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1.Informarion security is:

d. Provision of confidentiality, integrity and availability

2. A word, number, or phrase that must be known to encrypt or decrypt a message:

cryptographic key

3There are threats of information like:

b. spyware f.virus

4. Find biometric data which used for execution of users’ identification/authentication:

b. finger prints 

d. eye retina and cornea

5. Audit, encryption, digital signature, digital envelop are

b. the ways of securing information 

c. the ways of protecting data 

e.methods and procedures of securing

6. By using electronic signature, you can:

a. obtain government services 

d. carry out the treatment in a virtual foster public authorities, but also the Republic

7. A set of program instructions that attaches itself to a file, reproduces itself, and spreads to
other files:
a. computer virus

8. Malware includes:

d. viruses 

e. spyware

9. Types of computer viruses

c. Trojans horses 

d. Email viruses 

10. Method transforms a message in such a way that its contents are hidden from
unauthorized readers. It is designed to keep messages secret:
a. Encryption

11. The antivirus programs are: 

c. Kaspersky Lab e. DrWeb 
12. A measure which confirms the user identity is:

e. Authentication

13. The process of verifying the identity of a user in an IT system is:

b. Identification

14. The virus is embedded in executable files and is activated when it is launched. It is

c. File virus

15. The terms refer to any computer program designed to surreptitiously enter a computer,
gain unauthorized access to data, or disrupt normal processing operations

e. malware 

f. malicious software

1.WWW stands for:


2. These are HTML text formatting tags

d.strong, <i> <b>

3. Image tag properties

a. SRC , width, height.

4. Table tag properties:

bgcolor, background, border color dark

5.The Internet provider is:

the organization provider of Internet services

6.Two incorrect tags of HTML listing:


7.All browsers use a computer-network protocol called:


8. Web browsers allow us:

to view  Web page

9.Web address is:

Uniform resource locator, URL

10. A Web page is “written” in a formatting language called:

Hyper Text Markup Language, HTML

11. Internet Service Provider (ISP) enables people:

to connect to Internet, to surf  Web, to publish Web pages

12.The first global computer network had a name


13. A set of specifications for creating documents that a browser can display as a Web page.
They are called a markup language because authors mark up documents by inserting
special instructions, called tags:


14. A collection of related information organized and formatted so it can be accessed using
software called a browser. Examples are  HowStuffWorks, CNN, ESPN, and Wikipedia:

Web Site

15. An Internet-based computer that accepts requests from browsers. It collect the requested
information and transmit it back in a format that the browser can display in the form of a
Web page:

WEb server

16. A client software that displays Web page elements and handles links between pages.
Examples are Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari:

Web browther

17. Examples of IP-address:,

18. Basic types of sites: 

Informative sites, Corporate sites

19. The tags of HTML are:

<title>, <table>

20.Choose the most popular CMS (content management system) software: 

Drupal, Joomla

1.Cloud technology ….

is the electronic storage of your data on the Internet, which allows you to store, edit
and  share interesting files, documents to your friends and partners 
2.Cloud-Computing service models are

c. Platform as a Service 

d. Software as a Service 

3.General properties of Cloud-Computing

b. Elasticity  a. On demand self-service

4.The main models of cloud computing:

c. Software as a service, platform as a service,  Infrastructure as a service

5.Basic principles of mobile technology :

e. IP telephony; voice calls; video telephony; audio/video streams (video, photography,
TV); mobile office; web-browsing; services associated with the location of the subscriber
(navigation in an unfamiliar place), guidebooks and maps, security); games; mobile e-
Commerce (search and selection of products, services, payment products)

6.The access point to mobile cloud computing happens:

e. through a browser, if mobile phone has access to the Internet 

7.A company interested in cloud computing is looking for a provider who offers a set of
basic services such as virtual server provisioning and ondemand storage that can be
combined into a platform for deploying and running customized applications. Find the
type of cloud computing model fits these requirements:

e. Infrastructure as a service 

8.One service does not refer to the cloud infrastructure of Amazon Web Services

c. Amazon Back-Office 

9.Choose from the following which can be identified as cloud:

f. Hadoop 

10.An infrastructure where both the data storage and processing happens outside the
mobile device:

g. Mobile Cloud Computing

11.A face to cloud computing which helps toguardagainst down time and determines
b. Service level agreements 

12.Type of computing provides access to information, applications, communications,

and storage over the internet:

e. Cloud 

13.A company is considering a cloud environment to improve the operating efficiency

for their data and applications. The company is part of an industry where strict security
and data privacy issues are of the highest importance. Choose the type of cloud which
would be a good choice:
d. Private cloud

14.Cloud computing
d. is a technology of distributed data processing in which computer resources and
capacity are provided to the user as Internet service. If to explain in accessible language,
that is Yours, in a sense, the working platform on the Internet, but rather on a remote

15.Three models of representing the cloud computing resources:

c. Private cloud 

d. Hybrid cloud 

e. Public cloud 

16.Mobile technologies development includes:

d. 1G (First generation) 

e. 2G(Second generation) 

17.There are Cloud computing proprietary models:

d. private cloud 

e. public cloud 

f. community cloud 

18.Cloud computing users are:

e. Web Services for connections 

19.Infrastucture  as a Service
e. The consumer provides the means for data processing, storage, networks and other
fundamental computing resources where the consumer can deploy and run arbitrary
software, including operating systems and applications.TV); 

20.Find a cloud platform by Amazon:

b. AWS 

21.An electronic document consisting of slides:

b. Multimedia presentation 

22.Using a custom animation effect, how do you make text appear on a slide letter by

a. Apply an entrance effect, and then set it to By letter in the Effect Options dialog box 

