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Morfologi adalah kajian kata dan modifikasinya. Seiring waktu berjalan,
pembelajaran morfologi sangat betautan dengannya. Ini bisa dilihat dari
banyaknya pengembangan kata dari satu fungsi menjadi fungsi lain.
Pengembangan itu adalah dinamis dan tentu diperlukan kemampuan
yang matang untuk memodifikasi sebuah kata. Untuk itu, tulisan ini
sangat bermanfaat untuk pembelajar yang ingin mengetahui dasar dan
pengembangan sebuah kata.
A. Intoduction
Linguistics is the science of languages, and the object of linguistics is
language. Language itself is a system of communication used by group of
persons in order to express their messages. It may be assumed that
language is used to express our feelings, ideas, emotions, and desires.
General linguistics covers a wide range of topics and its boundaries
are difficult to define, such as morphology as a part of linguistics.
Morphology is the study of morphemes and different forms
(allomorphs), and the way they combine in word formation. For example:
the English word “powerless” is derived from the word “power”, the
adjective forming suffix “-less”. The process is named affixation. While
affix means a letter or sound, a group a letters of sounds, which is added
to a word, and change the meaning of function of the word. Morphology
has been an obligation subject for language study in all study programs.
For English Department, it is as the third subject in major studies of
English Lecturer of English Education Deaprtement, FTIK, IAIN Padangsidimpuan.
1. Morphology
Morphology is the study of the ways in which words are constructed
out of smaller units that have a meaning or grammatical function.2 It
means that Morphology goes to the theory of a word modification by
giving smaller units that may be front or back that have meaning or again
as grammatical function. Morphology is the study of morphemes and their
arrangements in forming words.3 It means that Morphology goes to the
theory of morphemes by giving arrangements that will be forming words
which may constitute words or parts of words. Morphology is the system
of catagories and rules involved in word formation and interpretation.4 It
means that Morphology goes to the theory of Morphology, beginning with
the inventory of nations relevant to the analysis of word structure.
Morphology is a branch of major studies of linguistics. It covers the
theory of word modification. In linguistics, morphology is the second step
for the theory of language forms after the theory of expressions, they are
phonetics and phonology. Then, it is followed by syntax. So, morphology
is the bridge between phonology and syntax. Morphology concerns to the
study of word modification (words and the functions), lexicon,
morphemes (inflection and derivation), affixes and discourse
morphology.Booij says that morphology is the sub disciplines of
Cipollone, Keiser & Vasishth, Language Files. Seventh Edition (Columbus: Ohio University
Press, 2006), p. 5.
Jackson & Amvela, Words, Meaning and Vocabulary, an itroduction to modern Leicology.
(London: Cromwell Press, 2000), p. 2
O’grady & Dobrovolsky, Contemporary Linguistic Analysis. (Toronto: Copp Clark Ltd, 2006), p.
linguistics that deals with such pattern.5 The existence of such patterns
also implies that word may have an internal constituent structure. It
means, morphology is one of the studies of changes form of the word. The
example, walks, walks, walked, walking. Walking can be divided into the
constituents walk and –ing.
In Sibarani, morphology is the analysis of word structure.6 It means,
the words can be constructed and comprehended by the application of
quite general rules to more basic word. The example, any speaker of
English who knows the verb fax recognized faxed is as its past tense form.
According to Alwi, morpologi adalah kata yang dapat dipotong-potong
dan menjadi bagian terkecil , yang kemudian dapat dipotong lagi menjadi
bagian yang lebih kecil lagi sampai ke bentuk yang jika dipotong lagi ,
mempunyai makna.7 Morphology is a word that can be cut into pieces
and become the smallest, which can then be cut again into smaller sections
to the form that if it is cut again, to have meaning.
Pateda states that morphology is science of forms, words and the
meaning which is up caused by the modifications of the forms.8 From that
statement, it is concluded, morphology has three objects. They are: a)
forms, b) words form and the formation of word forms and, c) the
meaning appearing from the formation of words
1. The two basic functions of morphological operations are:
a. The creation of new word (new lexemes), an example in a
lexeme formation of the word bottle factory from the existing
lexemes bottle and factory, the morphology thus provides means
Booij, The Grammar of Words, an Introduction to Linguistic Morphology. (New York: Ashford
Colour Press, 2005), p. 5.
Sibarani, An Introduction to Morphology. (Medan: Penerbit Poda, 2006), p. 111.
Alwi & Lapolliwa, Tata Bahasa Baku Bahasa Indonesia. Edisi Ke-tiga. (Jakarta: Balai Pustaaka,
2003), p. 28.
Pateda, Linguistic, Sebuah Pengantar. (Bandung: Angkasa, 1988), p. 71.
2. Words
Words is the smllest free forms found in language.9 It means that
words goes to most familiar. A word is a minimal free form.10 Hence, a
word is viewed as a form which can occur in isolation and have meaning
but which cannot be analysed into elements which can all occur alone and
also have meaning.
Words can be chopped into smaller pieces.11 At the morphological
level, words ma consists of more than one unit as well, which we may
call mmorphological atoms of a word. Words have an internal structure
consisting of smaller units organized with respect to each other in a
particular way. The most important component of word structure is a
morpheme. Morpheme is the smellers unit of language that carries
O’gardy & Dobrovolsky, 2006, Opcit., p. 649.
Jackson & Ampela, 2000, Op.Cit., p. 48.
Booij, 2005, Op.Cit., p. 27.
3. Morpheme
Morpheme is smallest linguistic unit that has a meaning or
grammatical function.12 It means that morphemes can stand alone.
