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Assessment Brief – IA MDIST-AY2022-2023


Module Code and Title : (UGB265) Digital Marketing

Module Leader : Mr Frankie Lim

Assessment : Individual Assignment

Due Date : 19 May 2023

Weighting within Module : 100%

Assessment Method: 100% Practical Assessment

Assignment Submission: Students are required to submit their coursework through

CANVAS. Only assessments submitted through CANVAS will be marked. Any other
submission including submission to your study centre in hard copy will be treated as a non-
submission. If your centre supports Turnitin©, a copy of your Turnitin© originality report must
be submitted in conjunction with your assignment.

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Assessment Brief – IA MDIST-AY2022-2023

Module Learning Outcomes:

K1 Students understand the key concepts, models, and theories of digital marketing.

K2 Students understand how those concepts, models and theories are best applied in
organisations, industries and markets which may be local, national, or global.

S1 Students can evaluate the key concepts, models, and theories of digital marketing.

S2 Effective transferable skills of communication, critical thinking, and inquiry-based


S3 The ability to make informed judgements.

Glossary of Terms: (Context for this assessment)

Format – Students may select their preference for presenting their assessment from the
following formats: written - in the style of a blogs, video - in the style of vlogs or audio - in the
style of a podcasts.

Branding – The appropriate titles, headings, imagery, and colour pallet used within the
chosen medium. (Kindly refer to McGruer, 2020)

Co-Creation – Decisions agreed between the individual student and the tutor which create
the foundations of the student’s assessment.

Background Information
The assessment brief consists of four tasks.

The four (4) tasks comprise of elements in Digital Marketing related to:

(1) Digital Branding (As a branding kit)

(2) Digital Marketing Consultancy (As a blog, vlog, or podcast)
(3) Digital Environment (As a blog, vlog, or podcast)
(4) Digital Analytics (Written commenta

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Assessment Brief – IA MDIST-AY2022-2023

Task One (Digital Branding)

Students should create a branding kit for their own digital marketing agency. The branding
kit should also display annotations, explaining the reasoning behind the branding decisions,
(for example, but not limited to; fonts, colours, imagery, logo).

Snippets of student’s work as an example:

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Assessment Brief – IA MDIST-AY2022-2023

Task Two (Digital Marketing Consultancy)

Adopting the role of a digital marketing consultant at your digital marketing agency, you are
required to submit recommendations of what elements of digital marketing would be most
suitable to meet the digital marketing objectives of ‘Agromir’. This will either be a 10- minute
vlog, 10-minute podcast or an 800-word blog post. Each approach allows complementary
figures, tables and appendices which students are encouraged to utilise. Please note, these
are not included in the word/minute count. Your recommendations should identify and
critically analyse the fundamental issues related to digital marketing.

The underlying principle of task two is that the recommendations made in the report should
be specific to the case-study organisation, and not a generic description of the elements of
digital marketing that are available to any organisation.

The recommendations must be underpinned by the core text’s digital marketing objectives,
models, and frameworks.

Students should consider (but are not limited to)

• How this kind of organisation operates

• The nature of the market in which it exists
• The impact of competitors and how they operate and market themselves
• Customer expectations/behavior
• Relevant aspects of the environment that might impact on that organisations digital

Students do not need to include any costs [the price of a website, for example] however, as
any marketing should give a return on investment, the approximate cost of your
recommendations must be appropriate to the case-study organisation and its resources
[financial, physical, and human].

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Assessment Brief – IA MDIST-AY2022-2023

(Please note: Further discussion of relevant themes and analysis is also encouraged to
display the student’s further reading, research and understanding of the subject and themes)

Task Two - Case Study:

Based on the below background information, students should work on the above
company/brand for this Task.

Juice in Uzbekistan
January 2022
Demand for juice remains under pressure as consumption opportunities remain low
Juice registered negative off-trade volume growth over the course of 2021 and this can be attributed mainly to the
diminishment of consumption opportunities since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Unlike carbonates and various
other categories of soft drinks, juice is not widely considered a beverage for everyday consumption.

Strong recovery seen in the on-trade, although sales not yet at pre-COVID-19 levels
On-trade volume sales of juice increased dramatically during 2021 as the category rebounded substantially after on-
trade volume sales in the category dropped by half over the course of 2020. While the recovery seen in foodservice
volume sales of juice was only partial, there are clear signs that consumers were once again prepared to drink juice in
cafés, restaurants and other on-trade establishments.

Stable competitive environment in juice as brands focus on solidifying their positions

No major changes were seen in the competitive landscape in juice during 2021, with all of the leading brands maintaining
their previous value shares from 2020. The main reason for the lack of dynamism in the category’s competitive
environment during the year is the pressure that has come on demand for juice since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic

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Assessment Brief – IA MDIST-AY2022-2023

and which has led the category’s leading brands, including Bliss, Sochnaya Dolina, Diney and Dena, to focus their
marketing efforts mainly on maintaining their current respective positions in the category.