23.Multimedia applications that allow users to directly respond to and control all of the
media elements:

e. Interactive multimedia 

24.Types of computer graphics:

d. raster graphics 

e. fractal graphics 

25.The types of video editing are:

a. Hybrid editing 

b. Nonlinear editing 

d. Linear editing 
26.Main features of digital video:
b. resolution
e. frame rate 

27.The diagonal distance between colored dots on a display screen. Measured in

millimeters, dot pitch helps to determine the quality of an image displayed on a
b. Dot per inch (dpi) 

28.Graphic Editors perform the following functions:

d. Formation of any image and movement of figures and letters 

e. Controlling the size of shapes and fonts 

29.Computer Graphics Types are:

b. Vector Graphics; Raster Graphics

e. 3D Graphics; Fractal Graphics 

30.Specify video file formats:

a. .avi 

e. .mpeg-4 

31.Specify sound file formats:

a. .mp3 
d. .wav 

32.Elements of multimedia presentations:

b. The illustrations of the image 

d. Video/audio 

33.Specify graphics file formats:

b. .tiff 

d. .jpg 

34.Classification multimedia tools (applications) include:

c. Digital sound 

d. Computer graphics 

e. Multimedia gallery 

35.Computer programs for creating, editing, and manipulating images, some types
include paint software and drawing software

d. Graphics software 

36.“Smart city” uses the main factors such as:

a. environmental friendliness 

c. Safety 

d. economy 

37.The abbreviation SMART first introduced:

e. Piter Druker in 1954 

38.What is a telemedicine?

b. Something that gives people access to the expertise of specialties in urban hospitals
through the use of multimedia and computer networks 

39.The first end-user Internet of thing(IoT) objects:

d. ATMs 

40.Internet of things is in fact

a. the ability of people and things to remotely interact via the Internet at any time and
in any place

e. the ability of people and things to remotely interact via the Interne

41.Replacement of a human expert with artificial intelligence systems can:

a. speed up the working process and reduce the cost of production

42.The following words compose the abbreviation of SMART technology, besides one

f. Available 

43.A string of data blocks, where each block is connected with the previous is:

b. Blockchain

44.A collection of huge amount of data:

d.Big data

45.An area of computer science that emphasizes the creation of machines that work
and react like humans:

Artificial Intelligence

46.Technologies that allow sensors, databases and wireless access to collaboratively

sense, adapt, and provide for users within the environment:

d. Smart technology 

47.Artificial Intelligent
d. science and technology for creating intelligent machines, especially intelligent
computer programs

48.A distributed database that maintains a continuously-growing list of records called


c. Blockchain

49.The main criteria of SMART :

a. Realistic 

50.An urban area that uses different types of electronic data collection sensors to supply
information which is used to manage assets and resources efficiently

b. Smart city 

51.Embedded by UNESCO Free Software big project (Linux- product) for distance
education is:

c. Moodle

52.A learning system through computer and electronic technologies:

b. E-learning 

53.Legal guarantee of the authorship of the electronic document, and special paper with
protective sign which guarantees the authenticity of the document:

e. Digital Signature. 
54.The range of products available online continues to grow and people are increasingly
more confident buying online using some web sites.

d. Amazon, e-Bay b. Alibaba

55.E-business is:
b. a form of business transaction where the interaction of the parties is carried out
electronically; via computers, exchange of electronic documents 

56.This popular  online payment  service is owned by eBay:

b. PayPal 

57.E-business type which allows to focus on the target groups and creates a positive
image of a product or a company:

e. E-Marketing 

58.E-commerce is beneficial for the

a. optimization of sales processes - procurement of products (goods). 

c. possibility of increasing the number of buyers without increasing the costs of their
f. reducing the cost of negotiating sales conditions - purchases between buyers and

59.The basic models of interaction between the subjects of e-commerce:


60.Implementation of trade and delivery activities through the Internet:

e. e-trade

61.The application of information and communication technologies in support of all the

activities of enterprises:

c. E-business 

62.E-business type, which gives to customers an access accounts and perform various
financial transactions using a simple website:

e. E-banking 

63.E-business. The business model C2C stands for:

e. Consumer  to Consumer 

64.Public service that is a government system, the system of interaction between the
authorities themselves, with citizens and enterprises using information technologies

65.Learning Management Systems allow teachers to

place learning materials on LMS platform, control attendance of the  students, assess 
students’ works via assignments and quizzes

16.The term typically refers to business transactions that are conducted electronically
over a computer network:
a. e-commerce 

17.Technology for managing all your company's relationships and interactions with
customers and potential customers:

d. Customer relationship management (CRM) 

18.E-business. The business model B2B stands for:

b. Business to Business

19.A model of selling goods and services by a consumer to other consumers is:

c. Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C) 

20.E-learning is:
b. a learning system using information and electronic technologies 

1.Popular search sites are:

Google            , Yahoo, Microsoft Bing

2.A category of software that includes accounting, money management, and tax
preparation software:

a. Accounting software 

3.The software example of Audio editors:

c. Adobe Audition 

e. Sony Sound Forge 

4.The specific purpose for desktop publishing system application software:

d. electronic imposition of newspapers, magazines, books, brochures 

5.The most popular spreadsheets include products such as:

c. Microsoft Excel; Lotus Notes; Quattro Pro 

6.Options that are true about database administrators:

They create databases, data entry forms, and reports., Analyzes a company’s data to
determine the most effective way to collect and store it.

7.The software example of Video editors:

b. Sony Vegas Pro 

c. Adobe Premiere Pro 

8.The most popular spreadsheets editors are:

c. Quattro Pro 

d. MS Excel 

e. Lotus Notes 

9.Most popular Social Networks

Facebook, Instagram

10.The specific purpose for video editors application software:

d. creating and editing three-dimensional graphics film and film editing 

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