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Advanced Data Structures

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Approved by AICTE, Affiliated by JNTUH, Accreditated by NAAC- ‘A’ Grade
Medbowli, Meerpet, Balapur, Hyderabad, Telangana- 500097
Mob: 8498085218. Email: info@tkrec.ac.in, ace@tkrec.ac.in

ADVANCED DATA STRUCTURES (professional Elective –II)

Course Code: 20CS5PE20

B.Tech. CSE V-Sem LT P C
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives
1. To impart the knowledge on External Sorting and Hashing Techniques
2. To help the students to learn Priority Queues.
3. To demonstrate the students about the operations of Efficient Binary Search Trees.
4. To illustrate the concept of various Multiway Search Trees.
5. To make the students to learn the use of Digital Search Structures.
Course Outcomes
1. Demonstrate the working principle of External Sorting.
2. Apply the Hashing Techniques in information storage and retrieval.
3. Analyze the concept of Priority Queues.
4. Make use of AVL and Red-Black Trees to solve computational problems.
5. Construct the Multiway Search Trees.
6. Summarize the Digital Search Structures.

External Sorting: Introduction, K-way Merge Sort, Buffer Handling for parallel Operation, Run
Generation, Optimal Merging of Runs.

UNIT II: Priority Queues (Heaps): Introduction, Binary Heaps-Model and Simple
Implementation, Basic Heap Operations, Other Heap Operations, Applications of Priority
Queues, Binomial Heaps (or Queues), Binomial Heap Structure and Implementation, Binomial
Queue Operations.

UNIT- III: Balanced Trees: Introduction to AVL- Red-Black Trees-Properties and

Representation of Red-Black Trees, Operations on Red-Black Trees, Applications of Red-Black
Trees, Splay trees.
Approved by AICTE, Affiliated by JNTUH, Accreditated by NAAC- ‘A’ Grade
Medbowli, Meerpet, Balapur, Hyderabad, Telangana- 500097
Mob: 8498085218. Email: info@tkrec.ac.in, ace@tkrec.ac.in

UNIT- IV: Multiway Search Trees: M-Way Search Trees-Definition and Properties, Searching an
M-Way Search Tree, B- Trees-Definition and Properties, Number of Elements in a B-tree,
Searching for an Element in a B-Tree, Inserting a New Element in a B-Tree, Deleting an Element
from a B-Tree, B+ Trees - Searching a B+ Tree, Inserting a New Element in a B+ Tree, Deleting
an Element from a B+ Tree.

UNIT-V: Digital Search Structures: Introduction to Digital Search Tree, Operations on Digital
Search Trees – Insertion, Searching, and Deletion, Binary Tries and Patricia- Binary Tries,
Compressed Binary Trie, Patricia, Multiway Tries Definition, Searching a Trie, Sampling
Strategies, Insertion into a Trie, Deletion from a Trie, Keys with Different Length, Height of a
Trie, Space Required and Alternative Node Structure, Prefix Search and Applications,
Compressed Tries, Compressed Tries with Skip Fields, Compressed Tries with Labeled Edges,
Space Required by a Compressed Tries.

Text Books
1. Advanced Data Structures, Reema Thareja, S. Rama Sree, Oxford University Press, 2017.
2. Fundamentals of Data Structures in C, Horowitz, Sahni, Anderson-Freed, Second Edition,

1. Advanced Data Structures, Peter Brass, Cambridge University Press, 2008.
2. Data Structures and Algorithms, A. V. Aho, J. E. Hopcroft, and J. D. Ullman, Pearson, 2002
3. Introduction to Algorithms, Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson and Ronald L. Rivest,
Third Edition, The MIT Press.
4. Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C,Mark Allen Weiss, Second Edition, Pearson.

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