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M3 - T-TFGC-B - Writing Infrastructure Code For Google Cloud

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Proprietary + Confidential

Writing Infrastructure
Code for Google
Proprietary + Confidential

Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:

01 Declare the resources within Terraform.

02 Explain implicit and explicit resource dependencies.

Use variables and output values within the root

04 Explain Terraform Registry and Cloud Foundation


Welcome to the “Writing Infrastructure Code for Google Cloud” module. In this
module, you will learn more about resources, variables, and output resources. We will
begin by exploring how to create infrastructure components using resources and then
explore how Terraform handles dependencies within resources. Although we have
been covering resource creation by using hardcoded resource arguments, we will
explore how you can parameterize a given configuration using variables. We will
explore the syntax to declare, define, and use variables within your configuration. We
will then discuss how you can export resource attributes outside the resource
declaration by using output values. We will then conclude the module by discovering
how you can simplify code authoring by using Terraform registry and Cloud
Foundation Toolkit.
Let’s begin!
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01 Introduction to resources

02 Considerations for defining a resource block

03 Variables overview

04 Variables best practices

05 Meta-arguments for resources

06 Resource dependencies

07 Output values overview

08 Output best practices

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What are resources? Terraform


● Resources are infrastructure elements

you can configure using Terraform.
Compute Engine instance, VPC, Cloud
Storage bucket, Firewall rules Compute Firewall Rules Cloud VPN
● Terraform uses the underlying APIs of
each Google Cloud service to deploy
your resources.

Virtual Private Cloud Load Cloud

Cloud (VPC) Balancing Router

Resources in the Terraform world are infrastructure elements, such as Compute

Engine instances and Cloud Storage buckets, that you can configure with Terraform
code. Real-world infrastructure has a diverse set of resources and resource types.

Terraform uses the underlying APIs of each Google Cloud service to deploy your
resources. The access to APIs enables you to deploy almost everything we have seen
so far, from instances, instance templates, and groups, to VPC networks, firewall
rules, VPN tunnels, Cloud Routers, and load balancers.
Proprietary + Confidential

Syntax to declare a resource

-- network/
resource "resource_type" "resource_name" {
-- main.tf #Resource arguments
-- outputs.tf }
-- variables.tf

● Resources are defined within a .tf file.

● The resource block represents a single infrastructure object.
● The resource type identifies the type of resource being created.
● The resource type depends on the provider being declared within
a terraform module.
● Not all resource arguments must be defined.

Let’s next explore where and how can you define a resource.


You can define resources within a .tf file. Terraform recognizes files ending with a .tf
extension as configuration files and will load them when it runs. We recommend that
you follow a directory structure where resources of similar types are placed within a
directory and resources are defined within the main.tf. file. In the slide example, we
define the resources within the main.tf file under the network directory. Currently the
main.tf is our root configuration. We will explore the other files within the directory
later in this module.


The resource block is used to declare an infrastructure object. The resource block
represents a single infrastructure object. The resource type identifies the type of
resource being created.

The resource type depends on the provider being declared within a Terraform module.
A provider is a plugin that provides a collection of resource types. Generally, a
provider is a cloud infrastructure platform. In this course, we discuss Google Cloud as
the provider.

The resource arguments use expressions to declare the resource attributes. Some
resource arguments are mandatory for resource creation, and a few are optional.

The resource attribute can be used to define any advanced feature associate with a

Refer to the Terraform Registry for Google Provider for details on resource types and
arguments required to be used.

You can include multiple resources of the same type or multiple resources of different
resource types within the same Terraform configuration file. These resources can
even span across multiple providers. The slide shows an example of two resource
blocks. One block that declares the VPC network and another that declares the
subnet are placed in the same main.tf file. You can even have multiple resource
blocks to define other subnets in the VPC network within the same .tf file.
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Examples of a resource block

-- network/
resource "google_compute_network" "vpc_network" {
-- main.tf
name = "vpc-network" #Required argument
-- outputs.tf project = "<Project_ID>"
-- variables.tf auto_create_subnetworks = false
mtu = 1460

resource "google_compute_subnetwork" "subnetwork-ipv6" {

name = "ipv6-test-subnetwork"
ip_cidr_range = ""
region = "us-west2"
network = google_compute_network.vpc_network.id

As a starting point, let’s examine a basic declaration of the resources. Shown on the
slide is an example of a VPC using the google_compute_network named
vpc_network . A resource is identified by the ‘resource’ keyword followed by the
resource type, in this case google_compute_network . The name is a required
resource argument for the google_compute_network block, but the other
arguments are optional. You can even define advanced features such as versioning
within the same block.

Another example on the slide is a simple definition of a VPC subnet defined by using
the google_compute_subnetwork named subnetwork-ipv6 . For the
subnetwork block, the name, the network in which the subnet should be created, and
the IP CIDR range are required arguments that the resource cannot be created

Notice that the resource arguments defined within the resource block are dependent
on the resource type. This means that a google_compute_network includes
arguments such as name, project, and auto_create subnetworks, whereas a
google_compute_subnetwork resource type includes arguments such as name,
IP_cidr_range, and network..
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Syntax for referring to a resource attribute

-- main.tf resource "google_compute_network" "vpc_network" {

project = "my-project-name"
name = "vpc-network"
auto_create_subnetworks = false
mtu = 1460

resource "google_compute_subnetwork" "subnetwork-ipv6" {

name = "ipv6-test-subnetwork" #Required argument
ip_cidr_range = "" #Required argument
region = "us-west2"
network = google_compute_network.vpc_network.id

● Use <resource_type>.<resource_name>.<attribute> to access any resource

● The Network ID is a computed resource attribute of a google_compute_network block.

