Satellite Communication Over Quantum Channel
Satellite Communication Over Quantum Channel
Satellite Communication Over Quantum Channel
Quantum computing offers revolutionary solutions in the field of computer sciences, applying the opportunities of quantum
physics which are incomparably richer than classical physics. Although quantum computers are going to be the tools of the far
future, there are already a few algorithms to solve problems which are very difficult to handle with traditional computers.
Perhaps the easiest example of a structure of a quantum system is a quantum channel. Typically, one is interested in some
basis in the Hilbert space representing the input of a channel, which is entangled with a second Hilbert space representing the
environment, and then another (possibly the same) basis for the first space at a later time. Free-space quantum key distribution
(QKD)—over an optical path of about 30 cm—was first introduced in 1991, and recent advances have led to demonstrations.
Indeed there are certain key distribution problems in this category for which free-space QKD has practical advantages (for
example it is not practical to send a courier to a satellite).
Quantum computing algorithms can be used to affirm our communication in several ways (open-air communication, satellite
communications, satellite broadcast, satellite-satellite communication). We set up a free-space quantum-channel-model at the uni-
versity and made several simulations. The main aim is to trace some adoptable algorithms in the communication between Earth
and the satellite and also between satellites. This paper is a theoretical study to compare the simulation results of the three models.
© 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Short introduction to quantum computing technology. Gordon Moore, founder of Intel observed
an interesting rule called Moore’s law in 1965. He
In this chapter a short introduction is given into the concluded that since the invention of the transistors the
interesting field of quantum informatics. After the pos- number of transistors per chip roughly doubled every
tulate of this informatics the qubit is presented, which 18–24 months (see in Fig. 1). It means an exponen-
is the basic element of quantum computing; the quan- tial increase in the computing power of computers.
tum interference and the quantum cryptography. This all Although this was en empirical observation in 1965 the
is necessary to understand the great power of quantum law seems to be valid nowadays. This law estimates
computing and quantum communications. serious problem around 2015.
The growth in processor’s performance is due to the
1.1. The Moore law fact that we put more transistors on the same size mi-
crochip. This requires smaller and smaller transistors,
Building electronic computers is a fast improving
which can be achieved if we are able to draw thinner
technology, but we have to determine the future of this
and thinner lines onto the surface of a semiconductor
disk. Around nanometer thickness we reach the nano-
∗ Tel.: +36 1 463 3261; fax: +36 1 463 3263. world, where the new rules are explained by the quan-
E-mail address: tum mechanics.
0094-5765/$ - see front matter © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
152 L. Bacsardi / Acta Astronautica 61 (2007) 151 – 159
px = |MxT Mx |.
Mx |
√ .
Fourth postulate (about composite system): The Fig. 2. The general representation of a qubit in a two-dimensional
state space of a composite physical system W can be Hilbert-space.
L. Bacsardi / Acta Astronautica 61 (2007) 151 – 159 153
illegible to a third party (named ‘Eve’), provided they (possibly the same) basis for the first space at a later
both possess a secret random bit sequence, known as a time.
cryptographic key, which is required as an initial param- Any device taking classical or quantum systems of a
eter in their encryption devices. Secure key distribution certain type as input and (possibly different) classical
is then essential; Eve must not be able to obtain even or quantum systems as output may be referred to as a
partial knowledge of the key. Key distribution using a ‘channel’ [2]. Mathematically a channel is represented
secure channel (named ‘trusted couriers’) is effective by mapping input states to output states or, dually, out-
but cumbersome in practice, potentially vulnerable to put observables to input observables. For many ques-
insider betrayal and may not even be feasible in some tions in quantum information theory it is crucial to
applications. characterize precisely the set of maps describing ‘possi-
Encryption is only one application of quantum ble’ devices. One way to characterize the possible chan-
computers. In addition, Shor, a pioneer researcher of nels is ‘constructive’. That is, we allow just those chan-
quantum computing, has put together a toolbox of nels, which can be built from the basic operations of
mathematical operations that can only be performed tensoring with a second system in a specified state, uni-
on a quantum computer, many of which he used in his tary transformation, and reduction to a subsystem [3].
