Jcutst 056219
Jcutst 056219
Jcutst 056219
David Ireland
November 2001-11-16
This study would not have been possible without the help as assistance of many
people. In particular, I would like to thank the following:
Doug Goudie, Centre of Disaster Studies James Cook University (JCU).
Linda Anderson-Berry, Centre of Disaster Studies JCU.
David King, Centre of Disaster Studies JCU., Tom Craig, McKinlay Shire Council
Todd Rohl, Thuringowa City Council, Sandy Vigar,
Environmental Resource Management Australia
Michael Greenslade and Katherine Jack JCU.
Annette, Peter, Kellie, Daniel and Graham.
I would also like to thank the following organisations for their support and
contributions to this project:
Department of Tropical Environmental Studies and Geography, JCU
Centre of Disaster Studies, JCU, McKinlay Shire Council
Thuringowa City Council, McKinlay Community Members
Emergency Management Australia
1 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Disaster Risk Management .................................................................................... 6
2.2 Community Involvement in Disaster Management ................................................ 7
2.3 Top Down and Participative Approaches to Community Involvement in Disaster
Risk Management........................................................................................................ 10
2.4 Achieving Effective Community Involvement in Disaster Risk Management...... 15
3 METHODOLOGY................................................................................................. 17
3.1 Queensland Department of Emergency Services Disaster Risk Management
Process........................................................................................................................ 17
3.2 McKinlay Shire Disaster Risk Management Process .......................................... 19
3.2.1 Location............................................................................................................. 19
3.2.2 Demographics................................................................................................... 24
3.2.3 Infrastructure Description ................................................................................. 25
3.2.4 Natural Hazards................................................................................................ 25
3.3 McKinlay Shire Disaster Risk Management Study Methodology ........................ 25
3.4 Study Methodology............................................................................................... 28
4 RESULTS............................................................................................................. 29
4.1 Consultation Methodology.................................................................................... 29
4.2 Effectiveness of Consultation Methodology ......................................................... 29
4.2.1 Surveys and Interviews .................................................................................... 29
4.2.2 Effectiveness of Surveys and Interviews.......................................................... 30
4.2.3 Natural Hazard Impact Reduction Workshops................................................. 30
4.2.4 Effectiveness of Natural Hazard Impact reduction workshops ........................ 31 Attendance .................................................................................................... 31 Advertising .................................................................................................... 32 Loss of Ownership of past Workshops......................................................... 32 Individual Resilience ..................................................................................... 33 Workshops Location ..................................................................................... 33 Duration of Workshops ................................................................................. 34 Workshop Structure ...................................................................................... 34 Group Size .................................................................................................... 34
4.3 Issues for Disaster Managers and Consultants................................................... 35
4.3.1 Local Government Support............................................................................... 35
4.3.2 Local Government Resources.......................................................................... 35
4.3.3 Community Loss of Ownership ........................................................................ 36
4.3.4 Local Resilience................................................................................................ 36
4.4 Recommendations for Remote Shire Disaster Risk Management Study Designs
… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … ..38
4.5 Chapter Summary ................................................................................................ 40
… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … ..43
5.1 Land use Planning for Diaster Management ....................................................... 43
5.2 State Planning Policy on Land Use planning for Natural Disaster Mitigation and
Development Assessment........................................................................................... 45
5.3 IPA Planning Schemes......................................................................................... 46
5.4 Chapter Summary ................................................................................................ 47
7 REFERENCES..................................................................................................... 51
8 APPENDICIES ..................................................................................................... 57
Figure 1. Arnstein’s Ladder of Citizen Participation (10)
Figure 2. Queensland Disaster Risk Management Structure (17)
Figure 3. McKinlay Shire Map (20)
Figure 4. McKinlay Shire Population Data (24)
Figure 5. McKinlay Shire Disaster Risk Management Process (27)
Figure 6. Workshop Attendance Figures (31)
Natural diasters such as floods, bushfires, cyclones and severe storms are very
much part of the natural workings of the earth and are not problems in and of
themselves (Geis 1996). However, these hazard events do become a problem when
they impact on human settlements. The severity of the impacts associated with a
natural disaster event are greatly affected by the built human environment and our
settlement patterns.
It is at this interface between natural disasters and the human environment where
potential for management and mitigation of disaster risks can be found. While
traditional disaster treatment activities have focused on response and recovery,
recent developments in the field have increasingly leaned towards management and
mitigation. This shift is the result by research indicating that proactive actions are
vital to achieving a reduction in community vulnerability, maximising safety and
minimising the economic impacts of disaster events.
This study involves the examination of the Disaster Risk Management Strategy
prepared for the McKinlay Shire located in Central Western Queensland. The main
focus of the study is a review of the effectiveness of the community consultation
strategy adopted utilised in the McKinlay study and an examination of the
applicability of the Queensland Disaster Risk Management Guidelines to a remote
Shire. Included in this was the identification and description of the issues that relate
to consultation strategies used during the preparation of a Disaster Risk
Management Strategy for a remote Shire. The second part of the study focused on
an examination of the opportunities for remote Shires to incorporate Disaster Risk
Management into Local Government planning.