Whenever you have to access a resource attribute from another resource block, use
the format <resource_type>.<resource_name>.<attribute> . In this slide,
when a subnet is created, the subnet requires the network ID of the VPC network it
belongs to. The network ID is a computed resource attribute that is generated when
the network is created. Other computed resource attributes are self_link and IPv4
gateway address. The subnet resource block name subnetwork-ipv6 in the example
uses the network_id created from the vpc_network block and uses the format

Notice that this method can be used only when resources are defined within the same
root configuration.
Proprietary + Confidential


01 Introduction to resources

02 Considerations for defining a resource block

03 Variables overview

04 Variables best practices

05 Meta-arguments for resources

06 Resource dependencies

07 Output values overview

08 Output best practices

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Considerations for defining a resource block

A resource with the same name cannot exist within the same
● The resource name of a given
resource type must be unique
within the module. -- network/ resource "google_storage_bucket" "dev_bucket" {
-- main.tf name = "<unique_bucket_name>"
-- variables.tf location = "US"
} Duplicated
-- outputs.tf
resource "google_storage_bucket" "dev_bucket" {
name = "<unique_bucket_name>"
location = "US"

Shown on the slide are some of the rules involved in declaring a resource within the
root configuration:

● A declared resource is identified by its resource type and the name; thus the
resource name for a given resource type must be unique within the module.
Proprietary + Confidential

Considerations for defining a resource block

● The resource name of a given resource "cloud_storage_bucket" "dev_bucket" {

resource type must be unique name = "<unique_bucket_name>"
within the module. location = "US"
● The resource type is not
user-defined and is based on the User-defined names are not allowed.

resource "google_storage_bucket" "dev_bucket" {

name = "<unique_bucket_name>"
location = "US"

The resource type is a keyword and must match the term mentioned in
Terraform Registry.

● The resource type is a keyword associated with the provider and thus cannot
be user-defined. This means that a Cloud Storage bucket is associated with
the Google Cloud provider and is defined by the keyword
“google_storage_bucket ”; thus it cannot be changed by the user. Any
other name would result in an error when terraform plan or terraform
apply is executed.
Proprietary + Confidential

Considerations for defining a resource block

● The resource name of a given resource "google_storage_bucket" "dev_bucket" {

resource type must be unique name = "<unique_bucket_name>"
within the module. }
location = "US"
● The resource type is not
user-defined and is based on the
Error: Unsupported argument
● All configuration arguments On main.tf line 4:
must be enclosed within the 4: location = “US”

resource block. An argument named “location” is not expected here.

● All configuration arguments must be enclosed within the resource block body,
which is between the curly brackets.
Proprietary + Confidential

Considerations for defining a resource block

resource "google_storage_bucket" "dev_bucket" {

location = "US" #The name argument is missing
● The resource name of a given
resource type must be unique
within the module. resource "google_storage_bucket" "dev_bucket" {
● The resource type is not name = "<unique_bucket_name>"
location = "US"
user-defined and is based on the }
Error: Missing required argument
● All configuration arguments
must be enclosed within the On main.tf line 9, in resource “google_storage_bucket”
resource block. “mybucket1”:
9: resource “google_storage_bucket” “dev_bucket” {
● All required resource arguments
must be defined. The argument "name" is required, but no definition was

● An infrastructure element and its associated attributes are defined within a

resource block. Some attributes are optional, while some are required. A
Terraform configuration will not pass through the plan and apply phases
successfully without all the required arguments defined within the
Proprietary + Confidential


01 Introduction to resources

02 Considerations for defining a resource block

03 Variables overview

04 Variables best practices

05 Meta-arguments for resources

06 Resource dependencies

07 Output values overview

08 Output best practices

Let’s next explore how you can parameterize a configuration by using variables. In
this section we will explore how to define and use a variable.
Proprietary + Confidential

Variables overview

● Variables parameterize your

resource "google_storage_bucket" "mybucket1" {
configuration without altering the name = "my-project-name" #Required argument
source code. location = "US"
● Variables allow you to assign a value storage_class = “standard”
to the resource attribute at run time.
● Variables separate source code from Without variables, resource arguments are hardcoded within the configuration.

value assignments.

So far we have been hardcoding our values to the various resource arguments.

What if you want to parameterize your configuration and define its value during
terraform apply ?
What if you want to standardize the code but also have the flexibility to customize a
few resource attributes at run time?

Variables help you achieve that.

Variables are essential to parameterize values shared between resources (for

example, region or zone). Input variables serve as parameters for Terraform, allowing
easy customization and sharing without having to alter the source code. After a
variable is defined, there are different ways to set its values at run time: environment
variables, CLI options, or key-value files.

In the code snippet on the slide, notice that the name, location, and storage class
values are hardcoded within the configuration. If you want to be able to decide the
name or location or even a storage class of bucket at run time or be able to separate
source code from value assignment, you can declare that attribute as a variable. Let’s
explore how you can do that in the next section.
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Syntax to declare an input variable

-- server/ Syntax
-- main.tf
-- outputs.tf variable "variable_name" {
-- variables.tf type = <variable_type>
description = "<variable description>"
default = "<default value for variable>"
sensitive = true

Example: Variable for a bucket region. The variable name must be unique within a module.

variable "bucket_region" {
type = string
description = "Region for the bucket"
default = "US"
sensitive = true

You must declare a variable in the variable block. It’s recommended to save all
variable declarations within a separate file named variables.tf.

