Physiological:biological Psychology Notes
Physiological:biological Psychology Notes
Physiological:biological Psychology Notes
o A scientific study of behavior based on a biological perspective.
o Psychobiology, behavioral biology, or behavioral neuroscience.
o The brain is one of the largest and most complex organs of the human body that is
responsible for controlling our emotions, motor behavior, memory, and every
process that regulates the body.
Dura Mater
Outermost layer of meninges. It is composed of two layers: namely, the
periosteal/endosteal layer and the meningeal layer. The dura matter serves as a
protective function to the
brain and the spinal cord and limit the rotational movement of the brain (Kekere &
Alsayouri, 2020).
Arachnoid Mater
the web-like meningeal layer underneath the dura mater.
Pia Mater
the innermost thin membrane and directly adherent to the surface of the brain and
spinal cord.
Subarachnoid Space
The space between the arachnoid mater and the pia mater which is filled with
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and functions as a cushion to the CNS and skull (Heimer,
1. It manages the microenvironment (regulates the substances and structures around
a particular area)
2. It regulates the entry of nutrients
3. Regulates the exit of brain waste
4. It regulates the ion and fluids between the blood and the brain
5. Helps maintain relatively normal levels of hormones
Transport Types
1. Diffusion
2. Paracellular transport
3. Transport protein
4. Receptor-mediated transcytosis
5. Adsorptive transcytosis
6. Efflux
1. Golgi Staining Technique
o Camillo Golgi
o Uses silver nitrate to densely stain an entire single neuron including its
dendrite and axon branches.
o This helps researchers see the structure of a single neuron, although in
silhouette form.
o Cannot provide evidence about the number of single neurons in a particular
2. NISSL Staining Technique
o Franz Nissl
o uses dyes such as Cresyl violet and other Nissl dyes to estimate the number
of cell bodies in a particular part of the brain by counting the Nissl-stained
3. Electron Microscopy
o Used to get information about the detailed structure of neurons.
o Uses a scanning electron microscope to obtain an electron micrograph.
o However, due to a detailed picture of the neurons, it becomes difficult to get
visualize general aspects of neuron structure.
Anterior/ventral means towards the “front” and posterior/dorsal means towards
the “back”.
Superior/cranial/ rostral means towards the head end or upper/higher part of the
body, and inferior/caudal means away from the head or the lower part of the body.
Medial means towards the midline of the body, while lateral means away from the
Coronal plane (frontal plane) -divided into anterior and posterior which is
created by slicing the brain vertically.
Horizontal plane (transverse plane) - divides the brain into superior/rostral and
inferior/caudal directions which is done by slicing the brain horizontally.
Sagittal plane – created by slicing the brain in the middle, thus dividing it into right
and left cerebral hemispheres
LESSON 2 PART II: Anatomy and Functions of the Nervous System (Central Nervous
1. Telencephalon
Cerebral Cortex
The cerebral cortex is the outer layer of the neural tissue of the cerebrum.
A long and deep grove between the convoluted cortex is called the fissures and the
short and small grove is called the sulci (plural: sulcus).
The gyri (plural: gyrus) is the ridge on the surface of the brain which is separated by
fissures and sulci
The cerebral cortex covers the two portions of the cerebral hemispheres: the left
and right hemispheres.
It is separated by long and deep fissures, called the longitudinal fissures.
These two hemispheres are connected by a bundle of nerve fibers underneath the
cerebral cortex, called the cerebral commissures.
The largest commissure is called the corpus callosum which served as the
communicating pathway between the two cerebral hemispheres.
The frontal lobe is responsible for performing complex cognitive (frontal cortex
anterior to the precentral gyrus/motor cortex) and motor functions (precentral
The parietal lobe regulates the body temperature, control movement, and process
information related to taste and touch. Specifically, the postcentral gyrus regulates
the sense of touch and the remaining parts of the parietal lobe are responsible for
the perception of our body and objects location as well as in directing attention to a
particular stimulus.
The occipital lobe is responsible for the vision.
The temporal lobe processes memory and information perceived by the sense of
taste, hearing, sight, and touch.
The superior temporal gyrus is responsible for processing information related to
hearing and language
The inferior temporal gyrus deals in identifying complex visual information, and
the medial part of the temporal lobe play an important role in certain kinds of
memory processes.
o The allocortex covers 10% of the cerebral cortex.
o The neocortex constitutes 90% or the major area of the cerebral cortex
which is responsible for an individual's direct attention, thought, perception,
and episodic memory (Bennett, 2019).
