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Department of Microbiology

Faculty of Life and Earth Sciences

Jagannath University
Dhaka 1100, Bangladesh

Syllabus for
Bachelor of Science (Honors)
in Microbiology
(For the Session 2014-2015 and onward)

25 May, 2015

Department of Microbiology
Jagannath University

Syllabus for BSc (Hon’s) in Microbiology

(For the Session 2014-2015 and onward)

The department offers a full-time 4-year BSc (Hon’s) program in Microbiology. The
course aims to give detailed knowledge and understanding of important aspects of
Microbiology and as currently applied in industry, food, health and medical sciences,
environmental management as well as in research. To be eligible for admission in the
4-year BSc (Hon’s) program, the candidates must have biology, chemistry and physics
including mathematics in their Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) Examination in
Science group or recognized equivalent examinations. The educational qualification
of the candidate shall be decided as per university admission rules. For obtaining the
bachelor degree a student have to earn required number of total credit points
successfully with the final CGPA of 2.5 (at least 50% of marks).
The 4-year BSc (Hon’s) will span over 8 semesters with 140 credits of which year-wise
course distribution has been detailed in the following table. A minimum of 15 class
hours will constitute one credit and will carry 25 marks. There shall be three types of
courses Theoretical, Practical/Research Project, and Viva-voce. Of the total 140
credits, 106 credits are allocated for Theoretical courses (departmental 84, and extra-
departmental 22). Practical courses including research project contain 26 credits.
Theoretical course will include class-teaching, open discussion, academic assignment
etc. Each theoretical course will be evaluated by Continuous Assessment (30% marks)
and Semester final Examination (70% marks). Practical courses for one credit point
will be at least two contact hours in a week, and it will cover 10-20% of the total credit
hours. During the final semester (8th semester), a research project will be assigned to
the students and it will be decided by the departmental academic committee. Viva-
voce examination will have 8 credit points and will be held at the end of 2 nd semester-
final examination in each academic year.

The year/semester-wise credit and marks distribution:

Yea Sem Theoretical courses Practica Viva Total Total
r - Departmenta Extra- l voc Credi Mark
ester l departmenta e t s
l Point
1st 1st 4 10 2 - 16 400
2 6 4 4 2 16 400
2nd 1st 6 8 2 - 16 400
2 10 - 4 2 16 400
3rd 1st 16 - 2 - 18 450
2 12 - 4 2 18 450
th st
4 1 16 - 4 - 20 500
2nd 14 - 4 2 20 500
Grand 84 22 26 8 140 3500

Outline of the courses

First Year (First Semester)

Course Course Name Credit Marks
MIB-1101 Introductory Microbiology 2 50
MIB-1102 Basic Techniques in Microbiology 2 50
MIB-1103 Basic Biochemistry- I 2 50
MIB-1104 Fundamental Chemistry 4 100
MIB-1105 Contemporary History of Bangladesh 4 100
MIB-1106 Practical 2 50
Total 16 400

First Year (Second Semester)

Course Course Name Credit Marks
MIB-1201 Microbial Chemistry 2 50
MIB-1202 Microbial Ecology 2 50
MIB-1203 Microbial Growth 2 50
MIB-1204 Basic Biochemistry- II 2 50
MIB-1205 Organic Chemistry 2 50
MIB-1206 Practical 4 100
MIB-1207 Viva Voce 2 50
Total 16 400

Second Year (First Semester)

Course Course Name Credit Marks
MIB-2301 General Microbiology 2 50
MIB-2302 Environmental Microbiology 2 50
MIB-2303 Microbial Metabolism- I 2 50
MIB-2304 Mycology 4 100
MIB-2305 Biostatistics 4 100
MIB-2306 Practical 2 50
Total 16 400

Second Year (Second Semester)
Course Course Name Credit Marks
MIB-2401 Basic Genetics 2 50
MIB-2402 Microbial Metabolism- II 2 50
MIB-2403 Human Physiology 2 50
MIB-2404 Medical Microbiology- I 2 50
MIB-2405 Enzymology 2 50
MIB-2406 Practical 4 100
MIB-2407 Viva Voce 2 50
Total 16 400

Third Year (First Semester)

Course Course Name Credit Marks
MIB-3501 Virology- I 2 50
MIB-3502 Immunology- I 4 100
MIB-3503 Medical Microbiology- II 2 50
MIB-3504 Food Microbiology 2 50
MIB-3505 Pharmaceutical Microbiology and 4 100
MIB-3506 Bioinformatics-I 2 50
MIB-3507 Practical 2 50
Total 18 450

Third Year (Second Semester)

Course Course Name Credit Marks
MIB-3601 Agricultural Microbiology 2 50
MIB-3602 Industrial Microbiology 2 50
MIB-3603 Molecular Genetics 2 50
MIB-3604 Food Borne Infection and Intoxication 2 50
MIB-3605 Public Health and Hygiene 2 50
MIB-3606 Diagnostic Microbiology 2 50
MIB-3607 Practical 4 100
MIB-3608 Viva Voce 2 50
Total 18 450
Fourth Year (First Semester)
Course Course Name Credit Marks
MIB-4701 Virology- II 4 100
MIB-4702 Immunology- II 2 50
MIB-4703 Fermentation Technology 2 50
MIB-4704 Genetic Engineering and Molecular Biology Techniques 4 100
MIB-4705 Environmental Biotechnology 2 50
MIB-4706 Microbiology of Frozen Food, Fish and Meat 2 50
MIB-4707 Practical 4 100
Total 20 500

Fourth Year (Second Semester)

Course Course Name Credit Marks
MIB-4801 Microbial Biotechnology 4 100
MIB-4802 Analytical Microbiology 4 100
MIB-4803 Environmental Pollution and Bioremediation 2 50
MIB-4804 Bioinformatics-II 2 50
MIB-4805 Quality Control of Food, Fish, Meat and Beverages 2 50
MIB-4806 Research Project 4 100
MIB-4807 Viva Voce 2 50
Total 20 500

N.B.: For indicating course number MIB stands for Microbiology with the four digit
number. The 1st number stands for year, the second digit stands for the semester
(aggregated) and the last two digits for indicating the serial of the course in that

Details of the courses

First Year (First Semester)

MIB-1101 Introductory Microbiology 2.0 Credits 50 Marks
Microbiology: Basic concept, definition and introduction
Historical development of microbiology: Discovery of microorganisms, biogenesis
and abiogenesis, germ theory, Koch’s postulates and their limitations, vaccination,
antisepsis, chemotherapy.
Importance and exploitation of microbiology: In food, agriculture, industry, health
care, environment, pollution control and waste management.
Microbial life forms: Prokaryotes and eukaryotes, their morphology, sub cellular
structures, distinctive features, special significance of small forms of life.
Major groups of microorganisms:
Bacteria: Size, shape, arrangement, general characteristics of bacteria.
Characteristics of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, Actinomycetes,
Cyanobacteria, Archaea. Morphological and physiological diversity of Archaea.
Viruses: Historical approach of discovery of virus, morphology, general features,
chemical composition, classification and nomenclature of bacteriophage, lifecycle (lytic
and lysogenic) of bacteriophage, replication, virion, viroid, prion.
Protozoa: General characteristics, classification, major groups, importance in nature.
Fungi: General morphology, characteristics, growth, reproduction, classification,
Algae: General characteristics, classification, microscopic algae and their importance.
Books recommended:
1. General Microbiology – G Schlegel HG & Kogut M
2. Biology of Microorganisms, 8th Edition –Brock TD, Madigan MT, Martinko JM & Parker J
3. Microbiology, International Edition – Pelczer MJ Jr, Chan ECS & Krieg NR
4. Microbiology: An Introduction, 9th Edition – Tortora GJ & Funke BR
5. Fundamental Principles of Bacteriology – AJ Salle
MIB-1102 Basic Techniques in Microbiology 2.0 CH 50 Marks
Microscopes and Microscopy: Microscope, types of microscopes, principles of
microscopy, resolving power and magnification power; Function and applications of
different microscopes: bright-field, dark-field, fluorescence, phase-contrast, scanning
tunnelling and atomic force microscopy, Care of various microscopes.
Microscope and microorganisms: Observation of microorganisms under microscope
by wet-mount and hanging-drop technique; preparation of microorganisms for staining;
chemical properties of stains; mechanisms of staining: simple staining, negative
staining, Gram-staining, differential staining techniques.
Cultivation techniques: Inoculation, incubation, types of cultivation (aerobic,
anaerobic, solid and broth culture), anaerobic culture system, isolation and pure culture
Characterization and identification: Morphological characteristics, cultural
characteristics, staining properties, biochemical characteristics (nutritional and
metabolic), antigenic properties, genetic nature.

Culture preservation and management: Different methods for short-term and long-
term preservation of microbial culture, monitoring and routine check of cultures,
management of different type culture collections.
Techniques of microbial control: Concept of microbial control, different physical and
chemical methods (sterilization, pasteurization, tyndalization), rate of microbial death,
agents used to control microorganisms, factors influencing microbial control.
Books recommended:
1. Microbiology: An introduction- G. J. Tortora et al.
2. Microbiology by M. J. Pelczar, E. C. S. Chan & N. R. Krieg
3. Microbiology: Concepts and Applications- MJ Pelczar, ECS Chan & NR Krieg
4. Biology of microorganisms- T. D. Brock et al.
5. General Microbiology-II, G. Schlegel et al.
MIB-1103 Basic Biochemistry- I 2.0 Credits 50 Marks
Cellular organization: Different types of cells (Plants, animals and microbial cells),
Cells and organelles and their composition
Brief introduction to Biomolecules: Macromolecules, Carbohydrates, lipids,
proteins/enzymes, nucleic acids.
Carbohydrates: Monosaccharides and their biological properties, isomerism,
Disaccharides and oligosaccharides of biological importance: maltose, lactose,
sucrose, raffinose and other sugars, storage and structural polysaccharides, structures
and functions of starch, glycogen and cellulose, other polysaccharides of biological
Proteins and Enzymes: Composition, structure and functions of protein and amino
acids, essential amino acids. Types of proteins. Primary, secondary, tertiary and
quaternary structures of proteins and enzymes. Properties of enzymes and their
Books recommended:
1. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry - David David Lee Nelson, Albert L.
Lehninger, Michael M. Cox.
2. Biochemistry - Jeremy M. Berg, John L. Tymoczko, Lubert Stryer
3. Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry (LANGE Basic Science) - Robert K. Murray,
Darryl K. Granner, Peter A. Mayes
4. Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews: Biochemistry - by Pamela C. Champe,
Richard A. Harvey, Denise R. Ferrier
5. Instant Notes: Biochemistry- BD Hames and NM Hooper
MIB-1104 Fundamental Chemistry 4.0 Credits 100 Marks
Introduction: The structure of atom, isotopes, isotones, isobars, atomic weight, atomic
number, atomic mass number, Rutherford model; Bohr model; atomic orbital; shape of
s, p and d orbital, electron configuration of atom, quantum number, Pauli’s exclusion
principle, Aufbau’s principle and Hund’s principle. Significant of electronic configuration.
Chemical Element: Periodic table: variation of properties along a period and a group;
representative elements; transition elements; chemical properties of s-, p- and d-block
elements, radioactive elements and its uses; ionization potential; electro negativity;
electron affinity; atomic radius.

