My Paper
My Paper
My Paper
Raad Dhahi ABDULLAH(1), Aouse Abdulwahid KHALAF(2), Goran DROBIC(3)
1: State Company of Electrical Production-North Region, 2: Sakarya University – ECE,
3: University of Belgrade -Electrical Engineering , ,3:
Abstract: Power quality improvement is very important aim especially in the grids that contains
nonlinear load because of the distortion caused by those loads. PV array systems may be utilized
to improve power quality due to the VSC which is the heart of PV system. VSC can be excited
according to load nature and PV real power quantity. In this paper a special technique proposed to
drive VSC transistors in such way ensures power quality improvement and real power utilization.
The proposed study based instantaneous analysis for load current and to estimate the VSC target
current and take in care the real power produced by PV array, finally the actual current produced
by the VSC is compared with the target current to obtain the error signal that will be used to drive
the VSC in the next cycle
Fossil fuels-based power has many drawbacks on environments because of that fuel residues such
as acid rain, warming, ozone layer problems, green-house gas [1]. Renewable energy sources
introduce as an environment friendly energy source. One drawback of the renewable energy
sources is the limited power that leads to maximum power tracking. Many maximum power point
tracking (MPPT) algorithms proposed and implemented to utilize the maximum power from
renewable energy sources [2].
Grid connected renewable energy system treated as a distributed generator (DG), which are
nowadays widely used in many nations. Main task of the DG is to compensate the growing demand
of electric power [3][4]. In grid connected PV system PV solar arrays connected to the grid though
voltage source converter (VSC) in the load connecting point (LCP). VSC is the heart of the system
which injects real power into the grid/load in LCP. PV and VCS connects to LCP to reduce coast
and complexity of the system. PV array connected to DC side of VSC, the PV source is a limited
power system, there is a probability to cause a ripple in DC link voltage. To overcome the ripple
in DC link voltage a suitable capacitor uses[5].
ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021
Design Engineering Issue: 7 | Pages: 4913- 4925
VSC utilizing depends on the control algorithm of its transistors. Control algorithm analyzes the
load current and calculates any components to be compensated. Also it may calculates grid current
components and voltage amplitude and phase[6]
In [3] the proposed system estimates grid reference current and excites VSC transistors to utilize
recursive digital filter that leads to improve power quality of the system and performs an efficient
DSTATCOM operation. Three advantages of recursive filters can be achieved : DC link voltage
adaptation in point of intersection (PIC), grid provides real power only to the load, while other
components compensates by the active filter, and system self-adjustment performs by control
To understand the proposed system operation, the system needs to be analyzed mathematically.
From Fourier analysis [7] apparent power explained in equation (1).
𝑆 2 = ∑∞ 2 2
𝑘=1,𝑛=1 𝑉𝑘 𝐼𝑛 (1)
𝑆 2 = 𝑃2 + 𝑄 2 + 𝐷 2 (2)
The fundamental component real power expressed in equation (3) and the other components power
expressed in equation (4).
𝑃1 = 𝑉1 𝐼1 cos 𝜃1 (3)
𝑃ℎ = ∑∞
𝑛=2 𝑉𝑛 𝐼𝑛 cos 𝜃𝑛 ,(n=2,3,4, ) (4)
Reactive power for all components expressed in equation (5), and distorted power components
expressed in equation (6).
𝑄 = ∑∞
𝑛=1 𝑉𝑛 𝐼𝑛 sin 𝜃𝑛 (n=1,2,3,- ) (5)
𝐷 = ∑∞
𝑘,𝑛 𝑉𝑘 𝐼𝑛 (k≠n), (6)
ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021
Design Engineering Issue: 7 | Pages: 4913- 4925
The multifunction VSC connected in the load connection point LCP therefore the voltage across
the three grid components is the same as shown in figure (1). To make the multifunction converter
compensates all load reactive and distorted power components in addition to PV real power
injection, the grid current can be expressed as in equation (7).
The (±) sign means that the grid may supplies or absorbs sine wave current which depends on the
real power generated by PV array and real power for fundamental component of load current. The
magnitude of grid current i.e., is the deference between fundamental component of load current
and the magnitude of the PV array current converted to sine wave form as explain in equation (8).
To estimate multifunction converter current, we need to illustrate an expression for the current, the
best way is to subtract grid current from load current as in equation (9).
Where 𝑖𝑃𝑉𝐶 is the multifunction PV VSC current to generated as aim current. Substitution of
equations (7 and 8) in equation (9) leads to equation (1) which is the based of our proposed system
𝑖𝑃𝑉𝐶 = ∑𝑛[ Î𝐿𝑛 cos(𝑛𝑤𝑡) + Î𝐿𝑛 sin(𝑛𝑤𝑡)] ( Î𝐿1 cos( 𝜃𝐿1 ) − Î𝑃𝑉 ) sin(𝑤𝑡) (10)
The system simulated using MATLAB/Simulink program. PV array type (SunPower SPR-305-
WHT) used in simulation which MATLAB model shown in figure (2).
ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021
Design Engineering Issue: 7 | Pages: 4913- 4925
PV array used in simulation consists of 6 series connected modules in 4 parallel strings. Power and
current curves with respect to voltage in case of multi-irradiance and multi temperatures shown in
figures (3&4) respectively.
ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021
Design Engineering Issue: 7 | Pages: 4913- 4925
The PV array block contains DC-DC converter and MPPT, perturb and observe P&O algorithm
used for MPPT. The algorithm flowchart shown in figure (6). The VSC control circuit block
diagram shown in figure (7) derived from equation (9). PWM modulation technique used to drive
VSC transistors. Modulated signal depends on load current and PV array power, the two
parameters randomly change.
ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021
Design Engineering Issue: 7 | Pages: 4913- 4925
Capacitor bank capacity depends on load type, it must be large enough to ensure reactive power
compensation and voltage ripple mitigation in DC-link voltage. Capacitor capacitance can be
calculated as in equation (10)[8].
𝐶𝑑𝑐 >= 2𝜋𝑓∆𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑉 (10)
𝑑𝑐 𝑑𝑐
Simulation results recorded for many cases depends on load nature and PV power generation:
A. Linear load in case of absence of irradiance, simulation result shown in figure (8).
FFT analysis for grid current in this case is shown in figure (9). In this case total harmonic
distortion THD is less than 5% as in IEEE-std-5191992-harmonic-limits standard[9].
Fig 9: FFT analysis for grid current (linear load & PPV=0)
ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021
Design Engineering Issue: 7 | Pages: 4913- 4925
In this case PV array produce real power but less than the real power of the load. Figure (10) shows
FFT for the grid current for this case.
Table (I) contains power components for this case. All quantities are in p.u. system and apparent
power of the load taken as a base for p.u system.
Waveforms for the system in this case shown in figure (11), FFT analysis for grid current and table
(II) contains power components for this case.
ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021
Design Engineering Issue: 7 | Pages: 4913- 4925
For this case system waveforms shown in figure (13), FFT analysis for load current shown in figure
(14), FFT analysis for grid current shown in figure (15) and power components illustrated in table
ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021
Design Engineering Issue: 7 | Pages: 4913- 4925
ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021
Design Engineering Issue: 7 | Pages: 4913- 4925
In this case PV array contributes in load real power demand, system waveforms shown in figure
(16), FFT analysis for grid shown in figure (17), and system power components illustrated in
table (IV).
Fig 17: FFT analysis for grid current nonlinear load PPV<PLoad
Table IV: Power components in case nonloinear load PPV < PLoad
ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021
Design Engineering Issue: 7 | Pages: 4913- 4925
System waveforms shown in figure (18) and grid current FFT analysis shown in figure (19).
System power components listed in table (V).
ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021
Design Engineering Issue: 7 | Pages: 4913- 4925
Fig 19: FFT for grid current in case nonlinear load PPV > PLoad
Proposed system simulation results lead to conclude that the system has good performance for all
types of loads and all cases of renewable energy generation. In all studied cases grid power is high
quality power since THD in all cases is less than 5% and power factor near unity in all cases.
Proposed method utilized VSC to perform three tasks in the same time: PV array power inversion,
load reactive compensation and distorted power component compensation.
Our study based on [10] where the proposed system in this paper was single phase grid connected
inverter. This system performs two tasks in day time (real power injection and reactive power
compensation) and one task in night time (reactive power compensation). The advantage or
modification in our proposed system includes two maters: once is that our proposed system
performs three tasks in day time (active filtration of load distorted power, reactive power
compensation, and real power inversion) while in night time it performs two tasks (active filtration
of load distorted power and reactive power compensation). Second modification is that our system
control system based on random pulse width modulation RPWM, that means the system not need
to pre-calculated load current to compensate it. In numerical form the improvement in the proposed
system with respect to the reference system may be written as:
Improvement in day time= (number of added tasks / total number of tasks) ×100%
= (1/3) ×100%
= 33.33%
Improvement in night time= (number of added tasks / total number of tasks) ×100%
= (1/2) ×100%
= 50%
ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021
Design Engineering Issue: 7 | Pages: 4913- 4925
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