G7 Math Q1 W7 Oc-1 PDF
G7 Math Q1 W7 Oc-1 PDF
G7 Math Q1 W7 Oc-1 PDF
Assessment Checklist
Quarter 1 – Week 7
Parent or Guardian
Date of Retrieval
7 Quarter 1st
Subject Mathematics Week 7
Teacher Duration 5 days
Estimate the square root of a whole number
Plot irrational numbers
A. Content Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of sets and
the real number.
B. Performance Standard
The learner is able to formulate challenging situations involving sets
and real numbers and solve these in a variety of strategy.
Estimates the square root of a whole number to the nearest
tenth/hundredth. M7NS-lg-3
Plots irrational numbers (up to square roots) on a number line.
II. SUBJECT MATTER Estimating Square Roots of a Whole
a. References Grade 7 Learning Guide, pp.65-68
b. Materials Learner’s Activity Sheet. Assessment
c. Integration Learn to love numbers
A. ACTIVITY Activity 1: Measure previous knowledge on
(DO) decimals.
B. ANALYSIS Help students to conceptualize the new
(THINK) lesson by answering these questions:
Dear Learner,
This material was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities
for guided and independent learning. You will be enabled to process the contents
of the learning resource while being an active learner. Please carefully understand
and follow the instructions provided in this activity sheet. Should you encounter
any difficulty in answering the tasks, do not hesitate to ask for support from your
parents or anyone whom you think can help you accomplish the activities.
We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and
gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!
Your Teacher
Do you still remember the parts of decimal? Consider the example below:
2. How do you think can we estimate the value of square root of a whole
Let us try to discuss how to estimate square root of a whole number and plot
irrational numbers
Read and understand the following steps or processes. Study the examples to
help you better understand the concepts.
Identifying the parts of a decimal is important to our new lesson in order for
us to be able to understand how to estimate the square root of a whole number
to the nearest tenth/hundredth.
Example 1: The principal roots below are between two integers. Find the two
closest such integers.
a. √19
b. √101
c. √300
Solution: (a)16 is a perfect integer square and 4 is its principal square root.
25 is the next perfect integer square and 5 is its principal square root.
Therefore, √19 is between 4 and 5.
(b) 64 is a perfect integer cube and 4 is its principal cube root. 125 is the next
perfect integer cube and 5 is its principal cube root. Therefore, √101 is
between 4 and 5.
(c) 289 is a perfect integer square and 17 is its principal square root. 324 is
the next perfect integer square and 18 is its principal square root. Therefore,
√300 is between 17 and 18.
a. √40
b. √12
c. √175
Solution: (a.) The principal root √40 is between 6 and 7, principal roots of
the two perfect squares 36 and 49, respectively. Now, take the square of 6.5,
midway between 6 and 7. Computing, (6.5)2 = 42.25. Since 42.25 > 40 then
√40is closer to 6 than to 7. Now, compute for the squares of numbers between
6 and 6.5: (6.1)2 = 37.21, (6.2)2 = 38.44, (6.3)2 = 39.69, and (6.4)2 = 40.96.
Since 40 is close to 39.69 than to 40.96, √40 is approximately 6.3.
(b.) The principal root √12 is between 3 and 4, principal roots of the two
perfect squares 9 and 16, respectively. Now take the square of 3.5, midway
between 3 and 4. Computing (3.5) 2 = 12.25. Since 12.25 > 12 then is closer
to 3 than to 4. Compute for the squares of numbers between 3 and 3.5: (3.1)2
= 9.61, (3.2)2 = 10.24, (3.3)2 = 10.89, and (3.4)2 = 11.56. Since 12 is closer to
12.25 than to 11.56, is approximately 3.5.
(c) The principal root √175 is between 13 and 14, principal roots of the two
perfect squares 169 and 196. The square of 13.5 is 182.25, which is greater
than 175. Therefore, is closer to 13 than to 14. Now: (13.1)2 = 171.61, (13.2)2
= 174.24, (13.3)2 = 176.89. Since 175 is closer to 174.24 than to 176.89 then,
√175 is approximately 13.2.
a. √3
b. √21
c. √87
Solution: (a.) This number is between 1 and 2, principal roots of 1 and 4.
Since 3 is closer to 4 than to 1, √3 is closer to 2. Plot √3 closer to 2.
(b.) This number is between 4 and 5, principal roots of 16 and 25. Since 21 is
closer to 25 than to 16, √21 is closer to 5 than to 4. Plot √21 closer to 5.
(c.) This number is between 9 and 10, principal roots of 81 and 100. Since 87
is closer to 81, then √87 is closer to 9 than to 10. Plot √87 closer to 9.
Let us put your understanding to the test by doing the task below.
A. Directions: Between which two consecutive integers does the square root
lie? Use the space for your answer.
1. √77 ________________________________________________________
2. √700 ________________________________________________________
3. √243 _________________________________________________________
4. √444 _________________________________________________________
5. √48 _________________________________________________________
B. Directions: Estimate each square root to the nearest tenth and plot on a
number line. Use the space provided for your answer. (You may use a
separate sheet)
1. √50
2. √72
3. √15
4. √54
5. √136
After all the activities you have done so far, it’s now time to check how much
you have learned from the lesson.
A. Directions: Between which two consecutive integers does the square root
lie? Use the space for your answer.
1. √90 _________________________________________________________
2. √2045 _________________________________________________________
3. √903 _________________________________________________________
4. √1899 _________________________________________________________
5. √100000 _________________________________________________________
B. Directions: Estimate each square root to the nearest tenth and plot on a
number line. Use the space provided for your answer. (You may use a
separate sheet)
1. √250
2. √5
3. √85
4. √38
5. √101
1. Which among the activities is easy for you to understand and perform?
Rate yourself using the scale below. Encircle the number of our choice.
(Needs Improvement (1) Satisfactory (3) Excellent (5)
Bases for Evaluation Parent’s/Guardian’s
Name and Signature of Parent or Guardian