The analysis of the effectiveness of the McKinlay Shire consultation strategy and the
applicability of the Queensland Disaster Risk Management guidelines are reported in
Chapter 4. Chapter 5 is concerned with an examination of the possibilities that could
be utilised to incorporate Disaster Risk Management into Shire planning. The final
chapter provides a general discussion concerning the role of Shire planning in the
adoption and implementation of Disaster Risk Management outcomes and the
constraints and opportunities that are present in a remote Shire.
Disaster Risk Management studies can result in a variety of actions that can be used
to reduce community vulnerability and lessen the impacts of hazard events.
Lichterman (2000) describes three disaster mitigation techniques: hard, soft and
community mitigation resources. Hard mitigation involves the construction of the built
environment in such a way that it withstands the impacts of hazard events with little
human intervention. This may include engineering modifications to waterways, the
application of building standards, the provision of fire suppression systems,
uninterruptable power supplies and on-site emergency systems.
Changes in attitudes towards the management and mitigation of disaster events has
also occurred over the past 30 years with a shift in focus from recovery and response
to management and mitigation. The Queensland discussion paper for the State
Planning Policy on Land Use Planning for Natural Disaster Mitigation (2001)
indicates that over the last 25 years, Australia has on average, experienced a major
disaster event every four years. These have included Cyclone Tracey, The Ash
Wednesday Fires, The Newcastle Earthquake, The Thredbo landslide and major
flooding in Brisbane, Nyngan, Charleville, Katherine and Benalla (Queensland Dept
Emergency Services 2001). Hodges (1996) supports the idea that one of the major
catalysts for change in Australian attitudes can be attributed in part to a number of
these earlier disaster events in the 1970s, in particular, the Brisbane floods (1974)
and Cyclone Tracy (1974).
Historical records show that Queensland is more disaster prone than other states
with regular storms, cyclones, bushfires and flooding events (Queensland
Department Emergency Services 2001). In response to the number and severity of
these hazards the Queensland Government released the State Counter Disaster
Organisation Act, 1975 that required all local governments to prepare a Local
Counter Disaster Plan to deal with all counter disaster measures and establish a
local emergency service. The State Counter Disaster Organisation Act, 1975 was
still primarily focused on response and recovery but allowed enough scope within the
counter disaster plans for some local governments to incorporate some mitigation
One of the principal themes to come out of the decade included the need to adopt a
more proactive approach to disaster management than had occurred in the past.
This required a shift in focus form disaster response and recovery to management
and mitigation. The IDNDR also highlighted that a high level of community
involvement is of fundamental importance to the success of disaster management
increased (Fordham 1999). The recent emphasis placed on the need for effective
community involvement and increased awareness of its potential benefits has been
stimulated through a variety of international actions such as the United Nations
Conferences and inter-governmental agreements.
The 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development called for,
among other things, greater involvement of local communities in achieving
sustainable development and placed an emphasised on the need for a greater level
of public participation and involvement in the decision making process (Dover 1998).
The subsequent documentation generated from the Conference, The Rio Declaration
and Agenda 21 Action Plans for Sustainable Development demonstrated continued
support for an increase in the level of community involvement in environmental policy
(Fordham 1999).
Similarly, the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies’
Policy for Disaster Preparedness also indicates a need for community involvement to
ensure that disaster management is sensitive to the community’s gender and age
distribution, generation and vulnerability, and, adequately addresses the community’s
actual needs (Goodyear 2000).
The Queensland Disaster Risk Management Guidelines also places great emphasis
on achieving effective communication with the community. The guidelines define
effective community communication as a process that enhances community
understanding of risks, increases active community participation in debates about
risks, and acknowledges the conflicting values in decision making under conditions of
uncertainty (Zamecka & Buchanan 2000).
Buckle (2000) indicates that there is a need for disaster managers and consultants to
engage with the community and recognise the values of involvement as an integral
part of effective disaster management. Community involvement measures should
cover a range of issues including; the development and implementation of
emergency management procedures, public contribution to disaster policy and
programs, monitoring the progress of community services and the provision of mutual
aid (Buckle 2000).
Support in the literature indicates that effective community involvement should occur
early in the decision making process (Kasperson 1986 Bruton 1980 in Fordham
1999, Zamecka & Buchanan 2000). In this fashion, community involvement should
occur before any major decisions have been made and before any options are
excluded from the study. Research has also shown that a lack of collected
information at early stages of the study process can create confusion and limit the
effectiveness of the consultation process (McNab 1997 & Kasperson 1986 in
Fordham 1999).
8 Citizen Control
7 Delegated power Degree of Citizen Power
6 Partnership
5 Placation
4 Consultation Degree of Tokenism
3 Informing
2 Therapy Non-participation
1 manipulation
policy. The push for increased participation in disaster management can also be
attributed to the fact that one of the defining elements of a disaster is that they inflict
some degree of pain and suffering on individuals, even when there is no damage or
loss of physical infrastructure (Buckle 1996). These human impacts associated with
disasters have increased community concern and heightened community awareness,
which has created the need for more comprehensive community involvement in the
disaster management process.
