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PR2-1ST Quarter

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Replicable: The study could be repeated that gives a high

reliability of results.
d. Clearly Defined Questions: The researcher has clearly defined
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
research questions to which objective answers are sought.
Region VIII
Schools Division of Tacloban City e. Numerical: Data are in the form of numbers and statistics
SAGKAHAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL that are arranged in tables, charts and figures or in other
Senior High School Department textual forms. This makes it easy to understand and proves
the validity of the research.
PRACTICAL RESEARCH 2 f. Objective: Quantitative research seeks accurate
1 QUARTER LECTURE NOTES measurement and analysis of target concepts.
SY 2022-2023
g. Generalization of Results: Results of this research method
can be generalized to take appropriate actions for
What is Quantitative Research?
Quantitative Research is a systematic empirical investigation of
occurrences that is observable using statistical, mathematical or
What are the strengths and weaknesses of Quantitative Research?
computational techniques. The objective of this kind of research is to
employ theories, models and hypothesis to test the phenomena. A. Strengths of Quantitative Research
Quantitative research is numerical in nature. Meanings and results are
expressed using numerals that shows the specificity of something. 1. Quantitative Research allows you to reach a higher
sample size. This leads to an easier way to reach an accurate
Quantitative research directs you to focus on things through statistics generalized conclusion. The additional data gives you greater
which denotes the collection and interpretation of numerical data creditability because it has more depth to review.
gathered through examining facts and information about person, thing,
place or events. 2. You can collect more information quickly when using
quantitative research. Experiments, surveys and interviews
What are the Characteristics of Quantitative Research? provide immediate answers that become useful from a data-
centered approach.
a. Structured Research Instrument: Data used in Quantitative
Research are gathered using structured research instruments. 3. Quantitative Research uses randomized samples in
This helps in collecting in-depth and actionable data based on collecting information. This excludes bias from appearing in
results. most situations. It provides an advantage in the fact that the
data can then get the rest of the demographic being studied.
b. Sample Size: Quantitative research is conducted on
significant sample size that represents the population to 4. Results duplication is possible. Quantitative research
assure the reliability of results. Appropriate sampling only focuses on the actual data. The work validates itself
methods are used as well to fortify the objective. because the results always points towards the same data even
though randomized conditions exist. overall strategy that is being integrated in the different components of
the study in a coherent and logical way.
5. Quantitative research can focus on facts or a series of
information. Researchers can use quantitative approach to The function of the research design is to assure that evidence obtained
focus on a specific fact that they want to study in a given enables the researcher to effectively address the problem as
population. unambiguously as possible. The problem that will be answered in the
research determines the kind of research that should be used in the
6. Quantitative approach does not require direct study.
observation. Study can be done without the need of someone.
This advantage creates a better response rate because people Quantitative Research
have more time and less pressure to complete the work.
B. Weakness of Quantitative Research
1. This method does not consider the meaning behind Experimental Non-Experimental
social phenomenon. It does not care about the motives that
people have when sharing an opinion or making decisions. Descriptive
2. Quantitative research studies can be very expensive.
The money that could be spent is a significant barrier to
consider in conducting quantitative research. True Experimental Correlational

