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Week 5

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Unit Title Civil War

Subject US History Grade 8 Week of 5/1/23
/Historical Question Why did the North win?
and/or Theme
Day M T W R F

Lesson Topic/Title Perspectives of Slavery Spectrum Advantages of the Confederacy and the Union Comparison Table

Students will be able to identify and describe the

different perspectives on slavery, including the Students will know and compare the advantages of the Confederacy and
perspectives of abolitionists, pro-slavery the Union during the Civil War with regard to population, leadership, food,
advocates, and those who held more moderate transportation, and strategy.
or ambiguous views.

HSS Framework Chapter 12: The causes, course,

Content Standards HSS Framework Chapter 12: The causes, course, and Consequences of the
and Consequences of the Civil War – Why was
and ELA Common Civil War - How was the Civil War conducted militarily, politically,
there a Civil War?
Core State Standards economically, and culturally?
Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass, Hinton
Helper, William Lloyd Garrison, Abraham Vocabulary for this lesson include whichever battle that the student
Vocabulary Lincoln, John C. Calhoun, Grimke Sisters, James selects. They will have to create an infographic of the battle, pointing to
K. Paulding, George Fitzhugh key figures that were involved.

Lesson Intro Start them with an easy prompt: do you like The first informal assessment that I will use is a brainstorm activity. To
pickles, ask students to line up where they stand start, students will begin thinking about the lesson set’s essential
on the spectrum question, “why did the North win?” Additionally, this activity will help
students activate prior knowledge and will help me adjust the which
Helps them get use to what a spectrum is and topics need more focus. Students will come up with a list of answers, and
how the lesson is going to go. additional questions that they have about the essential question. For this
activity, I am not looking for right answers. My goal is to have students in
the correct mind space for the lesson’s activities and to gauge their
understanding of previous topics. This assessment will also be used as a
point of reflection in lesson 3’s informal assessment.

Tell students that there were multiple

Call on volunteers
perspectives on history and remind them of the
Brainstorm is very low risk, no right answers just thoughts at this point
presentations that they did last week. Explaining
minimizing threat, mastery-orientated it is all part of the process
how just because one person was born in the
Scaffolding questions, directing attention to certain points
South, doesn’t mean that they were
Write thoughts on the board and have students follow along
automatically pro-slavery, or how a Northerner
Review at the end of the class – having review is focusing on the process
is not automatically anti-slavery.
and improvement, not having the right answers all the time, learning
Content Delivery
I will then introduce students to what the
Using prior experience to guide their thoughts, multiple means of
activity is today and what they will be doing. I
will have chairs lined up to represent different
Make it personalized, students get to choose any topic, use basketball
parts of a spectrum with one side being totally
reference and tv show reference
opposes slavery (abolitionists) and the other
totally for slavery.

Students will come up with a list of answers, and additional questions that
Students will meet with their groups and decide they have about the essential question. For this activity, I am not looking
who their representative will be. The rest of the for right answers. My goal is to have students in the correct mind space for
students will sit in the audience and take notes. the lesson’s activities and to gauge their understanding of previous topics.
The representatives will take on the role of their This assessment will also be used as a point of reflection in lesson 3’s
historical figure and place themselves along the informal assessment.
Student Engagement Students will engage in a close reading of textbook excerpts and are
There will be a Canva template for them to use required to highlight compare and contrast signal words in yellow. To
that will allow them to plot each historical figure show evidence of close reading, students will also highlight key
on a digital spectrum. Each placement will have information in green. Once they have completed their close reading,
students including a 1 sentence reasoning for students will transfer the key information they highlighted onto a
why that person is placed where they are. comparison table graphic organizer. They will also use the information to
state which side had the advantage in each category.

Lesson Closure I will review the answers with the group and Students will reflect back to the first template and add to their previous
remind them that this is not the end all be all. thinking. Students will think-pair-share and I will guide discussion based
Each person’s views are nuanced, and it is not on the students’ responses.
realistic to box them into these categories.
Students will make sure that they have
something similar on their own documents, and
they will walk out knowing approximately
where these historical figures lie on the

The first informal assessment that I will use is a brainstorm activity. To

start, students will begin thinking about the lesson set’s essential
question, “why did the North win?” Additionally, this activity will help
students activate prior knowledge and will help me adjust the which
topics need more focus. Students will come up with a list of answers, and
additional questions that they have about the essential question. For this
activity, I am not looking for right answers. My goal is to have students in
Informal: I will look to see how students react to the correct mind space for the lesson’s activities and to gauge their
where they should go on the spectrum. If a understanding of previous topics. This assessment will also be used as a
student is lost and in the completely wrong side, point of reflection in lesson 3’s informal assessment.
that shows that that student may not know their
historical figure that well. The adverse is true, Students will engage in a close reading of textbook excerpts and are
where students who are placed in the right area, required to highlight compare and contrast signal words in yellow. To
Assessments have a good understanding of their person. show evidence of close reading, students will also highlight key
information in green. Once they have completed their close reading,
Formal: the Canva template that they submit, students will transfer the key information they highlighted onto a
which should have a completed spectrum comparison table graphic organizer. They will also use the information to
coupled with their reasonings, will let me know state which side had the advantage in each category.
if they have a solid grasp of the content.
Near the end of class and when students are finished are nearly finished, I
will review the answers for the chart with the class. Students will first be
asked what they had typed out into their tables before I reveal the correct
information. I will use equity sticks to see who will respond. All students
will assess their work and compare what they had typed out to the answer
key. When adding or correcting their tables, students will write the
changes made in red.

Accommodations for Students are placed in heterogenous groups that Heterogenous groups for collaborations, meaningful seating chart where
ELs and SSNs are mixed in a way where ELs and SSNs have there are different levels of proficiency, sentence frames, graphic
group partners of varying proficiency.

I will also be reviewing the information at the

organizers, digital versions of all the texts so text-to-speech is an option,
end, so that if any student missed information
modeling and scaffolding, Ways of customizing displayed information
during the class activity, there is time to catch up
and better understand the content.

Resources Canva, chairs Canva templates

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