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Case Analysis

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Rudy Paragas and Frankie Taguinod own success despite having different

were classmates during their elementary school circumstances. This case study aims to have a
days at the Santiago Central School.  Rudy’s deeper understanding of these two individuals
father was a merchant occupying a small stall in and dwells on their characteristics, analysis of
the public market.  Frankie’s father was a their personality, and overall analysis of their
certified public accountant.  situations. The goal of this case is to carefully
Frankie was the better student and he analyze the given case to reflect on their
got better grades than Rudy even when they situation to garner new reflections and
were already in high school at La Sallette.  Both understandings of certain behaviors human
became drummers in the high school drum and beings possess. Through our analysis of the
bugle corps with Frankie handling the snare given case, we aim to utilize these new
drum and Rudy the tom-tom.  Frankie was a reflections and knowledge to develop a better
platoon leader in the high school corps of cadets understanding of personalities and individual
while Rudy was a private. behavior.
Later, Frankie enrolled in the accounting
course at the University of Santo Tomas while DISCUSSIONS
Rudy took the business management course at 1. What would you tell Frankie if he shared his
the University of the East.  Rudy was not happy thoughts with you?
with college schoolwork and he found it hard to
cope with.  He quit during his second year.  I would explain to Frankie that financial
Frankie got his college degree with flying colors success in life is determined not solely by
and became a CPA like his father.  He decided academic ability or intellectual prowess, but by
to go back to Santiago to practice his profession, how an individual uses his/her skills and
By then, however, Rudy was already well expertise to one’s full potential in the business
entrenched in his business of palay trading. field where income is not limited. I will show
Rudy became so successful that he was him the possible ways on why Rudy is
able to diversify into other businesses like financially successful despite being a non-degree
trucking and wholesale distribution of soft holder. 
drinks and vegetables.  Because of their
friendship, it was inevitable that Rudy would According to the Law of Individual
become a client of Frankie. Differences, everyone is different. Every
One afternoon, Frankie was enjoying his individual differs in skills, abilities, behavior,
siesta in his veranda; he could not help but think and personalities. Some may be better in certain
of the financial success of his friend.  Frankie aspects than others. In Frankie’s case, he seems
was a millionaire in his own right but Rudy was to be book smart and an academically-inclined
already joining the billionaire’s league.  Frankie individual. Rudy, on the other hand, is street-
could not believe that a college dropout would smart and is intelligent in practicality and
be richer than him. experience. Frankie’s success is not an indicator
that he is better than Rudy. Both Rudy and
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Frankie are successful in their own ways. Being
academically successful is not the only key to
The purpose of this case study is to success. You can also be successful if you have
evaluate the given situation guided by questions the courage to take risks, the wits to survive the
that would help us analyze the situation which challenges, and the patience to go on–which are
relates to the concepts in the subject of Human the characteristics that Rudy has. 
Behavior in Organizations. The given situation
in this case is assessed mainly on the topics of Everyone has their intellectual ability,
Individual Behavior, Values, and Personality. which can be learned in school or adapted
The case focuses on two individuals named through their observations in their environment.
Frankie and Rudy and it elaborates on their In Frankie's case, he has a cognitive intelligence
journey in their lives as a means to garner their
where he has a mental ability to understand life and also has the ability to devise effective
complex ideas and rational thinking. He has a ways of getting things done.
numerical reasoning ability which a Certified
Public Accountant must possess. He also Aside from that, they share common
excelled in class in their high school years and personalities and characteristics such as being
studied at the University of Santo Tomas which hardworking, passionate, and determined to
was known as a prestigious and high-quality achieve their goals. Both have high
educational institution. On the other hand, Rudy conscientiousness as they show self-discipline,
has a practical intelligence where he can find a striving for competence and achievement.
more optimal fit between himself and the However, they differ in their ways that Frankie
demands of the environment. He is optimistic values education and obtaining a CPA title as a
and a risk-taker because he quit his education career goal, whereas Rudy is a risk-taker who
and instead decided to build a business, be self- stopped his education to pursue a path of self-
employed and expand his business to other employment and struggles to make it grow. This
businesses. means that Rudy is more open to new
experiences compared to Frankie whose life is
It is understandable that Frankie would already planned out. Rudy may not be a man
react with the success of his friend as it is innate with prospering intellect, but he is a man who
for people to believe that being an academic knows how to boost his full knowledge using his
achiever determines the fate of a person’s physical abilities. It does not indicate that
success. Rudy is not known to be an because Rudy is a dropout, he could not attain
academically-inclined student but that is not a success. Rudy may simply have something that
basis on his current status in life. We should let induces him to be where he is now. They both
go of that impression that a person’s past excel in their respective fields independently in
determines his or her future. We should take their success and career.
note that determination and hard work, despite
the struggles, are also determinants of FINDINGS
someone’s success.