3. There is no access to specific feedback in quantitative

research. The statistics that researchers gather are useful for Quasi- Experimental Developmental
generalization but could not produce specific feedback incidents
that allows positive refinement.
4. Some efforts at randomization will not create usable
information. Quantitative approach doesn’t look for the reason
why variables exist in specific environments.
5. Quantitative research requires a large sample that
makes it difficult to gather data and makes this kind of research
costly. What is Experimental Research?
Experimental Research is a quantitative research dealing with the object
or subject of a research in an exact manner and look into the extent of
What are the kinds of quantitative research designs?
the effects or influence of the treatment on the subject, then discovers
Research design is considered as the framework of research. It is the cause of such effect. There are two groups involved in any
termed as the “GLUE” that holds each of the elements of research as experimental research; the experimental group, the one in which the
one. In other words, it is the plan of the proposed research work. It is the treatment is applied and the control group, which does not receive any
a. Pre-Experimental Research Design: A group or various groups are kept It is used in observing, documenting and describing a phenomenon
under observation after implementing factors of cause and effect. This occurring in natural setting without any manipulation or control. It is
research is done to understand whether further investigations are designed to gain more information about characteristics within a
necessary for particular groups. particular field in real world.
b. True Experimental Research Design: This type of research design relies b. Correlational Design
on statistical analysis to prove or disprove a hypothesis, making it the
most accurate type of research. This type of research can establish a In a correlational design, the researcher examines the relationship
cause-effect relationship with-in a group. In a true experiment, there are between two or more variables in a natural setting without manipulation
factors need to be considered: of the control. In other words, it is a study conducted to determine the
relationship of two or more variables without any intervention.
1. There is a control group which won’t be subjected to changes
and an experimental group which will experience the changed c. Developmental Research Design
variables In a developmental research design, the researcher examines the
phenomenon with reference to time. It is generally used as aide
2. A variable that could be manipulated by the researcher
research design with other designs.
3. Random Distribution
d. Epidemiological Research Design
c. Quasi- Experimental Research Design: The word “quasi” indicates
similarity. In this research, an independent variable is manipulated but A study done to investigate the distribution and causes of the disease in
the participants of the group are not randomly assigned. Quasi-research a population. Generally, it is conducted to investigate causes of different
is used in field settings where random assignment is either irrelevant or diseases in either prospective approach or retrospective design.
not required.
What is Non-Experimental Research Design?
Non-Experimental research design is one of the broad categories of
research designs in which the researcher observes the phenomena as
they occur naturally and no external variables are introduced. IMPORTANCE OF QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH

It is a research design in which variables are not deliberately ANTHROPOLOGY

manipulated nor is the setting is controlled. Data is collected without
 Organize reactions/opinions about critical topics veridical
introducing changes and making treatments.
among a society such as religious or political affiliations
a. Descriptive Research Design
 Enable studying people such as the effect of an intervention in
The purpose of descriptive studies is to observe, describe and ethnic behavior of a group (Bernard, 2004)
document aspects of a situation as it naturally occurs and sometimes
 establish methods that helps in finding the bigger picture
to serve as a starting point for hypothesis generation or theory
development.  creation of demographic characterization helpful in
understanding how society is organized
 Exploring connections amidst cultural differences, alternatives,  Understanding of social interactions leading to new theories and
and Identity practices contributing to societal development and welfare
EDUCATION  Societal behavior and social issues (e.g. stress, work ethics,
organizational commitment, leadership style, child labor,
 Action researches addressing challenges met in the teaching- teenage pregnancy, human trafficking, drug addiction etc.)
learning process.
 Aims to provide solution to the social problems felt by people.
 Innovative teaching strategies catering students’ diverse
backgrounds VARIABLE
 Mainly to improve the educational practices leading to better is anything that has a quantity or quality that varies
quality learning of students
Independent Variable - a variable that stands alone and isn't changed by
 Validation of existing educational practices for contextualization the other variables you are trying to measure. The one that causes
and localization. change to other variables and can be manipulated/controlled.
ACCOUNTING BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT Dependent Variable - the variable that is being measured or tested in an
experiment/study. The receiver of effect done by the independent
 Determining costumer’s preferences and feasibility of business variable, hence, cannot be manipulated/controlled. Measured value is
 Development of new products and strategy of distribution reliant on other variables.
meeting clients’ needs Extraneous Variable - any variable that you're not investigating that can
 Utilization of statistical analysis to stay competitive in the potentially affect the outcomes of your research study. If left
market. uncontrolled, extraneous variables can lead to inaccurate conclusions
about the relationship between independent and dependent variables.
 determine whether now is the proper time to open another
branch or whether it needs to apply for a new loan. Confounding Variable - is an unmeasured third variable that influences,
or “confounds,” the relationship between an independent and a
SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING AND MATHEMATICS dependent variable by suggesting the presence of a false correlation. An
extraneous variable that has not been properly controlled and interferes
 Obtaining significant information about disease, trends and risk
with the dependent variable.
factors, results of various interventions etc.
I. Quantitative Variables, also called numerical variables are the type of
 Determining effectiveness of drugs and its side effects (e.g.
variables used in quantitative research because they are numeric and
COVID vaccines)
can be measured. Under this category are discrete and continuous
 Focused on the advancement of society and longevity of life. variables.

