PHED Exercises
PHED Exercises
PHED Exercises
2. Triceps Stretch
o With your feet shoulder width apart, raise your right arm straight up and
over your head.
o Bend your elbow so that your right hand is reaching for your left shoulder.
o Use your left hand to press back on your right elbow (photo). You will feel a
great stretch in the back of your arm and upper shoulder.
o Hold for 30 seconds, and repeat four times on each side.
5. Forward Lunges
o Kneel on the left leg, placing the right leg forward at a right angle. Lunge
forward, keeping the back straight. Stretch should be felt on the left groin.
o Hold for five seconds.
o Repeat three to six times.
o Repeat on opposite leg.
1. Arm Circles
o Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Extend both arms out straight to
your sides to form a T with your body.
o Slowly rotate your shoulders and arms to make forward circles about 1 foot
in diameter.
o Continue for 15 circles, then reverse directions and complete 15 rotations in
the opposite direction.
o Do 3 sets total.
2. Superman
o Lie on your stomach with your arms and legs extended.
o Engage your glutes and shoulders as you simultaneously lift your arms, chest,
and legs off of the floor.
o Hold this upward position for 3 seconds. You’ll look like superman or
superwoman flying through the air.
o Slowly come back down to starting position.
o Complete 10 raises for one set, and do 3 sets.
3. Plank Sidewalk
o Set a timer for 1 minute before starting this exercise.
o Begin in an elevated plank position with your arms extended beneath your
shoulders and your palms planted firmly on the ground.
o Extend your legs behind you with your toes pressing into the floor. Your core
should be engaged and in-line with the rest of your body.
o Rather than remaining stationary, walk your hands and feet to one side. Take
2 or 3 steps in one direction (or as much as your space allows).
o Then, return to your starting spot and take the same amount of steps in the
other direction. Continue walking side to side until your time runs out.
o Extend the exercise by 30 seconds or more if you need more of a challenge.
2. Plank
o Get into a push-up position with the elbows flexed, forearms and toes on the
floor, and your body in a straight line from the head to the heels.
o Make sure to keep your elbows right below your shoulders.
o Engage your abs and squeeze your glutes to prevent any sagging in your
o Look down at the floor. Avoid any strain on your head and neck.
o Hold for 30-60 seconds.
3. Flutter Kicks
o Lie down on your back on a mat. Keep your hands by your side, palms flat on
the mat, back flat against the mat, and look up at the ceiling.
o Engage your core, lift both your legs off the ground and alternately kick them
up and down. Do not let your feet touch the ground before you complete one
4. Glute Bridge
o Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.
o Tighten your glutes and lift your hips off the floor.
o At the highest position, there should be a straight line from your knees all the
way to your shoulders. Be careful not to “crunch” your neck by shrugging
your shoulders up toward your ears. Hold the contraction for five seconds
before returning the to starting position.
o To make this more challenging, perform the movement as described but lift
your right leg off the floor when you reach the top of the bridge, keeping your
glute muscles engaged. Return your right leg to the ground and then lift your
left leg. Return to the starting position.
5. Bird dogs
o Begin on your hands and knees, with a neutral spine and a tight core.
o In one movement, lift your left arm – bent to 90 degrees at the elbow – and
your right leg off the ground. When your arm and leg are parallel to the
ground, hold the position for five seconds, keeping your core and glutes
o Slowly return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.
1. 3-minute Step Test
o Step on and off the box for three minutes. Step up with one foot and then the
other. Step down with one foot followed by the other foot. Try to maintain a
steady four beat cycle. It's easy to maintain if you say "up, up, down, down".
Go at a steady and consistent pace. This is a basic step test procedure - see
also other step tests.
2. Jumping Jacks
o Start standing with a slight bend in knees and hands resting on thighs.
o Keeping the knees bent open the arms and legs out to the sides. Arms come
above the head and legs wider than shoulders, then close returning to you
3. Plyo Power Knees
o Start with your feet spread wide, weight primarily on left leg and arms
extended overhead. Next, bring your right knee in towards your chest while
bringing your hands down towards the lifted knee, gently tapping your knee.
Extend your right leg back to the original position and continue this motion,
50 times on one side, then 50 times on the other.
Anderson, J. (2008). The 3-Minute Step Test. Retrieved from
Jonaitis, J. (2018). 8 Weight-Free Exercises to Tone Every Muscle in Your Arms. Retrieved
TotalBeauty. (n.d). 7 Killer Arm Exercises You Can Do Without Weights. Retrieved from
Wright, V. (2009). Flexibility: 8 Stretches That Will Stretch Your Workout Routine.
Retrieved from