Chemical Calculation: Concept of moles, calculation based on acid-base
neutralization reaction. Preparation of different solutions (molar, molal and normal
Chemical Bonds: Electronic theory; valence bonds theory; molecular orbital theory;
ionic bond and covalent bonds, properties and deviation of properties of ionic bond
and covalent bonds. co-ordinate bond, sigma ()- and pi () bonds; C-C bonds;
catenation; polar molecules, hydrogen bond; significant of hydrogen bond in biology,
metallic bonds, shapes of molecules; VSEPR theory; hybridization.
Chemical Reactions: Oxidation and Reduction reaction: oxidation number, Synthesis
Reactions, Decomposition Reactions, Exchange Reactions, The Reversibility of
Chemical Reactions, hydrolysis reaction, fission and fusion reactions. Order and
molecularity; zero and first order reactions; half-life; carbon dating; temperature
dependence of rates of reaction.
Energy Changes in Chemical Reactions: Change of energy during physical and
chemical change; the concept of internal energy and enthalpy; measurement of
enthalpy changes; enthalpy of formation; Hess’s law; lattice enthalpy, exothermic and
endothermic reaction; laws of thermodynamic; heat of solution; heat of neutralization.
Acids and Bases: The Lewis concept; the Bronsted concepts in strong and weak
acids; acid-base equilibrium in aqueous solutions; Ostwald dilution law; pH; buffer
solutions; neutralisation curves; indicators for acid-base titration.
Electrolysis: Galvanic cells; electrodes and electrode reactions reduction potential;
the electrochemical series the standard hydrogen electrode; measurement of pH.
Books recommended:
1. General Chemistry – Ebbing D
2. First Year Chemistry – Coxon JM, Gergusson JE & Philips IF
3. General Chemistry – Linus Pauling
MIB-1105 Contemporary History of Bangladesh 4.0 100
Credits Marks
Pre Mughal history, Mughal dynasty, The Nobabi Amol, The British Rule in
South Asian Sub-continent.
The Partition of India: Two nation theory
Pre-Bangladesh History: Language movement (1952), Formation of Coalition
Government (1954), Martial law and fall of coalition government (1958), The
Education movement (1962).
Emergence of Bangladesh: The six point demand (1966), Agortala mamla (trial) and
the eleven point demands (1968), Mass movement against Agortala trial (1969),
General election (1970), The liberation war (1971).
Post-liberation History: Return of Bangabandhu from Pakistan (1972), General
mercy by Bangabandhu (1972), First general election of Bangladesh Jatiyo Sangshad
(1973), The famine in 1974, The fourth amendment of constitution (1974), The killing
of the Father of the nation Bangabandhu Sheik Mujibur Rahman, The Jail killing (3
November, 1975).
Army Rule: The controversial Government of Mostaque Ahmed, Coup and anti-coup
turmoil in military and continuation of Martial Law, The Omitting ‘The Bangladesh
Collaborators (Special Tribunals) Order 1972’ from the Constitution (1975), The ‘YES-
No’ general voting in favour of the then military government (1976). General election
of parliament (1979), The Martial Law imposed by General Ershad (1982),The fall of
Ershad Government and return of Democratic Process in Bangladesh (1990).
Current Events: Current events of Bangladesh.

Mahatma Gandhi, Moulana Abul Kalam Azad, Jaharlal Neheru, Mohammad Ali
Zinnah, A K Fazlul Haque, Hossain Sahid Sahrawardi, Moulana Abdul Hamid Khan
Bhashani, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
Books recommended:
1. বাাংলাদেশঃ জাতিরাদের উদ্ভব-আবুল মাল আব্দুল মতিি।
2. বাাংলাদেদশর ইতিিাস-ড. আব্দুর রতিম, ড. আব্দুল মতমন চ ৌধুরী, ড. এতবএম মািমুে, ড. তসরাজুল
3. িাজার বছদরর বাাংলাদেশঃ ইতিিাদসর অ্যালবাম-ড. চমািাম্মে িাননান।
4. জাতনর জনক বঙ্গবন্ধু চশখ মুতজবুর রহ্মান-তসরাজ উেেীন আিদমে।

MIB-1106 Practical 2.0 Credits 50 Marks

Introduction to safety regulations: Mandatory rules for working in microbiology
Microscopy: Use and function of microscopes, observation of stained cell
preparations, observation of living bacterial cells, observation of living yeasts and
molds, micrometry: measurement of microbial cell.
Bacterial Staining: Simple staining and negative staining, Gram staining, acid-fast
staining, capsule staining, spore staining, flagella staining.
Media preparation and sterilization techniques: General purpose media used for
bacterial and fungal culture.
Books recommended:
1. Microbiology: A Laboratory Manual - James Cappuccino, Natalie Sherman
2. Benson's Microbiological Applications - Laboratory Manual in General
Microbiology- Alfred E. Brown
3. Basic microbiology techniques - Susan G Kelley; Frederick J Post
First Year (Second Semester)
MIB-1201 Microbial Chemistry 2.0 Credits 50 Marks
Molecular architecture of microbial cells: Chemical composition and functions of
cellular organelles: capsule, flagella, pili, cell-wall, cytoplasmic membrane, pigments,
ribosome, mitochondria, inclusion body and endospore.
Biomolecules and biopolymers: Properties and functions of major and minor
essential elements, water, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, and proteins and their
roles in microorganisms
Antimicrobial agents and their functions: Type, chemistry, mode of action,
efficiency, antimicrobial resistance. Structure, function, mechanism of action of
penicillin, tetracycline, chloramphenicol, nyastatin, gentamicin and gryseofulvin.
Effectiveness of antimicrobial agents: Commonly used antimicrobial agents and
disinfectants in laboratories, hospitals and household purposes.
Books recommended:
1. Bacterial Metabolism – Gottschalk
2. Chemical Microbiology – A. H. Rose
3. Antibiotics : a scientific approach – N.S Agorov
4. Biochemistry – A.L. Lehninger
MIB-1202 Microbial Ecology 2.0 Credits 50 Marks
Microbial ecology and ecosystems: Basic concept, scope, historical overview,
importance of microbial ecology. Ecosystem, components of ecosystem. A brief note
on microorganisms in soil, water and air.
Roles of microbes in primary productivity and food chain.
Microorganisms in natural habitats: Biospheres, types of natural habitats: (i)
atmosphere: stratification and properties of atmosphere, the atmosphere as habitat and
medium for microbial dispersal microbes in atmosphere, (ii) hydrosphere: ecology of
fresh, brackish and marine water, composition and activity of fresh water microbial
communities; physical and chemical factors, estuaries and marine water environment;
characteristics and stratification of the ocean; composition and activity of marine
microbial communities; (iii) lithosphere: formation of soil, soil horizon, texture, soil
organic matter, physical and chemical properties of soil, soil microbial communities.
Effect of environmental determinants on microorganisms: Temperature, radiation,
pressure, salinity, water activity, air movement, pH, redox potential, organic and
inorganic compounds.
Factors affecting microorganisms in nature: Biotic and abiotic factors and their
effects on microorganisms, abiotic limitations to microbial growth, Leibig’s law of
minimum, Shelford’s law of tolerance.
Microorganisms in the extreme environments: Adaptation and activities:
thermophiles, psychrophiles and other microbes resistant to adverse conditions (hot
springs, acid springs, salt lakes, extraterrestrial systems).
Books recommended:
1. Microbial Ecology: Fundamentals and Applications –Atlas RM & Bartha R
2. Microbial Ecology: A Conceptual Approach – Lynch JM & Poole NJ
3. Microbial Ecology-Larry Barton, Diana E Northrup
MIB-1203 Microbial Growth 2.0 Credits 50 Marks
Growth of microorganisms: Bacteria, fungi, algae and virus.
Requirements for microbial growth: (i) physical: temperature, pH, oxygen, CO2,
osmotic pressure, light, radiation, (ii) Chemical elements as nutrients, organic growth
factors, (iii) gaseous.
Culture media: Types, composition, preparation and use of media, criteria for an
ideal culture medium, chemically defined media, selective and differential media,
enrichment media, anaerobic growth media, special purpose media for eukaryotic
microorganisms, media for tissue and cell culture, living support media for virus
Bacterial cell division: cell growth and binary fission, Filamentous temperature
sensitive proteins and cell division, MreB protein and determinants of cell morphology,
Peptidoglycan synthesis and cell division.
Population growth: The concept of exponential growth, generation time,
mathematics of exponential growth, The microbial growth cycle, synchronous growth,
influence of various factors on microbial growth, batch, fed-batch and continuous
Measuring Microbial growth: Direct and indirect measurements: Microscopic
counts, Viable counts, Turbidometric methods.
Books recommended:
1. Microbial Physiology - A G Moat, J W Foster & M P Spector.
2. Bacterial Metabolism – Gottschalk G
3. Microbiology – Pelczer MJ Jr, Chan ECS & Krieg NR

