1986 MS Caused by Lyme US Study
1986 MS Caused by Lyme US Study
1986 MS Caused by Lyme US Study
l!aLTIPLE !iczsRos1s
The purpose of this paper is to see what relationship, if any, may exist
between Multiple Sclerosis and spirochetal infections. The main
spirochetes this paper will be addressing specifically are those from
the Genus Borrelia which cause Relapsing Fever and Lyme Disease.
The Borrelia cmuiog Relap8iog Fever have the interesting property of
being able to undergo lntigeqic variation. There is evidence that the
surface antigens of the organism shift and grov a new population vlth
alternative antigens, vhich is the case with each relapse (8). During a
relapse event, a Borrella population consisting of a single serotype can
change suddenly to a mixture of as many as seven serotypes. tilapeing
Fever Borrelia contain MO periplaaic flagella (8). Borreliae have
loosely coiled cells that measure 0.2-0.5 dcronq in diameter by 5-25
microns in length (8).
With Lyme disease, the Ixodidae or hard ticks are implicated. The
species of ticks implicated for Lyme Disease are: Ixodes damm.ini(located
in North east and Midwest of U.S. and In Ontario), I. pacificoa,(located
in U.S. West Coast ii Utah), I. ricinus, (located in Western Europe,
Switzerland), I. mc.spalarim,(located in U.S. East Coast, Southeast, and
Texas), Amblyoma americarum, (located in New Jersey, and Southern
U.S.), and I)emcemtor variabills, (American dog tick, located in Texas
and other areas of U.S.); (the last th,ee listed are suspected, but not
proven to transmit Lyme) (5). What is interesting to note is that the
species D. variabilis and A. americanum also transmit Rocky Mountain
instances been acquired in areas forested with ponderoea pine and
Douglas fir--in Washington at an elevation of 3116 ft., in Idaho and
Oregon at 3510 ft., in California between 4921 ft. and 8202 ft., in
Arizona at 8384 ft., and in Colorado at 8858 ft.
After a seven day incubation period, the disease begins abruptly with a
temperature between 103 - 105 degrees F. Muscle pain, extreme
exhaustion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, perspiration, abdominal pain,
shaking chills, headache, rash, sore throat, swollen glands and cough
are early signs. Tachycardia is present and the patient is sleepy and
confused. Lymphadenopathy (particularly affecting cervical nodes) may
develop. Jaundice is uncommon in tick-borne disease but occurs in about
one third of patients with louse-borne disease, usually late in the
course. A majority of patients with louse-borne relapsing fever have
agglutinins for Proteus OX-K (21).
The initial febrile attack lasts three to six days, ending abruptly.
Spirochetes rapidly disappear from the peripheral blood at this time.
After an afebrile period of six to 10 days, a febrile, symptomatic
relapse occurs, but it is of shorter duration than the orginal episode.
There is usually only a single relapse in louse-borne disease, but
several additional relapses are common in tick-borne relapsing fever. A
mild normocytic anemia is common. The disease peaks in late June and
early July, with sporadic cases pereistimg into August. It is
interesting to note that the peak periods for llrrltiple Sclerosis are
similiar to the incidence of Sorrelia. The seasonal variation of
Moltiple Sclerosis in Arizona, Ohio and Switzerland all showed peaks
from Way through August (14). The significance of this correlation is
not known at this time.
Peak incidence is in summer and early fall. Early signs are mainly
malaise, fatigue and lethargy. Headache, fever and chills, stiff neck
and lymph adenopathy are also common. In addition there may be mild
encephlopathic changes, memory difficulty and unusual clumsiness. About
twenty-five percent notice a papule that expands to a red annular lesion
(ECM, erythema chronicum migrans), about one month prior to the onset of
arthritis. The skin lesions last a median of one and one-half weeks and
may be recurrent. Besides arthritic symptoms, neurologic adnormalities
may develop as well as myocardial conduction abnormalities of the
atrioventriuclar node (5).
rich In complement, immnoglobulln and fibrin depoeition. However,
cultures to date of synovial tiesue have not yet revealed growth of the
organism (5). Thus, It is not known whether the spirochete Is alive in
affected synovium (11). Therefore, it is still unclear whether Lyme
arthritis result6 directly from the presence of live spirochete6 in
synovium or whether it is an indirect immune response triggered by
previous spirochetal infection. Fwrthermre, it beem likely that the
epirochete ray be directly r88pO88ible for the liCOV88Cd8r injtuy, the
most charactertistic feature of Lyme synovia (11). The microangiopathic
process seen in Lyme disease is reminiecent of syphilitic
microangiopathic change6 described in the 19th century (5). The broad
spectrum of clinical manifestations of Lyme disease, which may mimic a
large number of diseases that need to be considered in the differential
diagnosis, has been emphasized. Eighty-five percent of petients with
Lyle di8e88e have erythema chro8icrr ligr888 (ECD), therefore fifteen
percent without the antecedent 8kin r88h, will becae dependent on
eerologic testing to confirm the diagrumis in rany patient8 (6).
Diagnosis iS now e88eIkti81,not only in the acute phase when treatment
is likely to prevent most chronic complications, but in the chronic
phase when treatment may also be effective (10).