The label next to the keyword “variable” give the variables a name. The two rules
involved in naming variables that are also common with other languages are:

● The name of the variable must be unique within a module.

● Variable names cannot be keywords.
There are no required arguments for a variable; thus, a variable block can even be
empty. The type and default values are not mandatory, and Terraform can
automatically deduce the type from the default values assigned to the variable.
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Variable arguments: type

-- server/
variable "variable_name" {
-- main.tf
-- outputs.tf
type = <variable_type>
-- variables.tf default = "<default value for variable>"
description = "<variable description>"
sensitive = true

variable "bucket_region" {
type = string

The “type” argument specifies value types that are accepted for the variable.
Terraform supports the following primitive variable types:

● Bool is used for binary values such as true or false without the double quotes.
● Number is used for numeric variables.
● String is used for a sequence of unicode characters.
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Variable arguments: default

-- server/
-- main.tf m resource "google_storage_bucket" "mybucket1" {
name = "<unique_bucket_name>"
-- outputs.tf
location = "US"
v m
-- variables.tf storage_class = var.bucket_storage_class
//No value assigned for the storage class
When no value is set for the variable, the value specified in the }
default argument is used.
variable "bucket_storage_class" {
$terraform plan
type = string
Terraform will perform the following actions: v
default = "REGIONAL"
# google_storage_bucket.mybucket1 will be created }
+ resource "google_storage_bucket" "mybucket1" {
+ location = "US"
+ name = "<unique_bucket_name>"
+ project = (known after apply)
+ storage_class = "REGIONAL”

Plan: 1 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.

The default is another meta argument used to assign a default value to an attribute.
The value mentioned in the default argument is used when no value is set for the
To access the value of a variable declared within the module, you can use within the
expressions var.<variable_name> .

In the example on the slide, the variable bucket_storage_class is used in the

resource block using the format var.bucket_storage_class . Notice that the
name of the variable in the variable block has to match the reference made within the
resource block.

The value mentioned in default can be overridden by assigning a value in

environment values, or .tfvars files or -var option.

There are four items on the slide. The folder structure shows that the variable
declaration is written within the variables.tf file, which is a recommended practice. The
code next to the folder structure displays the code to assign a variable to
storage_class argument. The code in the variables.tf file is the variable definition with
the default value specified within quotes. The screenshot below the folder structure
shows that the default value is used when creating the resource.
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Variable arguments: description

-- server/
variable "variable_name" {
-- main.tf
type = <variable_type>
-- outputs.tf default = “<default value>"
-- variables.tf description = “<variable description>”
sensitive = true

$terraform plan variable "bucket_region" {

type = string
description = “Specify the bucket region.”
Specify the bucket region.
Enter a value:

The description will be displayed at run time, when no value is

assigned for the variable.

The description is used to document the purpose of the variable. The description is
displayed during Terraform apply when no value is assigned for the variable. The
description should concisely explain the purpose of the variable and what kind of
value is expected. This description string might be included in documentation about
the module, and so it should be written from the perspective of the user of the module
rather than its maintainer.
Proprietary + Confidential

Variable arguments: sensitive

-- server/
● The acceptable value for variable "variable_name" {
-- main.tf
sensitive is true. type = <variable_type>
-- outputs.tf default = “<default value>”
● When set to true, the value is
-- variables.tf description = “<variable description>”
marked sensitive at run time. sensitive = true

variable "user_information" {
$terraform plan
type = object({
Terraform will perform the following actions:
name = string
# some_resource.a will be created address = string
+ resource "some_resource" "example_resource" { })
+ name = (sensitive) sensitive = true
+ address = (sensitive) }
resource "some_resource" "foo" {
Plan: 1 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy. name = var.user_information.name
address = var.user_information.address

Sensitive, as the name suggests, is a variable argument used to protect sensitive

information from being displayed in command output or log files.

● The acceptable value for sensitive is true.

● When set to true, the value is marked sensitive in the output of terraform plan
or terraform apply.

This argument is beneficial when dealing with information such as db password,

username, or API tokens, and so on,. Marking the variable as sensitive will also
eliminate the accidental exposure of confidential information.

In the slide example, the variable called user_information is marked sensitive. A

resource, for example, foo, uses the sensitive variables, name and address, declared
in the user_information . When terraform plan or apply is run, observe that the
output avoids displaying the values of the variable by marking it as sensitive.
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Syntax to reference
and assign a value to a
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Various ways to assign values to


# .tfvars file (Recommended method)

● .tfvars files: Useful for quickly switching
$ tf apply -var-file my-vars.tfvars
between sets of variables and
versioning them. # CLI options
$ tf apply -var project_id="my-project"
● CLI options: Useful when running quick
examples on simple files. # environment variables
● Environment variables: Useful in scripts $ TF_VAR_project_id="my-project" \
and pipelines. tf apply

● CLI prompt: If a required variable has # If using terraform.tfvars

not been set via one of the above. $ tf apply

There are different ways of setting variable values at run time:

● Use .tfvars files to quickly switch between sets of variables and also be able to
version them.
● CLI options are useful when you are running quick examples on simple files.
● Environment variables are useful in scripts and pipelines.
● Use CLI prompt if a required variable has not been set by using one of the
other methods.
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Assign a value to the variable

Using the terraform.tfvars file
-- server/
variable "mybucket_storage_class" {
-- main.tf type = string
-- outputs.tf }
t v
-- terraform.tfvars
variable “bucket_region” {
-- variables.tf v type = string

t mybucket_storage_class = "REGIONAL"
bucket_region = "US"


When you have many variable definitions to be inputted to Terraform, providing the
value in the command line might not be feasible. The recommended way to assign
values to variables is to specify them in a variable definitions file with either a
.tfvars or .tfvars.json extension. The variable definitions follow the same
syntax as the terraform language but includes only variable name assignments.
Whenever files named exactly terraform.tfvars,
terraform.tfvars.json, .auto.tfvars, or .auto.tfvars.json are
present, Terraform automatically loads the variable definitions from this file.