2. In what ways are their personalities similar 1. From this case, we can see that every
and different?   individual has different traits and
succeeds in their respective fields. With
Frankie and Rudy are socially-active this, we can tell that academic
individuals who desire to be involved in various achievement is not the only key to
organizations. Frankie and Rudy are both success. It also takes courage,
members of drum and bugle corps, but they play perseverance, patience and risk to
different instruments. They are also officers in succeed. Therefore, we must not
the corps of cadets, but their roles differ. They underestimate and judge any individual
are both participative in their school's for failing or dropping out from
organizations, but their positions are different as school/university.
they vary on their abilities and skills. For their 2. We found out that Frankie and Rudy
abilities, Frankie is academically intellectual. He shared some characteristics which both
has the ability to understand complex ideas and helped them to succeed in their
analyze information to make valid and accurate respective fields.
judgment, and can perform basic mathematical 3. The study tries to demonstrate that
operations quickly and accurately. On the other nurturing our abilities and skills to the
hand, Rudy is street-smart and intelligent in extent in making risk decisions can
practicality and experience. He has the ability to possibly lead to our desired goals, but it
adapt and solve practical problems of everyday requires the characteristic of being goal-
Gloria, still single, was hired by the
company and is currently the recruitment
supervisor in the human resources department. 
CONCLUSION She was ordered to analyze them and prepare a
shortlist of ten names who will be interviewed
In conclusion, the case study discussed by the committee headed by the manager of the
the individual differences in abilities and skills human resource department.
of each individual where every human being is Gloria took a good look at the
unique and has varying abilities in different requirements of the vacant position which
fields. One can excel academically, but others consists of the following: 21-26 years old,
can also excel in the practical world, where they graduate of B.S. in Computer Science and a
learn through their experience and environment. resident of Manila.
Furthermore, everyone has a unique personality, Gloria found out that 30 of the
with both positive and negative aspects. applicants did not meet the requirements so their
Personalities with high conscientiousness help applications were set aside.  Still, Gloria
us grow and learn, otherwise the opposite has needs to eliminate 10 more.  She was in a
negative consequences. A person who does not quandary and she could not make up her mind
hold a degree does not rule out the possibility of on who would be eliminated. 
success, because success also requires As Gloria was shuffling the resumes,
capabilities, hard work, perseverance, and she noticed one with a name similar to her ex-
determination. boyfriend's.  She said to herself " I don't want to
work with someone who has this name," and she
RECOMMENDATIONS took out the resume and set it aside.  She has
nine more names to go.
The following recommendations are being Next, she noticed that 5 applicants
presented below: graduated from the university where his
1. Based on the findings, Frankie must boyfriend is an alumnus.  She set aside the 5
think that every individual has unique resumes.  With the last 4, she agonized in trying
abilities, skills and personalities- we all to find a reason for weeding them out. 
have strengths and weaknesses (Law of Nevertheless, she found the answer. Four of the
Individual Differences). applicants were graduates of colleges located in
2. We must also learn not to judge a person the provinces.  In no time, her list of ten names
solely because of his/her failures is complete.
because some failures mean redirection
to something greater for that person. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
3. Achieving desired goals is risky and
time-consuming; we must not only have The purpose of this case study is to
intellectual intelligence but also hard assess the provided circumstance using
work, dedication and patience as we questions that will assist us in analyzing the
face the challenges that make us more issue in relation to the principles of the subject,
productive. Human Behavior in Organizations. The provided
situation in this case is primarily analyzed in the
area of organizational perceptions. The case
focuses mostly on an individual named Gloria
Miss Gloria Tadino was mildly Tadino and elaborates on her perceptual biases
surprised when she found 50 resumes on top of practiced in organizational activities, notably in
her desk.  The resumes are attachments to employment interviews. This case study seeks a
applications for a single job opening that was deeper understanding of this individual and
advertised in a newspaper a few days ago.  The focuses on their social perception, personality
position vacant is for an encoder.  analysis, and overall analysis of their situations.
The goal of this situation is for us to accurately
analyze the given case and reflect on the judgments that are often unfounded. It was
circumstance in order to gain new insights and absolutely wrong for her to reject certain
understandings of various perceptions and applicants from universities who had graduated
perceptual biases that people have. We hope to from local universities. These applicants could
use these new insights and realizations from our have been great assets for the company where
examination of the given instance to gain a they could have great strengths sharing their
better knowledge of perceptions, personality, highly significant skills and profound
and perceptual biases. knowledge for the betterment of the firm but
were discarded by Gloria due to her biases,
DISCUSSIONS possibly causing a negative impact on the
1.  Is there anything wrong with the manner the organization.
shortlist was prepared by Gloria?  Explain.
2.  What could have been done by Gloria to
In view of the facts presented, Ms. come up with the 10 names? 
Gloria Tadino's selection of applicants for the
short list exhibits significant prejudice. As a Ms. Gloria Tadino must be professional
recruitment supervisor in the Human Resource in dealing with her obligations, never sacrificing
Department, she is responsible for reviewing the standard of her performance or the
and evaluating applicants' resumes in company's operations. At first, she removed 30
accordance with the company's standards. As a applicants who did not satisfy the company's
result, she must disregard her perceptual biases. criteria of 21-26 years old, a B.S. in Computer
Gloria points out that the applicants share Science, and a Manila resident. However, it does
characteristics with her ex-boyfriend. She made not end there, Gloria must choose applicants
no mention of any additional qualities, skills, or based on their credibility, competence, and legal
abilities that these applicants might have standing, not on her interests, biases, and
possessed. Gloria Tadino has exhibited high feelings. The recruitment supervisor must
neuroticism and negative affectivity that clouded exhibit an objective personality when compiling
her judgment. Anything related to her ex- a list of applicants' resumes, free of bias,
boyfriend gave her unpleasant emotions which is discrimination, and stereotyping. Thus, the
why she acted in that manner in making the chosen applicants will be efficient and effective
short list. when hired because they were chosen based on
their abilities, skills, and the company's
Her stereotype on applicants with names requirements, which might give the organization
similar to her ex-boyfriend to the extent that she maximum growth and success.
rejected the application without a sufficient
review of the resume to give justice in choosing She could have observed the person-job
suitable applicants for the interview had no legal fit of these applicants weighing down the
or intellectual basis. When she chose not to strengths and weaknesses of all the applicants to
include an applicant with the same name and find the best people to take the position. If she
attended university with her ex-boyfriend, she has done this, we believe that it would truly have
exercised stereotyping even though there was no a positive impact, compiling the most capable
legal or factual justification for her decision.  workforce for the benefit of the organization.
In addition, she also has selective 3.  How can the 10 shortlisted applicants
perception, a type of perceptual bias through increase their chances of being accepted?
which she only focuses on one aspect without
considering other factors in selecting the best In that situation, Gloria was biased
application, such as applicants from province throughout the recruitment process, unfairly and
schools without knowing the education quality unjustly excluding some of the applicants to get
of that school, which leads to premature on her preferred short list, letting her emotions
take control over her at the time. Gloria should applicants were coming from. If they
have taken the right approach by establishing came from a prestigious university, they
boundaries between personal and professional have a high possibility of being
work matters and employing people who are accepted. Aside from that, one's
highly competent and skilled, based on the experience, skills and abilities also
company's criteria, and who are well fit at work matter in the application process. 
and could contribute to the company's success.
However, the 10 shortlisted applicants
might have a better chance of being hired if they
stand out from the crowd and match the CONCLUSION
company's job requirements. The applicants
must be well-aware of the way they dress, To summarize, the case study
behave, and speak during the interview. Their concentrated on perceptual biases, specifically
behaviors must impress their prospective stereotyping in the job recruitment process. It
employers by applying their knowledge about highlights the need of avoiding emotional or
proper etiquettes such as maintaining eye unreasonable judgment while picking the most
contact and being well-versed in answering capable applicants. As a human resource
questions from the authoritative figures assigned recruitment supervisor, we must be sensible in
during an interview. By such, the process of selecting the best applicants or judgments to
impression management is applied. Meanwhile, avoid future issues in the organization. It is not
the most suggested technique in order to gain the justifiable if we cannot select the best candidate
interviewer’s favorable impression is the self- just because of stereotypes. Stereotypes can be
promotion technique. It is where the applicant detrimental to us and our surroundings. We
publicizes himself as someone who has the cannot criticize someone based on their beliefs,
suitable characteristics of a worthy-to-hire culture, or family background because each
applicant. This allows other individuals, person is unique and possesses abilities that are
especially the employers, to recognize the unconnected to the group to which they belong.
applicants’ capabilities through his or her Finally, our work and personal life must be kept
achievements and past job experiences.  distinct in order to attain a more pleasant
atmosphere in the workplace.
1. From this case, we can tell how biased
Gloria is in choosing the shortlisted The following recommendations are being
applicants. She did not set aside her own presented below:
personal feelings while choosing the 1. We recommend that in the field of work,
best applicants for the job. She was also we must learn to set aside our personal
stereotyping while choosing the best feelings and be professional most
applicants. She showed discrimination especially when faced with a decision-
by neglecting graduates from a local making dilemma. 
institution 2. We recommend that every worker or
2. In the field of work, we must learn to working professional should follow the
set aside our personal feelings and be systematic process in decision making.
professional at work. In every decision 3. The credibility and educational
making we do, we must follow a background of a specific applicant in
systematic approach to arrive at an any field of work must be primarily
accurate and unbiased result.  considered rather than anything else. By
3. In the field of work, some Human eliminating applicants due to personal
Resource supervisors are usually biased grudges, it may greatly affect the
when it comes to the application company by losing potential highly-
process. One great factor in the skilled workers.  
application process is the university the

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