Theories of FA:: 1. Techniques of Formative Assessment (7 Types)
Theories of FA:: 1. Techniques of Formative Assessment (7 Types)
Theories of FA:: 1. Techniques of Formative Assessment (7 Types)
of FA:
Where is the learner going?
Where is the learner now?
How to get there?
Values/Principles of FA:
Student Focused
“Formative assessment helps teachers:
- Consider each student’s learning needs and styles and adapt instruction accordingly
- Track individual student achievement
- Provide appropriately challenging and motivational instructional activities
- Design intentional and objective student self-assessments
- Offer all students opportunities for improvement ”
Instructionally Informative
- Provides a way to align standards, content, and assessment
- Allows for the purposeful selection of strategies
- Embeds assessment in instruction
- Guides instructional decisions
Outcome Based
- Emphasizes learning outcomes
- Makes goals and standards transparent to students
- Provides clear assessment criteria
- Closes the gap between what students know and desired outcomes
- Provides feedback that is comprehensible, actionable, and relevant
- Provides valuable diagnostic information by generating informative data
Informal questioning
Semi-formal exercises and quizzes
Peer assessment
Portfolio assessment
Learning blogs/journals
Teacher conference
Question 2: Key concepts of assessment and testing
1. Techniques of formative assessment (7 types)
Những cái có nêu trong sách Green (2014)
Technique Definition
Collections of Ss’ work that may showcase their best achievements or represent progress
Portfolio over a period of time.
During the course of teaching, teachers employ questioning activities informally. The
Informal questioning questions must be stated clearly, put in an appropriate sequence and match the lesson goals.
Teachers need to give appropriate responses to the students’ answers.
Learners act as assessors of each other’s performance. The objectives of peer assessment
Peer assessment usually include fostering improvement and giving learners insights into the qualities of
successful performance.
The practice of learners reflecting on and acting as assessors of their own performance;
Self-assessment usually carried out for self-improvement rather than for grading / certification.
Semi-formal questions Activities, tasks carried out in class that may be used in assessment in more and less formal
and exercises ways. Results may be recorded, but conditions are not as restricted or standardized as in tests.
With your group, interview at least 10 friends, using your 15 minutes Share your presentation in front of
questions in step 1. Collect your data and demonstrate them the class – give and receive
into chart. Prepare an oral presentation for that. Practice feedback.
pronunciation in your group to make sure them you
pronounce words and sentences correctly.
At home, produce a written report of your data. Write your March – 11th 2021 Bring your written report to the
report in 100-150 words. Check your use of vocabulary and class.
grammar. This will be marked using the
All the sentences with present Most of the sentences with Less than half the sentences
Use of present simple and simple and present present simple and present with present simple and
present continuous tenses continuous are spoken and continuous are spoken and present continuous are spoken
written correctly. written correctly. and written correctly.
Clear with minor errors. Clear with several errors.
Many incomprehensible
Pronunciation There are no errors that There are some errors that
words and phrases.
interfere with understanding. interfere with understanding.
Contributed high quality to Contributed adequate quality Did not contribute to the
Contribution the completion of the project to the completion of the completion of the project
work project work work
Step 5: Assess the outcome:
- T uses the rubrics given to Ss in step 4 to evaluate them.
Step 6: Reflection:
- T asks the students some of the questions such as:
What are the three important things you discovered today?
What did you find difficult?
What do you wonder?
This is my version of PBL based on the 4 steps Mr. Tung has recommended to the class. He said he advocated for the
4-step approach since it was easier to do. Feel free to give feedback on this work if you see any errors.
Vocabulary Vocabulary related to cultural Most vocabulary cultural Many mistakes in vocabulary
related to cultural characteristics and lifestyles is characteristics and lifestyles is related to cultural characteristics
characteristics and accurate accurate and lifestyles
4. A step-by-step plan
Step Due Date Evidence
Form a group with 03 other people. Choose Time to work in class – April 5
an aspect of Vietnamese culture that you find
interesting and write a description of it using
comparatives, superlatives and articles First draft – April 6 Bring draft to class
correctly. Make sure you are also accurately
using vocabulary related to cultural Final draft – April 8 Bring draft to class – this will be
characteristics and lifestyles. The description graded according to rubric
must be at least 140 words long and must also
include at least 03 do’s and 03 don’ts when
getting involved in that particular
cultural aspect.