MIB-1204 Basic Biochemistry- II 2.0 Credits 50 Marks
Lipids: Chemical nature, classification; fatty acids- nomenclature, saturated and
unsaturated fatty acids and fats; brief idea of phospholipids, sphingolipids,
cerebrosides; saponification value, iodine number, acid number, rancidity, the
biochemistry of oxidation of fatty acids, β-oxidation and α-oxidation, biosynthesis of
ketone bodies and their utilization.
Nucleic acids: Composition of nucleic acids, nucleotides (bases, sugars, phosphates)
and polynucleotides. Brief introduction on DNA and RNA structures, their
characteristics and functions. Purine neucleotide interconversion, pyrimidine
biosynthesis and formation of deoxyribonecleotides, bisynthesis of nucleic acid.
Vitamins: Classification and functions and their importance.
Hormones: Definition, classification and their importance.
Other metabolic pathways: urea cycle, formation of bile pigments, hyperbilirubinemia.
Books recommended:
1. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry - David David Lee Nelson, Albert L.
Lehninger, Michael M. Cox.
2. Instant Notes: Biochemistry- BD Hames and NM Hooper
3. Biochemistry - Jeremy M. Berg, John L. Tymoczko, Lubert Stryer
4. Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry (LANGE Basic Science) - Robert K. Murray,
Darryl K. Granner, Peter A. Mayes
5. Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews: Biochemistry - by Pamela C. Champe,
Richard A. Harvey, Denise R. Ferrier
6. Text Book of Biochemistry. A L Lehninger.Kalyani Publishers. New Delhi.
7. Biochemistry. L Stryer. W H Freeman and Company. New York. 1995.
MIB-1205 Organic Chemistry 2.0 Credits 50 Marks
Organic Chemistry: Introduction, carbon-carbon bond, carbon-nitrogen bond,
tetrahedral carbon atom.
Preparation and Chemical Properties: (a) Alkanes, alkenes and alkynes, (b) alkyl
halides, (c) alcohols, (d) aldehydes and ketones.
Organic Macro Molecules: polythene; teflon; plastic; resin; nylon; peptides; proteins;
cellulose and starch
Fats and Oils: Sources, composition, hydrolysis, various use, saponification, Iodine
value and saponification value of fats and oils; saturated and unsaturated fatty acids
Synthesis of Following Drugs and Their Actions in Biological Systems: sulpha
drugs, sulphonamide sulphaptyridine, suphaguanidine, sulphamethazine and
Antimaterials: plasmaquine, mepacrine, proguanil and quinine
Insectidides, Fungicides and Herbicides: organic compounds: DDT, gammexane,
methoxychlor and heptachlor; organophosphorous compounds; malathion, parathon,
dimecron and diazinon; carbamates; 24-D (2,4-dichloroacetic acid)
Organic Pollutants
Books recommended:
1. Chemistry of Organic Natural Products, Vol. I & II –Agarwal OP
2. Organic Chemistry – Morriona RT & Boyd RN
3. Organic Chemistry, Vol. I & II – Finer LL
4. Organic Chemistry – Handrickson JB & Pine SH
5. Other Industrial Chemistry for Topics-7
MIB-1206 Practical 4.0 Credits 100 Marks
Preparation and observation of stained microbial preparations: Bacteria, yeast
and mycelial fungal cells, protozoa, algae, actinomycetes.
Cultivation Techniques: Culture transfer techniques, Techniques for isolation of
pure cultures, Techniques for preservation and maintenance of pure cultures,
Observation of cultural characteristics of bacteria on various media, Observation of
cultural characteristics of yeast on various media
Chemicals preparation: Preparation of different laboratory solutions (molar, molal,
normal solutions and buffers )
Carbohydrate fermentation tests: Glucose, fructose, lactose, maltose, sucrose,
Determination of biomolecules: Citric acid by titrimetric method, Protein and
Reducing sugar.
Books recommended:
1. Microbiology: A Laboratory Manual - James Cappuccino, Natalie Sherman
2. Benson's Microbiological Applications - Laboratory Manual in General
Microbiology- Alfred E. Brown
3. Basic microbiology techniques - Susan G Kelley; Frederick J Post
MIB-1207 Viva-Voce 2.0 Credits 50 Marks
Topics of all the theoretical and practical courses of 1 st and 2nd semester and other
relevant matters will be included.
Second Year (First Semester)
MIB-2301 General Microbiology 2.0 Credits 50 Marks
Microbial evolution and systematics: The origin and diversification of life: Origin of
cellular life, endosymbiotic origins of eukaryotes; Microbial evolution: the evolutionary
process, evolutionary analyses, microbial phylogeny, applications of SSU rRNA
phylogenetic methods; Microbial systematics: phenotypic and genotypic analysis, the
species concept in Microbiology, classification and nomenclature.
Major group of prokaryotes: The Eubacteria: Gram-negative eubacteria, Gram-
positive eubacteria, Mycoplasmas, Mycobacteria, Actinomycetes; The
Archaeobacteria: Methanogens, red extreme halophiles, sulfur-dependent
archaeobacteria, thermoplasmas
Major group of eukaryotes: Classification of fungi: the slime mold, the flagellated
lower fungi, the terrestrial fungi; Classification of algae: the green algae, the diatoms
and golden-brown algae, the dinoflagellates, the euglenoids; and Classification of
protozoa: the flagellates, the amoebas, the sporozoa, the ciliates.
Books recommended:
1. Microbiology: Concepts and Applications, International Edition: Pelczar, Chan
and Krieg
2. Brock Biology of Microorganisms, Thirteen Edition: M Madigan, J Martinko, D
Stahl, D Clark
MIB-2302 Environmental Microbiology 2.0 Credits 50 Marks
Microbial communities and interactions among populations: Development of
microbial communities, different microbial communities in nature, different microbial
communities in nature, types of interactions (microbes-microbes, microbes-animals,
Study of environmental microbes: Techniques for the study of environmental
microbes: Sample collection, sample processing, isolation of microbial types, direct and
indirect methods for quantitative measurement of microorganisms using soil/water/air
Water quality testing: Indicator microorganisms, waterborne pathogens (cultivable
and non-cultivable pathogens in water), isolation and identification of waterborne
pathogens and the Coliforms.
Microorganisms and pollution problem: Xenobiotics, recalcitrants, persistence of
xenobiotic molecules, process of biomagnifications of recalcitrant xenobiotics.
Structure, function and microbial degradation: Recalcitrant halocarbons,
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBS), alkyl benzyl sulfonates, synthetic polymer.
Waste water treatment: General principles; BOD & COD; physical, chemical and
biological treatments; primary, secondary, tertiary treatments; water purification.
Books recommended:
1. Microbial Ecology: Fundamentals and Applications – Atlas RM & R Bartha R
2. Microbial Ecology: A Conceptual Approach – Lynch JM & Poole NJ
3. Microbiology – Pelczer MJ Jr, Chan ECS & Krieg NR
4. Microbiology: An Introduction, 9th Edition – Tortora GJ & Funke BR
5. Microbial Ecology: Organism, Habitats, Activities – Stolp H

MIB-2303 Microbial Metabolism- I 2.0 Credits 50 Marks

Basic concept of metabolism: Introduction, anabolism and catabolism.
Cell bioenergetics: Energy production, processes of generation of energy rich
compounds Free energy, energy production, energy coupling.
Membrane Transport System: Active, passive, facilitative and group translocation.
Carbohydrate catabolism in bacteria: Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas pathway;
tricarboxylic acid cycle; electron transport chain; oxidative and substrate level
Alternative pathways for glucose catabolism: Hexose monophosphate shunt,
Entner-Doudoroff pathway, glyoxalate cycle, methyl-glyoxal bypass, anapleurotic
Microbial utilization of sugars other than glucose: Starch, cellulose, maltose,
sucrose, lactose, sorbitol, mannitol.
Catabolic activities of microorganisms: Growth with organic acids (beta-oxidation),
amino acids, aromatic compounds, aliphatic hydrocarbons and C1 compounds.
Anaerobic metabolic processes of microorganisms: Fermentation of ethanol,
acetate-butyrate, acetone-butanol, lactate, methane.
Books recommended:
1. Bacterial Metabolism – Gottschalk G
2. Microbiology: Concepts and Applications – Pelczer MJ Jr, Chan ECS & Krieg NR
3. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry – Nelson DL & Cox MM

MIB-2304 Mycology 4.0 Credits 100 Marks
Introduction to fungi: Definition, importance of mycology, characteristics, morphology,
habitat, somatic and reproductive structures, growth and nutrition, cultivation of fungi.
Classification of fungi: Important classes; Some fungi of special interest:
Saccharomyces, Schizosaccharomyces, Aspergillus, Penicillium, Rhizopus, Mucor,
Fusarium, Phytophthora, Synchytrium, Saprolegnia, Neurospora, Candida, Agaricus
Effects of fungi: Role of fungi (beneficial and harmful), exploitation of fungi for human
welfare (daily life, health and in industry), Industrial importance of yeast & mold. Fungi
as saprophytes, plant parasite, plant symbionts, and as important metabolites producer.
Pathogenic Fungi: Important genera causing diseases in plants and animals including
humans. Dispersal and control of fungal diseases. Important fungicides used in
agriculture. Economic importance of fungi.
Practical mycology: Techniques for preparing slides of fungal specimen for
microscopic examination, techniques of growing fungi on culture media.

Books recommended:
1. Introductory Myclogy, 4th Edition – Alexopoulos CJ, Mims CW & Blackwell M
2. Fungi – Howker J & Lilian E
3. Fungi and Plant Diseases – Mundkar BB
4. Fundamentals of the Fungi – Moore-Landecker E
5. Introduction to Fungi – Webster JG

MIB-2305 Biostatistics 4.0 Credits 100 Marks

Statistics: Definition, nature & scope of statistics; application of statistics: abuses of
Collection, Procession & Presentation of Statistical Data: Sources of statistical
data; primary data; secondary data; measurement of scales; classification of variable;
qualitative variable and quantitative variable; discrete and continuous variable;
frequency distribution; graphical representation of data; different types of graphs and
Central Tendency: Definition; arithmetic mean; harmonic mean and geometric mean;
mode- computation & properties; characteristics of ideal measure of central tendency.
Dispersion: Definition; absolute and relative measures of dispersion; computation and
properties; moments; skewness and kurtosis.
Correlation and Regression: Bivariate data; scattered diagram; simple correlation;
rank correlation; correlation ratio; assumption of regression analysis; simple regression
analysis; estimation of regression coefficient by using least square method;
Probability and Probability Distribution: Definition of experiment; outcome, sample
point, sample space, different types of event, definition of probability in different
approach; random variable; discrete random variable, continuous random variable;
probability mass function, probability density function, distribution function

mathematical expectation; binomial distribution; Poission distribution and normal
Test of Hypothesis: Definition of population, sample, parameter, statistic and their
distinguishes; statistical hypothesis; null and alternative hypothesis; critical and
acceptance region, type 1 error and type 2 error, level of significance, one tailed test
and two tailed test, inferences about the difference between two population means:
normal test, t-test, paired t-test, z-test, goodness of fit, chi square test, F-test, ANOVA.
Measures of Association and Diagnostic Testing: Definition of biostatistics,
incidence and prevalence, estimation of risk and rate, age period and cohort effect,
relative risk, odd ratios, positive and negative predictive values; false negative and false
positive, sensitivity and specificity, validity and precision, internal and external validity,
direction and sources and selection of bias, measurement of information bias,
misclassification, effect and control of misclassification.
Books recommended:
1. M. Nurul Islam, An Introduction To Statistics.
2. M.G. Mostafa, Methods Of Statistics.
3. Kleinbaum DG et al. Epidemologic Research : Principles and Quantitative
Methods, New York: Van Nost and Reinhold, 1982.

