19. Basal cell degeneration is seen in: 28. What medications can cause an allergic
a) lichen planus reaction like hives?
b) psoriasis a) ascorbic acid, halogen preparations
c) pemphigus b) aspirin, penicillin
d) eczema c) prednisolone, calcium gluconate
d) diphenhydramine, sulfonamides
20. What is the uncharacteristic
localization of lichen planus: 29. Which line lists the diseases
a) Torso characteristic of atopy?
b) the scalp a) neurodermatitis, bronchial asthma, true
c) the flexion surface of the forearms eczema
d) anterior surface of lower legs b) contact dermatitis, urticaria, conjunctivitis
c) urticaria, neurodermatitis, bronchial
21. Purple papule followed by asthma
hyperpigmentation on resolution is seen in: d) rhinitis, seborrheic eczema, conjunctivitis
a) lichen planus
b) addison's disease 30. What are the characteristic clinical
c) diabetes meliitus manifestations of atopic dermatitis?
d) hypothyroidism a) severe itching, lichenification,
vesiculation, and weeping
22. What organs and tissues, except the b) nodular rash, vesiculation and weeping,
skin, can be affected by lichen planus? severe itching
a) mucous membranes, nails c) lichenification, nodular rash, white
b) cardiovascular system, mucous dermographism
membranes d) white dermographism, vesiculation and
c) hair, gastrointestinal tract weeping, severe itching
d) nails, musculoskeletal system
31. What are the clinical manifestations of
23. The best indication of giving urticaria?
corticosteroids in pustular psoriasis is: a) itching, blisters, scratching
a) psoriasis b) blisters, nodules, itching
b) pemphigus c) hemorrhagic spots, seropapules,
c) lichen planus bronchospasm
d) pityriasis rosea d) itching, spotted rash, scratching
32. What are the therapeutic measures for
24. What organs and tissues, except the atopic dermatitis?
skin, can be affected by lichen planus? a) exclusion of food allergen, the use of
a) mucous membranes, nails keratolytic ointments, psychotropic drugs
b) the use of corticosteroid ointments, 39. Psoriasis is exacerbated by:
antihistamines, diuretics a) Lithium
c) the use of corticosteroids systemically, the b) B-Blockers
use of corticosteroid ointments, antihistamines c) Antimalarials
d) the use of antihistamines, calcium d) All of the above
preparations, corticosteroid ointments
40. The important feature of psoriasis is:
33. What medicines can be used as a) Crusting
antipruritic? b) Scaling
a) tavegil, paracetamol, dexamethasone c) oozing
b) valerian extract, triamcinolone, d) erythema
magnesium preparations
c) analgin, fenkarol, histoglobulin 41. Vitamin D analogue calcitriol is useful
d) prednisolone, suprastin, sedatives in the treatment of :
a) Psoriasis
34. What is the emergency care for acute b) lichen planus
laryngeal edema? c) pemphigus
a) diphenhydramine intramuscularly d) leprosy
b) corticosteroids inside
c) adrenaline subcutaneous 42. Patient 6 years old complaints are: red
d) gastric lavage plaques covered with scales on the pressing
zones. About what disease we can thing?
35. What are the therapeutic measures for a) dermatitis
atopic dermatitis? b) eczema
a) exclusion of food allergen, the c) tinea
use of keratolytic ointments, d) psoriasis
psychotropic drugs
b) the use of corticosteroid 43. Doctor diagnose on the patient skin
ointments, Koebner’s phehomenon. For what disease it is
antihistamines,diuretics characterized?
