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1 - 43-IoT - Vo Nguyen Duy Nam - GCS200888 - Assignment Brief 1 2022

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Assignment Brief 1 (RQF)

Higher National Certificate/Diploma in Business

Student Name/ID Number: Vo Nguyen Duy Nam

Unit Number and Title: Unit 43 – Internet of Things

Academic Year: 2022

Unit Assessor: Ho Hai Van

Assignment Title: Assignment 1 – Internet of Things

Issue Date:

Submission Date:

Internal Verifier Name:


Submission Format:

Format: This assignment is an Individual assignment and specifically including 1 document:

You must use font Calibri size 12, set number of the pages and use multiple line spacing at
1.3. Margins must be: left: 1.25 cm; right: 1 cm; top: 1 cm and bottom: 1 cm. The reference
follows Harvard referencing system. The recommended word limit is 2.000-2.500 words.
You will not be penalized for exceeding the total word limit. The cover page of the report
has to be the Assignment front sheet 1.
Submission Students are compulsory to submit the assignment in due date and in a way requested by
the Tutors. The form of submission will be a soft copy posted on
Note: The Assignment must be your own work, and not copied by or from another student or from
books etc. If you use ideas, quotes or data (such as diagrams) from books, journals or other sources, you
must reference your sources, using the Harvard style. Make sure that you know how to reference
properly, and that understand the guidelines on plagiarism. If you do not, you definitely get fail

Unit Learning Outcomes:

LO1 Analyse what aspects of IoT are necessary and appropriate when designing software applications
LO2 Outline a plan for an appropriate IoT application using common architecture, frameworks, tools, hardware
and APIs
LO3 Develop an IoT application using any combination of hardware, software, data, platforms and services.
LO4 Evaluate your IoT application and detail the problem your IoT application solves, the potential impact on
people, business, society and the end user and the problems it might encounter when integrating into the wider
IoT ecosystem

Assignment Brief and Guidance:

You currently work as a product developer for a new startup where you design IoT products for the
consumer, corporate, government and defence clients. As part of your role your manager has tasked you
to plan and develop a new IoT product, service or application for a potential client. You are required to
identify a target user and conduct tests with this user and include this feedback into multiple iterative
versions of your product.

Part 1 (Assignment 1): For the first part, you must:

 Plan an IoT application for a specific target end user and the tests you intend to conduct with this
user. This plan will be in the form of a document and will include supporting evidence and
material, such as user personas and customer journey maps.
 Create multiple iterations of your application and modify each iteration with enhancements
gathered from user feedback and experimentation. This will follow the pathway outlined in your
plan.(log book,)

Part 2 (Assignment 2): For the first part, you must:

 Show evidence about Developed IoT application using any combination of hardware, software,
data, platforms and services (video or images of your IoT system with code snippet)
 Evaluate your IoT application and detail the problem your IoT application solves, the potential
impact on people, business, society and the end user and the problems it might encounter when
integrating into the wider IoT ecosystem
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Pass Merit Distinction

LO1 Analyse what aspects of IoT are necessary and appropriate when designing software

P1 Explore various forms of M1 Evaluate the impact of D1 Evaluate specific forms of

IoT functionality. common IoT architecture, IoT architecture and justify their
frameworks, tools, hardware and usage when designing software
APIs in the software development applications.
P2 Review standard
architecture, frameworks,
tools, hardware and APIs
available for use in IoT M2 Evaluate the impact of
development. common IoT architecture,
frameworks, tools, hardware and
APIs in IoT security.