There are two main approaches used to achieve community involvement in disaster
risk management: top down approaches and participatory approaches. It can be
seen that these approaches, in their purest form, represent the alternate ends of
Arnstein’s ladder (Mitchell 1998, Twigg 1999, Fordham 1999). Mitchell (1998)
describes top down approaches as the imposition of objectives on communities that
are established by decision-makers without meaningful consultation. Adopting a
solely top down approach to community involvement in disaster risk management
has been criticised as it generally involves a greater concentration of authority,
narrowly prescribed levels of discretion, a reliance on hierarchy and the imposition of
managerial performance standards (Mitchell 1998). Twigg (1999) also notes that top
down approaches may be susceptible to manipulation by political interests, are often
inefficient and may lead to an increase in community vulnerability. In spite of these
limitations, studies by McDonald (1999) indicate that the scope of participation in
environmental policy is often limited to rubber-stamping or, at best, fine-tuning of
predetermined government positions. Some examples of top down techniques that
may be used in disaster risk management include sample surveys, interviews, and
public information presentations.
past strategies have often relied heavily on expert opinion which has created a gap
between the community and disaster management professionals. This gap was
generated through the opinions of technical experts who perceived that the nature of
disaster management was too complex to involve the general public. The problem
was further exacerbated by the members of the general public who felt ill equipped to
discuss or provide comment on work prepared by experts (McDonald 1999). As a
result of this situation, past disaster management strategies have been criticised for
being ineffective in responding to the community’s actual needs and achieving their
desired management outcomes (Maskrey 1989 in Twigg 1999).
Other criticisms of top down approaches relate to the possible influence of political
pressures, inefficiencies in the use of resources and the possibility that adopting this
approach may contribute to an increase in community vulnerability (Twigg 1999).
Fordham (1999) also notes that Top down approaches and poorly designed
participation mechanisms can lead to an unacceptable polarisation of the
community’s views.
The failure of community participation efforts in the past may also be the result of the
attitudes of key players towards community involvement in disaster management.
Twigg (1999) highlights that State agencies, government departments, non-
government organisations, and disaster professionals are likely to be bureaucratic in
structure and system, inflexible in their thinking and actions and still wedded to
obsolete theories. The introduction of these political dimensions and agendas can
severely hinder the resources devoted to community involvement, and limit the
influence the public may have on the management process.
This call for change in the approach to community involvement is echoed through
research that has demonstrated that top down practices are less beneficial than the
adoption of a more participative approach involving greater improvisation and
flexibility (Mitchell 1998, Salter 1996). At the crux of these methodologies is the need
for community partnerships, high levels off communication, and an increased role of
the community within the decision-making process.
Post disaster analysis by Scanlon (1996), indicates that although formal government
and emergency services do play a significant role in disaster planning and response,
in the wake of a disaster event, the response actions and needs are met by the
community and not formal organisations. In such cases, search, rescue, medical
treatment, evacuation and transportation to hospitals is performed by individuals,
family members and neighbours. Participatory approaches and the development of
individual roles and responsibilities can aid in the formation of more cohesive and
effective response among the local community who are first on the scene.
In the wake of the Ash Wednesday fires, spontaneously created local committees
were formed that performed the initial search and rescue tasks, administered medical
assistance and provided emergency shelter. In the later stages of disaster response
and recovery, these committees proved to be an effective mechanism to aid formal
disaster workers in the distribution of resources and aided communication between
locals and the Government regarding recovery actions, management options and the
explanation policies (Buckle 1996).
The formation and benefits of local response teams in this example highlights the
possibility of effective response and post disaster management at a ground level.
Effective community involvement can actively establish such response groups,
reinforce emergency training, enhance local organisation and help prepare those
people who are first on the scene in the wake of a disaster event (Scanlon 1996,
Zamecka & Buchanon 2000).
Adequate levels of community involvement also allow the community to express their
real needs and priorities in the case of a disaster event and explicitly discuss
services provision and aid requirements. Community involvement is also a method
of gaining insight into the local environment and the wealth of local knowledge that
may have been dealing with disaster events for generations.
In spite of the support shown in the literature for the adoption of a more participative
approach to community involvement in disaster risk management, practice has
generally lagged behind theory and top down approaches are still common. One of
the main reasons for this is that effective community participation is inherently hard to
achieve. As mentioned earlier, the traditional view of communities has changed from
a homogenous and spatially referenced group of people to a more mobile and
diverse population that is comprised of a dynamic mix of different subgroups and
attitudes (Buckle 1996, Twigg 1999). Buckland & Rahman (1999) argue that
communities defined by high levels of social capital (that is a wide diversity of groups
and opinions) decision making processes are more complicated, expensive and
harder to implement.
Studies have attributed the reliance on top down approaches to their speed, cheaper
costs and simplicity of results when compared to participatory studies (Twigg 1999,
Fordham 1999, Parkes 2000). Top down approaches have been used to complete
The key to achieving the balance needed to gain effective community involvement in
disaster risk management is the adoption of a flexible approach incorporating
professional advice and active dialogue with the community members. Developing
relationships with the community and actively engaging them in the disaster
management process allows an insight into the cultural and social make up that
make each community unique.
The broad study design adopted by the McKinlay Shire for the Disaster Risk
Management Strategy closely followed the Queensland Disaster Risk Management
guidelines. This provides the opportunity to examine the effectiveness of both the
community consultation adopted by the McKinlay Shire as well as the broader policy
and guidelines.