Characteristics of Neocortex
1. The cortical neurons can either be pyramidal or stellate cells. The pyramidal
cells are multipolar pyramid-shaped neurons/cells with huge dendrites
(apical dendrites), while the stellate cells are small star-shaped neurons with
short or no axons.
2. Cortical neurons in different layers have different density and sizes.
3. Many of the axons and dendrites in the neocortex are organized vertically.
4. The thickness of each layer varies from area to area.
The limbic system is a set of brain structures that is responsible for an individual’s
emotions, motivated behaviors, regulating autonomous and endocrine function, and
consolidating memories (Stephani, 2014).
Amygdala - is involved in regulating emotional responses such as anger, violence, fear,
and anxiety
Hippocampus - learning, memory, and associating emotional responses to particular
situations of events
Fornix - damage to fornix may result in deficits in declarative memories which deal
with autobiographical information
Cingulate cortex - regulates emotions and behavior
Septum is a midline nucleus located in the subcortical area of the brain.
Mammillary bodies are a pair of small round bodies, located at the end of the anterior
part of the fornix.
5 F’s
1. Feeding (satiety and hunger)
2. Forgetting (memory)
3. Fighting (emotional response)
4. Family (sexual reproduction, maternal instincts)
5. Fornicating (sexual arousal)
involved in motor control and learning, executive functions, behavior, and
amygdala - emotion.
caudate nucleus - is responsible for executing movements, motor learning,
motivation and reward
globus pallidus- is located between the putamen and thalamus and controls
conscious and proprioceptive movements
o knowing whether feet are on soft grass or hard cement without looking
(even while wearing shoes)
o balancing on one leg
o throwing a ball without having to look at the throwing arm.
relay the motor and sensory neurons to the cerebral cortex.
One of the most understood is the sensory relay nuclei which receive the sensory
signal, then processes, transmit, and project sensory information to areas of the
sensory cortex.
Examples of sensory relay nuclei are lateral geniculate nuclei which relay visual
information, medial geniculate nuclei which relay auditory information, and
ventral posterior nuclei which relay somatosensory information to areas of the
sensory cortex.
It is also involved in regulating some of the motivated behaviors such as
sleeping, eating, and sexual behaviors.
It also controls the endocrine system by regulating the release of hormones from
the pituitary gland
o The tectum composed of two pairs of bumps called colliculi. The inferior
colliculi are for auditory function and superior colliculi for visual-motor
function. These two colliculi formed the corpora quadrigeminy.
o the periaqueductal gray matter, substantia nigra, and the red nucleus. The
periaqueductal gray matter -regulates heart rate and blood pressure,
autonomic processes, production of vocalization, and fearful and
defensive reactions. It is also a particular interest to biopsychologist
because of its important role in analgesia (inability to feel pain).
o substantia nigra and red nucleus play an important part in the
sensorimotor system.
1. Metencephalon
pons, the point of origin or termination for four of the cranial nerves that
transfer sensory information and motor impulses to and from the facial region
and the brain.
The cerebellum is the large, convoluted structure on the brain stem’s dorsal
surface. It is an important sensorimotor structure; cerebellar damage eliminates
the ability to precisely control one’s movements and to adapt them to changing
2. Myelencephalon
Medulla oblongata – is responsible for regulating several basic functions of the
autonomic nervous system, including respiration, cardiac function, vasodilation,
and reflexes like vomiting, coughing, sneezing, and swallowing.
Reticular formation – it plays a fundamental role in arousal and consciousness,
control of movement and sensation, and in regulation of visceral functions.
The spinal cord is a long, thin, tube-like structure that extends from the end of
the brainstem up to the bottom of the spine. It is a communication pathway
wherein the transmission of sensory and motor signals from the brain to the rest
of the body, or vice versa takes place.
The spinal cord consists of two major areas: the gray and white matter. The gray
matter which is composed largely of soma (cell bodies) and few unmyelinated
neurons are located beneath the spinal cord. On the other hand, the white matter
forms the outer layer and is made of myelinated axons. The two dorsal arms are
called dorsal horns, whereas the two ventral arms are called ventral horns.
Thirty-one pairs of peripheral nerves are directly connected to the spinal cord.
Each of these nerves divides and connects to the spinal cord through one of two
roots, the dorsal and ventral root. All dorsal roots are sensory or afferent
unipolar neurons that contain a group of cell bodies outside the cord, thus,
forming the dorsal root ganglion. On the other hand, the ventral roots are motor
or efferent multipolar neurons where their cell bodies can be found in the
ventral horns.
1. Spinal Nerves
A spinal nerve is a nerve directly connected to the spinal cord which carries
sensory, motor, and autonomic signals from the body to the brain, or vice versa.