MIB-2306 Practical 2.0 Credits 50 Marks

Cultivation of microorganisms: Growth of microorganisms using differentials and
selective media.
Environmental influence on microbial growth: Effect of temperature, pH, osmotic
pressure and oxygen.
Control of microbial growth by physical and chemical agents: Heat (moist and
dry), osmotic pressure, radiation.
Fungal study: Study of different fungal isolates–Yeasts, Penicullium, Aspergillus,
laboratory diagnosis of common fungal infection.
Books recommended:
1. Microbiology: A Laboratory Manual - James Cappuccino, Natalie Sherman
2. Benson's Microbiological Applications - Laboratory Manual in General
Microbiology- Alfred E. Brown
3. Basic microbiology techniques - Susan G Kelley; Frederick J Post

Second Year (Second Semester)

MIB-2401 Basic Genetics 2.0 Credits 50 Marks
Birth of Genetics: Basic concepts and brief history of genetics.
Mendelism: Mendel’s experiments and interpretation, basic principles of dominance,
law of segregation and independent assortment, misinterpretation of Mendelian
principles. Terminology-gametes, alleles, locus, crossing-over, phenotype, genotype,
homozygous, heterozygous, dominant and recessive, auxotroph,

Chromosomal basis of inheritance: The chromosomal theory of heredity, sex
chromosome and sex determination, sex-linked gene in human, chromosomal
Plasmids: Basic features, size and copy number conjugation and compatibility, plasmid
classification; plasmids in organisms other than bacteria.
Structure of DNA: Watson and Crick model, alternate forms of the double helix,
properties of DNA (Tm value, hybridization).
Nature of hereditary material: Experiments with bacteria and bacteriophage indicating
DNA as the hereditary material, structure of chromosome in prokaryotes.
Central dogma: The concept
Replication of DNA: Semi-conservative replication, Meselson and Stahl’s experiment,
DNA polymerase, mechanism of DNA replication, circular DNA replication.
Transcription in prokaryotes and eukaryotes: Different types of RNA molecules,
prokaryotic and eukaryotic RNA polymerases, mechanism of transcription in
prokaryotes and eukaryotes, post transcriptional modification of RNA, interrupted
genes in eukaryotes, mechanism of removal of intron sequences.
Translation and the genetic code: Polypeptide and proteins, synthesis of polypeptide
chain, nonsense mutation and suppressor mutation, the genetic code, Wobble
hypothesis, post-translational modification of protein.

Books recommended:
1. Principles of Genetics – D.P. Snustad, M. J. Simmons & J.B. Jenkins
2. Genetics – M.W. Striekberger
3. Molecular Biology of the Gene – Watson, Hopkins, Roberts, Sgteitz and
4. Molecular Biology – David Freifelder
5. Essential Genetics – Peter J. Russel

MIB-2402 Microbial Metabolism- II 2.0 Credits 50 Marks

Carbohydrate Metabolism: Concept of carbohydrate biosynthesis, gluconeogenesis.
Amino Acid Biosynthesis: The glutamate and ketoglutarate family; the aspartate and
pyruvate families; the serine-glycine family; aromatic amino acids; regulation of amino
acid biosynthesis.
Lipid Biosynthesis: Biosynthesis of fatty acids; role of cofactors in fatty acid
biosynthesis; pathway to biosynthesis of mevalonate, squalene and sterols.
Nucleotide Biosynthesis: Biosynthesis of purines and pyrimidines; regulation of
purine and pyrimidine biosynthesis.
Biological-Nitrogen Fixation: Inorganic nitrogen metabolism; assimilation of inorganic
nitrogen; fermentation of nitrogenous compounds; regulation of biological nitrogen
Autotrophic CO2 fixation: Mechanisms of photosynthesis in green-sulphur and
cyanobacteria; physiological groups of aerobic chemolithotroph; hydrogen and CO
oxidizers; ammonia, sulphur and ferrous ion oxidizers; facultative obligate

Books recommended:
1. Bacterial Metabolism – Gottschalk G
2. Microbiology: Concepts and Applications – Pelczer MJ Jr, Chan ECS & Krieg NR
3. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry – Nelson DL & Cox MM
4. বংশগতি তবদ্যার মূল কথা –আশা ইসলাম

MIB-2403 Human Physiology 2.0 Credits 50 Marks

Introduction: Different systems in human body.
Digestion and Digestive System: Mechanisms and control of the secretion;
composition of digestive juices; digestion and absorption of foodstuffs.
Blood and Circulatory System: Composition, formation, destruction and function of
blood; blood coagulation; blood groups; Rh factors and complications; tissue fluid
; cardiovascular system.
Respiratory System and Respiratory Stimulants: Structures and functions of lungs,
liver, kidney, pancreas, spleen and nervous system.
Water and electrolytic balance
Lymphoid and lymphatic system
Endocrinology: Functions, mechanisms and properties of different hormones.
Reproductive System: Structure and function of testis, ovary, uterus and placenta.
Nervous system
Books recommended:
1. Text Book of Medical Physiology- Guyton and Hall
2. Introduction to Human Physiology – Griffiths M
3. Human Physiology – Schumddt RF & Thews G
4. Human Anatomy, Physiology and Pathophysiology – Thews G, Mustschler
F & Vaupe P

MIB-2404 Medical Microbiology- I 2.0 Credits 50 Marks

Infection and infectious diseases: Concept of infection and infectious diseases,
pathogenesis of infectious diseases.
Virulence and virulence factor: Adherence factor, invasion of host cells and tissues,
toxins, enzymes, intracellular pathogenesis, antigenic heterogeneity, ID50, LD50.
Host-microbes interaction: Normal resident microflora of human body and their role;
initial colonization of a new born; introduction to resident flora of skin, mouth, upper
respiratory tract, intestinal tract, uro-genital tract, eye.
Host defense and mode of transmission: Non-specific host defenses through skin
and blood, mode of transmission of diseases, nosocomial infection, epidemiology of
infectious diseases.
Progress of infection: True and opportunistic pathogens; portal of entry; size of
inoculum; stages in the course of infections and diseases; mechanism of invasion and
establishment of the pathogens; signs and symptoms of a disease; portal of exit.

Common diseases: Upper and lower respiratory tract, CNS, urinary tract, venereal
and genital tract, GIT, Skin, soft tissues and bones.
Important fungal diseases and protozoan infections: Types of mycoses- superficial,
subcutaneous, and systemic. Candidosis, Ringworm, Thrush.
Books recommended:
1. Jawetz, Melnick & Adelberg’s Medical Microbiology, 24th Edition – Brooks GF,
Carroll KC, Butel JS & Morse SA
2. Microbial Pathogenesis: A Molecular Approach –Salyers AA & Whitt DD
3. Essential Clinical Microbiology: An Introductory Text – Cooke EM & Gibson
4. Manual of Clinical Microbiology, 4th Edition – Lennette EH, Ballows A, Hausler
WJ Jr & Shadomy HJ
5. Modern Medical Microbiology – Chowdhury MR

MIB-2405 Enzymology 2.0 Credits 50 Marks

Basic concept of enzyme: Definition, general properties, catalytic power, specificity
and regulation, different forms, cofactors, coenzymes and vitamins
Nomenclature and classification of enzymes: General classification, isoenzymes,
multi-enzymes, allosteric enzymes.
Structure of enzymes: Primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structure, folding
and domains, molecular chaperones.
Catalysis and mechanism of enzyme’s action: Active site, substrate binding, general
acid-base catalysis, covalent catalysis, non-protein catalytic groups and metal ions.
Enzyme kinetics: Simple enzyme kinetics with single and multi-substrate, Michaelis-
¬Menten kinetics, turnover number, Km and Vmax, Factors influencing catalytic activity;
pH, temperature, fluid forces, chemical agents and irradiation.
Enzyme inhibition and deactivation: Competitive, non-competitive and un-
competitive inhibition deactivation models, strategies for enzyme stabilization.
Books recommended:
1. Lehninger Principle of Biochemistry – Nelson DL & Cox MM
2. Biochemical Engineering Fundamental – Bailey JE & Ollis DF

MIB-2406 Practical 4.0 Credits 100 Marks

Techniques of enumeration of microorganisms: Improved Neubaur counting
chamber and Miles and Misra techniques. Determination of quantitative viable cells by
serial dilution technique (spread plate and pour plate) and making a growth curve.
Biochemical tests for identification of microorganisms: Nitrate reduction test,
oxidase test, catalase test, litmus milk reaction test, hydrolysis of gelatin, starch,
casein, lipid, MIU, KIA and IMVIC tests.
Circulatory system: Total blood cell count; differential count for WBC; determination
of serum bilirubin, cholesterol and non-esterified fatty acid, uric acid, glucose, etc. in

Determining the properties of enzyme: Molecular weight (gel-electrophoresis),
substrate specificity, enzyme activity (qualitative and quantitative) and kinetic
properties, effect of activators (coenzymes/cofactors) and inhibitors on enzymes.
Books recommended:
1. Microbiology: A Laboratory Manual - James Cappuccino, Natalie Sherman
2. Benson's Microbiological Applications - Laboratory Manual in General
Microbiology- Alfred E. Brown
3. Basic microbiology techniques - Susan G Kelley; Frederick J Post

MIB-2407 Viva-Voce 2.0 Credits 50 Marks

Topics of all the theoretical and practical courses of 3rd and 4th semester and other
relevant matters will be included.