Challenges that emerged within the COVID-19 context to become less influential
While the harsh realities of the COVID-19 pandemic had a very negative impact on volume sales of juice during 2020 and,
to a lesser extent, 2021, the forecast period is expected to see a complete recovery for the category. Off-trade sales
are expected to continue rising due to strong economic growth and development and the emergence of an increasingly
affluent and sophisticated urban consumer base, with the adverse economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on
household incomes expected to ease substantially as the forecast period progresses.

The reopening of Uzbekistani society set to support strong growth in juice sales
As mentioned above, one of the key factors that suppressed demand for juice during 2021 was the fact that numerous
public events, important social gatherings and private celebrations were cancelled as a way of curbing the spread of the
COVID-19 virus through Uzbekistani society. This is because juice consumption is generally tied to celebrations and social
gatherings, with day-to-day consumption of juice much lower than what is typically seen in other countries.

New players expected to enter as the category develops, resulting in more diversity
A more diverse range of products is expected to be seen in juice during the forecast period, with the anticipated entry
of new companies and brands set to underpin these changes. A wide range of local manufacturers and international
brands are expected to begin offering juice during the forecast period, with potential new players likely to be attracted
to the category by rising demand and emerging opportunities to capture the attention of consumers/ .

- Ends -

Task Three (Digital Marketing Environment)

Students should consider their chosen format (blogging, vlogging or podcasting) they have
picked for the assessment and critically examine the strategic application of this format
within the current digital marketing environment. This will either be a 10-minute vlog, 10-
minute podcast or an 800-word blog post. Each approach allows complementary figures,
tables and appendices which students are encouraged to utilise. Please note, these are not
included in the word/minute count.

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Assessment Brief – IA MDIST-AY2022-2023

Task Three – Snippets of student’s work as an example

E.g., Student has chosen video approach,

therefore for task three has created a vlog about
vlogging in the current digital marketing

E.g., Student has chosen audio approach,

therefore for task three has created a podcast
about podcasting in the current digital
marketing environment

E.g., Student has chosen written approach,

therefore for task three has created a blog
about blogging in the current digital marketing

Students should consider (but are not limited to);

• The identification of any industry success stories

• Any examples of brands integrating this within their digital marketing strategy
• The current digital trends in relation to the students selected format and medium
• The composition of the customer avatar, targeted to engage with this medium
• The identification of search engine optimisation opportunities

(Please note: Further discussion of relevant themes and analysis is also encouraged to
display the student’s further reading, research and understanding of the subject and themes)

Task Four (Digital Marketing Analytics)

Focusing, on at least one metric of choice (e.g., bounce rates, average time spent on page),
students should provide analytical commentary [suggested 500 words in total] on how this
metric is utilised within digital marketing strategy today.

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Assessment Brief – IA MDIST-AY2022-2023

Students should consider the key actions and decisions of the digital marketer in relation to
this metric
Figures, tables, and appendices are encouraged. Please note, these are not included in the
word count.
Students are encouraged to access a free metrics platform such as Google Analytics.

Assignment guidelines:

Original Documents: Must be submitted for assessment i.e. Blog Posts (Word documents),
Vlogs (MP4. Files) or Podcasts (MP3. Files). Further instructions will follow throughout the
module Bibliography:

Bibliography: Due to the nature of the assessment, students are not required to reference
throughout the tasks. Knowledge and further research should be displayed in a bibliography,
listed in Harvard Reference style. One bibliography should be created and should include all
credible sources used throughout each task, the module and private study.

Appendices: Students are strongly encouraged to include relevant figures and appendices
in your submission to support your work. These can be utlised regardless of chosen format
i.e. Vlogs/Podcasts can refer to ‘Appendix 1’ for example within the vlog/podcast and submit
these via a word document. For a blog approach these can be simply included within the
blog content.

Further Notes: Students are not required to make any purchases during the assessment.
Students are encouraged to build their ‘Digital Marketing Toolbox’ throughout the weeks of
teaching with many straightforward, free tools (e.g. Canva, Wix) to use at their disposal.

Upon successful completion of the assessment students should have experience branding
their own digital marketing agency, created two pieces of content (embedding knowledge
and understanding) and explored digital marketing analytics. The assignment is designed to
be co-created, flexible in its approach and to encourage creativity. Skills gained could be
used in the student’s future career and the produced platform utilised as a portfolio
contribution for upcoming job interviews.

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Assessment Brief – IA MDIST-AY2022-2023

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