LO2 Outline a plan for an appropriate IoT application using common architecture, frameworks,
tools, hardware and APIs

P3 Investigate architecture, M3 Select the most appropriate D2 Make multiple iterations plan
frameworks, tools, hardware IoT architecture, frameworks, of your IoT application and
and API techniques available tools, hardware and API modify each iteration to improve
to develop IoT applications. techniques to include in an your IoT application security.
application to solve this problem.
P4 Determine a specific
problem to solve using IoT. M4 Apply your selected
techniques to create an IoT
application development plan.
SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS......................................................................................................1-21
P1. EXPLORE VARIOUS FORMS OF IOT FUNCTIONALITY.......................................................1-5

1. Iot Definition............................................................................................................................................. 1

2. How Does Iot Work?.................................................................................................................................. 1-2

3. Functionally................................................................................................................................................2-3

4. Applications Of Iot..................................................................................................................................... 3-5


AVAILABLE FOR USE IN IOT DEVELOPMENT.......................................................................... 6-14

1. Iot StandardArchitecture...........................................................................................................................6-7
2. Ot Frameworks........................................................................................................................................... 8-9

3. IotTools...................................................................................................................................................... 10-11
4. Iot Hardware.............................................................................................................................................. 12
5. Iot Apis...................................................................................................................................................................... 13-14
1. Iot Architecture Development ..................................................................................................................15

2. Framework ................................................................................................................................................ 16-17

3. Tools .......................................................................................................................................................... 17-18

4. Hardware ................................................................................................................................................... 18-19

5. Apis .............................................................................................................................................................19-20

WORKS..................................................................................................................................... 21
1. Scenario......................................................................................................................................................21

REFERENCE............................................................................................................................... 22


1. IoT Definition.

- The internet of things, or IoT, is a network of interconnected computing devices, mechanical and
digital machinery, items, animals, or people with unique identifiers (UIDs) and the ability to send
data across a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer contact.

- A person implanted with a heart monitor, a farm animal implanted with a biochip transponder, a car
with built-in sensors to alert the driver when tire pressure is low, or any other natural or man-made
object that can be assigned an Internet Protocol (IP) address and can transfer data over a network are
examples of things in the internet of things.

- Organizations across multiple industries are increasingly leveraging IoT to run more efficiently,
better understand customers to provide better customer service, improve decision-making, and
increase business value.

2. How does IoT Work?

- An IoT ecosystem consists of web-enabled smart devices that use embedded systems such as
processors, sensors, and communication hardware to collect, transmit, and act on data from their
surroundings. Sensor data is exchanged between IoT devices by connecting to an IoT gateway or
other edge device, where it is either transferred to the cloud for analysis or examined locally. These
devices occasionally communicate with one another and act on the information they receive.

- The devices do the majority of the work without human intervention, though people may interact
with them to set them up, give them instructions, or view the data.

- The IoT applications that are implemented heavily influence the connection, networking, and
communication protocols used with these web-enabled devices.

- The Internet of Things (IoT) may also use artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to make
data collection easier and more dynamic.

3. Functionally.

3.1. Characteristic.

 Connectivity

- Connectivity is an important requirement of the IoT infrastructure. Things of IoT should be

connected to the IoT infrastructure. Anyone, anywhere, anytime can connect, this should be guaranteed
at all times. For example, connection between people through internet devices like mobile phones ,and
other gadgets, also connection between Internet devices such as routers, gateways, sensors, etc.

 Intelligence and Identity

- The extraction of knowledge from the generated data is very important. For example, a sensor
generates data, but that data will only be useful if it is interpreted properly. Each IoT device has a unique
identity. This identification is helpful in tracking the equipment and at times for querying its status.

 Scalability

- The number of elements connected to the IoT zone is increasing day by day. Hence, an IoT setup
should be capable of handling the massive expansion. The data generated as an outcome is enormous,
and it should be handled appropriately.

 Dynamic and Self-Adapting (Complexity)

- IoT devices should dynamically adapt themselves to the changing contexts and scenarios.
Assume a camera meant for the surveillance. It should be adaptable to work in different conditions and
different light situations (morning, afternoon, night).

 Architecture

- IoT architecture cannot be homogeneous in nature. It should be hybrid, supporting different

manufacturers ‘ products to function in the IoT network. IoT is not owned by anyone engineering branch.
IoT is a reality when multiple domains come together.