c) the use of corticosteroids a) Psoriasis
systemically, the use of b) lichen planus
corticosteroid ointments, c) pituriasis rosea
antihistamines d) tumor
d) the use of antihistamines, calcium
preparations, corticosteroid 44. Doctor diagnose on the patient skin
ointments ”Herald patch”. For what disease it is
36. What is the mechanism of antiallergic a) Psoriasis
action of antihistamines? b) pitшriasis rosea
a) narrowing of blood vessels, blocking H2 c) pituriasis lichenoid chronic
receptors d) acne vulgaris
b) blocking of the H1 and H2 receptors
c) blocking of H2 receptors, stabilization of 45. Least common site involvement in
mast cell membranes psoriasis is:
d) stabilization of mast cell membranes, a) Scalp
blocking of H1 receptors b) Arthritis
c) nail involvement
37. All are common of psoriasis except: d) CNS involvement
a) arthritis
b) squamo erythematous lesions 46. Photochemotherapy is used in:
c) nail changes a) Psoriasis
d) extensor distribution b) Phemphigus
c) tinea capitis
38. Psoriasis is characterised by all the d) tinea cruris
following except:
a) definite pink plaque with clear 47. Zoophilic trichophytosis differs under a
margin microscope from anthropophilic:
b) always associated with nail a) the presence of spores of ectotrix
infection b) the presence of spores of ectotrix
c) in children disappears in 2 weeks c) the presence of the coupling
to reappear again d) hair splitting
d) involves knees and elbows
48. Allergic contact dermatitis is 55. The ocular form of cicatricial
characterized histologically by: pemphigoid is most likely to be associated with
a) Psoriasiform dermatitis antibodies to:
b) Lichenoid infiltrate a) Beta-4-integrin
c) Spongiosis b) Laminin 5
d) Parakeratosis c) BPAg1
e) Granuloma d) BPAg2-NC16A
51. The genetic predisposition for patients 59. Cicatricial pemphigoid can be induced
with pemphigus vulgaris is: by:
a) HLA-DRQ402 a) Aminoglycosides
b) HLA-DR3 b) Benzene
c) HLA-DR4 c) Clonidine
d) HLA-0505 d) Vancomycin
53. Drugs that are associated with the 61. What is the most common site of
exacerbation of pemphigus foliaceus include : involvement of this autoimmune blistering
a) Captopril disease?
b) Metoprolol a) Oral mucosa
c) Fluconazole b) Eyes
d) Calcium channel blockers c) Skin
d) Genitalia
54. Bullous pemphigoid antigen 1 (BPAg1)
is a member of this family: 62. Which neoplasm is the most common
a) Cadherin cause of paraneoplastic pemphigus?
b) Integrin a) Thymoma
c) Intermediate filament b) CLL
d) Plakin c) Castleman's disease
d) Retroperitoneal sarcoma
63. Paraneoplastic pemphigus: 71. Circulating autoantibodies to type XVII
a) Is characterized by a collagen are most characteristic of which
pathognomonic 250 kDa antigen disease?
b) Is most often seen in association a) Epidermolysis bullosa accquisita
with lung cancer b) Herpes gestationis
c) Does not remit even if the cancer c) Pemphigus vulgaris
is excised completely d) Pemphigus foliacious
d) May be caused by a benign
neoplasm 72. Which association is incorrect?
a) Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita :
64. Ocular cicatricial pemphigoid has inflammatory bowel disease
antibodies against: b) Dermatitis herpetiformis : small
a) Gamma-catenin bowel lymphoma
b) Peripherin c) Paraneoplastic pemphigus :
c) Beta4-integrin Castleman’s
d) Kalinin d) Herpes gestationis : menopause
65. The most common malignancy 73. Herpes gestationis is most commonly
associated with paraneoplastic pemphigus is: associated with:
a) Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma a) Grave's
b) Chronic lymphocytic leukemia b) Hashimoto's
c) Multiple myeloma c) Diabetes
d) Acute myelocytic leukemia d) Lupus
66. The vector of fogo selvagem may be: 74. Herpes gestationis is exacerbated by:
a) Triatoma a) Oral contraceptives
b) Simulium b) Menstruation
c) Cimex c) Third trimester
d) Ornithodorus d) All of these answers are correct
67. Each of the following is true about anti- 75. A woman in her 2nd trimester of
p200 pemphigoid except: pregnancy presents to clinic with
a) Responsive to dapsone urticarial plaques and papules around
b) Subepidermal bullae her umbilicus, chest and extremities.
c) 200-kd antigen Tense vesicles are present within a few
d) features of linear IgA disease of the erythematous plaques. This
woman’s condition is most commonly
68. The C-terminal domain of BPAg2 is associated with:
targeted in: a) Lymphoma
a) Bullous pemphigoid b) Multiparity
b) Cicatricial pemphigoid c) Grave’s Disease
c) IgA pemphigus d) Inflammatory Bowel Disease
d) Duhring’s disease
76. In penicillamine-induced pemphigus,
69. Patients with pemphigus vulgaris have the split is most often:
lesions that start in the mouth in a) Subcorneal
approximately : b) Intraspinous
a) 70% of patients c) Suprabasal
b) 50% of patients d) Intraepidermal and subepidermal
c) 30% of patients
d) 20% of patients 77. Common cause(s) of drug-induced
pemphigus foliaceus:
70. Which of the following is true of herpes a) Captopril
gestationis? b) Penicillamine
a) Demonstrates antibodies to the C-terminal c) Methotrexate
domain of BPAg2 d) Dilantin
b) Has higher frequency in females with
HLA-DQ2 78. Which of the following agent(s) has been
c) Is associated with Grave's disease most effective in treating severe ocular
d) Usually occurs in the first trimester of cicatricial
pregnancy pemphigoid?