The definition provided in the .tfvars file overrides the definition in the default
argument and environment variable.
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Assign a value to the variable

Using the -var option
-- server/
mybucket_storage_class = "COLDLINE"
-- main.tf V
bucket_region = "US"
-- outputs.tf
-- my-vars.tf M

-- terraform.tfvars T
mybucket_storage_class = "NEARLINE"
-- variables.tf M
bucket_region = "EU"

$cd /server
$terraform apply -var="mybucket_storage_class=REGIONAL”

$tf apply -var-file my-vars.tf

If you want to specify the value of a variable individually on the command line, you
can use the -var option as shown on the slide. You can enter these values while
running either the terraform plan or terraform apply command.

This method is usually used when running in automation where the -var is sourced
from another env variable. It’s also useful when running quick examples on simple

If you name the files differently with a .tf extension, then you have to specify the
filename using the -var-file option on the command line. Variables set in the file
can be overridden at deployment. This lets you reuse the variables file while still being
able to customize the configuration at deployment.

This method takes the highest precedence over all other methods in which a variable
value is assigned. In other words, when the variable value is assigned using multiple
methods, the value defined using the -var option is the value that is assigned to the

Refer to the Terraform documentation for more information.

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Assign a value to the variable

At run time
-- server/
-- main.tf M
-- outputs.tf resource "google_storage_bucket" "mybucket" {
name = "student102345688493"
-- variables.tf V
location = var.bucket_region
M storage_class = var.mybucket_storageclass

$terraform plan
var.mybucket_storageclass variable "mybucket_storageclass" {
Set the storage class to the bucket. type = string
Enter a value: V description = "Set the storage class to the bucket."

Set the value of the storage class when running

terraform plan.

Terraform prompts you on the CLI if a required variable has not been set by using any
method described previously. In the example on the slide, the variable
mybucket_storageclass is not parameterized and has not been assigned a value
within a .tfvars file or in the variable block or in any of the methods discussed before.
Thus, you are prompted to enter a value during the plan phase.
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Validate variable values by using rules

variable "mybucket_storageclass" {
type = string
description = "Set the storage class to the bucket."
validation {
condition = contains(["STANDARD", "MULTI_REGIONAL", "REGIONAL"], var.mybucket_storageclass)
error_message = "Allowed storage classes are STANDARD, MULTI_REGIONAL and REGIONAL."

Set the storage class to the bucket.
Enter a value: ZONAL
google_compute_network.vpc_network: Refreshing state...

│ Error: Invalid value for variable

│ on main.tf line 1:
1: variable "mybucket_storageclass" {

Validates the value

│ Allowed storage classes are STANDARD, MULTI_REGIONAL and REGIONAL. assigned to the
│ variable.
│ This was checked by the validation rule at main.tf:4,3-13.

You can even validate the value assigned to a variable by including a validation
subblock with the variable block. The validation block includes a condition argument
for which the validation rule is assigned. In this example, a function named contains is
used to validate whether the value assigned to a storage class is provided in upper
case and is one among accepted values.
Proprietary + Confidential


01 Introduction to resources

02 Considerations for defining a resource block

03 Variables overview

04 Variables best practices

05 Meta-arguments for resources

06 Resource dependencies

07 Output values overview

08 Output best practices

Let’s explore some of the best practices to follow when using variables.
Proprietary + Confidential

Parameterize only when necessary

-- server/
-- main.tf
-- outputs.tf
● Only parameterize values that must vary for each
-- terraform.tfvars
instance or environment.
-- variables.tf
● Changing a variable with a default value is
● Removing a variable is not backward-compatible.

Only parameterize values that must vary for each instance or environment. When
deciding whether to expose a variable, ensure that you have a concrete use case for
changing that variable. If there's only a small chance that a variable might be needed,
don't expose it.
● Changing or adding a variable with a default value is backward-compatible.
● Removing a variable is not backward-compatible.
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Provide values in a .tfvars file

-- server/
mybucket_storage_class = "REGIONAL"
-- main.tf
bucket_region = "US"
-- outputs.tf
-- terraform.tfvars
-- variables.tf

Command-line options are ephemeral in nature and cannot be

checked into source control.
$cd /server
$terraform apply -var="mybucket_storage_class=REGIONAL"
$terraform apply -var="bucket_region=US"
$tf apply -var-file my-vars.txt

For root modules, provide values to variables by using a .tfvars variables file. For
consistency, name variable files terraform.tfvars.

Don't specify variables by alternating between var-files or var='key=val'

command-line options. Command-line options are ephemeral and easy to forget.
They cannot be checked in to source control. Using a default variables file is more
Proprietary + Confidential

Give descriptive names to variables

-- server/
-- main.tf
-- outputs.tf variable "ram_size_gb" {
-- terraform.tfvars type = number
-- variables.tf description = "RAM size in GB."

variable "ram_size" {
type = number
description = "RAM size in GB."