 Safety

- There is a danger of the sensitive personal details of the users getting compromised when all
his/her devices are connected to the internet. This can cause a loss to the user. Hence, data security is
the major challenge. Besides, the equipment involved is huge. IoT networks may also be at the risk.
Therefore, equipment safety is also critical.

 Self Configuring

- This is one of the most important characteristics of IoT. IoT devices are able to upgrade their
software in accordance with requirements with a minimum of user participation. Additionally, they can
set up the network, allowing for the addition of new devices to an already-existing network.

4. Applications of IoT

4.1. Internet of underwater things.

- The Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT) is defined as a global network of smart, linked
underwater devices that enables the monitoring of vast uncharted aquatic regions. The purpose of this
article is to look at how the IoUT can be used to learn about, exploit, and protect natural undersea

- The Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT) was first investigated in 2012, following the successful
implementation of IoT. IoUT refers to the application of IoT to our water bodies. The Internet of
Underwater Things (IoUT) is a network of interconnected smart underwater things. The goal of this
technology is to digitally connect all of the world's water bodies, including oceans, lakes, streams,
and rivers.

- Several smart underwater items, such as autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV), remotely
operated underwater vehicles (ROV), autonomous surface vehicles, and others, have been developed
in recent years. Because of these advancements, underwater wireless sensor networks have been
deployed and have proven to be a largely effective network system. The main components of this
network architecture are underwater sensors; the sensors used are nodes with acoustic modems.
These sensors are linked to smart devices underwater by nodes and send data such as water quality,
temperature, and pressure using acoustic modems. While this is an appealing promise, it cannot yet
be fully realized due to the challenges that IoUT faces.

4.2. Internet of Nano Things.

- The Internet of Nano Things is a rapidly evolving technology that has the potential to solve many of
the world's most pressing issues. It works in the same way that the Internet of Things does, but the
main difference is that it can connect nano components, which the Internet of Things cannot. As a
result, it ushers in a cutting-edge revolution in nanoscale electromagnetic communication domains.

- The Internet of nanothings (IoNT) is a platform for connecting various nanodevices across high-
speed networks. Using this technology, nanodevices can be combined with other modern
technologies such as cloud computing, big data, and machine learning.

- The Internet of Nano Things can be used to build a Body Sensor Network (BSN) that monitors any
patient's health and biological activities using in-body nano sensors. Patients and doctors can both

access the data collected by nanosensors on a wearable device. IoNT allows doctors and patients to
access vital health data in real time. Such data can be useful in preparing medical reports and
assessing the impact of various therapies on a patient.

- Nano sensors can be used to identify difficult-to-detect viruses. When such viruses or bacteria are
detected, nano sensors can alert doctors and patients, allowing healthcare professionals to make
informed treatment decisions. Using Nano sensors, healthcare practitioners may be able to detect
virus outbreaks such as the Nipah virus. Nanosensors could also be used to monitor the temperature
of living cells in the human body.


1. IoT standardarchitecture

1.1.IoT architecture

rapidly expanding. It operates in accordance with the many Internets of Things application areas for
which it was designed/developed. However, it lacks a standard defined working architecture thatis
rigidlyadheredtoglobally.ThearchitectureofIoTisdeterminedbyitsusefulnessand application
in various areas. Still, there is a fundamental process flow upon which IoT is constructed.

Sensing Layer: This layer contains sensors, actuators, and devices. These Sensors or Actuators
receive data(physical/environmentalcharacteristics),processit,andthentransmititacrossa
DAS oversees data aggregation and conversion (Collecting data and aggregating datathen
converting analog dataofsensorstodigitaldataetc.).Advancedgateways,whichprimarilylink
Sensornetworkstothe Internet,alsohandleseveralfundamentalgatewayfunctionssuchas
virusprotectionandfiltering,as wellasdecisionmaking based oninputteddata anddata
managementservices, amongothers.
Data processing Layer: This is the IoT ecosystem's processing unit. Data is evaluated and pre-
processed here before being sent to a data center, where it is accessible by software programs
known as business applications, where data is monitored and maintained, and subsequent actions
are planned. As a result, edge IT or edge analytics enters the picture.
centersor the cloud are data management stages where data is maintained and used by end-user
applications such as agriculture, health care, aerospace, farming, military, and so on.
1.2. Advantage and disadvantage of IoT architecture