Third Year (First Semester)

MIB-3501 Virology- I 2.0 Credits 50 Marks
Introduction: Brief history and development of virology.
Nature of virus: Morphology, physical properties and chemical composition of virus.
Nomenclature and classification of viruses
Virus replication: Steps in virus replication, multiplication and gene expression of DNA
and RNA viruses.
Virus cultivation: Cultivation and quantitation of plant, animal and bacterial viruses,
purification and identification of virus, one step growth curve, inclusion bodies.
Bacteriophages: Overview of bacteriophages, genome organization and multiplication
of RNA and DNA bacteriophages, temperate bacteriophages, lytic and lysogenic cycle,
transposable phages.
Pathogenesis of viral diseases
Prevention and treatment of viral infections: Vaccines, interferon: induction and
action of interferons, antiviral chemotheraphy.
Viroids and prions: General properties and diseases caused by viroids and prions.
Books recommended:
1. Microbiology: Concepts and Applications – Pelczer MJ Jr, Chan ECS &
Krieg NR2
2. Biology of Microorganisms, 8th Edition – Brock TD, Madigan MT, Martinko
JM & Parker J
3. Fields Virology, 5th Edition, Vol. I & II – Knipe DM, Roizman B, Howley PM,
Straus SE & Griffin DE
4. Fundamental Virology – Fields BN, Knipe DM & Howley PM
MIB-3502 Immunology- I 4.0 Credits 100 Marks
Introduction to Immunology: Basic concept, Introduction to immune system, innate
and adaptive immunity, cellular and humoral immunity.
Cells Involved in Immune Response: General features and functions of lymphoid
cells, mononuclear phagocytes, antigen presenting cells, polymorphs, mast cells,
Lymphoid Systems: Primary and secondary lymphoid tissues, primary lymphoid
organs, secondary lymphoid organs and tissues.
Innate Immunity: Phagocytosis: process of phagocytosis, complement systems,
activation and biological functions of complements.
Immunoglobulins: Basic structure and function, immunoglobulin classes and
subclasses: physiochemical properties, distribution and functions; memory B cell,
genetic basis of antibody heterogenecity, antibody class switching.
Antigens: General properties and structure, antigenic determinants, haptens.
Membrane Receptors for Antigens: B cell surface receptors for antigens, T cell
receptors (TCR), major histocompatibility complex (MHC), functions of MHC class I and
class II molecules, gene map of MHC antigens, processing and presentation of peptides
by MHC molecule, antigen recognition, antigen-antibody interaction, forces of antigen-
antibody binding, haplotype restriction of T cell reactivity.
Inflammation: Patterns of cell migration and inflammation and their control.
Lymphocyte activation: Interaction of T lymphocytes and antigen presenting cell
(APC), signals for T cell activation, B cell response to thymus dependent and
independent antigens, B cell activation by surface Ig and T cell.
Immune regulations: Regulation of immune response by antigens, antibody, APC and
lymphocytes, idiotypic regulation of immune response.
Effector molecules: Origin, source and function of cytokines, cytokine action and
network interaction.
Immunity to Infections: Immunity to extracellular and intracellular bacteria, bacterial
survival strategies, immunity to viral infection, innate and specific immune response to
viruses, strategies for evading immune defenses by viruses, immunity to parasitic
Monoclonal antibodies: Production of hybridoma, screening, clonning and large-scale
production of monoclonal antibodies.
Books recommended:
1. Immunology, 5th Edition – Roitt I
2. Roitt’s Essential Immunology – Delves P, Martin S, Burton D & Roitt I
3. Advanced Immunology – Male DK, Champion B & Cooke A
4. Text Book of Immunology – Barrett TJ
5. Immunology: An introduction – Tizard TR

MIB-3503 Medical Microbiology- II 2.0 Credits 50 Marks
Morphological and Cultural Properties, Clinical Manifestation, Pathogenesis,
Virulence Factors, Prevention and Treatment of the Following Microbes, Causing
Diseases: Streptococcus pyogenes; Streptococcus pneuminiae; Staphylococcus
aureus; Corynebacterium diphtheriae; Mycobacterium tuberculosis; Clostridium tetani;
Vibrio cholerae; Escherichia coli; Salmpnella, typhi; Neisseria,spp.; Treponema
pallidum; Bordetella pertussis; Giardia; Entamoeba.
Emerging and re-emerging diseases: Bird flu, Swine flu, SARS, Ebola, Tuberculosis,
Books recommended:
1. Microbial Pathogenesis: A Molecular Approach –
2. Salyer AA & Whitt DD
3. Jawetz, Melnick & Adelberg’s Medical Microbiology, 24 th Edition – Brooks GF,
Carroll KC, Butel JS & Morse SA
4. Medical Microbiology – Boyd RF & Marr JJ
5. Manual of Clinical Microbiology, 4th Edition – Lennette EH, Ballows A, Hausler
WJ & Shadomy HJ
6. Medical Microbiology – Mims C, Playfair J & Roitt I, Wakelin D & Williams R

MIB-3504 Food Microbiology 2.0 Credits 50 Marks

Basic concepts: Food and food types-traditional, processed and fast-foods.
Microorganisms in food: Usual levels of microorganisms in different foods, drinks and
Beneficial and harmful aspects of microbes in food: Desired level and types of
microbes in processed foods, undesired microbes interfering preparation, quality and
often responsible for food borne diseases.
Factors influencing microbial growth in foods: Temperature, pH, aw, oxidation-
reduction potential, nutrient content, inhibitory substances and their structures,
composition of food materials, combined effects of factors.
Contamination, preservation, and spoilage of different kinds of foods: Cereal and
cereal products, sugar and sugar products, vegetables and fruits, meat and meat
products, fish and other seafood, eggs, breads, poultry, milk and milk products, canned
Principles of food preservation: Preservation by high temperature, low temperature,
drying, using food additives/preservatives, and radiation.
Microbes determining the food quality and their products in food: Yeast culture,
Determination of microorganisms: Sampling, laboratory examination- microscopic
and cultural.
Preparation of some fermented foods: Dairy product cheese, yogurt, sauerkraut, and
fermented sausage.
Books recommended:
1. The Microbiology of Safe Food-SJ Forsythe
2. Food Microbiology – Frazier WC & Westhoff DC
3. Modern Food Microbiology, 3rd Edition – Jay JM

MIB-3505 Pharmaceutical Microbiology and 4.0 Credits 100 Marks

Environment the pharmaceutical industry: Atmosphere, water, raw material,
personnel’s, buildings, equipment, packaging materials etc.
Sterilization methods: Heat, radiation, gas and filtration systems, sterilization kinetics.
Microbial spoilage, deterioration and preservation of pharmaceutical products:
Mixtures, suspension, syrups, sterile products, cosmetics and toiletry products.
Determination of potency of antibiotics: Agar diffusion technique, MIC
Antimicrobial preservatives: Common preservatives used in pharmaceutical
Important tests: Sterility, MBC, pyrogen tests.
Aseptic technique: Design and maintenance of an aseptic unit used in laboratory or
processing area.
Production of Immunological products: Vaccines, immunosera, and human
globulins and their quality control.
Upstream and downstreaming processing of biopharmaceuticals
Interferons and Interleukins: Introduction, different families and their functions,
therapeutic use of recombinant interferons and interleukins.
Insulin: Introduction, production of recombinant insulin in E. coli, pharmacology and
Growth hormones: Introduction, manufacture, formulation and stability, clinical
Regulatory issues for biopharmaceuticals: Introduction, regulatory routes, key
point of FDA guidance on comparability, regulatory framework, the challenge and
Books recommended:
1. Pharmaceutical Microbiology – Huge WB & Rusell AD
2. Pharmaceutical Biotechnology: Fundamentals and Applications- DJA
Crommelin, RD Sindelar, B Meibohm.
3. Preservatives in the Food, Pharmaceutical and Environmental Industries –
Board RG, Allwood MC & Banks JG
4. Essays in Applied Microbiology – Noris JR & Richmoond MH
5. Biotechnology and Safety Assessment- JA Thomas

MIB-3506 Bioinformatics-I 2.0 Credits 50 Marks

Introduction: Bioinformatics- Definition, goal, history and scope, major areas
application and limitations, major databases, types of databases, pitfalls of biological
databases, information retrieval from biological databases, nucleotide database

searching, retrieval of specific gene from database, protein database searching, global
bioinformatics centers and servers.
Sequence alignment: Pairwise sequence alignment, sequence similarity versus
sequence identity, alignment methods, scoring matrices, statistical significance of
sequence alignment, database similarity searching, heuristic database searching,
Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST), Multiple Sequence Alignment,
ClustalW/ClustalX, protein motifs and domain prediction, identification of motifs and
domains in multiple sequences.
Structural bioinformatics: Protein structure basics, amino acids, peptide formation,
dihedral angles, hierarchy, secondary structures, tertiary structures, determination of
protein three-dimensional structure, protein structure database, protein structure
visualization, comparison and classification, protein secondary structure prediction,
protein tertiary structure prediction, RNA structure prediction, types of RNA structures,
RNA secondary structure prediction methods.
Books Recommended:
1. Essential Bioinformatics. Jin Xiong. Cambridge University press, 2006.
2. Baxevanis, A.D. Quellette, B.F.F. Bioinformatics
3. Mount, D.W. Bioinformatics: Sequence and Genome analysis
4. Gaur, D. Li, W-H. Fundamentals of Molecular evolution
5. Tisdall,J.D. Mastering Perl foe Bioinformatics
6. Claverie, J.M Notredamame, C. 2003. Bioinformatics for Dummies