There are 31 pairs in different levels of the spine: 8 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5
lumbar, 5 sacral, and 1 coccygeal (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica, 2020).
Each pair connects the spinal cord with a specific region of the body (The Editors
of Encyclopedia Britannica, 2020).
2. Cranial Nerves
The cranial nerves are pairs of nerves that connect the brain and different parts
of the head, neck, and truck. There are 12 pairs of it, and each corresponds to a
roman numeral which is based on the location, from front to back. They are
typically categorized as sensory, motor, or both. The sensory nerves are involved
with senses, whereas, the motor nerves are in charge of controlling movements.
(Seladi-Schulman, 2019)
a. Olfactory nerve (sensory)- it is a nerve that transmits sensory information
perceived by the person’s sense of smell via the olfactory bulb (Johnson,
b. Optic nerve (sensory) - it is responsible for carrying visual information to
the brain (Johnson, 2019).
c. Oculomotor nerve (motor)- this nerve is in charge of controlling muscle
movements of the eye including the movement of eyeballs and eyelids. It also
performs involuntary functions such that pupil size changes as it responds to
light. The pupil constricts when the light is bright to allow less light to pass
through and the pupil dilates when dark to allow more light to enter.
(Johnson, 2019)
d. Trochlear nerve (motor)- this nerve is also involved in movements of the
eye, specifically controls the downward and inward movements (Johnson,
e. Trigeminal nerve (sensory & motor)- this largest cranial nerve is
responsible for chewing and clenching teeth (motor functions), as well as
sensations (sensory function) to three divisions (ophthalmic, maxillary, &
mandibular) of the face (Johnson, 2019).
f. Abducens nerve (motor)- this nerve controls the lateral rectus muscle
which is also involved in controlling eye movements (e.g., outward gaze)
(Seladi-Schulman, 2019).
g. Facial nerve (sensory & motor)- this is the most complex cranial nerve
which consists of four nuclei responsible for controlling muscle movements
(used for facial expression chewing, swallowing, and jaw movements), sense
of taste of the major parts of the tongue, the sensation from the external ear
and supply major glands in the head and neck (Seladi-Schulman, 2019).
h. Vestibulocochlear nerve (sensory)- it is composed of the vestibular nerve
and cochlear nerve which are responsible for balance and hearing,
respectively (Johnson, 2019; Seladi-Schulman, 2019).
i. Glossopharyngeal nerve (sensory & motor)- this 9th cranial nerve is
involved in receiving sensory information from the throat, inner ear, and
back of the tongue (involved in the sensation of taste) (sensory functions). It
is also involved in controlling the stylopharyngeus, a muscle that allowsthe
throat (pharynx) to shorten and widen (Johnson, 2019; Seladi-Schulman,
j. Vagus nerve (sensory & motor)- it is the longest nerve involved in the
sensation perceived from the outer ear and the internal organs in the neck,
chest, and abdomen. It also controls the muscles in the throat and soft palate
which helps the person speak and swallow. The vagus nerve plays a minor
role in taste sensation. Additionally, it is also involved in the sensation to the
heart which detects changes in blood pressure and oxygen levels in the
blood. (Johnson, 2019; Neuroscientifically Challenged, 2019; Seladi-
Schulman, 2019).
k. Accessory nerve (motor)- this cranial nerve controls the neck muscles
responsible for rotating, flexing, and extending the neck and shoulders. It is
divided into two parts: the spinal and cranial portion (Johnson, 2019; Seladi-
Schulman, 2019).
l. Hypoglossal nerve (motor)- this is nerve is responsible for controlling the
movements of the major parts of the tongue wherein, damage to this nerve
can cause tongue paralysis (Johnson, 2019; Seladi-Schulman, 2019).
How can Na+ remain in greatest concentration in the extracellular fluid, despite the fact that
both forces (diffusion and electrostatic pressure) tend to push it inside?
The membrane is impermeable to Na+, as it is to A-, the organic anions.
Synaptic vesicle – a small, hollow, beadlike structure found in terminal buttons; contains
molecules of a neurotransmitter.
Release zone – a region of the interior of the presynaptic membrane to which synaptic
vesicles attach and release their neurotransmitter into the synaptic cleft.
Activation of Receptors
They do so by diffusing across the fluid that fills the synaptic cleft. Once they reach
the other side of the synaptic cleft, they attach to the binding sites of the
postsynaptic receptors – a receptor molecule in the postsynaptic membrane that
contains a binding site for a neurotransmitter.