a) Cyclophosphamide
b) Mycophenolate mofetil
c) Cyclophosphamide b) Bulla
d) Cyclosporin c) Patch
d) Nodule
79. The pH of normal skin is:
89. _____ lichen planus can go malignancy:
a) 5.0
b) 6.0 a) Oral LP
c) 7.0 b) Follicular LP
d) 5.5 c) Hypertropic LP
d) Vulvovaginalis LP
80. In normal skim, melanin is found in
which layer of skin: 90. What is the pathogenesis of vitiligo?
a) Subcutaneous tissue a) Congenital lack of pigmentation
b) Epidermis b) Increase in the number of melanosomes
c) Hair follicles c) Autoimmune destruction of melanocytes
d) Fatty tissue d) Benign proliferation of melanocytes
130. It may be considered for patients who 139. Under what classification of morphea
have multiple lesions that on skin biopsy does the characteristics of morphea profundity
a) predinsolone lies
b) hydroxychloroquine sulfate a) plaque.
c) chloroquine b) Generalized
d) tacrolimus c) Deep
d) Bullous or linear
131. In linear scleroderma, female to male
ratio 140. Distinct form of localized scleroderma
a) 4:1 a) lesion in feet
b) 1:4 b) plaque in skin
c) 2:1 c) Bullous in skin
d) 3:2 d) coup de sabre
133. Which are therapeutic option for pt 142. Allergic contact dermatitis is
with secondary Raynauds phenomenon characterized histologically by:
a) prednisone a) Psoriasiform dermatitis
b) prostacyclins b) Lichenoid infiltrate
c) cyclosporine c) Spongiosis
d) chloroquine d) Parakeratosis
135. Smoothening of facial lines, breaking 144. The genetic predisposition for patients
of nose, thinning of lips with pemphigus vulgaris is:
a) localized scleroderma a) HLA-DRQ402
b) linear morphea b) HLA-DR3
c) systemic sclerosis c) HLA-DR4
d) morphea profundus d) HLA-0505
137. In minkin and rabban techniques 146. Drugs that are associated with the
which is used exacerbation of pemphigus foliaceus include :
a) ginger oil a) Captopril
b) mineral oil b) Metoprolol
c) olive oil c) Fluconazole
d) canola oil d) Calcium channel blockers
138. The lesions of morphea begins as one to 147. Bullous pemphigoid antigen 1 (BPAg1)
several circumscribed areas of is a member of this family:
a) pink Induration a) Cadherin
b) purplish Induration b) Integrin
c) Red duration c) Intermediate filament
d) Plakin
156. Paraneoplastic pemphigus:
148. The ocular form of cicatricial a) Is characterized by a
pemphigoid is most likely to be associated with pathognomonic 250 kDa antigen
antibodies to: b) Is most often seen in association
a) Beta-4-integrin with lung cancer
b) Laminin 5 c) Does not remit even if the cancer
c) BPAg1 is excised completely
d) BPAg2-NC16A d) All of these answers are correct
262. What is the meaning of the term 267. Without treatment, bullous pemphigoid
photoallergic dermatitis ? usually remits after 3 to 6 years but can be fatal
in about one third of elderly, debilitated
a) reaction of skin caused by patients. For elderly patients with generalized
photoallergens and UVA radiation in and recalcitrant disease, which of the following
sensitised individuals is the most appropriate treatment to decrease
b) reaction of skin after longterm the risk for morbidity?
exposition of skin to intense sun
radiation a) Anti-inflammatory drugs
c) reaction of skin caused by direct b) High-potency topical corticosteroids
interaction of radiation and c) Immunosuppressants
photosensitising substance producing d) Oral corticosteroids
a type of sunburn reaction
268. What is erosion?
d) reaction of skin after too intense
exposition to infrared radiation e. a) superficial loss of epidermis
reaction of skin to UV-radiation as a b) loss of epidermis and upper region of
consequence of genetic higher papillary part of
sensibility c) circumscribed loss of stratum disjunctum