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A Dissertation Report

“Dissertation Topic”

Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of

The degree


Master of Laws


Student Name

Enrolment No.

Under the Guidance and Supervision of

Mentor Name


Oriental School of Law


I .........................., Student of Master of laws ,LL.M(Criminal laws) II Semester Session

2018-19 Enrolment No. ............... declare that the dissertation topic entitled
“........................................................................” is selected by own choice for the partial ful-
filment of Master of laws (LL.M.) under the guidance of ............................ The contents or
any part of dissertation has not been submitted/published in any other university or institu-
tion for any degree. I will be sole responsible for the contents and parts of dissertation.

Date Signature of Student


This is to certify that the dissertation entitled

“...........................................................................” is a product of the research work (disserta-
tion) done by .............................. Semester II Enrolment No............................ , Session
2020-21.under my guidance for the Partial fulfillment for degree of Master of laws, LL.M
(Branch Name)

The contents or any part of dissertation has not been submitted /Published in any other uni-
versity or institution for any degree as per declaration made by student.

He bears good moral character.

I wish every success in her life.

Date Signature of Supervisor


It gives me immense pleasure and a sense of gratitude to acknowledge the able assistance
and guidance of my research supervisor ..............................., Assistant Professor, Oriental
School of law, also the faculty of the Law department, because of whose guidance and spar-
ing of valuable time, I was able to complete my research work. Her helping nature had been
a source of inspiration for me to devote all my efforts to complete the same.

I am grateful to Librarian, head of Computer Lab and staff of university for their assistance
and support in preparing this dissertation.

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