factorization algorithm [1]. Furthermore, Feynman as- The noise appearing in the channel is the result of the
serted that a quantum computer could function as a kind interlocking with the environment, which is the adverse
of simulator for quantum physics, potentially opening consequences of quantum communication, and causes
the doors to many discoveries in the field. Nowadays problems in building such quantum applications.
the power and capability of a quantum computer is
primarily theoretical speculation; the advent of the first 2.2. Quantum key distribution
fully functional quantum computer will undoubtedly
bring many new and exciting applications [1]. Quantum cryptography was introduced in the mid-
1980s as a new method for generating the shared, se-
cret random number sequences, known as cryptographic
2. The model of free-space quantum channel keys that are used in cryptosystems to provide commu-
nications security. The appeal of quantum cryptography
This chapter presents a general model of a quan- is that its security is based on laws of nature, in con-
tum channel, introducing the quantum key distribution trast to existing methods of key distribution that derive
(QKD) and the free-space quantum channel. their security from the perceived intractability of certain
problems in number theory, or from the physical secu-
2.1. General model of quantum channel rity of the distribution process. Since the introduction
of quantum cryptography, several groups have demon-
Perhaps the simplest example of a structure involv- strated quantum communications and QKD over multi-
ing multiple times histories of a quantum system is a kilometer distances of optical fibre [4].
quantum channel (Fig. 4). Typically, one is interesting QKD is a promising approach to the ancient prob-
in some basis for the Hilbert space representing the in- lem of protecting sensitive communications from the
put of a channel, which is tensored to a second Hilbert enemy. QKD is not in itself a method of enciphering
space representing the environment, and then another information: it is instead a means of arranging that sep-
arated parties may share a completely secret, random
sequence of symbols to be used as a key for the purpose
of enciphering a message.
practical advantages (as for example, it is impractical show ‘that QKD between a ground station and a low-
to send a courier to a satellite). earth orbit satellite should be possible on night-time
In 1998 a research group at Los Alamos National orbits and possibly even in full daylight. During the
Laboratory, New Mexico, USA developed a free-space several minutes that a satellite would be in view of the
QKD over outdoor optical paths of up to 950 m un- ground station there would be adequate time to generate
der night-time conditions [4]. Four years later, in 2002 tens of thousands of raw key bits, from which a shorter
the same laboratory have demonstrated that free-space error-free key stream of several thousand bits would be
QKD is possible in daylight or at night, protected against produced after error correction and privacy amplifica-
intercept/resend, beamsplitting and unambiguous state tion [4].
discrimination (USD) eavesdropping, and even photon At present, quantum computers and quantum in-
number splitting (PNS) eavesdropping at night, over a formation technology remains in its pioneering stage.
10 km, 1-airmass path, which is representative of poten- Error correction has made promising progress to date,
tial ground-to-ground applications and is several times nearing a point now where we may have the tools re-
longer than any previously reported results. Their sys- quired to build a computer robust enough to adequately
tem provided cryptographic quality secret key transfer withstand the effects of decoherence. Quantum hard-
with a number of secret bits per one second quantums. ware, on the other hand, remains an emerging field, but
This research published in their report is as follows: the work done thus far suggests that it will only be a
‘we believe that the methodology that we have devel- matter of time before having devices large enough to
oped for relating the overall system performance to in- test quantum algorithms. Thereby, quantum comput-
strumental and quantum channel properties may also ers will emerge as the superior computational devices
be applicable to other QKD systems, including optical at the very least, and perhaps one day make today’s
fiber based ones’ [5]. modern computer obsolete. Quantum computation has
its origins in highly specialized fields of theoretical
3. Telecommunication over quantum channel physics, but its future undoubtedly lies in its profound
In this chapter we examine how can we use the free- In my point of view the quantum computing al-
space quantum channel in the future year’s telecommu- gorithms can be use to affirm our communication in
nication. following four ways [6]:
At first we should know a bit about the earth-satellite
communication. If we would like to detect a single QKD 1. Open-air communication (horizontal telecommuni-
photon, it is necessary to know when it will arrive. The cation, below 100 km, instead of optical cable, using
photon arrival time can be communicated to the receiver the twisted surface of Earth).
