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List of importers – Garments sector

Web site
Company Name Address Contact Position Phone Number email
Manuel Montt 2541 - Commercial
ANASTASSIA Evelyn Valencia 56 9 7399 9520
Nuñoa Manager info@anastassiamoda.cl www.anastassiamoda.cl
El Tototal 850 - Quilicura Gilda Giovo 56 2 2925 4300
(LINEATRE) Manager ggiovo@lineatre.cl www.lineatre.cl
CORONA Arturo Prat 578 - Santiago Lucia Moliterno 56 2 2373 7000
Manager mzamorano@corona.cl www.corona.cl
DAFITI (BigFoot Chile Los Militares 5890, of 404 Sebastian Venegas Manager - 56 2 2656 9840 sebastian.venegas@dafiti
SPA) - Las Condes Garment .cl www.dafiti.cl
DISTRIBUIDORA IVO Av. Manuel Montt 2054 - Zvonimir Vodanovic Owner zvonko@distribuidoraivo.
56 2 2204 9806
(JENNIE WALKER) Providencia cl www.jenniewalker.cl
Calle San Ignacio 700 - Product carolina.undurraga@cen
EUROFASHION Francisca Topali 56 2 2387 2355
Quilicura Manager cosud.cl www.eurofashion.cl
FALABELLA Rosas 1665 - Santiago Matías Olivos Product 56 2 2380 2105
Manager tfernandez@falabella.cl www.falabella.cl
Panamericana Norte 5951 Rocio Vega
FASHION'S PARK S.A. Commercial 56 2 2763 8378 rocio.vega@fashionspark
- Conchalí Manager .com www.fashionspark.com
Bombero Adolfo Ossa
FBO Italy Fabiola Bustos Owner 56 9 9-6569 1776
1017 - Santiago directora@fboitaly.cl www.fboitaly.cl
FEROUCH Lincoyán 9825 - Quilicura Abraham Alamo 56 2 2731 3120
Manager aalamo@ferouch.cl www.ferouch.cl
Calle Maestra Lidia Torres General nparam@give.cl /
GIVE LTDA. Nicolás Param 56 2 2735 5662
252 - Recoleta Manager oparam@give.cl www.give.cl
Avenida Presidente
Eduardo Frei Montalva Paola Piccinini 56 2 2730 1006
5399 - Conchalí ppiccinini@efesis.cl www.efesis.cl
Av. Domingo Santa María Commercial
ITALMOD Loreto Ramírez 56 2 3265 4866
2365 - Independencia Manager lramirez@italmod.com www.italmod.cl
Pdte Eduardo Frei Product
LA POLAR Andrea Schrebler 56 2 2383 3085
Montalva 520 - Renca Manager xgrez@lapolar.cl www.lapolar.cl
Volcán Tronador 394 Supply Chain
LIMONADA Parque Industrial Lo Boza Pablo Ochoa 56 2 2346 0532
- Pudahuel pochoa@limonada.cl www.limonada.cl
Portal de La Dehesa, local Jessica Hoppmann jhoppmannlpk@gmail.co
LOLITA POCKET Owner 56 9 9799 2942
2059 - Lo Barnechea m www.lpk.cl
Infante 0400 - Quilpué Alberto Manzano 56 32 292 0777
LTDA. - FICCUS KIDS Manager amanzano@ficcus.cl www.ficcus.cl
Avenida Boulevard Commercial
MODELLA GROUP Aeropuerto Sur 9624 - Andrea Bago 56 2 2828 4104 andrea.bago@modellagr
Pudahuel oup.com www.modellagroup.com
Avda Kennedy 9001 Piso 4 Ximena Montenegro Garment
PARIS (CENCOSUD) Product 56 2 2336 7000 ximena.montenegro@pa
- Las Condes Manager ris.cl www.paris.cl
Av. Colo Colo 241 -
PILLIN Alvaro Jadue Owner 56 2 2674 2300
Quilicura ajadue@pillin.cl www.pillin.cl
PRIVILEGE Colorado 640 - Quilicura Verónica Cheyre Import Manager 56 2 2690 9500
vcheyre@privilege.cl www.privilege.cl
Mall Plaza Norte, Av.
RIPLEY (COMERCIAL Americo Vespucio 1737 Woman garment 56 2 2690 1000 ext
Pamela Rojas
ECSA) Edificio Integramedica, buyer 5811
Piso 7 - Huechuraba projas@ripley.com www.ripley.cl
Luis Pasteur 6650, Casa Commercial
ROMORS Pasteur, Local 2. – Agustín Romero 56 9 9653 9167 agustinromero@romors.
Vitacura cl www.romors.cl
Seminario 615 - Commercial
SINGOLARE Daniela Castro 56 2 2635 4828
Providencia Manager dcastro@singolare.cl www.singolare.cl
Av. Eduardo Frei Montalva Manola Cruz
TEXORA Design Manager 56 2 2352 4039
9931 - Quilicura
mcruz@texora.cl www.texora.cl
TEXTIL BURGER Y CIA Bascuñan Guerrero 888 - Josefa Burger Commercial josefa.burger@cannibal.
56 2 2682 2335
LTDA Santiago Manager cl www.cannibal.cl
Avenida Las Tranqueras Maria Isabel Gil
THERAPY Owner 56 2 2201 6095
1534 - Vitacura santa-catalina@tie.cl www.therapy-store.cl
Vicuña Mackenna 3600 - Maria Angel
TRICOT Manager - 56 2 2350 3634
Santiago Mardones Womenswear mmardones@tricot.cl www.tricot.cl
Textile and
Pdte Eduardo Frei
WALMART CHILE Montalva 8301 - Quilicura Juan Monsalve Garment 56 2 2200 5743 juan.monsalve@walmart
Manager .com www.walmart.com

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