Struktur Data 12 Juli
Struktur Data 12 Juli
Struktur Data 12 Juli
BINUS University
Faculty / Dept. : School of Computer Science / Computer Deadline Day / Date : Tuesday / July 12th, 2022
Science Time : 13:00
LO1 Explain the concept of data structure and its usage in application
LO2 Apply data structure in application
LO3 Illustrate the usage of data structure in application
1. Write your answer on .pdf format. Name the file based on the following format:
UTS_NIM_NAMA.pdf (example: UTS_21031212121_AdiMulyadi.pdf).
2. Maximum file size 20MB.
2. (LO3 – 20 point)
Set A
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Set B
In the RBT Tree perform the insert process with the key:
a. 3, 6, 4, 16, 19, 18, 22, 10, 17, 9, 13, 12, 28, 25, 31, 27.
Furthermore, from the RBT Tree which is formed from the results of the insert key process,
it is continued to delete several keys, namely:
b. 2, 11, 7, 14, 15, 8, 10, 12, 5, 16
3. (LO1 – 15 point)
Based on your student ID:
If your last digit is odd, please work on Max-heap
If your last digit is even, please work on Min-heap
4. (LO3 – 20 point)
Check your last digit of student’s ID, below is your task:
Last digit Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm Shortest Path
1,8,7 Prims with B as starting point A to J
2,9,0 Prims with D as starting point A to H
3,6 Prims with C as starting point D to H
4,5 Kruskal B to J
Transform the following graph into MST form based on the requested algorithm, find the
MST weight and find the shortest part!
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5. (LO2 – 30 point)
Make a student attendance application for Data Structure class. This application should
utilize Binary Search Tree (BST) to store the student data. The stored data consist of Student
ID (NIM), the name of the student and the time of attendance with the 'key' is the student
ID. Create a menu consisting of:
a. Input student attendance. In this menu, the Student ID and Name are inputted with
the time of attendance being inputted automatically based on the time of data input.
b. Show student attendance. In this menu, all the present students are shown.
c. Search student. In this menu, we will look for a student presence based on their
Student ID. If found, show the name and the time of attendance. If not, then give a
message that the student was not present.
Make a video containing an explanation of the source code and a demo of the application
with maximum of 3 minutes. (If you exceed the time, points will be deducted), provide a
video link and source code link on the answer sheet.
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