1.2.1. Pros

Itcanhelpwithbetterhouseandcitycontrolviamobilephones.It improvessecurityand
provides personal safety. We save a lot of time by automating processes. Even though we arefar
awayfromouractuallocation,informationisfreelyavailableandconstantlyupdatedin real
time. Electric devices are connected directly and interact with a controller computer, such as a
mobile phone, leading in efficient power utilization. Consequently, no superfluous

1.2.2. Cons
Hackers may obtain access to the system and take sensitive data. Because we are
exploited. They are completely reliant on the internet and would be unable to function
People become ignorant because of their overuse of the Internet and technology because they
relyon smart devicesinstead of completing physical work, causing them tobecome lazy.
Unskilled individuals face a significant chance of job loss, which might result in

2. IoT frameworks

2.1. Definition

An IoT framework is a middleware layer that sits beneath one or more IoT applications and
provides a network-facing application interface through which peer framework nodes can
communicate. Frameworks frequently offer a variety of communication protocols and message
nodes, such ashardware-roots-of-trust.

The Internet of Things framework is a fundamental component of modern technology, with

applications in practically every industry. One of the most important uses of the Internet of Things is
the creation of smart homes.

The notion of the IoT framework is also used in the design of many physical items, such as
thermostats, electrical gadgets, security and alarm systems, and vending machines, among many

2.2. Common IoT frameworks

2.2.1. KAA IoT

Kaa IoT is one of the most powerful and feature-rich Open-Source Internet of Things Cloud
Platforms,allowinganybodytofreelyexecutetheirsmartproductdesigns.Onthisplatform, you
interoperability.Bysupplyingandinstallingremotedevices,youmaymonitoryoursystemin real
time. Kaa facilitates data flow between networked devices, the IoT Cloud, information and
visualization systems, and other IoT Ecosystem components.

 Pros
 Personalized microservice architecture
 Technology choice is unrestricted, and implementation is simple.
 IoT protocols that are open
 Gateway is compatible with
 Versioning of applications
 based on opencomponents

 Cons

 ithasverylimitedprocessingpowersoitcan’tbeusedforprojectswhichneed

high processing like computer vision, speech recognition, deep learning etc.
 Fewer hardware modules are supported.
 Expensive price
2.2.2. Node RED
devices,services, andAPIs.Thisopen-source IoTframeworkoften wires innoveland distinct ways
that other open-source frameworks do not. Node-Red open source is based on Node.js and can
run on the Raspberry Pi as well as other 60,000 distinct modules.

 Pros

Node-RED,whichisbasedonNode.js,isatoolforprogrammingvisuallywithout having
towriteanycode.Ithasabrowser-basedfloweditorthatmakesitsimpletolink hardware
devices and APIs, making it a great tool for rapidly designing programs for IoT devices.

Itvisuallydisplaysrelationshipsandfunctionsandallowstheusertoprogram without
having to enter a language. Node-RED is a browser-based flow editor that allowsyouto
addanddeletenodesaswellaswirethemtogethertomakethem interact with one

 Cons

Despite the benefitsindicated above, using aNode RED flow as an orchestrator,and

function would have to wait for the orchestrated functions to complete

3. IoTtools

3.1. Definition
IoT Tools is anabbreviationforInternetof ThingsTools.It is a network or link of gadgets,
cars, equipment with embedded electronics, household appliances, and buildings, among other
things. This aids in the collection and exchange of many types of data. It also enables the user to
remotely operate the gadgets over a network.

IoT has seized the IT sector and isthe latest term in today's internet-driven society. It has
opened a plethora of newopportunities for firms and developersworkingon IoT.As aresult of
IoT app development, several amazing items have been created. Companies that provide Internet of

Thingssolutionsaredevelopinghardware andsoftwaredesignstoassistIoTdevelopersin developing

new and exceptional IoT devices and apps.