The Queensland Disaster Risk Management Guidelines provide a broad process for
consultants and local governments to follow when conducting a Disaster Risk
Management study. This structure is shown in the following figure and discussed
The first stage of the process involves the description of the scope and nature of the
study as well as outlining the range of issues that should be addressed to ensure the
community safety and well being is considered in the process. This stage also
identifies the strategic and organisational issues that are applicable to the process
and the development of the project management framework.
?? Identify Risks
This stage involves the examination of all hazard events with a realistic chance of
occurring within the study area. Compilation and collection of the community and
demographic data is also conducted to determine community needs and aid in the
assessment of vulnerability. The vulnerability of the physical and natural
environmental elements is also be listed and described.
?? Analyse Risks
Involves the determination of the likelihood of the identified natural hazard risks and
the analysis of the possible consequences associated with that event. During this
stage the overall levels of risk for each natural hazard event is determined.
?? Evaluate Risks
Evaluation of risks determines which risks are to be accepted and which risk will
require further treatment. Risk must be prioritised in order of significance to
determine which risks should be treated first.
?? Treatment of Risks
The formulation of appropriate treatment strategies designed for the risks that will be
While not one of the 5 main elements of the process, these communication,
consultation, monitoring and review are one of the most important aspects of
successful disaster risk management strategy. They form a part of a feedback loop
that continuously interacts with each of the 5 elements to ensure all issues and
necessary measures have been taken to achieve an adequate level of community
3.2.1 Location
The McKinlay Shire is located 800km West of the City of Townsville in Central
Queensland. The shire is comprised of 1 main community centre, a number of
smaller settlements and a vast expanse of rural land and properties. Julia Creek, the
shire’s main centre located at the approximate geographical centre of the Shire at the
crossroads of the Flinders and Burke and Wills Highway.
(See Overleaf)
3.2.2 Demography
The McKinlay Shire covers an area of 44 000 square kilometres and has an
estimated 2001 population of 1144 people (Goudie 2001). Approximately half the
population is located in the town of Julia Creek while the other half is distributed
among the smaller settlements and rural properties. The Shire has a transient
seasonal population of musterers, jackaroos, branders and other hired hands who
work on the cattle properties during certain times of the year.
The following table was derived from data collected in the 1996 Australian Bureau of
Statistics Census.
The 1996 census results also indicated that there were 492 households within the
Shire with an average household size of 3.1 persons.
Julia Creek acts as one of the major service centres for the shire and is home to a
state primary school, accommodation, council depot, library services, Queensland
Emergency Services facilities, Rural Fire Brigade, small shopping facilities, hospital
and a newsagent.
The McKinlay Shire has an average annual rainfall 463mm. Most of this falls during
the summer monsoonal activity. As a result of this, the Shire is faced with periods of
drought and heavy rainfall. The average annual temperatures of the Shires are 170C
minimum and 33.10C maximum. The coldest month of year is July with temperatures
averaging 26.10C with a minimum average of 8.40C. December and February are the
hottest months of the year with highs averaging 38.50C and lows of 23.50C
(Department of Primary Industries 2001).
The McKinlay Shire is faced with a variety of natural disaster events. These events
?? Floods
?? Sandfly infestations following flood events
?? Bushfires
?? Windstorms
?? Severe Heat Waves
?? Severe Cold Snaps
?? Exotic Pest Invasions
The Methodology used in the development of the McKinlay Shire Disaster Risk
Management Strategy was based on the on the structure outlined in the Queensland
Disaster Risk Management Guidelines. While the guidelines provide a basic
framework for disaster risk management, they do not define the methodologies that
should be utilised to obtain the required data. The guidelines are also designed to
provide disaster consultants with enough flexibility to adapt the study to the
constraints and limitations of specific areas.
The McKinlay study sought to identify the potential natural diaster risks that currently
exist or may develop within the shire and use this information to identify all relevant
stakeholders. Through extensive consultation with these stakeholders and members
of the general community, disaster management and mitigation measures were
outlined and their effectiveness assessed. The final part of the study considered the
potential costs and benefits of these measures to ensure the best outcomes for the
greater community were being achieved.
The Disaster Risk Management process used in the McKinlay Shire contained 4
main stages. The following table describes these stages, outlines the methodologies
used in each stage and shows the link to the elements of the Disaster Risk
Management structure outlined in the Queensland Guidelines (see overleaf).
The McKinlay Shire Disaster Risk Management Study was conducted between
January and August 2001. As the methodology was based on the Queensland
Disaster Risk Management Guidelines, the applicability of this structure was also
assessed during the process.
The consultation methodology adopted for the McKinlay Shire study was performed
during the first 3 stages of the process and utilised surveys and interviews in stages
1 and 2 and workshops during stage 3. An examination of the effectiveness of the
consultation methodology was achieved through the examination of survey material
and interview results as well as participation in the Natural Hazard Impact Reduction
There were 5 Natural Hazard Impact Reduction Workshops conducted for the
McKinlay study. These workshops were held between the 28th of April and the 2nd of
May 2001. An examination of the effectiveness of these workshops was enabled
through participation in the running of the workshops, observation of their operation,
discussions with consultants and participants and examination of the workshop
The McKinlay Shire Disaster Risk Management Study incorporated a high level of
community involvement activities throughout the process and utilised a range of
consultation methodologies including surveys, interviews, public workshops, council
meetings and informal discussions and dialogue with community members.