Give variables descriptive names that are relevant to their usage or purpose:
● Variables representing numeric values—such as disk sizes or RAM
size—must be named with units (like ram_size_gb). Google Cloud APIs don't
have standard units, so naming variables with units makes the expected input
unit clear for configuration maintainers.
● To simplify conditional logic, give boolean variables positive names (for
example, enable_external_access).
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Provide meaningful descriptions

-- server/
variable "bucket_region" {
-- main.tf type = string
-- outputs.tf default = “US”
description = “Specify the bucket region.”
-- terraform.tfvars
-- variables.tf

variable "myregion" {
type = string
default = “US”
description = “Specify the region.”

Variables must have descriptions. Descriptions are automatically included in a

published module's auto-generated documentation. Descriptions add additional
context for new developers that descriptive names cannot provide.
Proprietary + Confidential


01 Introduction to resources

02 Considerations for defining a resource block

03 Variables overview

04 Variables best practices

05 Meta-arguments for resources

06 Resource dependencies

07 Output values overview

08 Output best practices

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Meta-arguments customize the behavior of resources

Create multiple instances according to the value assigned to the


for_each Create multiple resource instances as per a set of strings.

depends_on Specify explicit dependency.

lifecycle Define life cycle of a resource.

Select a non-default provider configuration.


The Terraform language defines several meta-arguments, which can be used with any
resource type to change the behavior of resources.

● count, to create multiple instances according to the value assigned to the

● for_each, to create multiple instances according to a map or set of strings.
● depends_on , for specifying explicit dependency
● lifecycle, for defining the lifecycle of a resource. Some of the actions you
can perform using a lifecycle argument are:
○ Prevent destruction of a resource for compliance purposes.
○ Create a resource before destroying the replaced resource; used for
high availability.
● Provider, for selecting a non-default provider configuration. You can have
multiple configurations for a provider, including default. Use the provider
argument to select an alternate configuration of the provider.

We will explore count and for_each in this course and refer to the Terraform
documentation for details on how to use other meta-arguments.
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count: Multiple resources of the same type

resource "google_compute_instance" "dev_VM1" {
name = "dev_VM1”

resource "google_compute_instance" "dev_VM2" {

Redundant code name = "dev_VM2”

resource "google_compute_instance" "dev_VM3" {

name = "dev_VM3”

resource "google_compute_instance" "Dev_VM" {

Creates three instances of count = 3
the same type with names name = "dev_VM${count.index + 1}"
#other required arguments
dev_VM1, dev_VM2, and

dev_VM3. }

The Terraform count meta-argument lets you deploy multiple resources using the
same Terraform configuration block. This is useful when you must deploy
infrastructure elements like virtual machines that have the same configuration.

A resource block is used to deploy a single resource. The terraform count and
terraform for_each meta arguments offer ways to deploy a resource block multiple
times. Count works by adding a count parameter to a resource block.

Let’s look at deploying multiple VM instances. In the resource definition on the slide,
each Compute Engine instance is created by writing three
google_compute_instance resource blocks. We can replace redundant code by
adding the count argument at the beginning of the resource definition.

The count argument in the example tells Terraform to create three instances of the
same kind. Notice the expression on the second line. count.index, which represents
the index number of the current count loop. The count index starts at 0 and
increments by 1 for each resource. You include the count index variable in strings
using interpolation. When deployed, Terraform names the VM instances dev_VM1,
dev_VM2, and dev_VM3.
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for_each: Multiple resources of the same type with

distinct values resource "google_compute_instance" "VM1" {
name = "dev-us-central-1”
location = “us-central-1”
resource "google_compute_instance" "VM2" {
Redundant code name = "dev-asia-east1-b”
location = “asia-east1-b”
resource "google_compute_instance" "VM3" {
name = "dev-europe-west4-a”
location = “europe-west4-a”

Creates three instances with resource "google_compute_instance" "dev_VM" {

for_each = toset( ["us-central-1", "asia-east1-b", "europe-west4-a"] )
the names dev-us-central-1, name = "dev-${each.value}"
dev-asia-east1-b, and
europe-west4-a. zone = each.value
#other required arguments

If your instances are almost identical, count is appropriate. If some of their arguments
need distinct values that can't be directly derived from an integer, it's safer to use
for_each .

The for_each argument can be assigned to a string of values or map. Terraform will
create one instance for each member of the string.

Consider a scenario where you need three similar instances configured in three
specific zones and also want the names to have zones as prefixes for identification.
Instead of writing lengthy repetitive code, you can use the for_each argument to
assign specific values.

The example code creates three instances with the name dev-us-central-1,
dev-asia-east1-b, and europe-west4-a in their respective zones.

Refer to the Terraform documentation for more information on meta arguments.

Proprietary + Confidential


01 Introduction to resources

02 Considerations for defining a resource block

03 Variables overview

04 Variables best practices

05 Meta-arguments for resources

06 Resource dependencies

07 Output values overview

08 Output best practices

Proprietary + Confidential

Dependency graph
[root] root

● Built from the terraform configurations.

● Interpolates attributes during run time.
root] provider["registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/google"] (close)
● Determines the correct order of



While building an infrastructure, you may prefer to have a visual representation of

how your infrastructure is connected and interdependent. Terraform has a feature
called dependency graph that serves that exact purpose. It adds a layer to
understand how your infrastructure looks before you actually deploy it. Terraform
builds a dependency graph from the Terraform configurations and walks this graph to
generate plans and refresh state. The attributes are interpolated during run time, and
primitives such as variables, output values, and providers are connected in a
dependency tree. When performing operations, Terraform creates a dependency
graph to determine the correct order of operations. In more complicated cases with
multiple resources, Terraform will perform operations in parallel when it's safe to do
Proprietary + Confidential

Resource dependencies

Terraform can handle two kinds of dependencies.