MIB-3507 Practical 2.0 Credits 50 Marks

Virus study: Cultivation and enumeration of bacteriophages, isolation of
bacteriophages from raw sewage, detection of HBsAg from patients serum by
serological methods
Effect of antimicrobials on growth: Actions of antiseptics, disinfectants, UV light
and photo-reactivation and anti-metabolites.
Extraction and purification of DNA: Isolation of plasmids and chromosomal DNA,
detection of DNA by agarose gel electrophoresis, transformation of E. coli by plasmid
Medically important microorganisms: Microscopic study of the pathogenic
microorganisms present in air, water and soil (Gram reaction, morphology, motility
etc.), microbial flora of throat and skin, identification of human staphylococcal
pathogens, identification of human streptococcal pathogens. Isolation, identification
and antibiotic sensitivity of pathogens from stool, urine, pus, blood, CSF samples
Sterility testing, pyrogen testing, and antibiotic potency test.
Books recommended:
1. Microbiology: A Laboratory Manual - James Cappuccino, Natalie Sherman
2. Benson's Microbiological Applications - Laboratory Manual in General
Microbiology- Alfred E. Brown
3. Basic microbiology techniques - Susan G Kelley; Frederick J Post

Third Year (Second Semester)

MIB-3601 Agricultural Microbiology 2.0 Credits 50 Marks
Major Groups of Microorganisms in Soil: Bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes, algae,
Importance of soil microbes: Role of microbes in soil fertility and plant nutrition: Use
of microbial metabolites and major nutrients, the effect of growth regulators produced
by microorganisms, the liberation of unavailable nutrients from soil organic matter and
minerals; suppression of plant pathogens, the production of phytotoxic substances by
saprophytes and parasites, the production of enzymes and competition of
microorganisms with plants for essential nutrients.
Cycling of nutrient elements: Role of microbes in cycling of nutrient elements and the
cycling pathways: nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and sulfur cycles.
Microbial activities & degradation: Cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, protein and fat.
Microbiology of nitrogen fixation: Symbiotic non-symbiotic and associative fixation,
microbial biofertilizer, inoculation techniques.
Pesticides degradation and metabolism by soil microbes: Soil and water pollution
by toxic pesticides.
Microbes as plant pathogens: The concept of disease in plants, diagnosis and control
of plant disease.
Microbial biofertilizer preparation and inoculation techniques
Books recommended:
1. An Introduction to Soil Microbiology – Alexander M
2. Agricultural Microbiology- G Rangaswami, DJ Bagyaraj
3. Soil Microorganisms – Gray TRG & Williams ST
4. Soil Microorganisms and Plant Growth – Subba Rao NS
5. Plant Microbiology – Campbell R
6. Plant Diseases – Shing RS
7. Plant Pathology, 4th Edition – Agrios GN
8. Microbial Ecology: A Conceptual Approach – Lynch JM & Poole
9. Biological Indicators of Soil Health– ankhurs CF, Doube BM & Gupta VSR

MIB-3602 Industrial Microbiology 2.0 Credits 50 Marks

Introduction: Historical development and importance
Microorganisms and Industry: Scope and major classes of microbial products and
Industrially Important Microorganisms: Yeasts, molds, bacteria and actinomycetes,
screening and selection of microorganisms for useful products.
Microbiological Production of Foods: Single cell protein (SCP) and Microbial
Biomass Protein (MBP), baker’s yeast, food additives fermented sausage.
Microbiological Production of Beverages: Beers, wines and distilled spirits.
Production of Industrial Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals: Organic acids: acetate
(vinegar), citrate lactate and amino acids; solvents: alcohol, butanol and acetone;
enzymes; pharmaceticals: antibiotics, steroids, vaccines and antibodies.
Production of Biogas: Domestic and industrial scale production from waste materials.
Microbes in Mininig: Advantages of microbial process, brief explanation of microbial
use and examples.
Books recommended:
1. Industrial Microbiology – Miller BM & Litsky W
2. Prescottand Dunn’s Industrial Microbiology – Reed G
3. Biotechnology, Vol. I – Rehm HJ & Reed G
4. Industrial Applications of Microbiology – Riviere J
5. Applied Biochemistry and Bioengineering – Wingard LB Jr, Katchalski-Katzir E &
Goldster L
6. Comprehensive Biotechnology, Vol. I-IV – Moo-Young M

MIB-3603 Molecular Genetics 2.0 Credits 50 Marks

Mutation: Rate, types and detection of mutations, mutagenic agents, molecular basis
of mutagenesis, mutation induced by chemical and radiations.
DNA Repair Mechanisms: Nature of DNA damage, light-dependent repair, excision
repair, mismatch repair, post-replication repair, error-prone repair system, SOS repair.
Gene Transmission in Bacteria: Mutant phenotypes in bacteria, basic test for
transformation, conjugation and transduction; transformation, conjugation, transduction
and gene mapping; the evolutionary significance of sexuality in bacteria.
Regulation of Bacterial Gene Expression: Constitutive, inducible and repressive
gene expression, lactose operon in E. coli, induction and catabolite repression,
tryptophane operon in E. coli, repression and attenuation, arabinose operon in E. coli,
positive and negative control, transcriptional, translational and post-translational
regulatory mechanisms.
Genetic Recombination: Types of recombination, models of general recombination,
molecular basis of homologous and non-homologous recombination.
Transposable Genetic Elements: Transposable elements in prokaryotes, Insertion
sequence (IS) elements, composite transposons, Tn3 element, mutagenic effects of
bacterial transposable elements, the medical significance of bacterial transposons,
transposable elements in eukaryotes: Ac, Ds and Dt elements in maize, P elements
and hybrid dysgenesis in Drosophila.
Books recommended:
1. Principles of Genetics – Gardner EJ, Simmon MJ & Snustad DP
2. Molecular Biology of Gene, 6th Edition – Watson JD et al.
3. Gene VI – Lewin B
4. Principles of Genetics, 5th Edition – Snustad DP, Simmon MJ
5. Molecular Biology- PC Turner, AG McLennan, AD Bates and MRH White

MIB-3604 Food Borne Infection and 2.0 Credits 50 Marks

Microbes responsible for food borne diseases (Gram-positive aerobes): Bacillus
cereus, Staphylococcus aureus, Yearsinia enterocolitica, Listeria monocytogenes.

Microbes responsible for food borne diseases (Gram-positive anaerobes):
Clostridium botulinum and Clostridium perfringens.
Microbes responsible for food borne diseases (Gram-negative aerobes): Vibrio
parahaemolyticus; Aeromonus hydrophilia, Escherichia coli, Plesiomonus shigelloides,
Food poisoning: Salmonella infection, new or less common food-borne infections and
intoxication’s -Campylobacter enteritis, mycotoxin contamination.
Fish poisoning: Microbial spoilage of fish, ciguatera poisoning, gastro-enteritis of viral
or unknown antilogy, hepatitis.
Combating food poisoning: Factors important for outbreaks of food poisoning,
economic impact of food poisoning/contamination, methods for detecting food
poisoning toxins, food and sanitation -control and inspection.
Books recommended:
1. The Microbiology of Sage Food-SJ Forsythe
2. Advances and Prospects – Roberts TA & Sleinna FA
3. Food Microbiology – Frazier WC & Westfhofi DC
4. Modern Food Microbiology – Jay JM
5. Prescott and Dunn's Industrial Microbiology – Reed G

MIB-3605 Public Health and Hygiene 2.0 Credits 50 Marks

Basic concept of epidemiology: Definition and scope, related terminologies:
mortality, morbidity, disease progression, endemic, epidemic, pandemic.
Infectious diseases: The leading human killers, Emerging and resurgent infectious
diseases, Transmission, Emergence factors, Iceberg theory, Prognosis of disease.
Public Health measures for controlling epidemics: Controls directly against the
reservoirs, Controls directly against Transmission of the pathogens, Vaccination,
Quarantine, Surveillance, Environmental control, Community medicine.
Global health considerations: Infectious diseases in developing and developed
countries, Travel to endemic areas.
Types of Epidemiological study: Concepts of cause and risk of diseases, survey and
survey methods, Cohort studies, Case-control studies, Intervention studies, Medical
Health education and nutrition:
Hygiene and Sanitation: The primary concerns of health care everywhere.
Sanitation and public health microbiology: Water supply, importance of safe water
use, sanitary systems, pollutants and different sources of water contamination-human
excreta and animal refuse.
Continuous surveillance and monitoring: Food processing unit and other facilities,
Hospital wards and operation theatre.
Measures to combat infections in hospitals: Sampling, Diagnosis, Reporting and
Measures. To combat infections in homes and other facilities: Sampling, Diagnosis,
Reporting and Measures.
Books recommended:
1. Biology of Microorganism- T.D Brock

2. Epidemiology and Public health Medicine- Miller
3. Introduction to Public health-Mary Jane Schneider
4. Infectious Diseases- CP Conlin & DR Syndman

MIB-3606 Diagnostic Microbiology 2.0 Credits 50 Marks

Laboratory diagnosis of infectious agents: Different types of and approaches to
clinical sample collection, maintenance and laboratory management, Acid-fast stain of
sputum and other specimens.
Isolation of pathogens from clinical specimens: Growth dependent identification of
pathogenic microbes.
Diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases
Serological and biochemical diagnoses of pathogenic microbes: Agglutination,
precipitation double diffusion, counter immunoelectrophoresis and
immunolectrophorescence, complement fixation test, Fluorescent antibody test (FAT),
radio immuno assay (RIA), enzyme immunoassay (EIA, ELISA), Serological tests for
diagnosis of infection (Widal, VDRL, ASO titre), Fluorescence-activated cell sorter
Accessory detection system: biotin-avidin; amplified detection; chemiluminescence /
bioluminescence; immunoblotting; nucleic acid probes for the detection and
identification of infectious agents, polymerase chain reaction (PCR): detection of genes
for toxins and virulence.
Books recommended:
1. Diagnostic Molecular Microbiology: Principles & applications- David H.
Persing, Thomas, F.S. Fred & Teaver T. J. Wire
2. Microbiology: Concepts and Applications- M. J. Pelczar, E. C. S. Chan & N. R.
3. Hand book of serodiagnosis in infectious diseases- Ruth Mathews
4. A manual of Laboratory and diagnostic tests- Frances Fischbach
5. Diagnostics immunology Laboratory manual- Ronald J, Harbeek & Petricia C.