3.1. Pros and cons of several IoT tools

3.2.1. Tessel 2
It is used to create rudimentary Internet of Things prototypes and apps. It assists because to its
multiple modules and sensors. A developer may use the Tessel 2 board to get Ethernet, Wi- Fi, two
USB ports, a micro-USB port, 32MB of Flash, and 64MB of RAM. Cameras, accelerometers,
RFID, GPS, and other modules can also be incorporated.

 Pros

 Out-of-the-box support forNodeJS

 It supportsNode 4.xLTSoutoftheboxand doesnotrequire anyconfiguration.
 System of coprocessors
 A 580MHz MediaTek router-on-a-chip with an asynchronous 48MHz SAMD21
coprocessor for GPIO, ADC, I2C, SPI, PWM, and UART programming runs Linux and
user applicationcode.
 USB or Wi-Fi programming is possible.
 The method of installing software, whether in JavaScript, Python, or Rust, is

presented in the same way for USB and Wi-Fi connections.

 Simple to get started with

 The "Getting Started" experience in Tessel 2 involves just the installation of

Node.js and a single package (the CLI) via npm. Complete and up-to-date
walkthroughs for Linux, Mac, and Windows are available.

 Cons

 Thereislittlememory.RAMcapacityof64MB.Thisputsitmoreinlinewithan

Arduino-style board than a Raspberry Pi-level SBC.

3.2.2. Eclipse IoT

Eclipse is a computer programming integrated development environment. It has a base
workspace as well as an extendable plug-in framework for personalizing the environment.

 Pros
This tool or instrument enables users to create, adopt, and promote open source IoT
solutions.ItisideallysuitedforthedevelopmentofIoTdevices,Cloudplatforms,and gateways.
Eclipse provides support for several IoT-related projects. These projects includeopen-source
implementationsofIoTprotocols,applicationframeworksand services, and tools for the Lua
programming language, which is marketed as the finest programming language forIoT.

 Cons

BecauseitisaveryheavyIDE,dealingwithlow-endframeworksmaybeahurried task.
Itsstart-uptimeisexceedinglyslowandnecessitatesasignificantamountof handling
power.Furthermore,ifyouareanovice,youwillfinditquitedifficulttouse, and its
documentation is also inadequate.

It consumes memory and slows down the machine. The absence of a debugger for C++ is
a shortcoming. There is no plugin available for the live server.

4. IoT hardware

4.1. Definition
endeavour,andthetechnologicalcapabilitiesoftheseboardshaveonlygrowninimportanceas the
InternetofThingshasevolved.However,becausetotheoverwhelmingamountofdesign boards
andmodulesintheroom,selectingthecorrectIoThardwareforaprojectmightbedifficult. Inthis
post,we'lllookatseveralcomponentsofIoThardwareandhowthesedevicesconnectwith the

4.2. Several components of IoT hardware


Sensors are the most important piece of hardware in IoT applications since they collect data
from their surroundings. Power management modules, RF, energy, and sensor modules are all part of
these systems. An RF module manages communication from Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, transceiver, BAW, and

A microcontroller is a single-chip integrated circuit device dedicated to performing a specific task
and operating an application. This includes programmable peripherals, a memory unit, and a CPU.
Microcontrollersareprimarilydevelopedforembeddedapplicationsandarecommonly employedin
remotelycontrolledelectronicequipmentsuchascellphones,washingmachines, microwaves, and

Other Internet of Things hardware

IoThardware includes smart wearable gadgetssuch as smartmemory, glasses,rings,and shoes.

AspartofanIoTnetwork,smartgadgetsenableustoaccessmoreofthematerialand resources we
like, as well as establish a new way to cooperation. Desktops, mobile phones, and tabletshavebecome
typicalcommandcantersandwill continuetobeavitalelementofIoT applications. Other network
distribution equipment, including as switches, hubs, and routers, play an important role in IoT

5. IoT APIs

5.1. Definition

The application program (or programming) interface, or API, is perhaps what truly binds the
"things"ofthe"internetofthings"together.IoTAPIsare thepointsofcontact betweenanIoT
becausetheyallowyoutosecurelyexposeconnecteddevicestoconsumers,go-to-market channels,
and other applications in your IT infrastructure," says API management provider Axway.