Once binding occurs, the postsynaptic receptors open neurotransmitter-dependent
ion channels – an ion channel that opens when a molecule of a neurotransmitter
binds with postsynaptic receptor – which permit the passage of specific ion to pass
through the membrane, changing the local membrane potential.
o The direct methods is simpler, when a molecule of the appropriate
neurotransmitter attaches to the binding sites, the ion channel opens.
o The indirect method is more complicated. Most receptors do not open ion
channels directly but instead starts a chain of chemical events.
Major Types f Neurotransmitter-Dependent Ion Channels found in the Postsynaptic
a. Sodium (Na+)
b. Potassium (K+)
c. Chloride (Cl-)
Postsynaptic potentials are brief
depolarization or hyperpolarization caused by the activation of postsynaptic receptors with
molecules of a neurotransmitter.
Two mechanisms keep them brief:
Reuptake – the reentry of the neurotransmitter just releases by a terminal button
back through its membrane, thus terminating the postsynaptic potential.
Enzymatic deactivation – the destruction of the neurotransmitter by an enzyme
after it release.
o Acetylcholine (ACh) – a neurotransmitter found in the brain, spinal cord,
and parts of the PNS; responsible for muscle contraction.
o Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) – the enzyme that destroys acetylcholine soon
after it is released by the terminal buttons, thus terminating the postsynaptic
A receptor molecule located on a neuron that responds to the neurotransmitter
released by that neuron.
Postsynaptic receptors detect the presence of a neurotransmitter in the synaptic
cleft and initiate excitatory or inhibitory postsynaptic potentials. But the
postsynaptic membrane is not the only location of receptors that respond to
Many neurons also possess receptors that respond to the neurotransmitter that
they release, called auto receptors.
Auto receptors do not control ion channels. Thus, when stimulated by a molecule
of the appropriate neurotransmitter, auto receptors do not produce changes in
the membrane potential. Instead, they regulate internal processes, including the
synthesis and release of the neurotransmitter.
In most cases, the effects of auto receptor activation are inhibitory; that is, the
presence of the neurotransmitter in the extracellular fluid in the vicinity of the
neuron causes a decrease in the rate of the synthesis or release of the
Auto receptors are part of a regulatory system that controls the amount of
neurotransmitter release.
If too much is release; if not enough is released, the rates of production and
release go up.
SENSORY TRANSDUCTION- the process by which sensory stimuli are transduced into
slow, graded receptor potentials.
Converts stimuli into graded potentials
Such changes in receptor membrane potential are known as the receptor potential
and the generator potential.
RECEPTOR POTENTIAL- a slow, graded electrical potential produced by a receptor
cell in response to a physical stimulus.
Lamella- a layer of membrane containing photopigments
o Found in rods and cones of the retina.
Photopigment – a protein dye bonded to retinal, a substance derived from vitamin
o responsible for transduction of visual information
The second characteristic of the receptive fields of ganglion cells – their center
surround organization –enhances our ability to detect the outlines of objects even
when the contrast between the object and the background is low.
These exaggerated borders do not exist in the illustration; they are added by our
visual system because of the center-surround organization of the receptive fields of
the retinal ganglion cells.
Trichromatic (three-color) theory – Thomas Young
o eye detected different colors because it contained three types of receptors,
each sensitive to a single hue. (Yellow, Red, Blue)
o Human observer any color can be reproduced by mixing various quantities of
three colors judiciously selected from different points along the spectrum.
o Color mixing refers to the addition of two or more light sources.
o He visual system uses the process of color mixing, not pigment mixing.
Ewald Hering
Hue might be represented in the visual system as opponent colors
Yellow, blue, red & green (black and white)
Some colors appear to blend, whereas others do not.
Sine-wave grating – a series of straight parallel bands varying continuously in
brightness according to a sine-wave function, along a line perpendicular to their
Spatial frequency – the relative width of the bands in a sine-wave grating,
measured in cycles per degree of visual angle.
Retinal disparity – the fact that points on objects located at different distances
from the observer will fall on slightly different locations on the two retinas;
provides the basis for stereopsis.
In the striate cortex, information from color-sensitive ganglion cells is transmitted,
through the parvocellular layers of the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus, to special
cells grouped together in cytochrome oxidase (CO) blobs.
Cytochrome oxidase (CO) blob - the central region of module of the primary visual
cortex, revealed by a stain for cytochrome oxidase; contains wavelength-sensitive
neurons; part of the parvocellular system.
Visual perception depends on the integrity of the connections between the retina
and the striate cortex.
Blindsight - the ability of a person to reach for objects located in his or her “blind’
field; occurs after damage restricted to the primary visual cortex.
Studies with laboratory animals
Studies with Humans
Studies with laboratory animals
Studies with Humans