Automatic Health Monitoring System Using Raspberry Pi: Mrs.G.Mohana Prabha
Automatic Health Monitoring System Using Raspberry Pi: Mrs.G.Mohana Prabha
Automatic Health Monitoring System Using Raspberry Pi: Mrs.G.Mohana Prabha
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
areas of hospital as well as he can monitor the This Paper Propose An Efficient Low Cost
patient when he is out of the premises [8]. & Portable Patients Health Monitoring
System. A Raspberry Pi Based System Is
Developed for Collecting Sensed Data from
Sensor (Sensors like Temperature, Blood
Pressure, Oximeter Etc. Are Used) This
B. GSM based tele alert system Signals From Patients Will Be Send To
Doctor For Remotely Analyzing The Patients
A module that provides mobility to the
Health Report. A Web Based Application Has
doctor and the patient, by adopting a simple
Been Developed For Both Patients and
and popular technique, detecting the
Doctors through Which They Can Even
abnormalities in the bio signal of the patient in
Communicate With Each Other. This System
advance and sending an alert SMS to the
Can Be More Useful For The Peoples From
doctor through Global system for
Rural Areas
Mobile(GSM) thereby taking suitable
precautionary measures thus reducing the
E. Health Gear: A Real-Time Wearable
critical level of the patient [9].
System for Monitoring and Analysing
C. A Multi-Alert Patient Health Monitoring Physiological Signals
using Zigbee A Health Gear Presents A Real Time
Wearable System For Monitoring, Visualising
Wireless sensor network is a growing And Analysing Physiological Signals. Set Of
field showing tremendous applications in the Non-Invasive Physiological Sensors Are
areas of medical assistance in hospitals. Wirelessly Connected To A Cell Phone,
According to the Medical Statistics, everyday Which Stores, Transmits And Analyses The
many patients‟ lives are affected due to Physiological Data And Then It Presents It To
negligence in the part of providing immediate The User In An Appropriate Way. Set Of
care to the patients. Sometimes it is difficult NonPervasive Sensors Are Part Of Health
for the staff in the hospitals to race against the Gear. To Monitor The Users Blood Oxygen
time to reach the patient. Solution to this is a Level And Pule While Sleeping, We Focus On
need of system that can measure patient health Implementation Of Health Gear Using A
constantly. The main goal of this paper is to Blood Oximeter. Also The Two Different
alert the staff in the hospitals in case of Algorithms We Use For Automatically
emergency. This system is designed using Determining Sleep Apnea Events And For
sensors and wireless technology with the help Illustrating The Performance Of The Overall
of Microcontroller. Sensors will continuously System In Sleep Study With 20 Volunteers
monitor the vital signs until an abnormal
condition is detected. After detecting the
abnormal condition, alert system comes into
A.Raspberry Pi:
action which acts as a multi-alert system.
The Raspberry Pi is a low cost, credit-card
D. Low Cost and Portable Patient sized computer that plugs into a computer
Monitoring System for E-Health Services in monitor or TV, and uses a standard keyboard
Bangladesh and mouse. The Raspberry
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
Pi Model B+ has dual core ARM11 processor Also this system can be installed easily
with 512MB SDRAM and powers through in all the hospitals and huge data
Micro USB socket of 5V. Sensors are obtained can be stored in the database.
connected to the Raspberry Pi Model Moreover this data is much valuable
B+.Raspberry Pi sends the information to Raspberry Pi, with its broad variety of
servers through GSM module. features can be used for several
The interconnection between different purposes and have much scope in
components is explained using the architecture future
of system. Architecture diagram is shown in
figure 1. The patients connect the sensors to Problem definition of our underlying
their body and the other end of the sensors is system which is basically useful for
connected to Raspberry Pi. The data acquired doctor‟s for monitoring patient‟s
by sensors is stored in the Raspberry pi B+. Health parameter and gets the accurate
The data values (i.e. Biometric data) are result.
shown on LCD display and at the same time if The doctors are continuously monitor
the values exceed the normal range, the alarm the health parameter of icu patients
triggers. The values stored are sent to server from any location and virtually
with the help of GSM. All the values are connected to the patient through
stored on the server and the most recent value website.
is displayed on webpage. The doctor along Also through this system real time
with their login credentials can login and see parameter values can be measured so
the patient data. Doctors can see all previous this system is beneficial for
records of a patient and suggest medicines and Hospitals as well as in clinic also.
changes in prescription. Also patients are Through this system, the doctor can
given unique user id and password to view able to calculate temperature, ecg,
their records heart rate values efficiently and store
data on raspberry pi temporarily.
The values are in form of - temperature
we are getting celsius, heart rate in
pulses, ecg in percentage shown on
display as well as on website.
The any threshold value will be
fluctuating from specified value then
the alarm will be triggered which is
connected through raspberry pi and
rmo‟s get the alert.
Import all the modules required for Serial
Fig 2. Raspberry Communication, MySQLdb.
Raspberry pi is used for this Communicate with the ECG's
application because of its multi-tasking connected to Raspberry Pi.
capability and low power consumption Find the heart beat from the input data.
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
Update the website database with new Instead of medical application we can use
health parameters. our system in industrial and agricultural
Check if the heart beat is in the normal application by using sensors like humidity
range. sensors, fertility check sensors, etc.
If heart beat is not in normal range
alert the authorized REFERENCES
person by sending SMS through GSM
[1] Global Challenges for Humanity. [Online].
module and alert
in the hospital through buzzer sound. millennium/challen ges.html
Delete the message in SIM card to
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IV.CONCLUSION IJMCR Volume 1 issue 2 March 2013
As health care services are important part
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lessen the burden on humans and eases the
measuring process. Also the transparency of
this system helps patients to trust it. When
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further improvements can be made in our y%20pi%20s ensors
system to make it better and easily adaptable
[6] Cooking hacks. Homepage on Health
such as adding more advanced sensors. The
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biometric information of the patient which is
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International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue