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Seismic Methods in Geothermal Water Resource Exploration

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Volume 2019, Article ID 3052806, 11 pages

Research Article
Seismic Methods in Geothermal Water Resource Exploration:
Case Study from Łódź Trough, Central Part of Poland

Tomasz Maćkowski , Anna Sowiżdżał , and Anna Wachowicz-Pyzik

Department of Fossil Fuels, Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environment Protection, AGH University of Science and Technology,
Al. A. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland

Correspondence should be addressed to Anna Wachowicz-Pyzik; amwachow@agh.edu.pl

Received 10 July 2018; Revised 16 October 2018; Accepted 5 November 2018; Published 31 March 2019

Guest Editor: Philippe Calcagno

Copyright © 2019 Tomasz Maćkowski et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.

The geothermal waters constitute a specific type of water resources, very important from the point of view of their thermal energy
potential. This potential, when utilized, supplies an ecological and renewable energy, which, after effective development, brings
many environmental, social, and industrial benefits. The key element of any geothermal investment is the proper location of
geothermal installation, which would guarantee the relevant hydrogeothermal parameters of the water intake. Hence, many
studies and analyses are carried out in order to characterize the reservoir parameters, including the integrated geophysical
methods. For decades, the geophysical surveys have been the trusty recognition methods of geological structure and
petrophysical parameters of rock formations. Thus, they are widely applied by petroleum industry in exploration of
conventional and unconventional (shale gas/oil, tight gas) hydrocarbon deposits. Advances in geophysical methods extended
their applicability to many other scientific and industrial branches as, e.g., the seismic survey used in studies of geothermal
aquifers. The following paper presents the opportunities provided by seismic methods applied to studies of geothermal resources
in the central Poland where the geothermal waters are reservoired in both the Lower Cretaceous and the Lower Jurassic
sedimentary successions. The presented results are obtained from a network of seismic profiles. An important advantage of the
seismic survey is that they may support the selection of an optimal location of geothermal investment and determination of the
geometry of geothermal aquifer. Furthermore, the application of geophysical methods can significantly contribute to the
reduction of estimation error of groundwater reservoir temperature.

1. Introduction in 1994 [1, 2]. Recently, 6 district heating plants, 10 health

resorts, and 13 recreation centers operate in Poland [3].
Studies on conditions within the geothermal aquifers have They are mostly located in the area of the Polish Low-
been carried out in Poland since the 1980s, when the regional lands, which appears to be the largest domestic geothermal
studies have been initiated at the Institute of Fossil Fuels province (Figure 1).
of the Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environment The geothermal conditions in Poland are relatively well-
Protection, AGH University of Science and Technology, recognized at regional scale. The comprehensive information
in Kraków. The Research and Development (R&D) project about domestic geothermal resources is provided by the
was focused on utilization of geothermal waters from the series of geothermal atlases, which include the Polish Low-
Lower Jurassic reservoir in the Polish Lowlands and Meso- lands, the Carpathians, and the Carpathian Foredeep [5–9].
zoic and Paleogene-Neogene reservoirs in the Carpathians. These areas are favorable not only for utilization of hydro-
Together with the basic studies, dealing mostly with the geothermal resources, first of all for heat generation, but also
estimation of geothermal resources, the development pro- for balneotherapy, recreation, and other purposes. Generally,
jects were run. This resulted in the construction of first the geothermal waters in Poland are suitable for binary,
geothermal installation in Poland, in the Podhale region, electricity, and heat generation systems [10], which indicates
2 Geofluids

16° 20° 24°

54° Po
ur 54°
Po Tr
ou Olsztyn y-
me gh Po
ran dle
Szczecin ian sie
Szczec Sw M
in ell on Białystok

gh Stargard oc

Pyrzyce e

Gorzów Ł
Tr ódź

Block ou



Poznań Warszawa


Fo Mszczonów





M Kalisz Poddębice

on Łódź

-S Cre lin

ud ta
eti ceo
c T us re e Pu
ug Su rou
de Wrocław


Sil Mon
k ly C

esia oc
Su Sw ross

Cre le Tro

n-C line
tace ugh




50° Kraków

Podhale Inner

16° 20° 24°

Boundaries of study area Inner Carpathians
Polish Lowlands Geothermal heating plants
Carpathians Foredeep Spas and balneological facilities
Outer Carpathians Recreation centers and swimming pools

Figure 1: Geological regional division of Poland without Cenozoic cover with location of geothermal installations (after [4], modified).

the utilization of low-temperature geothermal resources for geothermal reservoirs of most favorable high temperatures
electric power generation. This technology is recently unused show also the high TDS values, which make the efficiency
in Poland. In the last years, the research projects have been lower [5, 13].
run, concerning the utilization of hot, dry rock (HDR) For many years, the seismic survey has been widely
energy potential using the enhanced geothermal systems applied to recognition of geological structure of the bedrocks
(EGS) [11]. and to exploration of conventional and unconventional
The obvious profits resulting from operation of the hydrocarbon accumulations (shale gas/oil and tight gas).
existing geothermal installations together with promising In the case of geothermal energy utilization, the possible
results of many R&D projects do not stimulate the progress application of geophysical methods not only in the explo-
in geothermal energy utilization, which is still rather low in ration of geothermal reservoirs but also directly for the
Poland. This is the joint effect of high capital costs and purposes of geothermics is important [12, 14, 15]. The
competitiveness of other resources of renewable energy. seismic methods can be successfully used in verification
The high costs are incurred mostly by drilling of new wells of potential geothermal reservoirs, providing the credible
or reconstruction and adaptation of the existing wells. seismic image of exploration targets. However, the costs
Moreover, the important negative factor is the high geolog- of comprehensive seismic survey are high, which strongly
ical risk incurred by the potential investor. Taking into limits their applicability.
account the previous experience, it is obvious that many The seismic survey is still rather rarely applied in Polish
interesting geothermal projects have not been implemented Geothermal research. Before 2001, only one such project
due to geological risk related to the first well drilling and was completed when the Skoczów-Wadowice-Sucha 2D seis-
other hydrogeothermal conditions than expected in the mic survey was extended for additional profiles, thanks to the
project [12]. agreement between the petroleum industry and the Institute
From the investor’s point of view, the crucial parameters of Fossil Fuels, AGH University of Science and Technology,
controlling the economic effectiveness of geothermal invest- signed in 1987. The results of these studies were then
ments are as follows: the temperature and the discharge used in positioning of the Biały Dunajec PAN-1, Poronin
dependent on petrophysical properties of reservoir rocks. PAN-1, and Nowy Targ PIG-1 wells located in Carpathians,
Also, the content of total dissolved solids (TDS), which southernmost Poland. Later on, in the years 2001–2002, one
increases with the depth of groundwater horizons and of the Polish geophysical companies completed the seismic
directly affecting the drilling costs is important. The higher survey for the Geotermia Podhalańska Co.—the operator of
TDS increases the viscosity of reservoir fluids, which a geothermal heat plant in the Podhale region [16]. Some
deteriorates the productivity of the system and, indirectly, seismic and magnetotelluric surveys were run for geothermal
triggers some other negative phenomena such as, e.g., clog- purposes in the Polish Lowlands (central Poland, [17]) and in
ging of the wellbore walls. Unfortunately, the deep-seated the Sudetes [18].
Geofluids 3

In order to reduce the costs of field seismic survey, the several to a dozen of m3/h (never exceeding 60 m3/h), which
reprocessing of archival seismic data is commonly applied. brings development problems of geothermal resources
Such datasets originating from hydrocarbon exploration utilized for heating purposes [12].
projects [16] were widely used in various R&D studies The studies were carried out in the central part of the
recently run in Poland (see, e.g., [5–9]). Polish Lowlands. The research area has been located in the
Considering the progress in available interpretation Łódź Trough, between Kalisz and Konin towns (Figure 1).
software, the more detailed reprocessing of archival data is Apart from the aforementioned Podhale region, the central
possible even if quality of source data is low. The reinterpre- part of the Polish Lowlands is the most prospective area
tation not only provides the new information about geologi- for large-scale utilization of geothermal waters in Poland.
cal setting of the project area but also enables the researchers Recently, the geothermal installations operate in nearby
to obtain more accurate geometry of the reservoir and more Uniejów and Poddębice, where geothermal heating plants
detailed image of its heterogeneity (location of faults, uncon- were constructed.
formities, etc.). Particularly valuable for potential investors is In Poddębice, the construction of geothermal district
the opportunity of evaluation of geothermal parameters from heating plant was commissioned in 2012. Geothermal aquifer
the results of seismic survey, which reduces high geological is hosted by the Lower Cretaceous sandstones at the depth
risk of the investment [19]. 1.95–2.06 km b.g.l. The geothermal district heating (geoDH)
of 10 MWth geothermal capacity is based on 68°C water
1.1. Low-Temperature Geothermal Resources in Poland. In (maximum ca. 250 m3/h, TDS 0.4 g/L). Since 2014, the plant
Poland, the geothermal resources are accumulated in four supplies some public buildings, school, hospital (and its
main hydrogeothermal provinces: the Polish Lowlands, rehabilitation part), and several multifamily houses. Some
the Carpathians, the Carpathian Foredeep, and the Sudetes. part of water stream is sent to a swimming pool [3, 21].
Unfortunately, these are mostly the low-temperature In Uniejów, the geoDH has been operating since 2001.
resources of wellhead temperatures below 100°C. Geothermal aquifer is hosted by the Lower Cretaceous sand-
The Polish Lowlands is the largest hydrogeothermal stones at the depth 1.9–2.1 km b.g.l. The maximum discharge
province in Poland. The geothermal resources are hosted in from one production well is 33.4 L/s of 68°C water while TDS
the Mesozoic sedimentary formations, among which the are ca. 6–8 g/L. The exploitation system includes also two
most prospective are the Lower Jurassic and Lower Creta- injection wells. The total installed capacity of the plant is
ceous aquifers. Local accumulations are known also from 7.4 MWth including 3.2 MWth from geothermal, 1.8 MWth
the Middle/Upper Jurassic and the Triassic sedimentary from biomass boiler, and reserve 2.4 MWth from fuel oil peak
successions, but these formations show much lower geother- boilers. Since 2008, a part of geothermal water has been used
mal potential. This distribution of geothermal resources is in geothermal spa and recreation center “Termy Uniejów”
confirmed by parameters of currently operating geothermal for pools and curative treatments (ca. 8.4 L/s of 42°C water;
heating plants, which utilize the waters from the Lower ca. 1 MWth, 7.7 TJ). The center is also heated by geothermal
Jurassic (Pyrzyce, Stargard) and the Lower Cretaceous energy. Some amount of spent water (ca. 5.6 L/s, 28°C) is
(Uniejów, Mszczonów, and Poddębice) aquifers [1]. then used to heat up a lawn of football playground (ca.
The Podhale region is a “geothermal gemstone” in 1 MWth, 8.7 TJ) and walking paths. In 2012, Uniejów
Poland. Here, the oldest and the largest geothermal heating received a formal status of health resort thanks to curative
installation has been in operation since the 1990s. Geother- geothermal water [3, 21].
mal water is produced from three wells of permissible In 2015 in Konin, new borehole dedicated for geothermal
discharge of 960 m3/h at a temperature of 80–86°C. The purposes was made. The water temperature of the Lower
reservoir rocks are the Middle Triassic limestones and Jurassic aquifer confirmed very good thermal conditions
dolomites [3]. of the region like high temperature at the level of 95°C.
In the remaining part of the Carpathians, complicated Currently, the borehole is at the initial stage; the high effi-
geological settings result in low discharge of production wells ciency is expected [21]. Other towns in the region plan to
and in recharge problems of geothermal reservoirs, which utilize the geothermal resources [19].
increase the geological risk of location of geothermal installa-
tions. However, the premises to consider the geothermal 1.2. Geological Background. The research area is located in
investments exist in some areas (e.g., Wiśniowa). the Łódź Trough, which is a central part of the Polish Low-
The geological setting of the Carpathian Foredeep is less lands (Figure 1). The origin of the Łódź Trough, which
complicated. Here, the geothermal waters are reservoired is an asymmetric tectonic palaeoform, is ascribed to the
in both the Devonian and the Carboniferous carbonate Laramide transpression of the Polish Basin, which triggered
sequences (in the western part) and in the Middle Jurassic the inversional rearrangement of its axial part [22]. From
sandstones (in the eastern part), as well as in the Upper southwest, the Łódź Trough borders with the Fore-Sudetic
Jurassic carbonates and the Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian) Monocline and from northeast with the Mid-Polish Swell
sandstones (in the central part of the foredeep) [8, 20]. The (Figure 1). Tectonic character of its southwestern border is
highest potential discharges (over 200 m3/h) were deter- documented by a deep-rooted Poznań-Kalisz dislocation
mined just in the Cenomanian aquifer. This is a unique value zone and related the Mesozoic tectonic graben, which was
because in the most part of the foredeep and in most of its formed in the Late Triassic and at the Triassic/Jurassic turn
geothermal aquifers, the estimated discharges are from [23]. Moreover, locally tectonic character is manifested by
4 Geofluids

F2 Z1 M1
(m b.s.l.)
(a) 0 Q Q (b)
Pg + N
Temp. 25°C Cr3
400 TDS ~ 10 (g/L)
Cr1 Cr3
Temp. 40°C
800 J3 TDS ~ 10 (g/L)
1000 Cr1
1200 Temp. 40°C Temp. 55°C
TDS ~ 75 (g/L) J2 J3 TDS ~ 20 (g/L)
J1 Temp. 55°C
1600 TDS ~ 125 (g/L)
1800 J2
2000 T3
Temp. 85°C
2200 T3 TDS ~ 145 (g/L)

Q Quaternary Cr3 Upper Cretaceous J3 Upper Jurassic J1 Lower Jurassic

Pg + N Paleogene and Neogene Cr1 Lower Cretaceous J2 Middle Jurassic T3 Upper Triassic

Figure 2: Geological correlation of deep boreholes in the research area (along the green dotted line in Figure 3).

the deposition of the Lower Jurassic strata as documented strata. The southeastern part of the Łódź Trough forms a
thickness increase measured in the F2 well (Figure 2), located recharge zone of the Cretaceous aquifer whereas the opposite
in the marginal part of the graben. The sub-Cenozoic surface side of the trough is a discharge zone [5]. In the Łódź Trough,
of the Łódź Trough comprises both the Permian and the recharge proceeds from both the Mid-Polish Swell and
Mesozoic rocks. the Fore-Sudetic Monocline, as evidenced by the change of
The intensive subsidence in the Cretaceous of the groundwater chemistry, i.e., the TDS contents increasing
Łódź Trough manifested by significant thickness of the from the peripheries to the center of the structure [25, 28].
Cretaceous sediments, which attained the maximum value The TDS values for the Lower Cretaceous reservoirs
in Poland—3000 m in the vicinity of Turek town [24]. In range between 0 g/L and 100 g/L. In most of the Łódź Trough
the research area, thickness of the Cretaceous succession area, the TDS value is below 2 g/L but locally reaches over
varies from 379.5 m in the F2 well to over 1200 m in 100 g/L especially in the eastern part. For the Lower Jurassic
the M1 well (Figure 2). reservoirs, the TDS value is higher and ranges between 0
In the research area, the Cretaceous sediments in the top and 250 g/L, locally even above 270 g/L [12]. In the research
part of the sequence, lithology comprises mostly gaizes (F2 area, the TDS values for the Lower Cretaceous reservoirs
well) followed by limestones, marly limestones, and glauco- range between ca. 10 g/L in the F2 and Z1 wells and ca.
nitic limestones (Z1 well). In the bottom part of the succes- 20 g/L in the M1 well. For the Lower Jurassic, values are
sion, marls and fine-grained sandstones (Z1 well) with higher and increase from ca. 75 g/L in the F2 well up to ca.
limestones and sands (M1 well) are common. 145 g/L in the M1 well (Figure 2).
The Jurassic sediments in the central part of the Łódź The water temperature in the top of the Lower Creta-
Trough varies in thickness from 0.25 to over 3000 m [25]. ceous reservoir is quite high and ranges from 40°C in the
In the research area, the thickness of Jurassic succession marginal part up to ca. 70°C in the northeast of Konin town.
varies from 997 m in the M1 well to 1082 m in the F2 well. For the top of the Lower Jurassic aquifer, the water tempera-
In the research area, the Jurassic deposits begin with ture is higher and reaches over 100°C in the axial part of the
calcareous claystones, grey marls, grey limestones, and marly structure [12]. In the research area, the water temperature in
limestones (Z1 well) as well as fine-grained sandstones (F2 the top of the Lower Cretaceous aquifer ranges between
well). In the bottom part of the sequence, the Jurassic strata 25°C (F2 well) and 55°C (M1 well). For the top of the
is represented by sandstones and grey claystones interbedded Lower Jurassic reservoir, temperature values range between
with mudstones (Z1 and M1 wells). The Zechstein sequence 40°C (F2 well) and 85°C (M1 well) (Figure 2).
comprises four cyclothems: Werra (PZ1), Stassfurt (PZ2), The porosity values for majority of the Lower Cretaceous
Leine (PZ3), and Aller (PZ4). In the northern part of the reservoir in the Łódź Trough reach over 15%. The increase in
research area (vicinity of Turek town), the Zechstein rock porosity value is observed along the southern border of the
salts form the salt structure [26, 27]. The geothermal water trough and in the southern part reaching a maximum value
horizons in the research area (Lower Cretaceous and Lower at a level of 30%. Higher values are characterized by the
Jurassic horizons) are recharged mostly by the subcrops of Lower Jurassic deposits for which the porosity value achieves
the Cretaceous sediments directly beneath the Quaternary 20% in the predominating area of the trough. The maximum
Geofluids 5

value reaches 30% northeast of Konin town. The lowest 4280000 4290000 4300000 4310000 4320000 4320000 4330000

values around 10% characterize the southern part of the

trough, south of Łódź town [12, 21]. In the case of the

research area, the porosity of the Lower Cretaceous reservoir Konin
ranges from ca. 22% in the F2 well to 17% in the M1 well. In
the case of the Lower Jurassic, the values range from 15% in

the F2 well to 14% in the M1 well.
Petrophysical parameters of the Lower Cretaceous and
Lower Jurassic aquifers indicate high potential discharge of

wells in the area of Łódź Trough, which ranges from a few Turek
to over 400 m3/h for the Lower Cretaceous and from 50 to B

500 m3/h for the Lower Jurassic reservoirs. In the research M1

area, the potential discharge of wells in the Lower Cretaceous
aquifer reaches from about few to 50 m3/h, while in the Malanów

Lower Jurassic reservoir ranges from 50 to 100 m3/h [12]. Z1

1.3. Materials and Methods. The seismic survey run in the
research area comprised several projects, which have been A

run since the 1970s and have provided seismic sections of
highly variable data quality (Figure 3). In the 1970s, several
profiles have been completed, of general NW-SE and
SW-NE directions. The seismic signals were recorded with
24-channel end-on spread and significant offset, which 5730000

reduced the recording of waves reflected from shallow K1 Borehole Town 0 10 20 (km)
boundaries, particularly those in the Lower Cretaceous geo- Malanów Village Seismic profile
thermal aquifer. Seismic waves were generated by explosions
of dynamite charges with shot spacing 100 m and geophone Figure 3: Map of the research area with location of deep wells and
spacing 50 m. The later seismic projects were run in the seismic profiles (correlated deep wells, along the green dotted line,
1980s with the number of channels raised to 48 and with are shown in Figure 2; orange part of the profile is shown in
the shot spacing reduced to 50 m, which improved the Figure 4; red line profile is shown in Figure 5).
maximum fold to 24.
The archival seismic records from the years 1970s and The geological interpretation of all archival datasets
1980s showed very high levels of noise due to low folds required the reprocessing of the oldest records in order to
and poor seismic data processing methods. Many seismic adjust these seismic images to the newest profiles by increas-
sections revealed distortion of reflections; hence, the disloca- ing the vertical resolution of the sections and by elimination
tion zones cannot be discerned from fictitious deformations of the noise and the fictitious deformations of the reflections.
of reflections. Data processing was carried out using the scheme and
The low vertical resolution of seismic records causes the procedures well-known from the literature (see, e.g., [29]).
lack of the proper gradation of amplitudes related to the The seismic image was influenced mostly by the stacking
diversity of reflection coefficients. In an extremal case, too velocity analyses and the residual statics corrections. Many
low dominant frequency and too narrow band of elementary iterations were run in the stacking velocity analysis/residual
signal lead to the appearance of reflections which result from statics corrections cycle, which provided stable static solution
the interference of lateral signal oscillations, not from the and stacking velocity. Significant influence of residual statics
contrast of acoustic impedance. on seismic image appeared in the areas of tectonic distur-
The newest seismic surveys in the research area were bances and local velocity anomalies where remarkable
completed in the late 1990s, using the regular grid of profiles improvements were obtained in comparison to archival
with the split spread and 240 recording channels. The shot processing. Before stack, a typical preprocessing was per-
spacing was 50 m, the geophone spacing was 25 m, and the formed and spike deconvolution was applied in order to
fold was 60. Seismic waves were generated with the vibrators increase the resolution, followed by scaling of traces in a wide
using the frequency range 8–80 Hz. time gate. After stacking, the finite-difference time migration
The newest seismic sections provided high imaging was applied together with the spectral whitening and the
quality due to significant progress in data acquisition and procedures increasing the signal-to-noise ratio, as F-X
processing methodology. Hence, the stratigraphic interpreta- deconvolution and frequency filtration.
tions of the reflections became possible together with the The reprocessing resulted in significant improvement of
location of boundaries of geothermal aquifers and deep faults the oldest seismic profiles by elimination of noise, increase
cutting through the Zechstein and Mesozoic rocks [18, 19]. of vertical resolution, and correction of reflection continuity.
Improvement of data resolution disclosed the wedge pinch- The fictitious reflection deformations and the disruptions of
outs caused by disappearance of the Lower Cretaceous geo- reflections were rejected, which suggested the presence of
thermal aquifer in the southwestern part of the research area. dislocations in the Mesozoic and Zechstein complexes. The
6 Geofluids

seismic images were unified at the crossings of old (coming SW NE

from the 1980s) and newest (recorded in the 1990s) sections. 2T PS
900 800
However, the problem of reflection inconsistency at the (ms) M1
section crossings has remained unsolved, particularly in the
zones where data quality was deteriorated due to the presence
of the Jurassic carbonate reefs [18]. Cr2t
For detailed analysis of reservoir geometry, the seismic 700
profiles located in the research area were geologically inter-
preted. Interpretation includes the thickness and depth
diversification and identification of the occurrence and 800
direction of dislocations. J3p
Seismic methods also allow assessing the variability of J3km
petrophysical parameters of geothermal reservoirs, in par-
ticular the porosity value. For this purpose, the seismic 900
inversion procedures, on which the distribution of acoustic
impedance is estimated, are used [30]. For the weakly clayey J3o
sandstones and limestones, this basic seismic parameter
strongly correlates with porosity, which allows for a reliable 1000
assessment of it and further optimization of the water intake.
More advanced methods of seismic inversion (before stack)
determine the elastic impedance and are used to estimate 1100
the clayey degree, which allow to determination of the reser-
voir and the variability continuity of the permeability in
terms of quality [15, 31].
1.4. Geological Identification of Seismic Reflections. The
stratigraphic identification of seismic reflections in time
sections was based upon the stratigraphic interpretations of Tr3e
well-logs, the checkshot data, and the synthetic seismograms,
which were correlated with the true seismic traces at the well
sites (Figure 4) [32].
The most credible synthetic seismogram was prepared
for the newest M1 well spud in the central part of the research Figure 4: Correlation of synthetic seismogram (yellow trace) for M1
area. In this well, high-quality density (RHOB) and acoustic well with the true seismic section (red and black colour—negative
(DT) logs were recorded, which provided the basis for calcu- and positive true seismic reflections, respectively) in the Lower
lations of distribution of seismic reflection coefficient values. Cretaceous and Lower Jurassic geothermal reservoir intervals
(orange part of line in Figure 3). Explanations of seismic horizons:
Within the Upper Cretaceous succession, the high-
Cr2t: top of the Turonian; Cr1: top of the Lower Cretaceous; J3p:
amplitude reflections were absent from the synthetic seismo- top of the Portlandian; J3km: top of the Kimmeridgian; J3o: top of
gram and from the true seismic section. The first reflection the Oxfordian; J2: top of the Middle Jurassic; J1to: top of the Lower
with distinct positive amplitude was identified as the top Jurassic (Toarcian); T3re: top of the Triassic (Rhaetian).
surface of the Upper Albian strata located at in the bottom
part of the Upper Cretaceous succession, immediately above
the Lower Cretaceous sequence. The top surface of that reflections in the synthetic seismogram. Hence, their corre-
sequence (Cr1) correlates well with the negative amplitude lation is not problematic.
of an interfered reflection, similarly to the top surface of the The top surface of the Zechstein sequence is represented
Portlandian (J3p), which is correlated with the positive by weak reflection of negative amplitude located at the
amplitude. The top surface of the Oxfordian sequence is boundary of the Lower Triassic strata and the Youngest
marked by weak positive amplitude due to low contrast of Halite (Na4) of the PZ4/Aller cyclothem. This reflection is
acoustic impedance at the Kimmeridgian/Oxfordian (J3km/ poorly marked in the seismic record from the vicinity of
J3o) boundary. On the contrary, the boundary of the Upper the M1 well but is better visible towards the southwest, in
Jurassic carbonates and Middle Jurassic clastics (J2) is seismi- the zone of the F2 and Z1 wells. The bottom surface of the
cally distinct and recorded by reflection with negative peak. Zechstein (top of the Upper Rotliegend: P1) is marked by
The true Lower Jurassic (J1to) and Upper Triassic (T3re: negative reflection.
Rhaetian and T3k: Keuper) reflections show very low correla-
tion with the synthetic seismogram. This can be explained by 1.5. Time-Depth Conversion of Seismic Data. The key prob-
local deterioration of data quality beneath the Oxfordian lem of seismic data conversion from time to depth domain
reefs. The regional, marker seismic reflections related to the is the recognition and preparation of a model of propagation
top surfaces of the Middle Muschelkalk (T2m) and the velocity of seismic waves in the geological medium. Errors in
Middle Bunter Sandstone (T2p) quite well correspond to velocity estimations provide the erroneous estimations of
Geofluids 7

depth to particular layers, which, in turn, affect the planning the well site. Considering the domination of clastic rocks in
and the execution of drilling operations for the purposes of the Mesozoic complex, the velocities gradually increase
geothermal installations. towards the northeast with the increasing burial depth of
In the case of 2D seismic datasets, common problem is strata. In the northeastern part of the research area, velocities
the discrepancy of depths to particular reflectors at the decrease, which is caused by elevation of the Zechstein top
section crossings if the models are generated separately for surface driven by uplifting of a salt pillow.
specific seismic sections. This problem was solved by applica- In the Zechstein complex, the tomographic inversion
tion of 3D variant of velocity model construction for a set of solutions appeared to be too much generalized due to low
seismic profiles. vertical resolution of the method, and, thus, they did not
The insufficient number of well-log data precluded the reveal the local velocity changes referred to the zones of
elaboration of credible maps of average and interval seismic increased thickness of high-velocity PZ1 (Werra) anhydrites.
wave velocities from the checkshot data for the 3D model. Therefore, the construction of velocity distribution was
Moreover, the statistical dependences of the changes of based on the two-layer model, in which the Zechstein com-
interval velocities with the depth could not be determined plex was arbitrarily divided on seismic time sections into
in particular lithostratigraphic units. Hence, the solution of the upper layer where Zechstein rock-salt prevails interca-
the problem was sought using the velocities determined from lated by constantly thin anhydrite beds and the lower layer
the surface seismic surveys. At the stage of seismic data dominated by anhydrites. Basing on such distribution of
processing, these are the stacking velocity or the velocities thickness of the Zechstein layers in time domain, the inter-
determined from various seismic data inversions. Commonly val velocity map was calculated assuming the constant
used are two methods: the coherency inversion and the velocity values derived from well-logs: for the upper, salt-
tomographic inversion [33]. Although less credible than dominated layer, 4.42 m/s, and for the lower, anhydrite-
the inversion methods, the conversion of stacking velocity dominated one, 5.81 m/s.
to interval velocities using the Dix formula is popular [34]. The time-depth conversion of seismic time sections was
Unfortunately, the seismic inversion methods give ambig- performed by their simple multiplication by the values of
uous results and must be finally calibrated with the well- average velocities. The results of structural interpretation of
log data. seismic depth section located close to the wells are presented
In order to elaborate the model of seismic wave velocity in Figure 5. As the one result of seismic interpretation,
distribution in the Mesozoic complex, both the coherency thickness map was created. Thickness map of J2-T3k depth
and the tomographic inversions were performed for a interval in the research area is shown in Figure 6.
representative grid of seismic profiles. The anomalies were
eliminated at the sites of inferior seismic data quality, and 2. Discussion
the inversion solutions at the margins of the sections were
rejected. At the next processing step, the velocity values were Application of geophysical methods in hydrogeothermal
interpolated for a defined grid of seismic profiles within the practice can bring a number of benefits. The use of seismic
3D structural framework based upon the interpretation of methods is of particular importance for the good recognition
the marker seismic reflections. After the 3D interpolation, of local structures and therefore limits the errors of geother-
the smoothing of velocity distribution was applied. The mal water deposits assessment. The results of seismic inter-
smoothing parameters were especially selected in order to pretation allow specifying reservoir parameters such as, e.g.,
minimize the averaging degree and to eliminate the gener- depth to the top surface of the reservoir, its thickness, and
ation of fictitious seismic anomalies at the profile cross- porosity. Furthermore, precise determination of reservoir
ings. Additional advantage of application of the averaging geometry improves the results of estimating the temperature
filter was the generation of a field characterized by smooth of water within reservoirs. An important element of such
lateral diversity of seismic velocities, which enabled us to interpretation is also the ability to indicate deeply rooted
avoid the distortion of seismic horizons after depth conver- faults, which are, in some cases, the migration ways for
sion resulted from excessive velocity contrast, unjustified by geothermal water. Moreover, seismic data may support
geological conditions. the selection of areas optimal for future investments in
The observed fitting errors of seismic reflections after geothermal installations.
depth conversion to stratigraphic boundaries in the wells In the central part of Poland, analysis of seismic depth
confirm the well-known opinion that the seismic velocities sections enabled us to recognize the recharge zone of both
determined with both the tomographic and the coherency the Lower Cretaceous and Lower Jurassic geothermal sys-
inversion methods are overestimated in relation to well-log tems related to the tectonic graben and subcrops of the Upper
data. Larger differences (but not exceeding 6–7%) were Cretaceous, Lower Cretaceous, and Upper Jurassic rocks
obtained for velocities determined with the coherency inver- beneath the sub-Cenozoic surface in the southwestern part
sion than with the tomographic one. Hence, the final velocity of the research area (Figure 5). The tectonic graben is framed
model was based upon the results of tomographic inversion by major listric faults and associated dislocations, which
supported by calibration procedure adjusting the obtained displace the Zechstein and the Triassic beds and cease in
values to the well-log data [35]. After correction, the velocity the Lower Jurassic strata. The seismic sections do not provide
model retained the trend of changes of inversion-based evidence for dislocations penetrating the Middle and Upper
velocities but was also concordant with the well-log data at Jurassic and the Cretaceous deposits in the graben area and
8 Geofluids

SW F2 Z1 M1 NE
Projected from SE (1.5 (km))
1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200
0 0

1000 1000

2000 J2 2000


3000 3000

4000 4000

5000 P1 5000

6000 6000
0 2 (km)

Figure 5: Results of structural interpretation of seismic depth section located close to the wells (red line in Figure 3). Explanations of seismic
horizons: Cr1: bottom surface of the Upper Cretaceous/top surface of the Lower Cretaceous; J3p: bottom surface top of the Portlandian; J3o:
top surface of the Upper Jurassic (Oxfordian); J2: top surface of the Middle Jurassic; T3k: top surface of the Keuper; T2m: top surface of the
Muschelkalk; T2p: top surface of the Middle Bunter Sandstone; Na4-Z: top surface of the Zechstein; P1: bottom surface of the Zechstein/top
surface of the Lower Permian.

4280000 4290000 4300000 4310000 4320000 4330000 Thickness (m)





Turek 700


Z1 550

F2 500



Kalisz 350


0 10 20 (km)

Figure 6: Thickness map of J2-T3k depth interval corresponding to cumulative thickness of Rhaetian, Lower Jurassic, and Middle Jurassic.
Geofluids 9

in its vicinity. However, it cannot be excluded that these Considering similar depositional conditions in the whole
dislocations propagate upward, even into the Cenozoic syncline enveloping the salt structure, it is suggested that
complex, as minor faults of throws below the seismic the facies development and the reservoir parameters of
resolution. Unfortunately, deterioration of seismic data the Lower Jurassic sediments can be as favorable as those
quality in the shallow part of the section precludes their recognized in the M1 well.
recognition. The deeply rooted faults framing the graben,
related to the extensional tectonic events, are presumably 3. Conclusions
permeable and may provide migration pathways for brines
ascending from deeper horizons and increasing the TDS in The seismic surveys are applicable to the studies of geother-
the overlying geothermal aquifers. mal aquifers as their results may reduce the geological risk
The seismic surveys allowed for recognition of the inter- thanks to more detailed recognition of the aquifer geometry
nal structure of the graben. The thickness of the Zechstein and to reduction of estimation errors of reservoir tempera-
sequence is much reduced at the northeastern graben’s ture. The paper presents the results of the research project,
margin and increases towards the southwest. Moreover, which run in the research area located in the central part of
changes in thickness of the Lower Triassic are also evident, the Polish Lowlands (Łódź Trough). This region is a subject
which may be the effect of tectonic reduction observed in of interest of the investors due to high geothermal potential.
many wells in Poland. They penetrate the main faults The results of seismic surveys enabled us to
framing the Mesozoic tectonic grabens [36]. The increase of
sediment thickness within the graben is observed for the (1) Recognize the geological setting of the research
Keuper and Lower Jurassic sequences. Outside the graben, area including the identification of faults and salt
in the area between the F2 and Z1 wells, the Portlandian structures
sediments are absent and the Upper Kimmeridgian strata
are covered by thin sequence of Lower Cretaceous sedi- (2) Determine the depths and the thicknesses of geo-
ments, in which thickness and depth increase gradually thermal reservoirs
towards the northeast. Both the Kimmeridgian and the (3) Identify the recharge zone of the most prospective,
Oxfordian successions show more equal thicknesses but Lower Cretaceous and Lower Jurassic geothermal
are useless for geothermal resource development due to aquifers
poor reservoir properties.
In the northeastern part of the research area, the seismic The detailed conclusions of the study are as follows:
sections disclosed a well-marked Zechstein salt pillow,
so-called Turek pillow, and related suprasalt anticline, (1) The recharge zone is related to the tectonic graben
recorded in all interpreted seismic horizons (Figure 5) [37]. and to the subcrops of the Upper Cretaceous, Lower
Outside the tectonic graben, the T1+2p and T3p-T2m com- Cretaceous, and Upper Jurassic strata beneath the
plexes sandwiched between the Triassic marker reflectors sub-Cenozoic surface
do not show changes in thickness, which confirms the (2) The presence of faults framing the tectonic graben
opinion that the salt diapirism did not begin before the end may influence the parameters of geothermal waters
of Middle Muchelkalk deposition. In the culmination of the in shallower reservoirs, particularly their TDS,
salt anticline, the thickness of T3m-T3k complex is reduced because of mixing of the waters from various horizons
in relation to its northwestern limb. Hence, the initial salt
movements must have commenced as early as in the Keuper, (3) On the contrary to the Lower Cretaceous aquifer, the
which means that they were coeval with the tectonic episode estimation of reservoir parameters and thickness of
initiating the formation of the Mesozoic graben in the south- sandstones in the Lower Jurassic geothermal aquifer,
western part of the research area. using the seismic methods, is difficult and requires
The main stage of salt structure formation is recorded as the specialized studies of reservoir seismics; however,
diverse thickness of sedimentary successions sandwiched the analyses presented above allow us to suggest that
between the seismic horizons: T3k (top of the Keuper) and in the research area, the most favorable parameters
J2 (top of the Middle Jurassic) over the culmination of salt of the Lower Jurassic geothermal aquifer can be
anticline and its southwestern limb (Figure 5). Taking into expected along the axis of the syncline (east of
account the regional reduction of thickness of the Middle Malanów village), whereas for the Lower Cretaceous
Jurassic succession to 150 m, the thickness diversity of the aquifer, such good parameters can be expected in
whole complex refers to the Rhaetian and Lower Jurassic the northeastern part of the research area, over the
sequences that determine the age of salt diapirism. salt structure and further in the northeast direction
The map shows clear changes of thickness of the J2-T3k
interval, which contours the range of the salt structure Data Availability
(Figure 6). Over the culmination near Turek town, the thick-
ness of that interval is lower than 400 m, but it doubles “All data created during this research is openly available
towards the south to about 875 m. In that area, both the from the doctoral thesis under the title: Analysis of the
thickness and depth of the Lower Jurassic geothermal aquifer Carboniferous-Lower Permian Petroleum System in the
are the greatest, resulting in maximum water temperature. Context of Stratigraphic and Structural Traps Exploration
10 Geofluids

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