5.2. Challenges and opportunities of IoT APIs

5.2.1. Challenges
APIs, according to Mahbubul Alam, CTO and CMO of Movimento Group, are part of one frequent
painissueheseesintheIoTecosystem:suppliersofferinga"allornothing"IoT solution,
regardlessofwhatelementsafirmmayalreadyhave-theirownsecurityand databases, for

Corporations frequently boast "open APIs," but this simply means that each IoT application
speaksitsownlanguage,to which companies must adapt – asopposed toopen-source APIs, which
provide moreinformation.

"APIs are producing a genuine pain point, which is not being fully open and thinking about how
we can mix and match and provide the client the greatest choice.

5.2.2. Opportunities

For starters, the industry is likely to expand significantly as more businesses use IoT. There
are currently multiple platforms for consumer and industrial IoT, and this fragmentation
has ramifications for interoperability and the size of IoT installations.

According to Michael Starsinic, technical track senior manager at InterDigital, this

typesof devicesandverticalapplications.Heemphasizedtheneedofstandardization,
notingthat thereispresent,continuingworktostandardizeIoTAPIsevenwhileother
sectionsofthe ecosystemcontinuetousetheirownAPIversionsinthelackofan
overarchingcommon strategy.

According to Vikram Saksena of NetScout's CTO office, which monitors IoT projects once
they are pushed out, there is opportunity for service providers in these early days of IoT. "This
that oneof thethingsthat service providersmaybring isthroughbreakingdown silos."

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1. IoT architecture development
1.1. IoT Architecture with Three Layers (Tiers)
While a whole end-to-end IoT architecture is comprised of several bits, this design reduces it to
three key building elements [3]:
➢ Sensors, actuators, and edge devices that interact with the environment comprise the
perception layer.
➢ Network Layer — Discovers, connects, and translates devices across a network, working in
tandem with the application layer.
➢ Application Layer — Data processing and storage that provides consumers with customized
services and capabilities.

A physical or perceptual IoT layer is made up of devices, which often contain sensors, actuators, and
other smart devices. These are the "Things" in the Internet of Things. In turn, devices interface with and
interact with the cloud through wire or localized Radio Frequency (RF) networks. Typically, this is
accomplished using gateways. IoT devices are frequently considered to be at the "edge" of the IoT network
and are referred to as "edge nodes." When choosing a device, consider the needs for specific I/O protocols
and potential delay, wired or RF connections, power, durability, and overall sensitivity. It's vital to figure
just how much device flexibility your architecture needs.
IoT Gateways are critical middlemen that act as messengers and translators between the cloud and
clusters of smart devices. They are physical devices or software programs that often run from the field near
edge sensors and other devices. Large IoT systems may employ a slew of gateways to service many edge
nodes. They can perform a variety of functions, but their primary job is to normalize, link, and transport
data between the physical device layer and the cloud. Every data that travels between the cloud and the
physical device layer must pass via a gateway. IoT gateways are sometimes known as "intelligent gateways"
or "control tiers."
The application layer is the Cloud. It connects with the gateway through wired or cellular internet.
The "Cloud" might be anything from AWS or Google Cloud services to server farms or even a company's on
premises remote server. It offers strong servers and databases that allow sophisticated IoT applications
and combine features like data storage, big data processing, filtering, analytics, 3rd party APIs, business
logic, alarms, monitoring, and user interfaces. The "Cloud" is also used to control, configure, and trigger
events at the gateway and, eventually, the edge devices in a Three Layer IoT Architecture.