Stage 1 and Stage 2 of the McKinlay Shire Disaster Risk Management Study
involved the surveying and interviewing of key stakeholders and community
members within the shire including property owners, councillors, rural fire brigade
representatives, police and members of the community who had experienced
disasters first hand. The open-ended surveys addressed the identification of natural
hazard risks as well as questions concerned with community vulnerability to disaster
events. Survey recipients were also asked to comment on their support for possible
management and mitigation actions.
During the consultation period for the first two stages of the McKinlay Study, 31 of
these interviews were conducted with individuals that included a joint interview with
council members. The number of interviews conducted represented 2.7% of the
Shires population. Of the surveys group, approximately 80% were male resulting in
gender bias of 4:1. While such as gender bias may have a bearing on the validity of
scientific results, the intent of the surveys, that is to identify natural hazard risks will
not be determined or affected by gender.
The information obtained from the interview and surveying techniques utilised in the
first two stages of the process was compiled and compared with historical data and
meteorological data to determine all natural hazards with a realistic chance of
occurring in the shire. This methodology proved successful and acquired the
necessary information for the first two stages of the McKinlay Study and complete the
Identify and Analyse Risks elements outlined in the Queensland Guidelines.
The survey and interview techniques also allowed a compilation of possible risk
management and mitigation measures that were used to formulate the draft disaster
management strategy. While response rates to the interviews were good, some of
the respondents indicated that they would not take part in the workshop activities as
they had already contributed and could not afford the additional time to commit to
workshop activities.
There were five community workshops conducted between the 28th of April and the
2nd of May 2001. The workshops were situated in 5 different parts of the shire to
allow greater access for all members of the community. In this respect, workshops
were held in Julia Creek, Kynuna, Nelia, McKinlay and Sedan Dip. The location of
each of the workshops is shown in Figure 3.
The first section of the workshop required the groups to work through a prepared
form and show the groups support for possible disaster management and mitigation
actions. Once the first task was completed, the groups were encouraged to prioritise
the supported management actions and rank the top ten in terms of their urgency.
The final list and the issues raised were then presented by a chosen group leader
and recorded by the disaster management team and displayed using a data
projection screen to ensure the proper meanings of each speaker were being
The second task completed during the workshops was the graphical identification of
potential risks on a topographic map of the shire. This task involved workshop
members identifying flood heights during seasonal and major flood events, fire
ignition points, past sites of wind damage and impassable roads during flood events.
Participants were also encouraged to identify permanent water available for fire
suppression and all weather landing strips for small aircraft. Attendance
The total attendance to the Hazard Impact Reduction Workshops is shown in the
following table.
1 Julia Creek 6
2 Nelia 5
3 McKinlay 6
4 Kynuna 7
5 Sedan Dip 0
The Natural Hazard Impact Reduction Workshops were poorly attended by the
McKinlay community with only 1.84% of the Shires’ population participating. The
reasons for the low attendance can only be speculated but a number of factors can
be identified as contributing to the low level of participation. Advertising
However, this level of advertising was not achieved and the workshops were not
promoted in any from of the written media and relied heavily on the informal
communication lines to inform people of time, location and reasons for the
workshops. The interview on ABC radio was conducted as scheduled the day
before the first workshop.
The limited advertising would have contributed to a low awareness of the workshops
and resulted in fewer participants. A majority of the community members who did
take part in the workshops indicated that they were made aware of the workshops
through informal communication means.
In spite of the clear lack of formal advertising of the workshops, the low level of
community participation may also be attributed to a range of factors. A workshop
participant expressed the view that the low level of attendance may be attributed to a
general sense of a loss of ownership of past workshops and a perceived inability to
affect the outcomes of the management actions being debated.
This problem has been identified in the past and been linked to the perceived gap
between technical experts and the community. Many authors acknowledge the wide
spread use of top-down methodologies within disaster management has contributed
This problem is further exacerbated when community members can not see that
there are any benefits that will come out of the process or, that their ideas will ever
be implemented at a ground level. This view was also expressed by a number of
workshop participants and may contributed to the sense of loss of ownership of past
community involvement actions.
The McKinlay Shire Risk Identification report indicates that residents know the forces
of nature can not be stilled and accept that floods, bushfires, severe windstorms,
heat waves, cold snaps and insect plagues are part of life in North-West Queensland
(Goudie 2001). Most adults within the shire will have first hand experience with
natural hazard events. As a result of this, the community understands that the
prevention of controllable risks, preparation against foreseeable damage, responses
to help ones self and others, along with focused recovery efforts from the impacts of
natural disasters all help to minimise loss and disruption to normal life.
While this high level of awareness sets the McKinlay Shire community in good stead
to contribute to the disaster risk management process it also creates ambivalence to
management efforts and community involvement activities. A number of the
workshop participants expressed the opinion that they had coped with disasters for a
number of generations and had taken sufficient precaution to negate the effects of
hazard impacts without the preparation of a Diaster Risk Management Strategy.