Implicit dependency Explicit dependency

Dependencies known to Dependencies unknown

Terraform are detected to Terraform must be
automatically. configured explicitly.

Terraform can handle two kinds of dependencies between the resources it manages.
They are implicit dependency and explicit dependency.

In short, implicit dependency is a dependency known to Terraform, whereas explicit is

a dependency that is unknown to Terraform.

Based on the nature of how resources work, there are scenarios where one resource
creation depends on the information generated after the creation of another resource.
For example, you cannot create a compute instance unless the network is created.
Similarly, you cannot assign a static IP address for a Compute Engine instance until a
static IP is reserved. Such dependency is called implicit dependency.

There are also scenarios where you induce a dependency. A given resource can only
be created upon creation of another resource. In such cases you would want to
explicitly mention dependency that Terraform cannot see. For example, perhaps an
application you will run on your instance expects to use a specific Cloud Storage
bucket, but that dependency is configured inside the application code and thus not
visible to Terraform. In that case, you can use depends_on to explicitly declare the
Proprietary + Confidential

Implicit resource dependencies are handled automatically

resource "google_compute_instance" "my_instance" {

//All mandatory arguments

network_interface {
//implicit dependency
network = google_compute_network.my_network.name
access_config {
} The reference to mynetwork in the
network argument creates an implicit
(known) dependency.
resource "google_compute_network" "my_network" {
name = "my_network"

Implicit dependencies

Let’s see how Terraform handles implicit dependencies with an example. In the
example on the slide, the compute instance my_instance is created in a custom
VPC called my_network . In Google Cloud, you cannot create a compute instance
without a network.

Implicit dependencies by using interpolation expressions are the primary way to

inform Terraform about these relationships, and should be used whenever possible. In
our example, the reference to my_network in the network argument creates an
implicit dependency on the network mentioned in the google_compute_network block.
Proprietary + Confidential

View implicit (known) dependencies

via terraform apply
$terraform apply

Terraform creates google_compute_network.mynetwork: Creating...

google_compute_network.mynetwork: Still creating... [10s elapsed]
the network first. google_compute_network.mynetwork: Still creating... [20s elapsed]
google_compute_network.mynetwork: Still creating... [30s elapsed]
google_compute_network.mynetwork: Creation complete after 32s

After the implicit google_compute_instance.myinstance: Creating...

google_compute_instance.myinstance: Still creating... [10s elapsed]
dependency is fulfilled google_compute_instance.myinstance: Creation complete after 13s
(network is created), the [id=projects/qwiklabs-gcp-01-e973d950dd4a/zones/us-central1-a/instances/myinstance]

compute instance is
Snippet of the terraform apply output

You can view the order of resource creation when you execute the terraform
apply command. Terraform by default knows the order in which the resource must
be created. Due to implicit dependency, Terraform is able to infer a dependency and
knows it must create the network before creating the instance. In this example,
Terraform creates the VPC my_network before creating the compute instance
named my_instance .

When Terraform reads this configuration, it will:

● Ensure that my_network is created before my_instance.

● Save the properties of my_network in the state.
● Set the network argument in google_compute_instance to the value of the
name argument in the google_compute_network block.
Proprietary + Confidential

Explicit (unknown) dependencies are defined by using

the depends_on argument
resource "resource_type" "resource_name" {
depends_on = [<resource_type>.<resource_name>]
Client Server

resource "google_compute_instance" "client" {

The client VM can only be created ...
when the server VM is created. depends_on = [google_compute_instance.server]

resource "google_compute_instance" "server" {

#All required configuration options


There are dependencies between resources that are not visible to Terraform. This
sequence can be enforced using the depends_on argument. We will look at the code
snippet in the next slide. You can induce explicit dependency by introducing the
depends_on argument within the dependent resource block. The depends_on
argument gives you the flexibility to control the order in which Terraform processes the
resource with a configuration.

The depends_on argument can be used within the module block regardless of the
resource type. The value of the depends_on argument can be an expression that
directs to the resource mentioned within the square brackets using the format shown
on the slide.
For example, if you want to create two VMs—server and client —and want the client
VM to only be created upon successful creation of the server VM, then dependency
has to be induced. Such dependency is not visible to Terraform and has to be
explicitly mentioned. In that case, you can use depends_on to explicitly declare the
dependency of the client VM on the server VM.

You may wonder where in your configuration these resource dependencies should be
defined. The order in which the resources are defined in a Terraform configuration file
has no effect on how Terraform applies your changes. Organize your configuration
files in a way that makes the most sense for you and your team.
Proprietary + Confidential

View explicit (unknown) dependencies via

terraform apply
$terraform apply

Server is created google_compute_instance.server: Creating...

google_compute_instance.server: Still creating... [10s elapsed]
before client. google_compute_instance.server: Creation complete after 12s

Due to explicit google_compute_instance.client: Creating...

google_compute_instance.client: Still creating... [10s elapsed]
dependency, the client is google_compute_instance.client: Creation complete after 13s
created only after the
server is created.