by using a bright precursor reference pulse. Received 2. Satellite communications (between 300 and 800 km
bright pulses allow the receiver to set a 1-ns time win- altitude, signal encoding and decoding). Quantum er-
dow within which to look for the QKD-photon. This ror correction allows quantum computation in noisy
short time window reduces background photon counts environment. Quantum computation of any length
dramatically, and the background can be further reduced can be created as accurate as desired, as long as the
by using narrow bandwidth filters. noise is below a certain threshold, e.g. P < 10−4 .
According to Buttler’s report, the atmospheric turbu- 3. Satellite broadcast (our broadcast satellite orbit at
lence impacts the rate at which QKD photons would be 36,000 km, using 27 MHz signal) [7]. In quadrature
received at a satellite from a ground station transmit- phase shift keying (QPSK) every symbol contains
ter. Assuming 30-cm diameter optics at both the trans- two bits, this is why the bit speed is 55 Mbs. Half
mitter and the satellite receiver, the diffraction-limited the bits is for error-coding, in the best case we
spot size would be 1.2-m diameter at a 300-km altitude only have 38 Mbs, but in common solutions there
satellite. is only 27–28 Mbs, in which 5–6 TV-channels can
Errors would arise from background photons col- be stored with a bandwidth of 2–5 Mbs each. The
lected at the satellite. The background rate depend on quantum algorithms can prove the effective band-
full or new moon: the error rate will be dominated by width to fill better the brand as in the traditional
background photons during full moon periods and by case.
detector noise during a new moon. 4. Satellite-satellite communication (between broadcast
Because the optical influence of turbulence is domi- or others satellite, using free-space, for signal coding
nated by the lowest 2 km of the atmosphere, the results and encoding, super density coding etc.).
156 L. Bacsardi / Acta Astronautica 61 (2007) 151 – 159
1 42 83 124 165 206 247 288 329 370 411 452 493 534 575 616 657 698 739 780 821 862 903 944 985
Number of bits
Fig. 6. Simulated channel, horizontally the number of bits, vertically the BER is represented. The chart is a special field-diagram.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Different type of channels
Fig. 7. Independent, depolarizing errors at BB84-simulated channel. Horizontal is the number of bits (10,000, 1000, 100), vertical the
percentages (in the first case the same basic-states, in the second the BER).
of channel, because the error-rate is lower with less The figures proves the need of a accurate selection
of bits. of channel–noise-parameter. The sixth type of channel
In the third step I examined different noise- seems to be to have the best properties.
parameters of more than 20 different theoretical-
channels. 4.4. Future plans
In Fig. 8 a summary chart shows 10 different type
of channel. The main-parameters for this simulation- This is just one step on the way to reach our object, to
summary are represented in Table 1. simulate a real free space quantum channel. The main
158 L. Bacsardi / Acta Astronautica 61 (2007) 151 – 159
Table 1
Different type of simulated channels
1. Noiseless channel
2. Noiseless channel, attendance of Eve
3. In the first part noise channel (parameters X = 25%, Y = 25%, and Z = 25%), in the second
part noiseless channel
4. In the first part noise channel (parameters X = 25%, Y = 25%, and Z = 25%) in the second
part noiseless channel, attendance of Eve
5. In both parts noise channel (parameters X = 25%, Y = 25%, and Z = 25%)
6. In both parts noise channel (parameters X =25%, Y =25%, and Z =25%), attendance of Eve
7. In both parts noise channel (parameters X = 10%, Y = 20%, and Z = 25%)
8. In both parts noise channel (parameters X =10%, Y =20%, and Z =25%), attendance of Eve
9. In the first part rotating channel (with probability 0.2), in the second noise channel (param-
eters X = 10%, Y = 20%, and Z = 25%)
10. In the first part rotating channel (with probability 0.2), in the second noise channel (param-
eters X = 10%, Y = 20%, and Z = 25%), attendance of Eve
L. Bacsardi / Acta Astronautica 61 (2007) 151 – 159 159
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