
surrounded by yellowish luminescence between 420 ±5 nm with indication of activator

 Two Micas Granite (VC27a)

In Cathodoluminescence, it is possible to observe some feldspar with the blue luminescence and others
with the green one. This difference in colouration indicates that these feldspars are from different
generations and, being evident that the blue feldspars are later than the green feldspar.

Potassium feldspars
On this sample it was observed three crystals of potassium feldspars. The first one presents a
completely blue luminescence colour (figure 5). By analysing its spectrum (Figure 6), it is clear that it
has a peak that detaches from the rest of the spectrum, at 469 nm. Considering this peak and the blue
colouration of the mineral, it is understandable that the peak is in the interval 460±10 nm, so, the
activator element corresponds to Ti3+ [6].
By analysing the spectrum, it is possible to verify that there are other peaks co-existing in this
mineral, and it is possible to realize that there are many interferences by other mineral on the sample.
The presence of this Ti3+ activator element is more evident in potassium feldspars than in plagioclases
(that corresponds to this case, due to its high intensity). This element is initially deposited as Ti4+,
replacing the Al, making the electrons present on the deposition spot to release during heating [6].
Due to this fact, it is not possible to be certain that this is an activator element, it might be a CL’s
synthesizer. The second potassium feldspar, in CL has blue colour, meaning that there is only one
generation. Its spectrum has a peak that corresponds to a very elevated wavelength, approximately 870
nm. This peak may be due to the presence of Pb+ that occurs mostly in potassium feldspars such as
adularia and orthoclase. Having this high intensity, it is not possible to consider that the cause of this
peak is exactly this activator element, because its pre-defined wavelength is 860 nm [7] occurring in
rocks formed at high temperatures.
The third one, in CL has a blue colour, with quartz inclusions (non-luminescent areas). It is possible to
see that on the left corner there is a green colour that in natural light, corresponds to a “dirty” area,
which may indicate that it belongs to a more altered feldspar. Its spectrum reaches a peak between 450
– 480 nm that corresponds to the Al – O- - Al activator element [8]. This CL’s emission is a result of

World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium (WMESS 2017) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1234567890
95 (2017) 032029 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/95/3/032029

the replacement of Al3+ by Si4+ in feldspars [8]. This activator element may be linked to a structural
alteration or to impurities related to the rocks formation environment. Despite this activator element
occurs both in potassium feldspar and in plagioclases, it is more intense on the first case and it is
associated with the blue luminescence.


Figure 6. The mineral’s spectrum with its peak at 469nm

Figure 5. Mineral with the colour blue
with indication of activator element

A plagioclase was also observed with a yellowish-green luminescence and the fractures are filled by
shinier colours than the rest of the mineral, which indicates the existence of recrystallization.
Its spectrum has a peak between the values 550 – 570 nm, indicating that its activator element is the
Mn2+ [5], the same observed on the anterior plagioclases.

 Aplite – pegmatite (VC17b)

On this sample two different feldspars were analyzed. In other feldspars with a darker luminescence
colour, the spectra did not allow correct analyses.
With the CL, it is possible to observe yellow feldspar near feldspar with an intense blue colour. This
fact indicates that these feldspars are from two different generations, the one with the blue colour
appears to be posterior to the yellow luminescence feldspar. In both cases is detectable the
recrystallization in fractures.

In CL, it is noticeable a recrystallization, with a brighter colour. It is also possible to observe a
polysynthetic macla in the CL image. By analyzing the spectrum, it is verified that the peak occurs at
approximately 560 nm, corresponding to the Mn2+ activator element, belonging to the interval of 550 –
570 nm, that is also a characteristic of the plagioclases [5], (like in two Micas Granite -VC27a).

Potassium feldspars
In CL, it is possible to visualize the bright blue feldspar surrounded by the plagioclase described
above. The darker areas on the image, non-luminescent, are from quartz.
Relatively to the obtained spectrum to this blue feldspar, it is noticeable the existence of irregularities
and secondary peaks, being two of them easily distinguished.
The main peak corresponds to approximately 465 nm, and once it is in the interval of 460±10 nm, it
has high intensity and presents a blue luminescence, being possible to conclude that the activator
element corresponds to Ti3+ [6], the same as in the previous sample (VC27a).

World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium (WMESS 2017) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1234567890
95 (2017) 032029 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/95/3/032029

 Porto Granite
On this sample three different crystal feldspars were analyzed. It is verified, all over the sample, the
existence of a lot of apatite and micas, the first one having a huge influence on the obtained spectrums.
The observed feldspars on this sample have blue and yellowish – green luminescence.

Potassium feldspar
On this sample two potassium feldspars with the same activator element were observed. In CL image
(Figure 7), it is shown that the feldspar has an intense blue colour, and that there are apatites and
fractures, which will have a direct influence on the spectrum.
It is confirmed that this spectrum (Figure 8), is very inconstant, having many irregularities and
secondary peaks that can be caused by the apatite in the inner of the feldspar. Its peak is reached,
approximately, at 460 nm, that is on the interval of 450 – 480 nm, which indicates that the activator
element is the Al - O- - Al [8]. This CL emission is caused by the replacement of Al3+ by Si4+ in
feldspars [8]. This activator element may correspond to a structural alteration or to impurities related
to the rock formation environment.