However, post disaster studies conducted by the Centre for Disaster Studies in North
Queensland have all recorded a level of surprise and disbelief on the part of victims
who did not anticipated the severity of the predictable disaster events (King 2000).
Many of the workshop participants indicated that they were thankful of the varied
locations of the workshop throughout the McKinlay Shire. In spite of this, other
participants highlighted the fact that they and some of the people who were not
present were still faced with a great travelling distance (in some cases greater than
100km) to participate in the workshops activities. Participants also indicated that the
nature of the rural industry limited the amount of free time to participate in the
workshop activities. It was also suggested that some members of the community
who were not present but wanted to be involved could not afford the time (travelling
and participation) to participate in the workshops.
The formal section of the Hazard Impact Reduction Workshops was scheduled to
take approximately 2 hours. This time was sufficient to achieve the activities and
determine the outcomes of each workshop and maintain focus on the task at hand.
However, some of the best information gathered was obtained during a time of
informal discussion following the workshops. The structure and duration of the
McKinlay Shire Disaster Risk Management Study enabled ample time for informal
discussion which proved to be a valuable tool for gaining extra information, seeking
personal opinions, raising awareness and developing relationships between disaster
consultants and the McKinlay Shire community.
The structure of the workshops as described earlier in the chapter proved successful
in terms of achieving the desired outcomes. This was facilitated by a clear
demonstration of the tasks by the consultants and a reiteration of instructions as
each group completed the previous activity.
Most of the workshop groups were able grasp the concepts and activities placed
before them and work independently to complete the tasks with ease. The workshop
conducted at McKinlay had the most trouble completing the activities and needed to
be guided through the rating and prioritisation of the possible management activities
by the consultants. While this was a necessary course of action it may have
introduced some bias to the results recorded in the McKinlay workshop.
As a result of the limited participation in the workshops, the individual groups were
also relatively small. Although most of the workshops ran well and all participants
made a contribution towards the outcomes, some of the workshops were driven by
the more educated and eloquent members of the group. These people were able to
clearly express their views and achieve a heavy influence on the prioritisation of the
management actions. This was particularly noticeable in the Julia Creek workshop
where a property owner played a dominant role in throughout the workshop.
With the exception of the Julia Creek, the male participants generally controlled the
workshop activities. The nature of the workshop activities and the topics being
discussed would not have been greatly affected by male dominance, rather this
observation reflects traditional social constructs that are present in Australian rural
The McKinlay Shire Disaster Risk Management process highlighted some issues that
are present within remote shires that will have a bearing on both the consultation
strategies used and the implementation of disaster management actions. These
issues have the potential to greatly affect the success or failure of disaster risk
management activities in remote shires.
The level of Local Government support for disaster management activities can have
a great impact on the success of community involvement activities and the
implementation of management objectives. A high level of Local Government
support can be beneficial in terms of devoting increased time and resources to the
study, contribute actively to participation efforts and encourage the community to
become involved in the management process.
Conversely, a low level of local government support can lead to the discouragement
of participation in consultation initiatives, limited implementation of strategy outcomes
and recommendations, and the introduction of political biases that place weight on
certain aspects of the study to fulfil political agendas.
Public participation has become a common factor within the construction and
implementation of public policy, legislation and environmental management programs
in Australia. This movement was aimed at enabling the community to have an
increased level of participation in the planning process and affect the decisions that
would impact on their lives. However, as a result of expense associated with
increased participation requirements, community involvement efforts are often limited
to top down methodologies where the community is seen as a one-way information
source and not as a partner with a valid contribution to management outcomes. This
approach has been referred to as rubber stamp participation that fulfils legislative
requirements to the minimum degree (McDonald 1999).
This sense of a loss of ownership may have contributed to the low level of
participation experienced in the Natural Hazard Impact Reductions Workshops. A
workshop participant commented during the Julia Creek Workshop that people may
have been turned off community participation because of the loss of ownership and
the perception that they have been ignored during past workshop and community
involvement strategies.
Natural hazards are a “way of Life” in many regions of Australia (May et al 1994). To
a large extent, natural disaster events are an ingrained in the psyche of members of
the Australian outback who have developed a high level of individual resilience to the
impacts of disaster. Resilience describes the capacity of systems to maintain their
integrity, relationships and balance between elements in the presence of significant
disturbances (Paton 2000).
There is a noticeably high level of individual resilience in the McKinlay Shire. This is
the result of a variety of factors that have encouraged a culture of individual
resilience and independence in the face of disaster events. Most adults in the shire
have had experience with the range of natural disasters. A common expression used
in various forms by McKinlay residents is that ‘disasters, wether bushfire, floods or
wind are a natural part of life; you deal with it as best you can and get on with it’.
Disaster events within the region are also a common and somewhat predictable
event. Localised flooding occurs almost on a yearly basis with wide spread flooding
recorded on an average of once every four years (Goudie 2001). Bushfires are also
predictable and are most common in the dry months following the wet season. The
frequency of disaster events requires that individuals take the necessary precautions
to reduce the impacts of disasters and the results in effective individual management.