MIB-3607 Practical 4.0 Credits 100 Marks

Microbial population of soil, rhizosphere and rhizoplane
Identification of plant pathogens
Quantitative and qualitative examination of milk: Bacteria in raw and pasteurized
milk, methylene blue reduction test.
Microbiological analysis of Fermented foods and non-fermented foods.
Detection and identification of microbial pathogens: Poultry (Salmonella sp.),
detecting Salmonella spp. in poultry. Microbiology of frozen fish and food,
identification of microbial flora of frozen food and fish, identification of different fish
Production of alcohol from molasses, citric acid, vinegar: Culture, extraction,
Yogurt production by lactic starter.
Books recommended:
1. Microbiology: A Laboratory Manual - James Cappuccino, Natalie Sherman
2. Benson's Microbiological Applications - Laboratory Manual in General
Microbiology- Alfred E. Brown
3. Basic microbiology techniques - Susan G Kelley; Frederick J Post

MIB-3608 Viva-Voce 2.0 Credits 50 Marks

Topics of all the theoretical and practical courses of 5th and 6th semester and other
relevant matters will be included.

Fourth Year (First Semester)

MIB-4701 Virology- II 4.0 Credits 100 Marks
Animal Viruses: Brief introduction of different classes of viruses
Viral Infections to the Respiratory System: Common cold; influenza; measles;
mumps; rubella; chicken pox; shingles
Viral Infections to the Gastrointestinal Tract: Viral diarrhoea
Arthropod-Borne Diseases: Diseases caused by dengue virus, Japanese
encephalitis virus, yellow fever virus
Herpes Viruses: General properties; pathogenesis; diseases caused by HSV-I, EBV
and CMV
Hepatitis Viruses: General properties; pathogenesis; transmission; diseases caused
Hepatitis B Virus: Detail of virion structure; genome organization; replication; viral
proteins; pathogenesis; genetic variants; epidemiology; transmission; prevention;
clinical diagnosis.
Nononcogenic Retroviruses: HIV: structure; genome organization; transmission;
epidemiology; disease pathogenecity; drugs; treatment strategy; vaccine approaches
Cellular Oncogenes and Oncogenic Viruses: RNA tumour viruses: general features
and classification; retroviridae genome structure; replication of HTLV; T cell
transformation; DNA tumour viruses; mechanism of oncogenic transformation by DNA
viruses; tumour suppressor gene
Influenza Viruses: General properties; antigenic shift and drift; pathogenesis;
Slow Virus Infection
Use of Retroviruses as a Vector for Gene Therapy and Genetic Engineering
Books recommended:

1. Microbiology, 5th Edition – Pelczer MJ Jr, Chan ECS & Krieg NR
2. Biology of Microorganism, 8th Edition – Brock TD, Madigan MT, Martinko JM &
Parker J
3. Fields Virology, Vol. I & II – Knipe DM, Roizman B, Howley PM, Straus SE &
Griffin DE
4. Jawetz, Melnick & Adelberg’s Medical Microbiology, 24th Edition – Brooks GF,
Carroll KC, Butel JS & Morse SA

MIB-4702 Immunology-II 2.0 Credits 50 Marks

Ontogeny and Phylogeny
Immunological tolerance: Mechanism of tolerance, thymic tolerance to self antigens,
B-cell tolerance, artificially induced tolerance.
Prophylaxis: Antigens used as vaccines, effectiveness and safety of vaccine, current
vaccines, modern approaches, adjuvants.
Immunodeficiency: Primary immunodeficiency, deficiencies of innate immunity,
primary B-cell deficiency, primary T-cell deficiency, combine immunodeficiency,
secondary immunodeficiency.
Hypersensitivity: Hypersensitivity type-I, type-II, type-III and type-IV reactions.
Transplantation: Barriers of transplantation, law of transplantation, role of T-
lymphocytes in rejection, prevention of rejection.
Tumour Immunology: Surface markers of tumour cell, immune response to tumour
cells, lymphoproliferative disorders due to tumour growth, cancer immunotherapy.
Autoimmunity and Autoimmune Diseases: Association of autoimmunity with
diseases, genetic factors in pathogenesis, aetiology and treatment of autoimmune
Diagnostic and Prognostic Value of Autoimmune Diseases
Books recommended:
1. Immunology, Latest Edition – Roitt I
2. Roitt’s Essential Immunology– Delves P, Martin S, Burton D & Riott I
3. Advanced Immunology – Male DK, Champion B & Cooke A
4. Text Book of Immunology – Barrett TJ
5. Immunology: An Introduction – Tizard IR

MIB-4703 Fermentation Technology 2.0 Credits 50 Marks

Introduction: Development of the fermentation industry, component parts of
fermentation process.
Bioreactor: Types, configuration, mixing and aeration, power requirements, impeller
designs, baffle and aeration.
Inoculum Preparation and Development: Development of inocula for yeast
processes, development of inocula for bacterial processes, development of inocula for
fungal processes.

Fermentation Modelling: Rate equations for cell growth, substrate utilization and
product formation, transfer across phase boundaries.
Mode of Fermentations: Fed-batch and continuous culture processes and their
Sterilization of Fermentors and Liquid Media: Medium sterilization, the design of
batch sterilization processes, the design of continuous sterilization, processes,
sterilization of the fermentor, sterilization of feed and air.
Instrumentation and Control: Control systems: manual, automatic and combinations
of methods of control, methods of control of process variables: temperature, pH, flow
measurement, pressure measurement, pressure control, safety valves, agitation-shaft
power, rate of stirring, foam sensing and control weight, measurement and control of
dissolved oxygen, exit-gas analysis, redox and carbon dioxide electrodes.
Books recommended:
1. Fermentation: A Practical Approach – Harvey BM
2. Principle of Fermentation Technology – Stanbury PF¬ & Whitaker A

MIB-4704 Genetic Engineering and 4.0 Credits 100 Marks

Molecular Biology Techniques
DNA Manipulative Enzymes: Restriction endonucleases and other nucleases,
ligases, polymerases, DNA-modifying enzymes, topoisomerases.
Cloning Vectors: Cloning vectors for prokaryotic organisms, bacteriophage M13,
bacteriophage λ, plasmid pBR322, plasmid pBR325, pUC119, cosmids, phagemids,
cloning vectors for eukaryotic organisms, yeast episomal plasmid (2 m circle), cloning
vectors for higher plants and mammalian cells.
Ligation Systems: Blunt-end ligation, sticky-end ligation, putting sticky ends on to a
blunt-ended molecule, homopolymer tailing, use of linkers and adaptors.
Introduction of Recombinant DNA into Living Cells: Transformation of bacterial
cells and selection of recombinants; introduction of phage DNA into bacterial cell and
selection of recombinant phage, transformation of non-bacterial cells.
DNA extraction: Isolation of DNA/Plasmid, measurement based on quantity and size,
agarose gel electrophoresis of DNA analysis.
Blotting techniques: Western blotting for protein transfer on PVDF membrane and
Southern blotting for detection of DNA, and northern blotting for detection of mRNA.
Sequencing Genes and Genomes: Chain Termination DNA Sequencing, Chemical
Cleavage DNA Sequencing, DNA Sequencing by Primer Walking, Pyrosequencing,
Whole genome sequencing.
PCR and molecular cloning for nucleic acids
Books recommended:
1. Principles of Gene Manipulation: An Introduction to Genetic Engineering – Old
RW & Primrose SB
2. Molecular Biology of the Gene – Watson JD et al.
3. Principles of Genetics, 4th Edition – Snustad DP & Simmon MJ
4. Gene Cloning: An Introduction – Brown TA
5. Molecular Cloning – A Laboratory Manual, 2nd Edition – Sambrook J & Maniatis T
6. Current Protocol in Molecular Biology – Smith JA & Struhl K
7. Principles of Gene Manipulation and Genomics- SB Primrose and RM twyman

MIB-4705 Environmental Biotechnology 4.0 Credits 100 Marks

Biodeterioration of materials: Basic concepts, factors involved in biodeterioration,
biodeterioration of leather, wool, fur, feather, stones, plastics, rubber, bioplastics.
Control of biodeterioration: Physical, chemical and biological methods.
Biodegradation of recalcitrant wastes and its control: Xenobiotic chemicals in
nature, biodegradable recalcitrant wastes, relationship between structure and
recalcitrance property, factors affecting microorganisms to degrade xenobiotics,
biodegradation and metabolism of pesticide, aromatic compounds, phenols, organic
residues, synthetic organic chemicals and petrochemicals, biological removal of
nitrogen and phosphorous.
Microbes in biodegradation: Enrichment and isolation of degradative microbes from
Hazardous waste treatment technologies: Physical, chemical and biological
treatment, special treatment, genetic manipulation, enzyme and specialized bacteria.
Newer approaches to waste process biotechnology: Granular activated carbon
system ozonation, hydrogen peroxide treatment, photooxidation, genetic manipulation,
biotechnology for element recovery from wastes.
Biomedical Waste management and Treatment: Definition, types, and necessity;
Waste minimization: Infectious and hazardous waste in pathological laboratories,
hospital wards, diagnostic centers, operation theatres, slaughter-house and other
treatment facilities for humans and animals, managing sharp waste and injection safety.
In-house management: Collection, disposal and treatment; Environmental and health
concern of treatment options. Situations of waste of management in developed and
developing countries.
Books recommended:
1. Microbial Ecology – Atlas &Bartha
2. Environmental Biotechnology-Alan Scragg (Oxford Pub.)
3. Microbial Biotechnology: Fundamentals of Applied Microbiology- AN Glazer, H
4. Current perspective in Microbial Ecology - Klug & Reddy
5. Ecological Systems and the Environment – I. Foin
6. Biotreatment Systems, volume-II – D.L. Wise
7. Wastewater Microbiology – Gabriel Bitton