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2. Framework
2.1. Google Cloud Platform – Internet of Things framework
Google is capable of accomplishing tasks. With its end-to-end platform, Google Cloud is one
of the greatest IoT systems available today. Google distinguishes themselves from the competition
by being able to process enormous amounts of data utilizing Cloud IoT Core.
It's a simple fact that corporations prefer their competitors' IoT products over Google's.
Element of this is likely due to Amazon and Microsoft having larger cloud client bases, and another
part is that Google isn't as well-known to companies. Instead, corporations may regard Google as a
social media firm, which is correct in terms of income.

Google's IoT technical tools are excellent, but the packaging of their IoT services differs
sufficiently from competitors that prospective purchasers may struggle to determine what's
required and how to utilize it.
• Processing of IoT Events
Google's proprietary ASIC (Edge TPU) was created to enable AI forward staging for latency sensitive
applications. The ASIC is open to device manufacturers, but Google has partnered with Coral to supply a
choice of edge controllers that use the chip. Other edge elements can be used for local event processing by
employing one of the devices linked IoT protocols or by establishing a bespoke link to Cloud Pub/Sub,
Google's message/event ingestion service.
In Google's IoT paradigm, Cloud Pub/Sub is the on-ramp for all event processing. It converts
messages and events into a generic publish/subscribe format, allowing any Google Cloud or Cloud IoT
application, as well as user applications, to subscribe to event flows and receive IoT messages based on
their requirements. Cloud Pub/Sub is a framework for ensuring event delivery, event steering, and even
features that ensure all events are properly handled. It also offers security/compliance capabilities that
make developing compliant IoT apps easier.
Cloud Pub/Sub is a Google Cloud service that is used to link devices using the controlled Cloud IoT
Core Service’s Protocol Bridge element. As a result, IoT apps that do not use Cloud IoT Core for whatever
reason can still connect to the rest of Google's IoT-friendly cloud services, such as analytics. A Pub/Sub Lite
version is also available if complex processing skills are less critical than inexpensive cost.
• Analytics for IoT
The Cloud Pub/Sub interface connects events to any of Google's analytics products (Cloud Dataflow,
Big Query, Cloud Bigtable, Machine Learning, and Google Data Studio), as well as third party analytics or AI
apps that can use Cloud Pub/Sub. Google also provides a diverse variety of tools and apps that make use of

Page 16
artificial intelligence and machine learning. These are accessible to IoT apps but are not directly connected
with Google's IoT products.
While Google offers certain digital twin solutions at the business process level (for example, its new
Supply Chain Digital Twin), it has not yet provided digital twinning of IoT apps or IoT infrastructure. As with
edge computing, Google may rely on third-party connections to provide a larger digital twin IoT application
architecture, albeit this has not yet been published.

3. Tools
3.1. Arduino
Arduino is a computer technology business established in Italy that creates interactive items and
microcontroller boards. It is an open-source prototyping platform that provides IoT hardware as well as
software. Interactive electronics can benefit from hardware standards, and software includes the
Integrated Development Environment (IDE). It is the most popular IDE among all IoT development tools.
This platform is basic and straightforward to use.
In comparison to other microcontroller systems, Arduino boards are comparatively affordable. The
cheapest Arduino module may be constructed by hand, and even pre-made Arduino modules cost less than
Cross-platform - The Arduino Software (IDE) is available for Windows, Macintosh OSX, and Linux.
Most microcontroller systems are only compatible with Windows.

Simple, straightforward programming environment - The Arduino Software (IDE) is simple enough
for novices to use while yet being versatile enough for expert users to benefit from. It's convenient for

