Sidama Peoples
Sidama Peoples
Sidama Peoples
The major goal of this study was to assess or to know the sidama people and
their manmade and non manmade cultures, which includes their language,
religion, dressing style, governance system, their food, economy and etc... And
qualitative research methodology was employed in the study for its
appropriateness to assess the role of sidama people in handling/ settling
conflicts, the way of life, norms and belifies in the study area and data
was collected through the use of interview, focus group discussion,
personal observation and document review.
Article Outline
1. Introduction
2.2. Occupations
2.3 economy
2.4. Population
2.5. Religion
2.6 languages
2.7. Food
2.8 luwa system
3.0 Conclusions
1. Introduction
1. Almost all societies, regardless of their location in time and space, have a way
of life every society has its own mechanisms of handling their way of life.Ethiopia
is a country in which various ethnic groups live together for long period of time.
Sidama is one of the most fertile and densely populated areas in Ethiopia.
With about 5 million people, the Sidama make up about four percent of
the total Ethiopian population. Sidama Land is located in the south central
part of Ethiopia, to the east and north east Lake Abaya and to the east
and south east of Lake Hawassa. Sidama society has their own history,
culture, traditional institutions and way of life which directly and indirectly
contribute the survival of the community. Among the sidama’s culture,
there are various traditional institutions such as “Woma”, “Luwa” “Holla”
and “Songo” These institutions are one among other cultural elements in
the society.
To assess the view of the society towards these indigenous institutions.
1.3. Significance of the Study
The study was significant from the following perspectives. First, it provided
valuable information about the Sidama society. Second, it revealed the
preference of people related to conflict settlement mechanisms and the rationale
behind it.
Research methodology refers to a coherent set of rules and procedures that are
used to investigate a problem within the framework of philosophical approaches
in a research methodology include the tools and techniques of data gathering.
Key informant interview: in order to get data on past events and scenarios
and even on the current reality, it was better to conduct key informant interview
with few knowledgeable individuals. Hence, this study was employed this method
to supplement the findings obtained through other means.
Sidama is one the most fertile and the most densely populated areas
in Ethiopia that make up about four percent of the total Ethiopian
population. The Sidama is named for the Sidama people whose
homeland located in sidama region that consists .
Sidama, means any of the Cushitic-speaking peoples of southwestern Ethiopia who
are not Oromo; they are mostly concentrated in the Omo River and Rift Valley
regions. The Sidamo founded the Kefa kingdom in about AD 1400 and were
subsequently controlled by both the “Abyssinians” (Amhara and Tigray) and
the Oromo, whose invasions pressed them into their present geographic boundaries.
2.2. Occupations
The main occupation of the rural Sidama people is farming, and 1,783
square kilometer is cultivated land where 85 percent of the total
population (i.e. 2,954,136 with nearly equal proportion of men and
women), are farmers.
Nearly 90% of the Sidama live a life centred on agriculture. Other crops
are also grown and cattle are often raised, with a strong cultural tradition
surrounding their ownership. Sidama region is the leading coffee-
producing region in Ethiopia, which contributes greatly to the foreign
exchange of the federal government. The Central Statistical
Agency (CSA) reported that 63,562 tons of coffee was produced in
Sidama and Gedeo combined in the year ending in 2005, based on
inspection records from the Ethiopian Coffee and Tea authority. This
represents 63% of the SNNPR's output and 28% of Ethiopia's total
output. So the most important source of income is coffee, The Sidama
land also provides valuable resources to the economy. The
most important contribution is cash crops, mainly coffee but
also khat (a green shrub whose leaves are chewed as
stimulant) and other agricultural yields.
2. 4. Population
The Sidama people number 8.8 million (4.01% of the national
population), of whom 149,480 are urban inhabitants, the fifth most
populous ethnic group in Ethiopia.
2.5. Religion
according to the 1994 national census, only 14.9% practice traditional
beliefs, while the majority (66.8%) are Protestant, 7.7% Muslim,
4.6% Catholic, and 2.3% practice Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity.
Most Sidamo have retained their traditional religion based on
worship of the sky god
2.6. Language
The sidama people speak their own Cushitic sidama (locally as sidamoo
afe) language that belongs to the eastern highland Cushitic sub-group
of the Ethio-Cushitic family of languages. The language shares some
basic phones, morphemes and syntaxes with other languages within
the same sub-groups such as Gedeo, kambata, Hadiya and the like
which also known as the sidama languages in eastern highland Cushitic
sub groups.
2.7. Food
Bursame and Ccukkame are the most known traditional foods in sidama
and their ingredients include: milk, enset, butter and meat.
Section 35
Anthropology assignment