In Multiple Sclerosis the IgG antibodies are always increased (7). The
MS population also has elevated IgG/albumin ratio, oligoclonal bands
present, an increase in immnoglobulin level and an increase in
lymphocytes. The plaque6 in MS have their origin around veins in the
Central Nervous System (7:170). Acute MS lesions show intense
infiltration and perivascular cuffing by small lymphocyte6 (7:427). As
stated earlier, the Lyme spirochete may be directly responsible for
microvascular injury (11).
However, when the British troops arrived on the island, they brought
their dogs along (1). In Iceland, k4S appeared as an epidemic from 1945-
1954. (1)) and also in 1923-1944, after WV II and WU I, respectively
The recent outbreak of MS on Key West Island at the tip of Florida has
40 times the expected number for MS in a given population. In Key West
the rate is 100 per 100,000 (4), the expected occurance is 4.2 per
100,000 . The Orkney and Shetland Islands have the highest prevalence
rates of MS known in the world (as high as 300 per 100,000) (1). Also
Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the Northern part of the U.S., Guam,
Western Norway, and Alaska have a high incidence of MS.
organfsms. In addition to regularly coiled forma of individual
spirochetes there were more or less straight, irregularly or only
partially coiled forms indicating a marked flexibiiity of this organism.
The shorter and straight forms were usually thicker than the regularly
threaded spirochetes. Knob6 at one end were not unumual. There vere
also loops in the center of the longitudinal axis or more toward the
end. The spirochetes were completely detached from any tissue elements.
Very often they were seen in a microvacuole or surrounded by a small
empty halo, separating them very distinctly from any tissue elements.
It is this appearance, which, like other vell known spirochete6 in
tiSSUe6, accentuates the foreign body nature of the SpirOCheteS" (18).
Steiner found these organisms in the parenchyma of the brain and spinal
cord as well as in vascular walls. He named the organisms "6pirOCheta
myclophthora", meaning myelin sheath destroying spirochete (18). Prosta-
glandins turn up the body'6 thermostat, causing fever. Aspirin can
interrupt the cycle before prostaglandins are produced." (22). What all
organlm do seed to mrvive is iron. It is believed that the reason
fever therapy works is that it lovers the blood iron levels so low that
microorganisms cannot grow (22).
The hypothesis that many cases of Multiple Sclerosis may be the result
of an undiagnosed tick bite carrying either Lyme or Relapsing Fever,
seems highly plausible for the following reasons:
3) The organisms Steiner and Ichelson found in the brains and spinal
fluid and vascular walls of MS patients is described as the same as the
organisms found in patients with Lyme disease.
7) Mean annual temperature and altitude may correlate better with the
distribution of MS than latitude. Temperature, altitude and moisture
play an important role in the life of a tick, the vector for Borreliae.
Since it is becoming apparent that the Lyme and Relapsing Fever Borrelia
spirochetes can cause much the same damage as the spirochete causing
syphilis, the following quote by William Osler seems appropriate. "Know
syphilis and all its manifestations and relations, and all things
clinical will be added unto you". (Aequanimitas, with other addresses,
"Internal Medicine as a vocation." [1849-19191 (21).
1.AHnALWEALTuHEw~, June 1983; l(4): 3-6. 'Camlme distaper
virus and mltiplc sclcrosi8: the controversial link'.
3. BOESB, A. ‘Search for The Cause of MS and other Sclerosis aml Other
Chronic Diseases of The Central Ikrvous System'. First Inter-
national Symposium of Hertie Foundation in Frankfurt, MAIN, 9179.
4. GAWLIK, Glenn: A 'cluster' in Key West may change the view that MS
is a cold-climate disease. Discover magazine/May 1985, p. 65-70.
10. JACOSS, Jerry D. M.D.; ROSRW, Joel M., M.D.; and SZER, Ilona S.,
M.D.: 'Lyme myocarditis diagnosed by galliu scan-. The Journal of
Pediatrics. December 1984.
11. JOENSTON, Yasmin E., MD.; DDRAY, Paul H. , MD; STRERE, Allen C., MD;
RASlKARIAU, Michael, MD; AURA, Jacquie, MD; MALAUISTA, Stephen E. ,
MD,; and ASIQIUSAR,Philip W., MD: 'LYMS AlU¶HTIS - Spirochetes
Pound in Synovial Hicroangiopathic Lesions'. From the Department of
Pathology and Internal Medicine, Yale University School of
Medicine, New Haven, CT. Accepted for publication July 25, 1984.
13. LORRLL, Pierre: MPXLIU, second edition, Plenum Press, New York and
London, 1984.
17. ROACH, Lonnie L., ROSRNBERG, Sol. ICEELSOH, Rose R. American Journal
of Medical Science, Volume 237. issue 1, pages 8-11, January 1959.
-Iwunological Considerations of an antigenic fraction Pra Cultures
of Spirochetes Isolated fra Cerebrospinal Fluid of Multiple
Sclerosis Cases: Preliminary Beport.'
22. WWF, Sheldon M., C DIIUUXLLO, Charles A., "FRVKR", HUMAN NATURE,
magazine, February 1979 p. 66-71.