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French Lesson1

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French course level 1

Learning French opens a door on French-language cultures and communities.

This course is divided into 12 lessons. You need about three hours per week. Please work at your own pace, but do not take longer than three months to finish the course.

our bilingual novel: The Little Prince/Le Petit Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupry.

Image: internet

Voyelles and diphtongues

/a/ - a , ,

/b/ b, bb /d/ d dd /f/ f ff
/g/ g + a, o // ch gu + e, i,

Special characters vowels changing sound , vowel with a grammar accent (vowels with 'tonic accent') consonnant with special sound: pronunciation: 1) The various sounds in French the letters are always pronounced the same, as shown on the left-hand side. 2) The French language uses 'tonic accents' to prolong a vowel sound. There are not many of them, though. 3) The plural mark of a noun is never pronounced. 4) The spelling of the French language is made a little bit difficult because some consonants are doubled. (in English, this is also the case). Use a spell-checker and read things in French. 5) listening to clips or people speaking French will help you pronounce the 'nasal-vowels'.

/*/ - -e
// - eu, u

// e
/i/,i words ending with -il

/o/ o, , au, eau

/k/ qu + e, i - c + a, o, u, the the -c at the end of a word

/u/ ou

- -s, -x, -t, -z at the end

of a word are mute, h at the beginning of a word

/u/, -ou, -ouet /u/ ou, ouais etc /ow/ aou

// - , , ei, ai, the "es" in the article "les"

/m/ m, mm

/n/ n, nn
/p/ p pp // gn

orthographical modifications: 1) before a vowel, the articles le and la become l' 2) before a masculine noun starting with a vowel the adjective nouveau become nouvel, beau becomes bel 3) before m,b, p - an, on, in, ein become am, om, im, eim except bonbon, nanmoins. 4) + le become au + les becomes aux de + le become du de + les becomes des

// u, , -e after g /an-nasal/ an, en, em, am

/in-nasal/ in, im, ain, aim, ein, eim, un, um /on-nasal/ on, om


s, ss, , before -a, o, u,

/ks/ x /t/ t-, -tt-

/y/ y, -ille

/oy/ oye, ol /ay/ ail, aille,

/v/ v w /a-i/ a
/z/ s between two vowels, z (but not at the end of a word)

A question finishes with '?', note the use of hyphens (trait d'union) ( - ) as part of the question.

Comment a va? - How are you? Qu'est-ce que c'est? - What is this? Quelle heure est-il? - What time is it? Que se passe-t'il? -What is happening? Que fais-tu? - What are you doing? C'est quand? - When is it? C'est o? - Where is it? Qui c'est? - Who is this? Combien sont-ils/elles? - How many are there (people) Combien y-en-a-t'il? - How much is it? Combien a cote? - How much does it cost?

Image: 'Languages takes you further'

le calendrier/ the calendar

Months of the year/les mois de l'anne: janvier fvrier mars avril mai juin juillet aot septembre octobre novembre dcembre

Les jours de la semaine/ The days of the week (noun) lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi, samedi, dimanche

La date / the date Jeudi 23 septembre 2010. (the first day of the month, you say: le premier lundi 1 mai

Les saisons/ The seasons (nouns) le printemps, l't, l'automne, l'hiver

Special occasions (expressions) bon anniversaire, bonne anne le Nouvel An, Pques, Nol, Joyeux Nol, la veille du jour de l'an.

Image: internet

Les chiffres the numbers

les nombres (cardinaux)

(deux plus un font trois) = two plus one makes three 1 = un 2 = deux 3 = trois 5 = cinq 6 = six 7 =sept 8 =huit 10 dix 9 = neuf 11 onze 4 = quatre

12 = douze

13 = treize 15 = quinze 16 = seize,

14 = quatorze

17 = dix-sept 18 = dix-huit 20 = vingt 19 = dix-neuf 21 = vingt-et-un 22 = vingt-deux 23 = vingt-trois 25 = vingt-cinq 26 = vingt-six 27 = vingt-sept 28 = vingt-huit 30 = trente 29 = vingt-neuf 31 = trente-et-un

24 = vingt-quatre

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