Morphemes is the minimal units with a lexical or a grammatical
meaning.13 It means that morphemes goes to the morphological building
blocks of words. Words have an internal structure consisting of smaller
units organized with respect to each other in a particular way. The most
important component of word structure is a morpheme. Morphemes is the
smallest unit of language that carries information about meaning or
function.14 It means that morphemes goes to words have an internal
structure consisting of smaller units organized with respect to each other
in a particular way. The example of word „builder‟, that consists of two
morphemes: build (with the meaning of „construct‟) and –er (with the
meaning „one who builds).
4. Lexicon
Lexicon is a speaker‟s mental dictionary, which containts information
about the syintactic properties, meaning, and phonological representation
of a language‟s words.15 Lexicon is a word that cans modification be new
word functions.
Lexicon is mental listening of the words in a language, including
information about their meaning, grammatical function, pronounciation,
Cipollone, Keiser & Vasishth 2006, Op.Cit., p. 479.
Booij, 2005, Op.Cit ., p. 8.
O’grady & Dobrovolsky 2006, Op.Cit., p. 637.
O’grady & Dobrovolksky 2006, Op.Cit., p. 636.
Cipollone, Keiser & Vasishth, 2006, Log.Cit., p. 478.
Booij, 2005, Op.Cit., p. 9.
Sibarani, 2006, Op.Cit ., p. 44 .
Cipollone, Keiser & Vasishth, 2006, Op.Cit., p. 471.
Booij, 2005, Op.Cit., p. 9.
Prefix is an affix attached before a root or stem and based, or prefix
is an affix, which is added to the front of the stem.
Examples: re → write → rewrite
Un → tidy → untidy
Il → legal → illegal
Pro→ action → proaction
Prefix is an affix that attaches to the beginning of a word. It is an
affix which is placed before the stem of a word only.
According the Oxford‟s dictionary define suffix is a letter, sound or
syllable at the end of a word to make another word. In linguistics, a suffix
(also sometimes called a postfix or ending) is an affix which is placed after
the stem of a word. Common examples are case endings, which indicate
the grammatical case of nouns or adjectives, and verb endings, which form
the conjugation of verbs.21 The suffixes are a morphological process that
uses to make new words from the suffixation.
The general term for bound morphemes that are added to roots and
stems is affix. If an affix that appears before the root/stem, it is a prefix. If
it appears after the root/stem, it is a suffix. So, al- and ap- are prefixes,
whereas –ment, and –o are suffixes, and infix (within a root).
The word of inflectional is derived from the verb to inflect. In A.S
Hornby dictionary stated that to change the ending or form of a word to
Jackson & Ampela, 2000, Opcit., p. 69
O’grady & Dobrovolksky 2006, Opcit., p. 634
Morphemic Analysis
Analysis is an inspection concerning meaning and essence something.
According to the Oxford Learner’s Dictionary defines analysis as the detail
study or examination in order to understand more about the result of the
study. According to the Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia tells that analysisi is
an identification on an event to know the real meaning.23 It means that,
analysis is the research to an even to know the actually situation.
Morphological analysis is the process of forming words or word formation
by adding affixes to the base form or in other word. The process of
morphological in the way to form words by combining one morpheme with
others. The base form is the linguistic form which may be a single form or
complete form.So, based of those definitions above, the writer concludes
that morphemic analysis is the research to detail study to know about the
result of the actually situation in the study of morphology.
Both morpheme and word are the two main points of morphological
process. Morpheme constitutes a form which belongs to linguistic form;
furthermore words constitute two kinds of unity which are called phonology
and grammatical unity. A morpheme is not a word, but on the contrary a
word is always a morpheme because a word often consists of one or more
morphemes. To get more complete understanding about morphological
process, what it is and how really is, some linguist provides definitions on
morphology and some of them are as follow:
Gleason concludes that morphology is the study of word formation.24
It means, it identifies meaningful units that appear to separable parts of
words. According to O’grady, morphology is the analysis of word structure
It means, the words can be constructed and comprehended by the
application of quite general rules to more basic word. The example, any
speaker of English who knows the verb fax recognized faxed is as its past
tense form.
Pateda states that morphology is science of forms, words and the
meaning which is up caused by the modifications of the forms. And the
23 Pusat Bahasa Departement Pendidikan Nasional, Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (Jakarta:
Balai Pustka) 2001, p. 43
24 Gleason & Rater, Psycholinguistics, Second Edition (New York: Harcourt Brace College
Publisher) 2008, p. 14
object of morphology is words form, the formation of word forms, and the
meaning appearing from the formation of words.
By morphology, we may analyze the most elemental unit of
grammatical form which is called morpheme. Every word in language is
composed of one or more morphemes. The morpheme arrangements which
are treated under the morphology of language include all combinations that
form words of part of words.
In many languages, words play in important grammatical role, in that they
are building out of smaller elements by certain patterns. For the analysis of word
formation, it is important to apply which one is a base form, it is an affix. Thus,
morphology takes an important role in arranging and combining them to
constitute new word.
According to Cipolloe, Keiser & Vasishth say that word, since they are
formed by steps, have a special type of structure characterized as hierarchical.25
This hierarchical structure can be schematically represented by means of a tree
that indicates the steps involved in the formation of the word, which morphemes
joined together first and so on. The tree for unusable is
From the explaining above, the writer concludes that morphological process
is the study of internal structure of the word and the rules by which words are
formed. We may recognize that word form such as dances, dancer, danced, and
dancing which must consist of one element, i.e. ‘dance’. And a number of other
elements such as , -s, -er, -ed, -ing. All these elements are described as
Exmple of Morphology in analysis: Organization
Alwi, H., Lapoliwa, S. N, Tata Bahasa Baku Bahasa Indonesia, Edisi ketiga,
Jakarta: Balai Pustaka, 2003
Gleason, J. B., & Ratner, N,B, Phycholinguistics, Second Edition, New York:
United States of America, 2002