 Designing infrastructures, materials and procedures that are A. Discrete variables are countable whole numbers. It does not take
efficient, convenient, and can withstand to various calamities negative values or values between fixed points. For example: number of
students in a class, group size and frequency.
B. Continuous variables take fractional (non-whole number) values that
can either be a positive or a negative. Example: height, temperature. IDENTIFICATION OF A RESEARCH PROBLEM
Numerical data have two levels of measurement, namely: 1. Interest in the Subject Matter
A. Interval are quantitative variables where the interval or differences Search for a problem in your everyday life. Problems suitable for
between consecutive values are equal and meaningful but the numbers research exist everywhere (in your community, farm, school, city, body
are arbitrary. For example, the difference between 36 degrees and 37 of water, environment, at home, etc.). Make a habit of asking yourself
degrees is the same as between 100 degrees and 101 degrees. The questions about what you see and hear. Why does suchand-such
zero point does not suggest the absence of a property being measured. happen? Think about what interests you.
Temperature at 0 degree Celsius is assigned as the melting point of ice.
Other examples of interval data would be year and IQ score. 2. Availability of information

B. Ratio type of data is similar to interval, the only difference is the Read or search more about your field of interest because reading also
presence of a true zero value. The zero point in this scale indicates the gives you theoretical base for your study. So, look through professional
absence of the quantity being measured. Examples are age, height, journals and magazines, textbooks and thesis/dissertations to find out
weight and distance. more about these topics. This will give you a clear idea about what is
already known in your area of interest - and what is still unknown.
II. Qualitative Variables are also referred to as Categorical Variables are
not expressed in numbers but are descriptions or categories. It can be 3. Timeliness and relevance of the topic
further divided into nominal, ordinal or dichotomous. The topic of your choice should be significant, important, and relevant
C. Dichotomous are consisting of only two distinct categories or to the present time and situation and or current interest. It is original,
values. For example, a response to a question either be a yes or no. vital, and practical for use of the public. It must contribute to the
national goals and development for the improvement of the quality of
D. Nominal variable simply defines groups of subjects. Here you human life and it must contribute to the fund of human knowledge.
may have more than 2 categories of equivalent magnitude. For
example, a basketball player’s number is used to distinguish him 4. Limitation on the subject
from other players. It certainly does not follow that player 10 is better It can be completed within a reasonable period of time. The
than player 8. Other examples are blood type, hair color and mode of equipment and instruments for the research are available and can give
transportation. reliable results. The results are implementable/doable or repeatable.
E. Ordinal variable, from the name itself denotes that a variable is 5. Personal resources
ranked in a certain order. This variable can have a qualitative or
quantitative attribute. For example, a survey questionnaire may have It must be within the competence of the researcher to tackle. It must be
a numerical rating as choices like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5ranked accordingly within the capability of the researcher to finance.
(5=highest, 1=lowest) or categorical rating like strongly agree, agree,
neutral, disagree and strongly disagree. Other examples or ordinal
Distinguishing among Topic, Research Problem, Purpose, and Research
variable: cancer stage (Stage I, Stage II, Stage III), Spotify Top 20 hits,
academic honors (with highest, with high, with honors). Questions
broad subject a general the major narrows the purpose 3. Is the title grammatically correct and not verbose?
matter educational intent or into specific questions  Correct spelling, usage of punctuation marks, catchy
addressed by issue, objective of that the researcher but formal language
the study. concern, or the study used would like answered or
controversy to address the addressed in the study.  Not too wordy
addressed in problem
4. Does the title contain not more than 12 substantive words?
research that
narrows the  Substantive words – meaningful words excluding
topic. connecting words, prepositions etc.
SHS Low grades of To improve Can peer tutoring
Mathematics SHS students the grades of improve the grades of
in SHS students SHS students in
General in General
Mathematics General Mathematics?
Mathematics Consolidated by:

Good Resources of Researchable Problems MARISOL T. ALBERCA

o Theories to be validated, extended, or modified Special Science Teacher 1

o Other studies, particularly through research recommendations o

National or international trends or situations to be described or
o Real-life problems, issues, experiences, or situations of SHS students
Questions to Answer in Evaluating a Research Title
1. Does the title describe what the study is all about?
 Key problems that the researchers want to solve are
clearly reflected in the title
2. Does the title contain high specificity level?
 Respondents of the study, key variables (IV & DV if
applicable) must be identifiable
 Gives a hint of the research methodology used

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