Furthermore, the large distances between homes and emergency services, supplies
and medical facilities encourages individuals to take the necessary steps to reduce
the impact of disaster events in case they can not access community facilities and
infrastructure. As a result of these factors, individual resilience to natural disaster is
very high. People generally take the necessary precautions to ensure their family
and property are protected from disaster events.
The McKinlay Shire Study highlighted a number issues that should be addressed to
create a successful community involvement methodology for Disaster Risk
Management in a Remote area. These recommendations are simple but can
dramatically increase the success of community involvement techniques and
enhance the role the community will play in the management of disaster risks.
Dialogue involves conversation debate and the formation of relationships with the
community in a manner that allows participants to express their views and participate
openly in the study. For this to occur, a high level of trust must be developed
between the consultant and the community.
There is some feeling of apprehension toward outsiders in remote areas and a belief
that, in general, consultants generally do not know enough about the region in which
they are working and therefore study outcomes are likely to be inapplicable to the
local situation. This barrier is more likely to be broken down by a consultant or
manager who has spent ample time with the community and developed personal
relationships with its’members.
?? Advertise Effectively
The great distances that separate community members in remote shires can result in
high travel and time costs for participants in community involvement activities. To
reduce these costs for community members, and to enhance participation
opportunities, the location of activities should be spread throughout the study area.
The personal interviews and surveys conducted during the first stage of the
consultation methodology within the McKinlay study demonstrated that adopting this
methodology could achieve high response rate and an excellent source of data.
However, personal interviews conducted in the homes of participants are generally a
more time consuming and expensive process.
Another method of reducing travel costs and enhancing participation is to align the
community involvement activity with other events that draw people from the wider
community into the service centres such as local shows, festivals or church.
The purpose of the consultation activity, how it fits within the disaster risk
management process and the extent to which the outcomes of the involvement will
contribute to final management recommendations should all be clearly described to
the participants. This enhances participation effort and reduces confusion relating to
the final results and implementation of the strategy.
and risk identification is not documented but preserved in the mental maps and
minds of community members. Encouraging community members to divulge this
information can very valuable as in many case it has been passed down through
generations and outdates formal records and archived material.
The Queensland guidelines promote and enable the flexibility required to conduct
and create a management strategy that is specific to the constraints, limitations and
opportunities of the study area. The flexibility of the guidelines is clearly outlined
within the description of the basic elements of the Disaster Risk Management
Process. The Guidelines indicate that their purpose is not to be regarded as a
standard, but as a guiding framework that can be used to develop an appropriate
process that is responsive particular circumstances (Zamecka & Buchanan 2000).
Throughout the guidelines, this is demonstrated through the use of broad
descriptions of processes and suggestions for management actions rather than
These steps provide consultants with the basic framework required to conduct a
successful community involvement strategy without restricting the freedom to
implement appropriate methods that are best suited to the study area.
The structure of McKinlay Shire consultation strategy was aimed at achieving a high
level of community involvement throughout the study. The survey and interviewing
technique utilised during stage 1 and 2 of the process provided excellent results
concerning the identification of disaster risks within the Shire and a made the
preliminary description of management and mitigation activities possible. The
surveys conducting at rural properties in Shire had high travel costs but delivered
quality information and demonstrated to the community the desire of the consultants
to gather input form all sectors of the McKinlay Shire. Actions such as these helped
develop personal relationships between consultants and the community and were
fundamental to the development of trust and dialogue demonstrate during the later
stages of the process.
The Natural Hazard Impact Reduction Workshops were aimed at utilising a more
participative approach to community involvement than the surveys and interviews
conducted during the first 2 stages. The workshops were designed to drive
discussion and robust debate between workshop participants and come to a
consensus concerning the final outcomes of each of the workshop activities. The
design of the activities was successful in that participants became involved in
constructive debates concerning the possible treatment options yet were able to
present a final result with the backing of all participants.
The structure of the workshops also achieved some of the secondary benefits
associated with effective community involvement. These included: increased
awareness of disaster risk and management possibilities, the formation of useful
relationships between disaster managers and community members and the
generation of increased interest in the management of disaster risk within the Shire.
The mapping exercise proved to be a successful activity to physically record the local
knowledge of disaster events in the Shire. While mapping of disaster events, such
as floods and fires, has never been performed for the area, the information is stored
in the mental maps of community members. Workshop participants tended to be
more confident when mapping flood heights rather than other disaster events which
were recorded on the map in a more general fashion.
In spite of these benefits, the workshops were limited in terms of their representation
of the McKinlay Shire community. The low level of participation may be contributed
to variety of factors discussed earlier including ineffective advertising, loss of
ownership, high levels of individual resilience, high travel costs and earlier
participation in surveys and interviews conducted in stages 1 and 2. Some small
alterations to the preparation of the workshop activities may have resulted in an
increased level of participation and a more representative sample. However, the
information provided by the workshop participants, combined with the data gathered
earlier was sufficient to complete the study and compose a Disaster Risk
Management Strategy in accordance with the Queensland Disaster Risk
Management Guidelines.
