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Chapter 3

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The study will utilize the grounded theory approach, a qualitative research technique, to

collect data. Grounded theory proposes that careful observation of the social world can lead to

the construction of theory (Rice & Ezzy, 1999). It will be an iterative and evolving process,

aiming to construct new theory from collected data that accounts for those data. It will also be

known as the "grounded theory method," although the terms will become interchangeable

(Bryant & Charmaz, 2007). A theory will be an explanation for something, such as how people

act or what they believe. As a result, in this study, the data will be gathered through interviews,

surveys, or observations. Grounded theory will allow for the development of theories that will be

based on what we will observe and hear, rather than just our thoughts about the topic.

The choice of using grounded theory as a research design for studying the common

marketing strategies used by the ABM students in promoting their small businesses will be based

on several reasons. First, this approach will be really helpful when looking at marketing

strategies used by ABM students, as they may be using new and creative ways to promote that

we haven't seen before. Second, grounded theory will also help us understand the experiences

and opinions of the respondents. Lastly, grounded theory will help us adjust our research as we

learn new things from it. This will be important because as we talk to more people and see more

action, we may learn new things that we didn't expect.

Another advantage of grounded theory will be that it will provide a deep understanding of

the experiences and perspective of the people being studied. In the case of ABM students, this

will be important because they may have unique insights and ideas they use to promote their

businesses. By using grounded theory, we can learn from their experiences and develop a theory
that accurately represents their perspectives. This approach will be adaptable and will enable the

theory to be improved when new data is gathered. By using grounded theory, it will be possible

to develop strategies and laws to support small businesses, especially those led by ABM

students, by having a thorough and accurate understanding of the promotional strategies

employed by ABM students.

To sum up, the grounded theory research design will be chosen for the study of marketing

strategies used by the ABM students because of its ability to generate a theory that will be based

on the experiences or perspectives of the participants.


The respondents in this research study are either Grade 11 or 12 ABM (Accountancy,

Business, and Management) students who have already experienced Mercato street selling. The

respondents are aged between 16 to 19 years old and are currently studying at ACT Bulacao

Campus. These students have participated in the Mercato street selling activity, which is an

immersion program designed to give them a real-life experience in running a small business.

These ABM students have already gained hands-on experience in marketing strategies

and promoting their small businesses during the Mercato street selling activity. They have

interacted with customers, conducted market research, and developed marketing plans to

promote their products.

Thus, these students are ideal respondents for this research study as they have practical

knowledge and experience in implementing marketing strategies in a real-world setting. Through

their insights and perspectives, this research study can gain valuable information on the common
marketing strategies used by ABM students in promoting their small businesses, which can

benefit future ABM students and aspiring entrepreneurs.


The researcher will use purposive sampling technique to gather data on the common

marketing strategies used by ABM students in promoting their small businesses. According to

the study of Alchemer (2021) Purposive sampling, also known as judgmental, selective, or

subjective sampling, is a form of non-probability sampling in which researchers rely on their

own judgment when choosing members of the population to participate in their surveys. In the

researcher’s case, they will be selecting ABM students who have experience in promoting their

small businesses, which is a specific characteristic they are interested in.

To begin with, the researcher will identify and recruit participants who have already

experienced promoting their small businesses through various marketing strategies, such as

social media marketing, email marketing, and word of mouth. The researcher will use purposive

sampling to target ABM students from the ACT Bulacao Campus who fit the criteria of having

experience in promoting their small businesses. The researcher will approach the participants

directly and ask them if they are willing to participate in the study.

The researcher decided that purposive sampling is suitable for the study because it

enables to choose individuals who have specific characteristics that are consistent with the

study's goals. The researcher will be able to get detailed insights and opinions from ABM

students who have already used a variety of marketing methods to promote their small

businesses. The researcher will be able to collect information from individuals who have
personal experience with the focus of the study, which will help to narrow the scope of the study

and make it more relevant to the research .


The interview guide is an important tool for learning about the marketing strategies used

by ABM students to promote their early-stage businesses. Each question is carefully prepared to

collect relevant information that may help in the creation of plans for improving marketing

strategy. The questions seek to explain the participants' experiences, opinions, and attitudes

toward promotional methods. The interview guide is well-equipped to lead to a better

understanding of the promotional techniques used by ABM students in promoting their small

businesses within ACT-Bulacao by asking questions about the motivation for starting their

businesses, the difficulties they have faced, and to what extent which marketing strategies have

affected the success of their businesses.


The data gathering procedure involves purposive sampling of ABM students who own

small businesses within the ACT-Bulacao campus. This sampling technique is used to select

participants who will provide valuable insights into the research topic. The researchers will select

students who are actively managing their small businesses and are willing to participate in the

study. Face-to-face interviews with each participant will be conducted to gather information

about their marketing strategies. Participants will be allowed to elaborate on their answers and

provide additional details. As a result, it is possible to gain greater understanding of the students'

business strategy and thinking processes. The process for collecting data seeks to collect accurate
and detailed information that will be used in data analysis to produce trustworthy and

commendable results.


After the collection of data from the surveys and interviews, the information will be

looked at, recorded, and split into groups according to the regular marketing techniques

employed by each participant. The common marketing techniques employed by the respondents

will also be considered into account when sorting the survey responses. The researchers will

further evaluate the effectiveness of every marketing tactics employed and identify the common

challenges that participants face when promoting their small businesses. To provide an answer to

the research question, the findings will be summarized and a conclusion will be reached. By

promoting their small businesses on the ACT-Bulacao campus, ABM students often use a variety

of marketing methods, which is why this study intends to gain a deeper knowledge of these

practices. The findings of the data analysis will be helpful in determining the most successful

marketing strategies and offer information that may improve the success of small businesses run

by ABM students.

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