MIB-4706 Microbiology of Frozen Food, Fish 2.0 Credits 50 Marks

and Meat

Normal Flora of Fish: Factors affecting types and load of microflora on freshly caught
fish; incidence of normal flora, e.g., Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter, Moraxella, E. coli,
Vibrio, Flavobacterium, Alcaligenes, Micrococcus, Sarcina, Acromonas, Bacillus, etc.
on skin, gills and intestine.
Spoilage of Fish and Frozen Fish: Factors affecting kind and rate of spoilage;
microbial spoilage; chemical spoilage; autolytical spoilage; control of spoilage.
Isolation and Identification of Fish Pathogens: Procedure for examination of fish;
isolation of bacteria; non-selective isolation; enriched media; selective isolation of
disease causing and fish spoilage microflora; identification of specific spoilage
organism (SSO).
Effects of Freezing/Thawing on Foods: Basic concepts of freezing and thawing;
influence of frozen temperature and time on foods; thawing methods; freezing
preservation: influence on food quality, physical and chemical reactions during freezer
Response of Microorganisms to Freeze-Thaw Stress: Factors affecting microbial
survival; nutritional status, age and growth rate; freeze injury; mechanisms of freeze
Frozen Dairy Products: Microbiology of raw and frozen milk; microbial types and load
on butter, ice cream and frozen cheese.
Frozen Fish and Related Products: Freezing of fish; effects of freezing on fish
microorganisms: chill storage and freezing on microbial growth and survival.
Frozen Meat and Meat Products: Effect of freezing on microorganisms; structure and
composite of meat; freezing temperature; changes induced by freezing of meat;
spoilage microflora.
Books recommended:
1. Microbiology of Frozen Foods – Robinson RK
2. Food Microbiology, 4th Edition – Frazier WC
3. Food Microbiology – Adams MR & Moss MO
4. Manual for the isolation and Identification of Fish Bacterial Pathogens –
Frerichs GN & Miller SD
5. Modern Food Microbiology, 3rd Edition – Hay J

MIB-4707 Practical 4.0 Credits 100rks

Fermentation technology: Dough fermentation by baker's yeast for bread making,
production of acetic acid by Acetobacter aceti, demonstration of a fermentor, yogurt
production by lactic starter, production of citric acid by A. niger
Analytical microbiology: Thin-layer chromatographic separation of amino acids,
separation of sugars by paper chromatography
Microbiological quality control: Test for microbiological quality of water and
beverages: standard qualitative analysis of water, MPN and quantitative analysis of
water by membrane filter method
Determination of anti-stereptolysin-O(ASO) titre, VDRL test, Complement activation,
Tuberculin test, Widal test, ELISA, Direct fluorescent antibody –(DFA) detection of
microbial pathogens.

Detection of antigen and antibody: Gel immunodiffusion technique, radial
immunodiffusion technique, crossed immunoelectrophoresis technique. Complement
fixation test.
Microbial biotechnology: Whole cell immobilization by Ca-alginate, determination of
specific growth rate, substrate utilization constant and biomass in a steady-state batch
Biodegradation of halogenated pesticide by bacterial dehalogenases
Books recommended:
1. Microbiology: A Laboratory Manual - James Cappuccino, Natalie Sherman
2. Benson's Microbiological Applications - Laboratory Manual in General
Microbiology- Alfred E. Brown
3. Basic microbiology techniques - Susan G Kelley; Frederick J Post

Fourth Year (Second Semester)

MIB-4801 Microbial Biotechnology 4.0 Credits 100 Marks
Introduction: Definition, scope, and historical development of microbial biotechnology
Biotechnology in energy balance: Biomass, biofuel, energy conservation to fuel
ethanol, ethanol and methanol fermentation, generation of chemicals in biomass.
Biotechnology in food, dairy and drinks: Dairy products: yoghurt, cultured milk, curd,
cheese, butter; Cereal products: Bread and baked goods and starch hydrolysis;
Brewing: alcoholic beverage, vinegar; Protein products: SCP, food additives and
Materials and biotechnology: Microbial leaching, metal transformation and
immobilization, biopolymers, biodegradation of materials.
Microbial polysaccharides and polyesters: Polysaccharides, xanthan gum and
Biotechnology in process development: Microbial factors in biotechnological
process, strain improvement (conventional and genetic manipulation methods),
development in industrial biotechnological processes.
Immobilized enzyme technology: Immobilization principles, advantages of
immobilization, methods of immobilization of enzymes and whole cells.
Environment and biotechnology: Processing of waste, biological control of microbial
waste treatment system, biological processing of industrial wastes.
Chemical engineering and biotechnology: Microbial factors and process
engineering, Factors affecting process, performance and economics; future
development in industrial biotechnological processes.
Books recommended:
1. Microbial Biotechnology: Fundamentals of Applied Microbiology- AN Glazer, H
2. Microbial Biotechnology: Principles and Applications-Lee Yuan Kun
3. Biotechnology Principles – Smith JE
4. Prescott and Dunn's Industrial Microbiology – Reed G
5. Comprehensive Biotechnology – Moo-Young M
6. Introduction to Biotechnology – Brown CM, Priest FG & Campbell I
7. Biotechnology: Principles and Applications – Higgins IJ, Best DJ & Jones J

MIB-4802 Analytical Microbiology 4.0 Credits 100 Marks
Microbial growth rate measurement: Enumeration of microorganisms,
measurement of biomass
Different techniques for analysis: Spectroscopy: Visible, UV and infrared
spectrophotometers; spectrofluorimetry; luminometry, NMR and mass spectrometry.
Centrifugation techniques: Principles of sedimentation, centrifuges and their uses,
density gradient centrifugation
Chromatographic techniques: Principles of chromatography, paper
chromatography, TLC, column chromatography ( ion-exchange, adsorption, affinity,
size exclusion, gas-liquid, HPLC, FPLC)
Electrophoretic techniques: Principles, factors affecting electrophoresis, gel
electrophoresis; SDS-PAGE; isoelectric focusing; preparative and analytical
Protein Characterization: determination of molecular weight of protein and sub units,
determination of amino acid composition and their sequence,
Biosensor: Principles, types and application of biosensors.
Radioisotope Techniques: Detection and measurement of radioisotope, Application
and safety aspects of radioisotopes.
Cell culture techniques: Types, methods and applications of primary, secondary and
continuous cell cultures.
Books recommended:
1. Protein Purification – Scopes
2. Comprehensive Biotechnology– Murray Moo-Young.
3. A Biologists Guide to Principles and techniques of practical Biochemistry– K.
Wilson & K.H. Goulding.
4. An Introduction to Practical Biochemistry– D.T. Plummer
5. Basic biochemical methods –R.R. Alexander & J.M. Griffiths

MIB-4803 Environmental Pollution and 2.0 Credits 50 Marks

Different approaches of environmental pollution: Enrichment and isolation of
pollutant degradative microbes. Biodegradation of pesticides, chloroorganics, organic
dyes, phenols, petroleum hydrocarbons.
Biotechnological Aspects for Effluent Treatment: Genetic manipulation, enzyme
and specialized bacteria; biodegradability testing; monitoring of the bioremediation of
xenobiotic pollutants.
Approaches to Bioremediation: Environmental modification for bioremediation;
microbial seeding and bioengineering approaches to the bioremediation of pollutants.
Biological Control of Insects and Pests: Biopesticides of microbial origin, viral,
bacterial, protozoan and fungal pesticides.
Recent advances in different techniques: Biochemical, serological and molecular
techniques for the detection of indicators and pathogenic microorganisms in surface,
Toxicity Testing in Wastewater: Impacts of toxicity on wastewater treatment; heavy
metals organic toxicants; enzymatic assays and microbial bioassays.
Pollution Control Biotechnology: production of microbial seeds; use of
bioaugmentation in waste treatment; use of enzymes and immobilized microbial cells;
removal of metals by microbes.

Books recommended:
1. Microbial Ecology – Atlas & Bartha
2. Current perspective in Microbial Ecology - Klug & Reddy
3. Ecological Systems and the Environment – I. Foin
4. Biotreatment Systems, volume-II – D.L. Wise
5. Wastewater Microbiology – Gabriel Bitton
6. Microbial Biotechnology: Fundamentals of Applied Microbiology- AN Glazer, H
MIB-4804 Bioinformatics-II 2.0 Credits 50 Marks
Application of computational tools for biological data analysis: Data analysis
tools, Commonly used sequence analysis tools, Tools for– Restriction mapping
analysis, sequence alignment, handing and manipulating nucleotide and protein
sequence data, predicting protein secondary structure, viewing and analyzing protein
3D data.
Specific applications: Interpretation and correction of sequencing chromatograms,
phylogenetics basics and construction of phylogenetic tree, PCR and Real time-PCR
primer design etc.
Genome cartography and genome annotation: DNA based molecular markers,
Genome mapping, genome sequencing; Whole-genome shotgun sequencing
approach, hierarchical shotgun sequencing approach., sequence assembly and
comparison, genome annotation, Human genome sequencing.
Books recommended:
1. Essential Bioinformatics. Jin Xiong. Cambridge University press, 2006.
2. Baxevanis, A.D. Quellette, B.F.F. Bioinformatics
3. Mount, D.W. Bioinformatics: Sequence and Genome analysis
4. Gaur, D. Li, W-H. Fundamentals of Molecular evolution
5. Tisdall,J.D. Mastering Perl foe Bioinformatics
6. Claverie, J.M Notredamame, C. 2003. Bioinformatics for Dummies
MIB-4805 Quality Control of Food, Fish, Meat and 2.0 50 Marks
Beverages Credits
Introduction: Importance of quality control of food, fish, beverage and mineral water;
source and types of contamination.
Organization of Quality Control: The principles, application, organization, problems
and techniques of quality control.
Microbiological Quality Control: Principles and pitfalls, fundamentals of
microbiological quality control, chemical and microbiological indicators for quality
assurance, SOP, GLP, GMP as standards for monitoring to assess compliance with
good practices.
Sanitation and Inspection: Sanitation and hygiene of processing plant, water in
processing and cleaning, waste/effluent treatment packaging, equipment, handling of
Quality Assurance: Sampling, testing panel-sensory assessments in quality control,
hazard analyses and critical control point (HACCP) systems, identification of potential
hazards, monitoring system for critical control point (CCP), corrective actions,
Public Health Aspect: Importance of microbial infection of fish, importance of personal
hygiene, sanitation (water, raw materials, and environment).
Food Laws and Regulations: National and international standards and guideline.
Global Authorities for Quality Assurance
Books recommended:
1. Quality Control in the Food Industry, Vol. I –Herschdoerfer SM
2. The Microbiology of Safe Food-SJ Forsythe
MIB-4806 Research Project 4.0 Credits 100 Marks
Research projects on applied matters of Microbiology will be taken. The specific topics
will be set by the academic committee/examination committee of the specified
semester/batch of the students.

MIB-4807 Viva-Voce 2.0 Credits 50 Marks

Topics of all the theoretical and practical courses of 7th and 8th semester and other
relevant matters will be included.


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