AI File - 03 PDF
AI File - 03 PDF
AI File - 03 PDF
Initial Simplifying Assumptions (Abstraction)
• Environment is static
– no changes in environment while problem is being solved
• Environment is observable
• Environment is deterministic
Problem-Solving Agents
• Intelligent agents can solve problems by searching a state-space
State-space Model
– the agent’s model of the world
– usually a set of discrete states
– e.g., in driving, the states in the model could be towns/cities
Goal State(s)
– a goal is defined as a desirable state for an agent
– there may be many states which satisfy the goal test
• e.g., drive to a town with a ski-resort
– or just one state which satisfies the goal
• e.g., drive to Dinajpur
Representing states
• State space:
– Includes the initial state S and all other states that are reachable from S by a
sequence of actions
– A state space can be organized as a graph:
nodes: states in the space
arcs: actions/operations
• The size of a problem is usually described in terms of the number
of states (or the size of the state space) that are possible.
– Tic-Tac-Toe has about 3^9 states.
– Checkers has about 10^40 states.
– Rubik's Cube has about 10^19 states.
– Chess has about 10^120 states in a typical game.
– GO has more states than Chess
The State-Space Graph
• Graphs:
– nodes, arcs, directed arcs, paths
• Search graphs:
– States are nodes
– operators are directed arcs
– solution is a path from start S to goal G
• Problem formulation:
– Give an abstract description of states, operators, initial state and goal state.
• Problem solving:
– Generate a part of the search space that contains a solution
State-Space Problem Formulation
A problem is defined by four items:
1. Initial state
• Formulate goal:
– be in Bucharest
• Formulate problem:
– states: various cities
– actions/operators: drive between cities
• Find solution
– By searching through states to find a goal
– sequence of cities, e.g., Arad, Sibiu, Fagaras, Bucharest
State-Space Problem Formulation for Traveling in Romania
1. Initial state: Arad
Geometric Version: B
– a complete graph of n vertices
– n!/2n legal tours
– S0 = A
Problem Formulation: The Traveling
Salesperson Problem
1. Initial state: A C
State-Space problem formulation
• States?
-any arrangement of n<=8 queens
-or arrangements of n<=8 queens in leftmost n
columns, 1 per column, such that no queen
attacks any other.
• States
• Initial state
• Actions
• Goal test
• Path Cost
Example: Robot Assembly
A portion of the state space of a 8-
Puzzle problem
5 4
6 1 8
7 3 2
5 4 5 4 8
6 1 8 6 1
7 3 2 7 3 2
5 1 4 5 4
6 8 6 1 8
7 3 2 7 3 2
5 1 4
6 8
7 3 2
Cryptarithmetic puzzles
E.g., setting F = 1, O = 4, R = 8, T = 7, W = 3, U = 6
gives 734+734=1468
Cryptarithmetic puzzles…
TWO Trick: introduce auxiliary variables
FOUR O + O = 10X + R
W + W + X = 10Y + U
T + T + Y = 10F + O
• You have a
faucet with an
amount of water
• Operators
– Fill 3-gallon from faucet, fill 4-gallon from faucet
– Fill 3-gallon from 4-gallon , fill 4-gallon from 3-gallon
– Empty 3-gallon into 4-gallon, empty 4-gallon into 3-gallon
– Dump 3-gallon down drain, dump 4-gallon down drain
Production Rules for the Water Jug Problem
1 (x,y) (4,y) Fill the 4-gallon jug
if x < 4
7 (x,y) (4,y – (4 – x)) Pour water from the 3-gallon jug into the 4-gallon jug
if x + y ≥ 4 and y > 0 until the 4-gallon jug is full
The Water Jug Problem (cont’d)
8 (x,y) (x – (3 – y),3) Pour water from the 4-gallon jug into the 3-gallon jug
if x + y ≥ 3 and x > 0 until the 3-gallon jug is full
9 (x,y) (x + y, 0) Pour all the water from the 3-gallon jug into the 4-gallon
if x + y ≤ 4 and y > 0 jug
10 (x,y) (0, x + y) Pour all the water from the 4-gallon jug into the 3-gallon
if x + y ≤ 3 and x > 0 jug
One Solution to the Water Jug
Gallons in the 4- Gallons in the 3- Rule Applied
Gallon Jug Gallon Jug
0 0 2
0 3 9
3 0 2
3 3 7
4 2 5
0 2 9
2 0
Missionaries and Cannibals
There are 3 missionaries, 3 cannibals,
and 1 boat that can carry up to two
people on one side of a river.
• Goal: Move all the missionaries and
cannibals across the river.
• Constraint: Missionaries can never
be outnumbered by cannibals on either
side of river, or else the missionaries
are killed. Outnumber
• State: configuration of missionaries
and cannibals and boat on each side of
• Operators: Move boat containing
some set of occupants across the river
(in either direction) to the other side.
Missionaries and Cannibals Solution
Near side
Far side
0 Initial setup: MMMCCC B
1 Two cannibals cross over: MMMC
2 One comes back: MMMCC B
3 Two cannibals go over again: MMM
4 One comes back: MMMC B
5 Two missionaries cross: MC
6 A missionary & cannibal return: MMCC B
MC 30
Recape: Formalizing Search in a State Space
• A state space is a graph, (V, E) where V is a set of nodes and E is a set of arcs, where
each arc is directed from a node to another node
• node: corresponds to a state
– state description
– plus optionally other information related to the parent of the
node, operation to generate the node from that parent, and
other bookkeeping data)
• arc: corresponds to an applicable action/operation.
– the source and destination nodes are called as parent
(immediate predecessor) and child (immediate successor)
nodes with respect to each other
– ancestors( (predecessors) and descendents (successors)
– each arc has a fixed, non-negative cost associated with it,
corresponding to the cost of the action
Tree-based Search
• Basic idea:
– Exploration of state space by generating successors of already-
explored states (a.k.a. expanding states).
– Every state is evaluated: is it a goal state?
• In practice, the solution space can be a graph,
not a tree
– E.g., 8-puzzle
– More general approach is graph search
– Tree search can end up repeatedly visiting the same nodes
• Unless it keeps track of all nodes visited
• …but this could take vast amounts of memory
Tree search example
Tree search example
Tree search example
Tree search example
This “strategy” is
what differentiates
different search
States versus Nodes
• A state is a (representation of) a physical configuration
• A node is a data structure constituting part of a search tree contains info such as: state, parent node,
action, path cost g(x), depth
• The Expand function creates new nodes, filling in the various fields and using the SuccessorFn of
the problem to create the corresponding states.
State Spaces versus Search Trees
• State Space
– Set of valid states for a problem
– Linked by operators
– e.g., 20 valid states (cities) in the Romanian travel problem
• Search Tree
– Root node = initial state
– Child nodes = states that can be visited from parent
– Note that the depth of the tree can be infinite
• E.g., via repeated states
– Partial search tree
• Portion of tree that has been expanded so far
– Fringe
• Leaves of partial search tree, candidates for expansion
Search Strategies
• A search strategy is defined by picking the order of node
Why Search can be hard
Assuming b=10, 1000 nodes/sec, 100 bytes/node
Depth of Nodes to
Solution Expand Time Memory
Next Topics
• Uninformed search
– Breadth-first, depth-first
– Uniform cost
– Iterative deepening