Cost Benefit Analysis L5
Cost Benefit Analysis L5
Cost Benefit Analysis L5
• Public projects usually span across multiple years
• For a proper comparison, we discount future benefits or costs by presenting everything in
terms of their present value
• Aggregate the present value of all costs and benefits and propose a project with highest
net present value
• Discounting is the process of computing present value of a future amount
• FV = PV (1 + i) n
• PV = FV /(1+i) n
E = aggregate.
Net benefit in year t = Bt - Ct
NSB = net social benefits
Diagram showing PVs on timeline generated from costs and benefits. Different approaches
illustrated - should get same answer from both.
Even though income doubles cannot buy double the amount of goods, comparing nominal to
real values = how much you can really buy with your income.
Convert nominal to real need a deflator.
Prices of basket of goods and services = prices change over time.
What income you need next year to buy the same basket of goods - ratio of the two incomes
is deflator.
Substitute for less expensive goods when there is inflation - substitution effect
CPI does not take into account consumers change their basket of goods
When prices increase - go to other supermarkets with discounts - discount stores effect.
Basket itself changes over the years - quality of products increase for instance - safer
products - new products such as phones and ipads everyone uses now.
Diagram X axis real discount rate Y axis NPV showing IRR points as real discount rate
increases NPV decreases - negative slope - cost at t=0 benefits come after.
As the discount rate increases - give less weight to the worth of the project.
At IRR you are indifferent between taking the project or not.
Specific case: