Worlds Edge Wanderers Profile
Worlds Edge Wanderers Profile
Worlds Edge Wanderers Profile
Dwarfs were one of the very first races to play Blood 2400 A major Dwarf-Goblin underground war
Bowl, and the Worlds Edge Wanderers, like many breaks out. Fighting is particularly bad in
Dwarf teams, can trace their history to the early years Karak Azul, where the mines are invaded, the
of the game. They are notable for being one of the Miners’ stadium is destroyed, and the
first teams not to be formed from a Nuffle players wiped out in the fighting. Although
Worshipping sect, a template that soon became the the owners are sent into exile, they
norm. Despite being such an old team, their trophy stubbornly vow to keep the team playing.
cabinet is relatively bare; their recent poor form on They lead a nomadic existence, playing their
the field suggests that this situation won’t be games wherever they find a stadium and a
changing anytime soon. community of Dwarfs. It is at this point they
change their name to the Worlds Edge
2367 The elderly Roze-El visits an Iron Mine in Wanderers.
Karak Azul to spread the Nuffle’s word and
give a proselytising sermon. Truth be told, 2436 With the war over, the Wanderers finally
most of the miners couldn’t care less about return home to Karak Azul. Despite calls to
the finer points of the sacred commissioner’s change the team’s name back to the Dwarf
theological arguments and they sleep Miners, they choose to remain the Worlds
through most of it, but soon perk up when Edge Wanderers, so they never forget the
Roze-El gets to the bit about spikes and thirty-six years of exile and hardship the
blocking. Sounding like their kind of game, team endured.
the miners form a team, and with typical
Dwarf bluntness, call themselves the Dwarf 2447 The Wanderers win the NFC championship
Miners. for the second time in ten years, capping
what is arguably the best period in the
2368 They apply to join the original NAF but Roze- team’s history.
El flatly rejects their application due to the
fact they aren’t members of the church of 2475 The Wanderers relative lack of success in
Nuffle. Undeterred, they continue to play comparison to their NAF Dwarf rivals, the
outside of the league and become very Warhammerers and the Giants, stings their
successful, so much so that they are the first players and fans. They begin to take pride in
team to actually start paying their players for their status as the ‘third’ Dwarf team in the
playing (much to Roze-El’s chagrin). league and develop a unique (for Dwarfs)
style of play that uses surprise passing plays
2380 New commissioner Djimm Thorp is more to catch the opposition unaware. It also helps
accommodating to the Miners, and when that Thrower Berni Harthunter has the
one of the founding sects withdraw from the exceptionally tall Dwarf Blitzer ‘Leggy’ Lofarr
NAF, he personally invites them to join in Grimgrip as a target.
their place. The Miners are the true pioneers
of the game, being the first recognised 2482 The Wanderers appear in the final of Blood
professional team. Other teams in the Bowl XXII, but lose to the Bluchen
league, such as the Illuminated Seers of Berserkers. Long serving Head Coach Bifur
Nuffle’s Sacred Orb, quickly follow their lead Boulderhewn decides to retire after 45 years
and rebrand as the Dwarf Giants. Within a in the job, his replacement Stanislav
decade the religious roots of the NAF are all Ironbrender inherits a team in decline.
but forgotten.
2489-90 First Team Roster
Team Honours Heia Ho!
NFC championship winners 2482, 2447, 2437
To the ball game we will go.
Hall of Fame:
Coach Bifur Boulderhewn, Heia-Hey!
‘Leggy’ Lofarr Grimgrip We’ll smash and maim and slay."