Page 17
teachers since it's based on the Processing programming environment, so students who learn to code in
that environment will be familiar with how the Arduino IDE works.
Open source and extendable software - The Arduino software is provided as open-source tools,
allowing skilled programmers to extend it. The language may be expanded using C++ libraries, and those
interested in the technical intricacies can switch from Arduino to the AVR C programming language on
which it is based. Similarly, if you choose, you may incorporate AVR-C code straight into your Arduino
Open source and extendable hardware - The Arduino board plans are given under a Creative
Commons license, allowing skilled circuit designers to create their own version of the module, expanding,
and upgrading it. Even unskilled users may construct the breadboard version of the module to learn how it
works and save money.
4. Hardware
4.1 Arduino Uno R3
The Arduino Uno R3 is a microcontroller board that is powered by a detachable dual-inline package
(DIP) ATmega328 AVR microprocessor. It features a total of 20 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be
used as PWM outputs and 6 can be used as analogue inputs). It may be programmed using the simple
Arduino computer software.
The FTDI USB-to-serial driver chip is absent from the Uno, as is the case with all previous boards.
Instead, it has an ATmega16U2 that has been programmed as a USB-to-serial converter. This extra
microcontroller comes with its own USB bootloader, allowing experienced users to reprogram it.

4.2 Keypad

The buttons on the keyboard are arranged in line and column. 3x4 keyboard has 4 rows and
3 columns and 4x4 keyboard has 4 rows and 4 columns: 3x4 and 4x4 keyboard

Under each key is a switch. Each switch in a row is connected to other switches in the row by
a electrical link below the gasket. Each switch in a column is connected in the same way - one side of

Page 18
the switch is connected to all other switches in that column with an electrical path. Each row and
column are given a single leg, with all 8 legs for 4x4 keyboard:

When a button is pressed, the switch will be closed between a column and a line of
electricity, allowing the current to run between a column leg and a line.

4x4 keyboard diagram shows how the rows and columns are connected:

Arduino discovered which buttons were pressed by detecting a pound and column that was
connected to the button.

5. APIs
5.1. Advantage
In the case of IoT devices, effective administration and handling can allow developers to choose
which API to use and when to withdraw access. App and IoT device developers can provide single or many
connection requirements. Continuous API monitoring is an important part of the process since it allows for
the early discovery of any unanticipated flaws or failure chances. It offers a clear picture of the value and
application of APIs in IoT.

Page 19
Deeper insights into the API developer experience may be gained by comparing the standard
experience and delivering an end-user experience to identify shortcomings. IoT programming that
necessitates the deployment of an emergency API is fully supported since it provides information on API
scalability and use quotas.
IoT programming that necessitates the usage of an emergency API is fully supported, since it
provides information on API scalability, use quotas, and throttling.API version changes are now easier than
ever, with strong management standards being maintained when new version updates are made available
on a timely basis.
5.2. Disadvantage
There are two types of issues that must be handled:
• Everyone must adhere to the most recent OAuth requirements. This has shown to be the
simplest, most secure, and dependable method for consumers to communicate their data with
another system via APIs. Most large corporations have done this, but it must be done universally.
The OAuth standard is not used by the great majority of APIs.
Pulling data from a device becomes considerably more challenging in the absence of a common
OAuth implementation. When you attempt to connect to such APIs, the connection can quickly break,
especially if there are changes, such as when a user changes his or her password. The interruption of
service reduces the simplicity of use for the person attempting to turn it on.
• Obtaining reporting APIs as opposed to basic data APIs. Base data APIs enable you to retrieve
data, but if you want metrics or measurements, you must replicate the algorithms on your end to acquire
the statistics you want. With reporting APIs, which are required for most use cases, you may ask queries
and get the answer immediately away.
For example, if I wanted to retrieve all my sales from the previous year using a base data API, I
would have to acquire all of the data from that year and then add the figures to get what I wanted. With a
reporting API, I could request the year's sales and it would automatically provide the total for the year.

Page 20
1. Scenario
Parts for today families want to be more convenient and can support themselves the best things
with technologies, a supply system. The ability to help protect and support families with KEYPAD .First of all,
the unlocking with a password will help us quickly open the door and can help open electrical appliances
indoors quickly. As we can see. Therefore, the problem of security is essential. The birth of Smart Home is
the solution to this problem. For this reason, I decided to develop one. The system can help houses can use
utilities at affordable costs. As long as the quality of life is better, I will develop a full system
of the system of resistance to environmental health. However, this system will provide more. Technology in
the future.

Page 21
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