Snippet of the terraform apply output

Upon executing terraform apply , you will notice that the client VM is created
after the server VM. During interpolation of expression, Terraform processes the
resource specified in the meta argument depends_on and creates the server VM
even before creating the client VM.
Proprietary + Confidential


01 Introduction to resources

02 Considerations for defining a resource block

03 Variables overview

04 Variables best practices

05 Meta-arguments for resources

06 Resource dependencies

07 Output values overview

08 Output best practices

Proprietary + Confidential

What are output


Let’s next explore how to print resource attributes using output values. In this section
we will explore how to define and use output values.
Proprietary + Confidential

What are output values?

Output values expose information about the resource to the user of the Terraform configuration.

instance_id Root module

Pass resource attributes

as input variable

Self link Child module

Print resource attributes. Pass resource attributes.

Output values are code constructs used for you to view information about the
infrastructure resources you created on the command line. You can think of output
values as similar to return values in a programming language. They are a way to
expose the information about the resource to the user of the Terraform configuration.

Output values are used for several purposes.

● The most common use case of output values is to print some of the resource
attribute of a root module in the CLI after its deployment. For example, most of
the server details are calculated at deployment and can only be inferred
● They are also used to pass information generated by one resource to other.
For example, by using output variables, you can extract the server-specific
values such as IP address to another resource that requires this information.

We will explore the first use case in this module and the second later in the next
Proprietary + Confidential

Print resource attributes by using output values

-- server/
M resource "google_storage_bucket_object" "picture" {
-- main.tf M …
-- outputs.tf O }
-- variables.tf

output "picture_URL" {
O description = “URL of the picture uploaded
//value = <resource_type>.<resource_name>.<attribute>
value = google_storage_bucket_object.picture.self_link

Google_storage_bucket_object.picture: Creating...
Google_storage_bucket_object.picture: Creating complete after 1s
Note: We recommend that you use output
values, instead of user-supplied inputs, for
Apply complete! Resources: 1 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
computed attributes of a resource.
picture_URL = “https://storage.googleapis.com/my-gallery/..

You can declare an output value by using the output block. The keyword ‘output’ is
used to indicate to Terraform that the label associated with the keyword is the name of
the output value. You can declare an output value anywhere within a configuration,
but the recommended practice is to declare them in a separate file called
output.tf . The arguments that can be included within an output block are:
● value, which is a required argument that can be an expression whose value
is returned to the user of the module.
● description is an optional argument used to provide an explanation of the
purpose of the output and the value expected. It can be used for
documentation purposes too.
● sensitive is also an optional argument used to mask the value to a
resource attribute. This is useful to hide the accidental display of a resource
attribute that is meant to be confidential, such as password information.
In the example on the slide, we have declared an output value for the object named
‘picture’ . After the object is successfully uploaded, the object URL is displayed on
the screen.

We recommend that you use output values, instead of user-supplied inputs, for the
computed attributes of a resource.
Proprietary + Confidential

terraform output

-- server/
resource "google_compute_network" "vpc_network" {
-- main.tf
project= "<PROJECT_ID>"
-- outputs.tf O name = "vpc-network"
-- variables.tf }
output network_id {
O value = google_compute_network.vpc_network.id
output network_link {
value = google_compute_network.vpc_network.self_link

$terraform output
network_id = "projects/<project-id>/global/networks/vpc-network"
Query all output network_link = "https://www.googleapis.com/../projects/<project-id>/../vpc-network"

You can query all the output values used within a project by using the terraform output
command. The output of this command lists all the output values used. You can even
query individual outputs by name by using the terraform output <output
value name> command.
Proprietary + Confidential


01 Introduction to resources

02 Considerations for defining a resource block

03 Variables overview

04 Variables best practices

05 Meta-arguments for resources

06 Resource dependencies

07 Output values overview

08 Output best practices

Proprietary + Confidential

Outputs Best

Let us next explore some best practices involved in using output values.
Proprietary + Confidential

Output useful information

-- server/
resource "google_compute_network" "vpc_network" {
-- main.tf
project= "<PROJECT_ID>"
-- outputs.tf name = "vpc-network"
-- variables.tf }
output network_id {
value = google_compute_network.vpc_network.id
output network_name {
value = google_compute_network.vpc_network.name

Apply complete! Resources: 1 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.

network_id = "projects/<project-id>/global/networks/vpc-network"
network_name = "vpc-network"

Output information that is useful to end users. Do not output values that simply
regurgitate variables or provide known information to end users. Computed
information is helpful to end users. For example, for a network resource, the following
computed attributes are exported:
● id - an identifier for the resource with format
● gateway_ipv4 - The gateway address for default routing out of the network.
This value is selected by Google Cloud.
● self_link - The URI of the created resource.

As in the example shown on the slide, instead of outputting a user inputted value like
the network name, we recommend that you output computed attributes that are not
visible to the user in the terraform code.
Proprietary + Confidential

Provide meaningful descriptions

-- server/ Provide meaningful descriptions for all outputs.

-- main.tf
output "dev_server_URI" {
-- outputs.tf description = "URI of the Dev instance"
-- variables.tf value = google_compute_instance.dev_main.name

output "link" {
description = "Mylink"
value = google_compute_instance.dev_main.name

Provide meaningful names and descriptions. Descriptions are automatically included

in a published module's auto-generated documentation. Descriptions add additional
context for new developers that descriptive names cannot provide.
Proprietary + Confidential

Organize all outputs in an outputs.tf file

-- server/
-- main.tf
output "bucketname" {
-- outputs.tf value = google_storage_bucket.mybucket.name
-- variables.tf }
output "bucketlocation" {
value = google_storage_bucket.mybucket.location

resource "google_storage_bucket" "mybucket" {

name = "student102345688493"
location = “US”
output "bucketname" {
value = google_storage_bucket.mybucket.name
output "bucketlocation" {
value = google_storage_bucket.mybucket.location

Organize your code to include all output values in a file named output.tf.
Proprietary + Confidential

Mark sensitive outputs

-- server/
output "sql_user_password" {
-- main.tf
value = google_sql_user.users.password
-- outputs.tf description = "The password for sql user."
-- variables.tf sensitive = true

Sensitive values are masked with the keyword “sensitive” in the output
of terraform plan or terraform apply

$terraform plan
Terraform will perform the following actions:
# some_resource.a will be created
+ resource "google_sql_user" "users" {
+ password = (sensitive)
Plan: 1 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.