Natural hazards and disaster events are a very much part of the natural workings of
the earth and are not problems in and of themselves (Geis 1996). However, these
hazards do become a problem when they impact on human settlements and provide
a dramatic demonstration of people living in conflict with their environment (Centre
for Excellence for Sustainable Development 2001). The severity of the impacts
associated with natural disasters is greatly affected by the appropriateness of the
built human environment and our settlement patterns (Geis 1996).
Land use planning and the management of new development show potential for
reducing societal vulnerability to natural hazards and for bringing about more
sustainable communities (Land Use Planning for Sustainable Communities 1997). In
spite of the clear benefits that can be obtained through land use planning, Devlin
(1998) indicates that rarely has it been at the forefront of disaster management
Many ‘Project Impact’communities have found success in achieving this aim through
the adoption of disaster management principles within land use planning policies.
Planning in North Dakota, initiated over 20 years ago, has demonstrated that land
use planning for disaster management can achieve economically and socially
measurable success. It is estimated that US $45 million dollars of damages was
prevented during flood events in 2000 as a result of actions by individuals,
businesses and local state and federal partners in a clear demonstration that
mitigation planning can work (Friez 2001).
Similarly, a 1996 FEMA study estimated that Oregon saves about US $10 million a
year in flood losses because of strong land use planning policies. These benefits
were obtained through the implementation of a local land use plan 25 years ago that
included inventories, policies, and ordinances to guide development in hazard areas
thereby reducing the losses from flooding, landslides, earthquakes and wildfire
(Oregon State Wide Planning Effort 1997). In this regard, developments with a high
risk of damage or that could result in the loss of life were not allowed to be located in
known hazard areas without appropriate safe guards.
Land use planning for disasters is based on mapping the extent and impacts of
natural hazards and designing policies accordingly. The use of Geographic
Information Systems to map hazards and community vulnerability is an emerging
field. As a result of this, land use planning for disasters can be extremely data
intensive depending on the range and severity of hazard events affecting the study
area. Disaster studies conducted in remote Shires of North Queensland have found
that the availability of hazard mapping is often limited (Centre for Disaster Studies
2001). Collection and collation of the required data can be an expensive and time-
consuming process.
5.2 State Planning Policy on Land Use planning for Natural Disaster Mitigation
and Development Assessment
The State Planning Policy may require local governments to perform a variety of
actions to incorporate hazard mitigation and disaster management within all aspects
of Local Government planning. It is anticipated that each local government area will
identify and map hazard prone areas from which appropriate planning measures can
be created.
These planning measures can be incorporated into the IPA planning schemes in a
number of ways including Desired Environmental Outcomes that articulate the
preferred end state desired by the community and the development of specific
planning codes.
their draft IPA planning schemes and successfully incorporated planning area codes
to control development within hazard prone areas.
A further requirement of the State Planning Policy may result in each Local
Government undertaking a Disaster Risk Management Strategy to adequately
identify risk, assess vulnerability and prescribe disaster management and mitigation
measures that may be adopted.
As a requirement of the Integrated Planning Act 1997 each local government must
prepare a new planning scheme in accordance with the new legislative guidelines.
All Local Government planning schemes are to be completed by 2003.
Schedule 1 section 4.(1) of the Act identifies the core matters for the preparation of a
planning scheme. The core matters include, land use and development,
infrastructure and valuable features. While disaster management or natural hazards
management is not specifically addressed within the core matters it is not discounted
either. The definition of land use and development contains reference to
development constraints (including, but not limited to, population and demographic
impacts). Natural hazards and disaster risk can be included within this definition of
land use and development and can therefore be legally incorporated within IPA
planning schemes.
desire future or end state for the Local Government area and create the strategic
direction or goals for the area.
The most effective way that natural hazards management can be incorporated into
IPA planning schemes is through the creation of specific planning requirements that
deal with natural hazards and community’vulnerability. The City of Thuringowa has
prepared a Natural Hazards Code as part of its IPA planning scheme.
The preparation of State Planning Policy may soon require all Local Government
Areas to incorporate disaster management in local land use planning. To achieve
effective land use planning outcomes, natural hazard policies must be based on
accurate data that defines the spatial extent and distribution of hazards. This data
may include topographic information such as land elevations and geomorphology,
flood heights and water flow directions, bush fire paths, acid sulphate soils, degraded
land and storm surge heights. Mapping this data allows planners to consider impacts
of hazards on strategic planning outcomes and site development more appropriately.
Obtaining this information is likely to be expensive and may not be possible in some
of the remote and rural shires.
While land use planning for disaster management provides some clear benefits to
reducing community vulnerability it is often implemented using top down
methodologies and does not achieve the secondary benefits associated with a more
participative approach such as the formulation of a Disaster Risk Management
Strategy. Land use planning should therefore be regarded as a tool that can be
utilised to effectively implement some of the outcome of the broader Disaster Risk
Management Process.
Risk Management Strategy, this information does exist in the mental maps of
community members.
While land use planning has proved to be successful in terms of reducing community
vulnerability and the economic impacts of natural disasters, the top down nature of
policies may not gain the secondary benefits that can be obtained through a more
participative Disaster Risk Management Strategy. Land use planning should
therefore be regarded as a useful tool to supplement Disaster Risk Management
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of Emergency Management. Spring 2000.
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Management. Winter 1998.
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Project Impact