Al – O‐ ‐ Al  

Figure 7. Mineral with an intense blue Figure 8. The mineral’s spectrum with its peak at 460nm
color, with apatites and fractures with indication of activator element

Observing this mineral in CL, it is perceptible the existence of an intense blue colour, interrupted by
darker luminescence (almost completely non-luminescent) and green colours, that can correspond to
the existence of minerals on the interior of the fractures and even to the presence of apatite that have a
huge influence on the spectrum, as explained previously.
By analysing the spectrum, it is observed the existence of irregularities and secondary peaks that, like
in the other situations, occur due to the presence of apatite. It is also visible a more intense peak, with
a higher wavelength, approximately at 504 nm, that detaches from the rest of the spectrum and may be
an exterior interference.
Other analyzed peak, which is framed on the spectrum, has its approximate value at 565 nm,
corresponding to the interval 550 – 570 nm [5], which indicates that Mn2+ is the activator element, like
on the previous plagioclases.

 Régua bridge sample

On this sample of a granite cinder block, two different feldspars were analyzed, which present
fracturing, although not as intense as in the previous cases. In CL the sample presents blue and yellow
Potassium feldspar
In CL the feldspar has an intense blue colour without any colour alteration that predicts the existence
of only one generation. It is also observed the existence of apatites, which can interfere on the

World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium (WMESS 2017) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1234567890
95 (2017) 032029 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/95/3/032029

spectrum. By observing the spectrum, the existence of a main peak is verified at the approximate value
of 455 nm, so the peak is in the interval of 450 – 480 nm, corresponding to the Al – O- – Al as the
activator element [8].

In CL it is visible that the plagioclase has a green colour at the core and a blue colour on the borders,
indicating an alteration and the possible existence of two different generations.
It is observed, once more, the presence of apatite, within the plagioclase.
Its spectrum, despite the irregularities and presence of secondary peaks resulting from the apatite has
its main peak at approximately 564 nm. This is in the interval of 550 – 570 nm, indicating that Mn2+ as
the activator element, which is characteristic of the plagioclases [5], like the other studied plagioclases

4. Discussion
Spectra are disturbed by dispersed light from strongly (apatite and K-feldspar), a problem related to
the low spatial resolution of HC3-LM, what explain the problems we have with some spectra [9]. The
observed plagioclases on the FM22 sample are those that present more clearly the polysynthetic
macla. Despite this, in every analyzed plagioclase it is verified the same type of spectrum, always
associated with the activator element Mn2+ that corresponds to a wavelength of 550 – 570 nm [5]. This
peak indicating and activator element is specially detected in plagioclases, being less common in
potassium feldspars due to the difficulty to, on these minerals, occur the replacement of K+ by Mn2+,
having always, in CL, the yellowish-green colour. However, some of the plagioclases present
inclusions of other feldspars, usually with blue luminescent colour, showing that these are posterior to
the plagioclase or even to the apatites.
In general, according to the CL’s results, all of the potassium feldspars have a blue luminescence
colour, more or less intense. These minerals have very distinct characteristics from each other, in what
concerns the spectrums, mostly due to the presence of other minerals, such as apatites and quartz.
Several potassium feldspars were studied, associated to the different types of spectrums:
 Spectrum that reaches its peak between 420±5 nm having the Cu2+ as activator element
[6], can be detected both in potassium feldspars and plagioclases, but the colour intense
blue indicates a potassium feldspar.
 Spectrums with a very prominent peak, corresponding to a high intensity, are associated to
the activator/synthesizer element Ti3+, with a wavelength of 460±10 nm [6]. The presence
of this activator element is much more evident in potassium feldspars than in plagioclases.
 Spectrums with a peak corresponding to the activator element Pb+ that has a value of 860
nm [7], occurs especially in potassium feldspars such as adularia and orthoclase.
 The most observed spectrum was the one associated to the activator element Al – O- – Al,
which peak is reached in the interval 450 – 480 nm [8].
This CL’s emission is caused by the replacement of Al3+ and Si4+ in feldspars. Despite in numerous
different types of spectrums have been observed, some present more than one main peak, which
wavelength interval value corresponds to only one activator element. The feldspar distinction was
made having the spectrum peaks as an informative base and combining this with the colour of each
feldspar captured with the CL.

5. Conclusions
Imaging and spectra CL allows distinguishing potassium feldspars from plagioclases. Activator
elements were distinguished by spectrum, determined by the main peak wavelength, being also
observed secondary peaks possibly related to interferences on the observation, due to the presence of
dispersed light from strongly emitting minerals like apatite.

To the Faculty of Sciences of Oporto University for allowing the present study. To the professors
Ângela Almeida, Isabel Fernandes and Maria dos Anjos Ribeiro for facilitate the thin sections used.

World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium (WMESS 2017) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1234567890
95 (2017) 032029 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/95/3/032029

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