Mark sensitive outputs: Instead of attempting to manually encrypt sensitive values,

rely on Terraform's built-in support for sensitive state management. When exporting
sensitive values to output, make sure that the values are marked as sensitive. When
a value is marked sensitive, the data is masked from the output of terraform plan
or terraform apply command.
Proprietary + Confidential


09 Terraform Registry and Cloud Foundation Toolkit

Proprietary + Confidential

The Terraform Registry

● Interactive resource for discovering providers and modules.

● Solutions developed by HashiCorp, third-party vendors, and
the Terraform community.


The Terraform Registry is an interactive resource for discovering a wide selection of

integrations (providers) and configuration packages (modules) for use with Terraform.
The Registry includes solutions developed by HashiCorp, third-party vendors, and the
Terraform community.
The Registry provides plugins to manage any infrastructure API, pre-made modules to
quickly configure common infrastructure components, and examples of how to write
quality Terraform code.
Proprietary + Confidential

Cloud Foundation Toolkit (CFT)

● CFT provides a series of reference modules for Terraform

that reflect Google Cloud best practices.
● CFT modules can be used without modification to quickly
build a repeatable enterprise-ready foundation in Google Cloud.
● CFT modules are also referred to as Terraform blueprints.


To take the simplicity of using Terraform one step further, we have the Cloud
Foundation Toolkit (CFT). CFT is a library of reusable code in which we implement all
of the best practices, thus eliminating the need to relearn all best practices and
rebuild them.

You can use this library to automatically adopt our best practices really easily and get
that consistent baseline. You can then spend more time focused on the customer.
Proprietary + Confidential

CFT module versus standard Terraform

CFT projects_iam Terraform google_project_iam_binding

module "project-iam-bindings" { resource "google_project_iam_member" "project1-net-grp" {

source = project = "my-project-one"
"terraform-google-modules/iam/google//modules/projects_iam" role = "roles/compute.networkAdmin"
projects = ["my-project-one", "my-project-two"] member = "group:my-group@my-org.com"
mode = "additive" }

bindings = { resource "google_project_iam_member" "project1-net-user" {...}

"roles/compute.networkAdmin" = [
"group:my-group@my-org.com", CFT module allows resource "google_project_iam_member" "project1-net-grp" {...}
] you to maintain the resource "google_project_iam_member" "project2-net-user" {...}
"roles/appengine.appAdmin" = [
"group:my-group@my-org.com", IAM roles for multiple resource "google_project_iam_member" "project2-net-grp" {...}
] projects within the resource "google_project_iam_member" "project1-app-user" {...}
same module. resource "google_project_iam_member" "project1-app-grp"{...}

resource "google_project_iam_member" "project2-app-user" {...}

resource "google_project_iam_member" "project2-app-grp"{...}

The Terraform Registry is the tool for surfacing/distributing modules for all providers
(Google, AWS, and so on). CFT is the name of a collection of Google Cloud
Terraform modules build and maintained by Googlers. These modules are published
to the Terraform Registry.

The CFT module lets you maintain the IAM roles for multiple projects within the same
module, as opposed to using the standard Terraform where you must update roles for
each project individually.

The left side of slide shows a standard Terraform IAM binding to:

● Assign the network user, network group, and the network admin role on
project-one and project-two.
● Assign the App Engine user, App Engine group, and the App Engine admin
role on project-one and project-two.

The right side of the slide shows the equivalent CFT module where the role and user
bindings for multiple projects can be defined within the same module.
Proprietary + Confidential

Creating Resource

In this lab, you learn how to perform the following tasks:

● Use variables and output values

● Observe implicit dependency
● Create explicit resource dependency
Proprietary + Confidential

Proprietary + Confidential

Quiz | Question 1

How can output values be used?

A. Declare a resource within a Terraform configuration.
B. Parameterize a configuration.
C. Print resource attributes.
Proprietary + Confidential

Quiz | Question 2

Can a variable be assigned values in multiple ways?

A. Yes
B. No
Proprietary + Confidential

Quiz | Question 3

Which dependency can be automatically detected by Terraform?

A. Implicit dependency
B. Explicit dependency
Proprietary + Confidential

Quiz | Question 4

How many resource types can be represented in a single resource block?

A. Four
B. Three
C. Two
D. One
Proprietary + Confidential

Module review

01 Declare the resources within


Explain implicit and explicit resource

Use variables and output values within
the root configuration.

Explain the Terraform Registry and
the Cloud Foundation Toolkit.

Writing infrastructure code is a fundamental skill that you must develop to manage
your infrastructure on Google Cloud. In this module, you learned how to declare
resources: infrastructure elements you can configure using Terraform. In addition, you
examined resource blocks. You also learned how to specify resource dependencies
and how and why to use variables and output values within a configuration. This
module also explained the Terraform Registry and the Cloud Foundation Toolkit, two
tools for simplifying the code writing process.
Proprietary + Confidential

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